Some Waking From Their Kool-Aid Drunken Stupor Over Obama (6/3 Update)

Well well well! It appears that some of the media Kool-Aid drinkers are waking from their drunken stupor over Obama! That's certainly good news!

Constitutionally Speaking led me to the original article.

Ted Rall: It's Increasingly Evident that Obama Should Resign


A narcissist like Obama would never resign.

At least the eligibility controversy is getting more attention these days.

WorldNetDaily: Obama asks which public records you want to see

Open Gov: Verifying eligibility to be president of the USA

At the bottom of the page, you can vote up or vote down whether or not the verification of eligibility to be president is important. Sounds like a ridiculous choice to me! OF COURSE WE SHOULD ALL THINK IT'S IMPORTANT!!! Only those who are still under the influence of the Kool-Aid drunken stupor (or totally "in the tank" for Obama - no matter how much destruction he commits against the United States of America) would think it's not important!!

RepubX has a survey up that asks readers particular questions regarding the Birth Certificate issue.

The last question in the poll asked:

Q What do you think it will really take to get past all of the games and media black-out on the issue, to really get Obama to address the issue publicly and mainstream?

Some of the answers there (removed Kool-Aid drinker comments and offensive comments):


More FOX press coverage and continued relentless pursuit for the truth on this matter and on multiple fronts!

more publicity

I don't think it will come out.

make controversy stand on corners and raise hell.

The media blackout and lawyer stalling will continue until more of the public can be convinced of Obama's ineligibility due to his father never being a U.S. citizen.

More accurate information and media interest made available in the MSM

Citizen's Jury Indictments, Citizen's Arrests, citizen's Court trials and convictions and then sentencing For TREASON and Fraud

Wide dispersal of the news that Obama is ineligible. Many people need to be asking the same question, where's the birth certificate?

State Sovernity

Aside from #1: continuous widespread dispersal of publicity, #2: millions of American patriots/citizens should write letters to the office of the US Attorney or a civil protest/ rally should swarm the US Attorney's office; he needs protection, an INTENSE PUBLIC OUTCRY to initiate an action for him to initiate QUO WARRANTO process,which I believe is the only constitutional process to force the sitting president to step down. "He might have applied a MOB TACTIC to the Supreme Court judges or threatened their lives as well as their families for the Chief US Supreme Court Judge Roberts to swore him in despite of the suit filed against him." As an American citizen this is my thinking and my personal opinion; after reading the book of "Men in Black" How the Supreme Court Is Destroying AMERICA, there were two US Supreme Court judges mentioned whose lives were threatened.

It will take a million plus Americans to come together and storm the SCOTUS and Holder's office, with demands. I'm concerned that citizens' arrest won't be successful, because Obama is surrounded by SS agents 24/7. How could a citizen approach BO to arrest him? Instead of coming together for "tea parties", we need to have "eligibility parties" all over America at the same time.

Nothing. He needs to be forced to do it.

With millions of people going out in the streets demanding proof of eligibility!!!!!!

your second question should have been 2... 1st answered no, 2nd answered yes. I think the only way he addresses it is if enough legislators rise up to impeachment charges, or the supreme court addresses the issue and subpenas all documentation and information on all suggested problem areas.

Obama Birth Certificate Day....parades and demonstrations all across the USA
for someone of media stature to ask Obama on live TV or radio to prove once and for all that he is legitimate - to box him in and force him to answer.

Supreme Court

public pressure and outcry

revolution in this country

I honestly dont know. I know he has managed to put it off thus far, and Im sure he will continue to do so. What is he hiding? I dont think this will ever come to pass.


Mass uprising by citizens of America. Media is mostly owned by Murdoch - no help there. It's up to the PEOPLE to make this happen. We will get no help from those elected to represent us, and no help from the media. All are in Bilderberg/Illuminati/Freemason/CFR/Club of Rome/Committee of 300 pockets.

More law suits and more citizen Grand Juries indicting him. The corporate press is in the bag for him and the courts are corrupt.

Civilian Militia

An act of God.

One of his leftist insiders to make it public.

a revolution

A Miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A real "take charge" person who is held in high regard in our crumbling nation to lead the multitudes of concerned citizens coming out IN FORCE to remove this Usurper and ALL the thugs who have perpetrated this FRAUD!

For all Republicans/ Conservatives, both in office and general public to stand united and ask publicly

Supreme Court Order, which if not complied with, would result in removal from office.

US citizens demanding results or refusing to pay their taxes

greater than 52% negative rating by the public. possibly a formal hearing or a watergate type expose.

