These days, such a trend is certainly alarming, to say the least! The fact that many have embraced the "social justice" mantra that is part of the progressive political movement in this nation shows us that going to just any ole' church that calls itself "Christian" can be a big, HUGE mistake. The book of Jude warns us that as the end times draw nearer, more and more of the unsuspecting will fall under the spell of "certain men":
Jud 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
So, the topic of "New Think," the end times, and the warnings in Scripture to avoid "certain men crept in unawares" in the churches actually go hand in hand in holding to the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jude also informs true believers:
Jud 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
Jud 1:21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Jud 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present [you] faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
Jud 1:25 To the only wise God our Saviour, [be] glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
A few days ago, I was following a Networkedblogs Facebook post by my blogging friend Neil of Eternity Matters. His post is entitled God's Politics.
Neil entered a discussion over at Jim Wallis' blog (he's a popular leftist progressive type) about the topic:
The cost of doing nothing about health care.
Neil posts as "Homer J" in the comment thread.
The first comment there is worth posting:
jkc1945 6 days ago
WitnessforPeace and 2 more liked this.
Who in the world is talking about "doing nothing?" Absolutely no one. Mr. Wallis, I am disappointed that you are joining in the perpetuation of this fallacy.
Many, many people are talking about doing "something else." That is what we do in a federalized republic - -we talk about all sorts of different things. But to simply imagine that, unless we pass what the current partisan bill says, we are getting ready to "do nothing" is just silly. The public clearly does not want what is being proposed. But that doesn't mean we are going to do nothing, or that we want to do nothing. It simply means we don't want to swallow this 2000+ pages of unread stuff that are being perpetrated on us. Please, Mr. Wallis. Try to at least stay on the same page as the majority of the rest of us.
A picture is worth a thousand words to back up jkc1945's comment:

Jkc1945's (and all of Neil's - a.k.a Homer J)comments were excellent rebuttals to what Wallis was preaching about on his blog. However, if you read through the various comments, you will see that supporters of Wallis' view just can't seem to accept any dissenting views posted there.
If you read the comments made by NMrod, you will see that he/she disingenuously blames the Republicans for the current arguments going on about health care. This is completely false! The ongoing argument is between differing factions of the Democrat Party in Congress and the Senate! It is also completely false to claim that the Republicans have no ideas. Their ideas were finally shared nationally with the public via C-Span and Fox News' coverage of the Health Care Summit.
If you read through the rest of the comments, you will run across Neil's (posting as Homer J) excellent arguments and rebuttals to comments made by Wallis supporters (like NMrod). Yet, the usual "talking past each other" phenomenon that happens between those on the liberal/progressive Christian side of the spectrum and those who hold to conservative Christian thought (and biblical authority - including the use of hermeneutics, exegesis, and scholarly interpretation) causes the discussion to break down. Most of the progressives resort to name-calling and ignore the facts being presented.
It appears to me that those who voted for Obama and think that his policies are "good," will find any excuse and/or argument to support such views. Unfortunately, they do such a thing by abandoning Christian principles, values, and ethics; including all of the warnings in the Bible against following such errors.
From the very beginning, I had warned Christians against voting for Obama. Many did not listen to the warnings. They fell hook, line, and sinker for the lies that Obama spewed on the campaign trail.
The over 52 million who voted for McCain/Palin saw through the hype of Obama. However, to me, it was just unconscionable that so many Christians would vote for a man like Obama, knowing his rabidly leftist position on baby killing in the womb. That should have been the very first and foremost reason to reject him as a candidate for POTUS.
Now, all of the warnings about Obama's radical progressive policies and the thuggery that he and his cohorts in the White House use to push Congressmen and Senators into the very ill-advised health care bill takeover of 1/6th of our economy, have become quite evident to millions more people. Just do a search on any search engine! Type in "regrets voting for Obama" and see the results!
Here's just one example done via a search on Bing:
Bing search results: "regrets voting for Obama." There are 227,000 links!
People did not know how terrible an ObaMAO administration would be. Now they know!
That is what keeps me sounding the warning bells about the current gangster government that is ruling over the people (rather than REPRESENTING WE THE PEOPLE!) in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, the silence from the "ruling mob" (a.k.a. Democrats) about the thuggery that is going on from the ObaMAO administration has been deafening. But now, it appears that there is a crack in the wall of silence which was formally holding back the truth regarding the progressive (see Communism) rushing waters of "transforming America."
Representative Massa has now spoken out against that rushing tide, which all of the Congressmen knew about, but were weak and afraid (or bribed) from revealing! Therefore, they did not speak out against it!
Massa is going to be on Glenn Beck's show TODAY - FOX NEWS CHANNEL @ 2:00 p.m. PT; 5:00 p.m. ET. DON'T MISS IT!
