Throwing the U.S. Constitution under the bus? (Update)

The World Net Daily headline reads, 'Natural-born' requirement called 'stupidest provision'
Also 'discriminates, outdated, undemocratic and assumes birthplace a proxy for loyalty'

But don't let that title alarm or disturb you. Go read the entire article.

Ah ha! Now we know why Obama is ignoring the calls to prove whether or not he is a natural born citizen of the United States of America - and is spending over $800,000.00 to prevent the release of his vault-length COLB! Like this Herlihy person - they both must think that it doesn't really matter!


Contrary to what Sarah Herlihy thinks, the American people have the right to know whether or not Obama is a natural born citizen. If he is not - then according to the United States Constitution - he is ineligible to be POTUS!

Excerpts from WND article:

The paper was written in 2006 by Sarah Herlihy, just two years after Obama had won a landslide election in Illinois to the U.S. Senate.

[T]he issue is the subject of nearly two dozen court cases in recent weeks, including at least two that have gone to the U.S. Supreme Court.

[W]ND called Herlihy's number listed on the law firm website, and a woman answered with, "Sarah Herlihy." But when WND identified itself as a news agency, the woman said she didn't think "Sarah Herlihy" was in, but would take a message. There was no return call.

In the body of her argument, Herlihy said the constitutional provision simply is outdated.

"Considering that the Founding Fathers presumably included the natural born citizen clause in the Constitution partly out of fear of foreign subversion, the current stability of the American government and the intense media scrutiny of presidential candidates virtually eliminates the possibility of a 'foreigner' coming to America, becoming a naturalized citizen, generating enough public support to become president, and somehow using the presidency to directly benefit his homeland," she wrote.

"The natural born citizen clause of the United States Constitution should be repealed for numerous reasons. Limiting presidential eligibility to natural born citizens discriminates against naturalized citizens, is outdated and undemocratic, and incorrectly assumes that birthplace is a proxy for loyalty," she wrote.

Many of the reasons for keeping the limit, she wrote, "are based primarily on emotion."

A web blogger suggested, "So it sure looks like Obama's people have looked into the matter of 'natural born' as far back as early 2006. What is even more disturbing is that it would appear that they are following the thought of : 'If the facts do not support the theory, Destroy the facts!"

Yep...sounds like that web blogger spotted the truth about the liberal left Obamabots attitude of just "throwing the U. S. Constitution under the bus" type of fact destroying drivel!

Let's read that again...shall we?

"So it sure looks like Obama's people have looked into the matter of 'natural born' as far back as early 2006. What is even more disturbing is that it would appear that they are following the thought of : 'If the facts do not support the theory, Destroy the facts!"

So much for truth, justice and the American

Mr. Barack Hussein Obama -

The American People want to know, who sent you?

Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no records -- no paper trail -- none -- this can't be an accident.

Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released

Certificate of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit

Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Soetoro adoption records -- Not released

Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released

Punahou School records -- Not released

Selective Service Registration -- Released -- Counterfeit

Occidental College records -- Not released

Passport (Pakistan) -- Not released

Columbia College records -- Not released

Columbia thesis -- Not released

Harvard College records -- Not released

Harvard Law Review articles -- None (maybe 1, unsigned?)

Baptism certificate -- None

Medical records -- Not released

Illinois State Senate records -- None

Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost

Law practice client list -- Not released

University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None

Related article: Obama Fomenting A Constitutional Crisis: Constitutional Lawyer Discusses Ramifications Of Controversy



Update on 12/4/08 at 7:51 a.m. PT:

FYI - It appears that Technorati is at its usual shenanigans again. They have eliminated my last three posts from my profile site.

Talk Wisdom dashboard at Technorati.

I have been watching this closely over the past few days. The posts originally appeared there, then disappeared the next time I visited. This must mean that they are being "cleansed" from the site.


Oh - we just can't have anything negative about the Obamessiah on there now can we?! /sarc off

What is ironic is the fact that when I placed the "Pravda" report post in the search there, ZachJonesIsHome link appears - but not my original blog post.

I guess they can't eliminate the links to the original post.

How about this.

[Note: The page location changes as new posts are added)

When I placed "Barack Obama" in the search box, only positive links about him show up on the first 5 pages!

You better come clean Obama, before it's too late. Are you an American citizen? 2008/ 12/ you-better-come-clean-obama-before-it…

*Barrack Hussein Obama why won't you produce your birth certificate for the A-merry-can people? ... , and the truth will be sure to come out t then. Barack Hessian Obama was born in Kenya ...

14 hours ago by wmdbennett in field negro · Authority: 357

Then, it wasn't until the 12th page I found this:


ADMIN NOTICE: for data security reasons this blog will republish all Leo Donofrio’s articles and ... be out of the Obama Maffia’s reach Donofrio writes: World Net Daily has organized a letter writing campaign to Fed Ex the SCOTUS utilizing the following headline

17 hours ago in The Betrayal · Authority: 19


Next, on page 14 I found this:

A Memo To The “Obama Is Not A Citizen” Crowd 2008/ 12/ 03/ a-memo-to-the-obama-is-not-a-citizen-c…

John Cole sums up pretty much how I feel about this nonsense at this point: ... probably just come to grips with the facts- Obama is a citizen, Obama won the election, Obama is picking his cabinet, and Obama will be the next President.

18 hours ago by dougmata in Below The Beltway · Authority: 170

Next, on page 17:

Obama’s Birth Certificate ?p=6046

With the inauguration coming closer, conservatives are making trying to receive more attention for their conspiracy theories related to Barack Obama’s citizenship. Marc Ambinder shows ... that the posted material was legitimate.

18 hours ago by rchusid in Liberal Values - Defending Liberty and Enlightened Thought · Authority: 251

Isn't this all really strange? There are millions of hits on the blogs that are closely following the Donofrio vs. Wells case.

We can clearly see the UNFAIRNESS doctrine already at work at Technorati.

Talk about the "technorati monster - DUH!" [FYI - that is what often appears on your screen when the site gets busy and your search/link request fails.]

P.S. Sometimes my dashboard gets "mysteriously repaired." We shall see how long that takes - if it even happens.


Update at 8:04 a.m. PT:


My comment there (awaiting moderation):

Keep up the great work, Mr. Donofrio! Our Media of Mass Deception is at it again - as usual.

Funny how they seem to get the stories correct whenever such stories positively reflect upon Obama. However, when dealing with this U.S. Supreme Court story and Obama’s troubling dilemma- they can’t seem to get it right.


Because they are also the MSM - Main Stream of Misinformation!

God bless you, and THANK YOU so much for pressing on in this extremely important matter.