The issue needs to be exposed on all conservative talk radio. If the MSM continues to ignore then a gigantic citizen's protest at the USSC needs to be held. If all of this fails acitizen's militia of the several states needs to be organized to enforce upholding the US constitution. If this means arresting USSC justices so be it.

I don't know since nothing has worked so far

When the courts realize that 'We the People' are dead serious and it is not going to just 'go away'. And when all the lawsuits & grand jury indictments are NOT just considered as frivolous & MUST be given the attention & action they deserve!

He will avoid the issue. The media is under his control, Congress all know he is not eligible but will do nothing. The have family to protect and jobs to keep. A dictator has taken control.

Someone with a big name who has a lot of courage to stand up to the ridicule and whatever else the obama administration will throw at him for daring to uphold the constitution of the United States.

The return of Christ.

Media blackout must end. Masses must know what is going on and demand civil and possibly criminal redress. Elected officials must inform themselves and their constituents.

It will take another American Revolution. This is exactly what 'they' really want. The predecessors and forerunners of those who are truly behind this tragedy also wanted and got the French Revolution as well. It's a "Catch 22". What other choice are we left with? If we have no redress of our grievances in court, then what else is left? 'They' have succeeded in showing the people of the US that our Constitutional restrictions on the federal government have ceased to exist in actual fact by lack of their practice. We have a government of nothing more than "Legalized Criminal Mafia". Those running our government have been breaking the contract (the Constitution) between 'them' and we the people for a very very long time now (at least a century and actually quite likely far longer). 'They' have NO INTENTION of addressing this issue at all and NEVER will. The main stream media is controlled by 'them', just as is 'our' government.

the man is evil and can't be trusted

We as Americans need to continue to stand up and demand and not give up.

a brave person with the info needed to expose the truth

Millions of Americans demanding it. Also some in congress to get some balls and demand they see it and make it public. The longer it takes, the further along he gets in making fraudulent copies ready.

Someone who has the balls and all the dirt on obama and let it be known, before someone kills them.

The Senate, Congress and the Supreme Court need to uphold the oath of office and if he will not submit his records, all of them, he needs to be ordered and if he does not comply then he needs to be removed from office. This is no longer an option this is needed in order to make sure that he is indeed a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, and we do not know who this man is and this needs to be revealed. /quote


If you are new to this blog, here are two links that will help "catch you up" on this issue:

The Obama File Latest News (This is a daily read!)

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?
WND's complete archive of news reports on the issue

Hat Tips:

Constitutionally Speaking

The State Journal Register

Repub X


Open Gov Dialogue

Related Articles:

American Thinker: Journalists Who Don't Kiss Obama's Feet


Update on 6/2/09:

What a difference a day makes! The "vote up" count has risen to 75.4% as of 6/2/09 at 12:46 a.m.!

Take a look at Benton Bain's informative comment over at the "Open Government Dialogue" site:

Anybody, along with Sen. Barack Obama can seek the presidency of the United States of America, but may not qualify.

Fact 1. Constitution Article II, Section II sets forth the qualifications for presidential candidates: ""No person except a NATURAL BORN Citizen", or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and have been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Fact 2. Just because you are a US Citizen or have a US birth certificate, does NOT mean that your are a "NATURAL BORN" Citizen of the USA!!!

Fact 3. A Birth Certificate or documentation of a birth in a hospital should include at least: a number referring to the document, the name of the hospital, the mothers and fathers birthplace and ages, and with the attending doctor's signature.

Fact 4. The state of Hawaii issues a Certification of Live Birth (COLB) for those born: inside the State of Hawaii, outside of the State of Hawaii, and even outside the country if the parents, or one of the parents, are natives of, or residents in, the State of Hawaii. They also allow Late Registration. Every illegal alien born in Hawaii gets a Hawaiian COLB!!! The questionable*(see notes below) Certification of Live Birth (with a rev. 11/01 printed by a computer on a 2001 form for someone supposedly born in 1961) submitted on the web page of Barack Obama indicates that Barack Hussein Obama II was born on Aug. 4, 1961 to the mother Stanley Ann Dunham and father Barack Hussein Obama.

