Israel Needs Prayer More Than Ever

I have often believed that Israel needs a strong leader again. They need a man like Benjamin Netanyahu. Each time I have heard him speak on the issues (during T.V. interviews on Fox News) that Israel faces on a daily basis, I have prayed that the people of Israel would see that he is the kind of leader they need and vote him back into office.

The terribly horrendous missile attacks being launched into Israel by Hamas terrorists reiterates the need for strong, decisive action and yes - retaliation. This requires a knowledgeable and strong leader like Netanyahu. We have seen the inaction and terrible land give-aways that Barak and Olmert have done over the years. IMO, their weak leadership has led to this current escalation of war.

Radical Islamic terrorists - no matter what their title name (e.g. Hamas) are bent on destroying Israel. They will never give up, never relent and never compromise their goals with any treaty of peace.

Just as the kamikaze Japanese pilots of WWII, they would rather die as suicide/homicide bombers than let the enemy live. The only recourse is to destroy them.

I know. Liberals tend to think that they can be "reasoned" with.

Somehow, I absolutely doubt that.

When a mind has been brain-washed in such an evil manner that the call of their radicalism of "death to Israel" is more important than life here on earth (for both the Jews and the individual radical muslim terrorist who cheers martyrdom for themselves); then there can be no form of negotiation that would work.

Joel Rosenberg's blog has a very informative post with several good links that will give you the details of this recent Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Rosenberg brings up Netanyahu in his essay:

This is a key message point of opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been urging Olmert to launch an invasion and stop the violence immediately rather than merely repeat empty threats. “I do not know of a country that would be hit by this many missiles and not do anything,” Netanyahu said Wednesday. “We must stop being hit and attack in order to renew our deterrence capability and our national honor.” Netanyahu is currently leading in the polls in his own bid to be Prime Minister, in part because Israelis see him as stronger on defense than Livni and Barak. But should the current government launch an aggressive and effective assault on the Hamas terrorist infrastructure in Gaza, this could dramatically help Livni and Barak in the polls and cause Netanyahu to lose ground.

Rosenberg ends his post requesting prayer:

Please be praying for Israel’s current political and military leaders to have the wisdom and courage to the right thing to protect their citizens. Pray, too, that the Lord would raise of up more leaders in the Jewish State who will be like the “sons of Issachar” described in I Chronicles 12:32, men who “understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” Pray for the Israeli families who are suffering in many ways due to the relentless barrage of rocket fire from Gaza. Meanwhile, please pray for Palestinian leaders to effectively confront the Hamas radicals and shut down their terrorist operations. Please pray for all the Palestinian families who are victims of both war and terrorism. And please don’t forget to pray faithfully and consistently for evangelical Christians on both sides of the border and around the world to know how best to help Israelis and Palestinians who are caught in the crossfire and suffering as a result.

Update: Israel Retaliates

Barak says there is a time for calm and a time for fighting. Speaking at a news conference Saturday, he said "now is the time for fighting" and that "the operation will expand as necessary."

Comment over there:

Barak says it's time for fighting?

Will wonders never cease.
Daniel | 12.27.08 - 9:43 am

I was thinking the same exact thing!

Joel Rosenberg's blog

Israel National News

GateWay Pundit