The Subject That Just Won't Go Away

This morning I heard (but didn't actually view the videotape) that Obama discussed the TEA Party movement. According to the report, one of the things that he stated about the movement is that many of the TEA Party participants, "do not believe that he (Obama) was born in America."

Why does he keep bringing this up? Isn't that a bit strange? If it has no merit (as I'm sure he's claiming), then why keep the issue in the news? Is it only to discredit the TEA Party movement and participants - in order to dismiss their legitimate concerns and grievances?

Must be.

Even though the Dems and the Media of Mass Deception still try and play the "race card" against all who stand firm against Obama dreadful policies - it just isn't working anymore! People aren't that stupid.

I thought that I had read absolutely everything about Obama's citizenship questions, but I have found a new article that is so comprehensive that even I discovered some new information!

Here's the link:

Investigating Obama: Obama Birth Certificate Issue More Urgent than Ever - Joan Swirsky

Joan Swirsky discusses in print, what others whisper and silently email to their trusted friends -- are you at least taking the last option?

Be sure to read all of the links.

I thought that the speculation about the photos on the cover of Obama's "Dreams of My Father" book was fascinating! Could what the writer shared be the truth?

One day, the truth will come out.

Unfortunately, the liar-in-chief is doing all that he and his Marxist criminal cronies can possibly do to ruin the United States of America.

I pray that it all comes crashing down - and soon!

Jesus tells us:

Jhn 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

His timing is perfect. Mine is not. So I will continue to trust Him and His timing on this matter.

Hat Tip:

Investigating Obama