Fact 5. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, was not a US citizen, he was a bureaucrat Muslim in the communist government of Kenya. Under the British Nationality Act of 1948 he was a citizen of the United Kingdom and its Colonies. Under this Act, IF he was married to Stanley Ann Dunham and IF he acknowledged Barack Hussein Obama, Jr, as his son, or IF they were not married and he still acknowledged the boy, and IF he filed the correct paperwork with the British Colonial Authorities in Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama II, was born as a British Colonial Citizen and possesses a Birth Certificate which should still exist on file in Kenya and, presumably, London, England. Under Chapter VI. Section 87, of The Constitution of Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. became a Kenyan citizen on December 12th 1963. If Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, filed the correct papers with the British Colonial Authorities and with the Kenyan Government Barack Hussein Obama II also became a Kenyan citizen on December 12th 1963 under Section 97. of the Kenyan Constitution and still remains a Kenyan Citizen.

Fact 6. Stanley Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo a Muslim Indonesian citizen.

Fact 7. Under Indonesian Law you can not adopt a child over the age of five, even abroad, if you are an Indonesian Citizen. In “Dreams from my Father”, Obama says he lived with his step-father in Indonesia for five years and that by the time he and his mother arrived in Indonesia she and Lolo had been married for over a year before Lolo returned to Indonesia. Five years + one year = 6 years and when Barack Hussein Obama II returned to Hawaii prior to September of 1971 because he was enrolled in his Prep School in Hawaii to start the Fifth Grade he was 10 years old so he was probably shy of 4 years old when Dunham married Soetoro and arrived in Indonesia about the time of his fifth Birthday (1966).

Fact 8. Indonesian Law says: “Foreign persons under age of five who are adopted by Indonesian Citizens obtain Indonesian Citizenship following legalization of adoption process by District Court of general jurisdiction with jurisdiction over the adoptive parents [Id at Art. 2 (1)]“ “It is stipulated that an adopted child has the same status as a natural child, and that his or her relationship to the birth parents is severed by adoption”.

Fact 9. The only Legal Relationship he would have to his mother is that she was married to his Legal Father Lolo Soetoro, under Indonesian Law. He would be an Indonesian Citizen with an Indonesian Passport and an entry in Lolo’s KK documents.

Fact 10. Indonesian Law prior to August 1966 would be Indonesian Law 62/1958 and other prior Indonesian Laws. Indonesian Law does not accept Dual Nationality/Citizenship, so Barack Hussein Obama II would no longer be a US Citizen according to Indonesian Law, in fact he would be considered never to have been one at all.

Fact 11. Lolo Soetoro would be his guardian, next of Kin and father. His Religion would be Legally Listed and Registered as Islam because children have the Religion of their Father under Indonesian Law and can have no other. His Surname would become Soetoro, in full Soetoro Mangunharjo with Barry as his given name at the choosing by his father Lolo.

Fact 12. Barry Soetoro was enrolled on January 1st 1968, given Serial No 203 and placed in Class 1 B. His Religion is given as Islam, his Nationality Indonesian, his Father’s Name as L Soetoro Ma., his Father’s Occupation as Official, Director General’s Office TNI [Topography Division Indonesian Army] and his Name as Barry Soetoro.

Fact 13. Only citizen Indonesian children were enrolled in Indonesian Schools in 1968, SD Asisi was a Roman Catholic School within the Indonesian State System, it was not an International School. Therefore, if he attended this school and subsequently SDN Menteng 1, State Elementary School, and every source agrees that this is the case, he would have to have been enrolled as an Indonesian Citizen.

Fact 14. All records show that Lolo Soetoro Ma. is described as his father and that no mention is made of his mother.

Fact 15. Indonesia in the sixties was a Police State! Everybody, even babes, had Identity Documents of some sort, possibly including Passports. Everybody was registered with the Government, one way or another. The head of each family, usually the father, but in rare cases a widowed, or divorced, mother has an Official Document called a Kartu Keluarga (Family Card). This lists every household/family member and gives their details in the same way as their individual KTPs or KITAS visas would.

Fact 16. An adopted, child called a WNI, warga negara Indonesia, has the same KK entry as any other Indonesian child. When a child enrolls in School their details are taken down from their KK Entry, as presented by the father (who is also required, at that time, to produce his KTP to verify the details on the KK). They are then given their Student KTP. KKs, like KTPs, are issued by the Government and cross checked by the National Police and Immigration Service.

Fact 17. Everything on Barry Soetoro record's at SD Asisi matches what would be true if he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro before he arrived in Indonesia. Schools are subject to periodical checks by both the Police and Immigration Officers as well as School Inspectors; this includes the teachers as well as the students.

Fact 18. Under Indonesian Law Barry Soetoro was an Indonesian Citizen and he could not Renounce that Citizenship until he was between the ages of 18 and 21, after 21 possibly he could not renounce it at all.