You can read and view the videos about Rep. Massa at The Conservative
If you don't have time to view the videos, read the cliff notes in this comment posted there:
Reggie O wrote:
I believe him. Massa is not only being ramrodded because of his position on health care, but his ramrodding is also meant to be an example for any other Democrat who does not goose-step in unison with the Communist Usurper in Chief.
On second thought, you NEED to hear these videos.
Massa Youtube link
Second Part:
Massa Youtube link #2
The one at the following link is even worse!!
Real Clear Politics: Massa: Rahm Emanuel "Would Sell His Own Mother" For Votes
Click here to read the comments, too!
This should wake up the last few holdouts who think that Obama is doing ANYTHING GOOD for our nation!! If it doesn't, then such people are political hacks who would cover up ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that this gangster government lead by Obama, the lying usurper (or just plain liar, if he's Frank Marshall Davis' son), would do!
BTW, Glenn Beck's show was great today. He had an update about "the bald Communist." What a tight web of evil, deceit, and SPENDING is being weaved by the ObamaFRAUD Administration!
Hat Tips to all links.
Additional links to blogposts on Congressman Massa and/or the health care vote:
Daily Thought Pad: Did Rahm Railroad Out Massa Because of Health Care Vote?
IF ObamaCare passes; Overwhelming Opposition of Obama and Congress will erupt like Mt Vesuvus
Other good reads:
Constitutionally Speaking
America’s Beginning: The Law of God as the Basis for Colonial Laws - THE CHARACTER OF A GOOD RULER [By Samuel Willard] [1694] II. Samuel 23:3. He that Ruleth over men, must be just, Ruling in the Fear of God. ________ Wh...
The Steady Drip
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A Place to Ask Questions To Get the Right Answers
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Desert Conservative
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Patriots and Liberty
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Citizen Wells
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Atlas Shrugs
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Butterdezillion's Blog
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Lame Cherry
EuroMed / Obamanazi / Nazi - What this blog is about to reveal here exclusively, is something the most gifted of children have noted, but they have not deducted the entire picture in t...
[Wow! Don't miss this one! The Lame Cherry author does quite well exposing what is currently going on in our world and how a lot of it matches up with biblical prophecy concerning the end times. He doesn't set dates (which is good), but instead reveals activity that could very well match up with what prophecy experts have discussed in their end times writings about Ezekiel's puzzle pieces; including the Jewish apocalyptic literature which can be seen in Isaiah 24-27, Ezekiel 38-39, Daniel 7-12, and Zechariah 9-14; many of which are quoted in the final New Testament book of Revelation.]
P.S. A while back, I wrote about an author who claims that the anti-Christ will be Islamic. But most biblical scholars have claimed that he would emerge via the Roman Empire. Note what the Cherry author wrote in his blog post:
If one is Muslim, one calls it the Caliph. If one is on the west side of the Turkish bridge it is the Roman Empire.
The key to the puzzle though is these elite Ashkenaz hiding as Jews who desire to supplant the Jewish bloodlines with their own, and make Jerusalem their ClubMed international capitol.
As this blog exclusively pointed out, this is the Mount which Lucifer once walked upon as the covering cherub, the creature wants that glory back, to be worshipped on Temple Mount as God and his followers are implementing the very strategy involving Metatron's Cube, the false tree of life to become the immortal mortals.
It all is so simple, but unless one understands this is a spiritual matter, none of the political maneuverings make any sense.
Despite the fact that Michelle Malkin is reporting all of the negatives (and there are plenty!) about Rep. Massa, the fact that Washington D.C. is SCARED and all abuzz about Massa's appearance on Glenn Beck's T.V. show makes it all worth watching! Sparks are gonna fly! Who knows how it will turn out? But as Glenn had told Massa (who told Glenn yesterday that "he has lost everything" during a brief phone call from his home); Massa now has nothing to lose anymore so he can tell the truth about what has happened to him!
IMO, this is exactly what we need, folks. No matter what sins are revealed by Massa's behavior and the alleged allegations, the fact that HE IS WILLING TO TURN ON THE OBAMAO THUGGERY MACHINE IN WASHINGTON D.C. will be worth it!!
The bets are 50/50 that Massa won't show up on Glenn's show today. The W.H. is REALLY worried! Will they strong-arm him into not showing up? We will just have to wait and see...
As we all know, Massa did show up on Glenn's show. Glenn summed it up nicely - it was a waste of our time!
However, new information shows us that perhaps Massa's exploits with male staff members appears to have been a nasty habit of his during his years in the Navy.
Go to the follow article links and see for yourself:
Traditional Disastrous Week For Obama & Congressional Allies - Poster Boy For ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Caught ‘Tickling’ Subordinates!
The Eric Massa's Navy Files