New Link: World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy

Since I am feeling under the weather today, my time at the computer is limited. But I've been watching what's going on about the health care bill on T.V. I feel bad for Bart Stupak and his family. Apparently, they have been unmercifully verbally attacked and harassed because of his "no" vote on the health care bill.

What is this?

Stalin's Russia??? Geez....

The family was forced to disconnect all of their phones. I hope that they have FBI or police protection, too. ObaMAO's Chicago style Al Capone thuggery type of a gangster government is highly disturbing and absolutely disgusting!

I went to the doctor this morning. He and all the nurses I spoke with at the office are all against ObaMAO's disastrous bill!

Please visit the blogs in my sidebar. Many excellent posts out there.

I also wanted to come online briefly today to call your attention to a new blog that I have discovered. It's excellent!

World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy
The world is very unstable we have reached the unraveling point. - Have you noticed that the world is becoming extremely unstable on every front? The only nation that kept the world fairly stable since the Second World Wa...

The author of the blog, Don Koenig, is an expert in sharing Bible prophecy and applying it to how current world and church trends are being affected by the instability going on in the world today.
I am so impressed with his writings! When I get better, I plan to do a LOT of reading at that blog!

Have a good day, everyone.


P.S. Will check in throughout the day and evening to release comments.