Fact 19. Dual nationals owe allegiance to both countries and are required to obey the laws of both countries. Either country has the right to enforce its laws, particularly if that person later travels there. Most U.S. citizens, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States. Dual nationals may also be required by the foreign country to use its passport to enter and leave that country.

Fact 20. Somehow Stanley Ann Dunham got the necessary letter of permission from her husband so Barry Soetoro could go to Hawaii. An Indonesian Citizen called Barry Soetoro left Jakarta on an Indonesian Passport with both a US Visa and also an Indonesian Exit Visa. But an American Citizen called Barack Obama landed in Hawaii.

Fact 21. The US law states for a "NATURAL BORN" US Citizen for the time Barack Hussein Obama II was born between December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986: If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens and at least one had a prior residence in the United States, you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no conditions for retaining it. If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16.

Fact 22. Obama's mother was only 18 years old at his birth, NOT the 16 + 5 = 21 required because his father was not a US citizen. Therefore Barack Hussein Obama II is NOT a "NATURAL BORN" US Citizen as required to become the President of the USA!!!

Fact 23. There must be a paper trail in Hawaii, US State Dept., and other Federal and Foreign Government Records to prove, or disprove the above facts and if there is not then somebody has removed the trail. If that is the case there has been a criminal conspiracy and all these moles involved need to go to prison!!! At the State Dept. Obama's records have been breached 3 times by employees of a company that the CEO is an adviser to Sen. Obama!!!

Fact 24. We had an Indonesian Barry Soetoro with an Indonesian passport leaving Indonesia but upon the arrival in Hawaii we had the same person Barack Hussein Obama II now magically a US citizen.

Fact 25. All of Barry's classmates throughout all of his school years knew him as Barry until he started college whereupon he was Barack Obama when he left the island of Hawaii to the mainland.

Fact 26. It is the responsibility of the presidential candidate to prove that they meet the qualifications of the Constitution, not the voters. So let Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama II supply copies of all the original documents that would prove he is a "NATURAL BORN Citizen of the United States of America" as defined and required by the US Constitution to become the President & Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and he has no allegiance to another country!!!

