On crowds
Counting Crowds: it's all politics really.
The Parkless Park: the pageantry of mass psychology.
Crowd Dynamics Ltd.: services include crowd control modeling, evacuation planning, traffic management, pedestrian flow engineering, and queuing analysis.
Pedestrian Laboratory: subjecting human test subjects to urban nightmares in order to make public spaces more user-friendly.
Reconfiguring the Jamarat Bridge
The Kumbh Mela Array: people power, Part I.
The Second Great Leap Forward Pamphlet #14: Queuing: “It's civilised to queue, it's glorious to be polite.”
Modeling Urban Panic: can you predict crowd behavior? If so, what would that mean to the built environment?
Crowded: people power, Part II.
Mapping the Inauguration: imagining a multi-touch urban planning orgy.