'Obama Zombies'

Jason Mattera is the author of a new book entitled Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation. He was recently filmed confronting Democratic members of Congress regarding important contents about what exactly is in the health care bill. He also confronts chief propagandist White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, about the fact that Obama stated that he thought (in the past) suppressing the filibuster was unconstitutional. He also confronts another Congressman about how 450 billion dollars of the Stimulus money went to phantom districts that don't even exist!

View a segment of Mattera on Hannity's show at the link provided and see for yourself the extreme arrogance of these people as they flippantly respond to Jason's reasonable and legitimate questions!

'Obama Zombies'

Mattera's book explains how Barack Obama lobotomized a generation.

Hat Tip: Fox News Channel website

Also see Jason's website at jasonmattera.com

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