Questions, Notes, & Comments:
1. Where is the original 1961 Birth Certificate that was issued at the time of birth of Obama II with the signature of the attending doctor? There were 2 hospitals in Honolulu at that time, but by phone I was denied my request to find out if they had Obama's documents. The document in 1961 would have been black & white!!!
Obama claimed in the first chapter of his book Dreams From My Father: "I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school." Time wise this would be before 1980, so why is he trying to pawn off on us a COLB that was made after 2001?
2. Dunham by an application for SSN 535-40-8522 stating she was born Nov. 29, 1942, so if Barack was born on Aug. 4, 1961 Dunham was 18 years old.
3. From US immigration, exactly when starting in 1961 did Dunham, Obama Sr., Barack Hussein Obama II, &/or Barry Soetoro depart Hawaii? Were there any other reentries or exits (with full details) before the final entry of Barack Hussein Obama II at age 10 when he started school in Sept. 1971 in Hawaii?
4. Sen. Obama's own Kenyan paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed that Stanley Ann Dunham gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth.
5. Did Obama Sr. document his son with the Kenyan government? If so Obama II is probably still a citizen of Kenya &/or the UK.
6. How did Dunham legally enter an Indonesia citizen named Barry Soetoro into Hawaii with the name of Barack Obama???
7. Where are the legal papers that show Barry Soetoro's name was changed to Barack Hussein Obama II?
8. Did Barry Soetoro formally renounce Indonesian Citizenship between the ages of 18 and 21 and if so where are the documents? If Barry did not renounce then he is still an Indonesian citizen and Indonesian Law would prevail.
9. Senator Obama was an Indonesian Citizen as a boy but probably still is one legally. Perhaps this explains Julia Suryakusuma's view that Obama could run for President of Indonesia as expressed in her article in "The Jakarta Post" on 29th November 2006. Julia Suryakusuma was one of Stanley Ann Dunham's best friends.
10. Did Barack Hussein Obama II upon the age of 18 comply with all the requirements of the Selective Service Registration until he reached the age of 26: Defense Authorization Act established Title 5, U.S. Code, Section 3328? If so what is his Selective Service number? Have him release all of these records.
11. The State Department should know what kind of passport and name Obama used on his journey to visit his mother in Pakistan, in 1981.
12. See FACT 4. Hawaii issue of CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH (COLB) with a revision for the year 2001 for someone born in 1961 means absolutely nothing because Barack Hussein Obama II could have been born outside of the USA and still received this document since his mother was a resident of the state.
13. * - This document looks as flaky as: the forged Bush documents that DAN RAthER touted on ABC that got him fired; and John Kerry's DD214 which was not issued until peanuts Carter gave amnesty to the traitors & draft dodgers of his time. You do not need to be a computer expert to question this Certification of Live Birth:
A. The certification number is blocked out (probably by Photoshop), at the bottom of the certificate it says "any alterations invalidates this certificate".
B. The birth supposed to have happened in 1961 but the COLB was printed by a laser printer (non-existent in 1961) on a form revised in 2001.
C. There is no space between ,1 on August 8,1961 as there is between 4, 1 on the August 4, 1961.
D. In 1961 the Birth Certificates were black & white!!!
E. In 1961 Dunham, the mother's race would have been listed as WHITE, not Caucasian.
F. In 1961 Obama, the father's race would have been listed as BLACK or NEGRO, not African.
G. All that Sen. Obama needs to do to clarify the COLB & other facts, questions, notes, and comments made above is to authorize the release of all his original records where ever they maybe found. (Something that John Kerry has never authorized with all of his military records, FBI records, or CIA records!!!)
14. Barack Obama lied to the Illinois Supreme Court when asked to provide former names, according to his attorney registration it just lists Barack Hussein Obama as full name, but his birth certificate on his web page has Barack Hussein Obama II, and his years in Indonesia he was legally Barry Soetoro.
15. Senator Barack Hussein Obama II needs to be also investigated for breaking the Logan Act for both his World Tour trip and his trip to Kenya where Obama has involved himself in Kenyan Internal Politics where he has actively campaigned for Prime Minister Odinga’s Party, the ODM, by making speeches in Kenya.
16. Concerning Obama's allegiance there is at a movie of Barack Hussein Obama II not standing at attention & putting his right hand over his heart during the National Anthem, instead he has his hands over his crotch while rocking back & forth. As Obama would say: "YES WE CAN". Does Obama's allegiance belong with: UK; Kenya; Indonesia; or Obama's communist mentor from the age of 10 to 18 was "Frank" from Obama's book "Dreams from My Father" which was the sex deviate negroid Frank Marshall Davis who had sex with a 13 year old girl with his wife and Davis espionage against the USA as a member of the Communist Party of United States in Hawaii & ties in Chicago that the FBI has 601 pages documented. Or Obama's connection to the same kind of people in Chicago are: racist hating Dr. Rev. "God damn America" Wright that made an unauthorized trip to Cuba to consult with Comrade Castro and that taught Black Liberation Theology to the Obama's for more than 20 years so Obama thinks he can claim that he is a Christian; his buddies that provided most of Obama's security during the primaries from The Nation of Islam & Louis Farrakhan; the Weather Underground terrorists & Communist the unrepentant William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn where Obama launched his political career at their home; and/or his political financial buddies convicted felon billionaire George Soros & convicted felon Syrian national Tony Rezko??? This is the Obama's "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN"!!! Or view next to Obama's photo a Cuban flag with Che Guevara’s portrait in his Texas campaign office: or as he claims he is not or never was a Muslim check on: and
008/08/07/119942.html or his ties to Saudi billionaire Dr. Khalid al-Mansour the financial backer of the Black Panthers and that helped Obama at Harvard:
17. So exactly who is this guy that wants to be our US Commander in Chief of Armed Forces that says: "----we'll make the goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons a central element in our nuclear policy"??? He doesn't want to spend any money on new weaponry technology while we constantly have terrorist threats. The suicidal Mullahs in Iran are on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons but Obama will give us universal health care, do we also get a Geiger counter and iodine tablets??? When Russia invaded democratically elected government of Georgia, Obama called on Georgia to show restraint. Then Comrade Obama's solution was to call on the U.N. Security Council where Russia has veto power, then goes body surfing!!! Do we want the commander in chief to pass the mantle of U.S. leadership to the corrupt U.N.???
18. We are wondering why Obama is not living or running for some communist government office in China after he praises the superior Communist Chinese's infrastructures: "Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now...""Beijing looks like a pretty good option." After making comments like this he gets mad because we question his patriotism to the USA.
19. Right from the mouth of a cocaine user Sen. Obama in his memoir "Dreams from My Father," on his drug use "Pot had helped, and booze, maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack though," He was deterred by the image "of an air bubble, shiny and round like a pearl, rolling quietly through my vein and stopping my heart," he says. "Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man." And he even explains how he has gotten away with avoiding discussions of his drug use and the technique he used to deceive his mother when she confronted him: "I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand and told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid. It was usually an effective tactic, another of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves." As long as he does not deviate from his teleprompter speech and does not make in sudden moves or thoughts he does not put his foot in his mouth.
20. Senator Barack Hussein Obama II said on CNBC television about his World Tour on July 25: "It has also allowed me to send a message to the American people that the judgments I have made and the judgments I will make are ones that are going to result in them being safer." Do you feel safer now with Obama's judgments, his associations, his friends that he has made, and that he represents the Democrat's candidate for the President of the USA???

June 3, 2009 Update

In the likely event that the "Open Gov. Dialogue" website with the Obama birth certificate question gets scrubbed, here's a copy:

Verifying eligibility to be president of the USA
BunnyNebraskaPanhandle 5 days ago Flag

Looks Promising!
I'm Not So Sure... Pending Moderator Approval
Where is Obama's birth certificate and why is he spending all the money to keep it and his school records sealed?
I have to cough up my BC, my kids' BC's, death certificates... you name it, to navigate the gov't red tape.
So I ask... why doesn't Obama have to? Is Obama above us all?
Is Obama and his ilk 'special' ???
Obama not showing his real BC is a joke. Sorry, a photo-shopped BC won't get me past the DMV lady!!!

Why Is This Idea Important?
This is important because every person who won the presidential election has voluntarily shown his eligibility. Obama has not and is also fighting tooth and nail to have the records kept secret. That is not only non-transparent in spades, it's creepy, sneaky and slimy. Cough up the records! The longer they're hidden, the creepier this admin appears.
Idea # 1042Making Data More Accessible, cough up the birth certificate!
merveilleux24 4 days ago Report Abuse
I second bobcat41702
Richard Posner 4 days ago Report Abuse
chloe_658 2 days ago Report Abuse
This is very important. For some reason the courts will not let us see Obama's birth certificate and THAT should be a right for all to see if he is president. The democrats are trying to hide something with this move and I believe it is because he wasn't born here, but they know he has the gift of gab. This is criminal in itself and should be investigated.
scheideck 2 days ago Report Abuse
If Hussein Obama has nothing to hide, why is he hiding it?
LOU 2 days ago Report Abuse
This is a very simple matter. Obama does not have to spend millions of dollars to law firms to keep the American people from seeing his original long form birth certificate - something which should have been done by the Democratic party before the election! It is still not too late or will ever be too late to show his long form birth certificate to prove his American citizenship to meet the eligibility requirements of the Constitution of the United States of America for the position of the Presidency of the United States of America. If you need concrete facts about this issue - go to , and do the research yourself. But if you are the kind of citizen who accepts opinions and statements blindly and without questions - then you deserve who and what you get to govern this nation. If a majority of American citizen have become robots who respond to a push of the button or to any orders - then the United States of America has become a "Stepford Nation" to do as it is told without any doubt or negative response - which - if that is the case - our country and its sovereignty is at great risk!!! AND THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO LEAVE FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN?!
danmcmains 2 days ago Report Abuse
Snopes and factcheck are just blogs. Not reliable sources. The bottom line is that obamas father was a kenyan therefore it makes him ineleigble to be POTUS as the constitution states only a "NATURAL BORN" citizen may be POTUS
cashman57 2 days ago Report Abuse
The document posted on the internet is not the birth certificate written about in his bio.
At no time has obama ever said that the document posted on the internet was his, came from his files, or is accurate and yet some people actually believed this happened.
Before you go to snopes or fact check see for yourself that obama has never once vouched for the document on the web, not once.
dlmrnc 2 days ago Report Abuse
Coldwarbaby, You have your head in the sand if you can not see the lack of transparency in this "transparent administration".
Why has the Obama administration spent 1 million dollars or more in legal fees to keep his school and birth records sealed ???
Give me an answer that holds water, not this "factcheck" BS and certainly not snopes

2 days ago Report Abuse
To marthac and other fools who are convinced that BO has produced his authentic BC...he hasn't. What he HAS produced is a forgery. It's called a COLB (certificate of live birth). This is a form that can be issued to any one wishing to register a birth with the state of Hawaii...even if the baby is born in a foreign country. Go online and take a look at it. at the bottom of the certificate is says that any alteration of the certificate invalidates it. Now, take a look at the upper right corner of the certificate. See that redacting black line through the are where you should be able to see some nunmbers? That means the certificate is invalid. Bo must produce a long-form nirth certificate to prove his place of birth. He won't...and is spending millions on three lawyers groups to keep from being forced to do so, becauase he knows thatthe birth certificate he has proves that he was not born in Hawaii, and that regardless of wher he was born, his father was a British citizen, which makes him one as well, and thus not eligible under the US Constitution to run for office.

Face it folks....we have an illegitimate usurper in the White House. Every bill and every piece of government work he signs is null and void.
wdcma 2 days ago Report Abuse
I need to show my orig bc to do anything. Why can't somebody running for POTUS or POTUS elected do the same? Why hide it? I just don't see the principle behind spending close to $1M on keeping this from being disclosed. I can't get a secret clearance of any kind without this kind of info and yet POTUS now has access to all level of secrets and we don't even know for absolute fact where he is born. There are so many clouds out there on his legitimacy; why not clear it up. Hiding and dodging this will just make more and more people wonder. Look below the surface folks and please don't talk disrespectfully to people who are looking below the surface and wish to have piece of mind on this. They have a right to have piece of mind and a right to think the way they do. It's no laughing matter, this is really serious and I would bet that the people who care will not just go away and let this go. It's awfully hypocritical to ask for others in gov't and outside for full disclosure and to get past administration information put out into full public disclosure and yet spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to hide this basic stuff and even college stuff.
yorktc 2 days ago Report Abuse
Truth does not have to hide. How much has been spent to hide a birth certificate and school records.
ccleong 2 days ago Report Abuse
I'm not an American and I live in Singapore. Here I even have to show my government issued identity card to claim a hamper won in a prize draw!
BunnyNebraskaPanhandle 2 days ago Report Abuse
O is a fraud.
Show us the cert!
(and schoold records, medical records, etc.)
realmenpreferbush 2 days ago Report Abuse
What 0bama needs to do to prove he is eligible:

1) Release the long form, vault copy of his birth certificate.

2) Release all college records to the public.

3) Show he has never been a citizen of Indonesia - as school records there show.

4) Tell us what passport he used to travel to Pakistan in the early 80's - when travel to Pakistan (or Pokeestan according to Zero) was restricted for US citizens.

Until then I will believe he is an usurper who needs to be removed from office and tried for his crimes against the country.

cbell24 2 days ago Report Abuse
I think that if the courts do not give it a full hearing, they clearly show that they do not care. Its not like we are saying there are martians. This is a serious matter. This is about the constitution and even has a "sound" of importance to it. And it is an important matter. The courts must show their concern or forever loose the trust of the people. As long as they refuse to address this "serious" matter, one wonders what other rather serious problems they have simply put off or refused to deal with. Almost half a million people care. The government shows a disrespect of minorities in this instance doesn't it? Oh lets just laugh at half a million "concerned" citizens?
treego14 2 days ago Report Abuse
Obama really needs to step up here and produce valid documentation or show that he is a fraud. The American public turning a blind eye to this, seemingly, is testament to the media's success in glossing over this issue altogether or the public's sheer lack of respect for the law of the land.
dal houston 2 days ago Report Abuse
Jail. Period.

Why is this man not entitled to follow the law.

This is the most unbelievable time in my life and i can't believe that lying and cheating, is the new America.

Lets get rid of the power structure and put them in jail for treason, because THEY KNOW they are guilty, and like Frankenstein; the people WILL get Obama no matter how he tries to hide the information.

We should put a bounty of $500,000 for the real Birth Certificate (of course we would need to raise the cash).
dal houston 2 days ago Report Abuse
Ohh yeah, Robert Gibbs was LAUGHING at you.


He hates you and laughs at you when you ask for 'real' concrete proof.
StrangeTruth 2 days ago Report Abuse
The truth is, Barack Obama's (A.K.A. Barry Soetoro, his probable legal name.) birth certificate is only relative because Obama suspiciously and knowingly tried to pass off an inadequate yet very misleading and apparently fraudulent CoLB, as a legitimate birth certificate, which it is not.

As a new state at the time, Hawaii often issued a CoLB or 'certificate of live birth' to children up to one year of age, including foreign born children brought to Hawaii. So all a CoLB proves is that Obama was born alive, somewhere.

The CoLB does not prove he was born in Hawaii, and even if it did it wouldn't matter, given the other known disqualifying issues such as only one parent being a U.S. citizen and foreign citizenship, which means he is not 'natural born' and is not eligible.

As opposed to native (born here) or even naturalized citizenship (moved here), natural born requires that one be born in the United States and that both parents (plural) be U.S. citizens. Obama's father is Kenyan, so he is not 'natural born' and is not constitutionally eligible.

Clearly Barack Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, may not be a native or even a naturalized citizen, let alone a 'natural born' citizen as required to be eligible.

John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States, wrote to George Washington on July 25, 1787:

"Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and reasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American Army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.

So who did our founding fathers consider to be a natural born citizen?

In great part, the founding fathers derived such definitions from "The Laws of Nations" by Emmerich de Vattel, a book published in 1758, which Justice Scalia has used to define other terms in the Constitution:

"The citizens are the members of the civil society; ...The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.

In addition, in the official copies of the THIRD U.S. Congress (1795) margin notes state "Former act repealed. 1790. ch. 3." referencing the FIRST U.S. Congress (1790).

Document ONE: the actual text of the THIRD CONGRESS in 1795 states, "...children of citizens [plural, i.e. two parents] of the United States...shall be considered citizens of the United States; Provided That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons, whose fathers have never been resident in the United States..." (THIRD CONGRESS Sess. II. Ch.21. 1795, Approved January 29, 1795, pp. 414-415. Document margin note: "How children shall obtain citizenship through their parents" Document margin note: "Former Act repealed 1790 ch.3.") See Attachment A.

Document TWO: the actual text of the FIRST CONGRESS in 1790 states,
"...children of citizens (NB: plural, i.e. two parents) of the United States...shall be considered as natural born citizens of the United States; Provided That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons, whose fathers have never been resident in the United States..." (FIRST CONGRESS Sess. II Ch.4 1790, Approved March 26, 1790, pp. 103-104. Document margin note: "Their children residing here, deemed citizens." Document margin note: "Also, children of citizens born beyond sea, & c. Exceptions.") See Attachment B.

Document THREE: the actual text of the Constitution from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789, and subsequent official printings, of the Constitution of the United States of American: Article II Section 1 Clause 5 states,
"No person, except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President…" See Attachment C.

Rep. John Bingham of Ohio, considered the father of the Fourteenth Amendment, confirms that understanding and the construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:

" ... I find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents (plural, meaning two) not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen..."

Bingham is also quoted saying in the Spring of 1868 some serious warnings:

"May God forbid that the future historian shall record of this day's proceedings, that by reason of the failure of the legislative power of the people to triumph over the usurpations of an apostate President, the fabric of American empire fell and perished from the earth!...I ask you to consider that we stand this day pleading for the violated majesty of the law, by the graves of half a million of martyred hero-patriots who made death beautiful by the sacrifice of themselves for their country, the Constitution and the laws, and who, by their sublime example, have taught us all to obey the law; that none are above the law..."

The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution is one of the post-Civil War Reconstruction Amendments, first intended to secure the rights of former slaves. It was proposed on June 13, 1866, and ratified on July 9, 1868.

The amendment provides a broad definition of citizenship, overruling Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) which had excluded slaves and their descendants from possessing Constitutional rights.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 14th Amendment does not address the "natural born citizen" issue, only citizenship.

Therefore Barack Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, is an illegal usurper posing as President and every order he gives the military is an illegal order that they are duty bound to refuse to obey, and every law or executive order he signs is null and void! The only government housing he is entitled to is Leavenworth.

However being a Constitutional scholar, clearly Obama is a desperate person and the conveniently confusing CoLB may be all he has to offer. As they say, you can fool some of the people some of the time, especially when blind ambition, political expediency and one's own self interests matter more than the rule of law and the Constitution.

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?
WND's complete archive of news reports on the issue.

Absolute must see!

For information directly related to eligibility:

The United States Library of Congress has selected for inclusion in its historic collection of Internet materials.

Lawsuits by Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.
A True American Heroine Fighting For Your Freedom!

* Some historical material in this post was excerpted from

babagounj 2 days ago Report Abuse
Please look at the bottom of that COLB , that so many are claiming to be real. It states " Any alterations invalidate this document ".
The fact that the certificate number is not being shown is such an alteration.
If it truely is his then why not show it for anyone to double check ?
lanahanguitars 2 days ago Report Abuse
Dear Mr. Obama,
It would be so simple to put this behind you. I see the complaints from both sides. Both have merit! Please, with all the qualifications you have as a community organizer, you must have the ability to put this issue to rest once and for all!
grannyliss1 2 days ago Report Abuse
I am not a "wild-eyed right-winger" nor am I a "frothing at the mouth left-winger", but am a registered Independent, which means I probably work harder than most at election time to try and choose the candidate who cares about our country and who has some constructive ideas about how to solve at least some of the many problems which seem to be afflicting our great nation. (I voted neither for Mr. Obama nor for Mr. McCain so I'm sort of neutral here). However, as an
American citizen it concerns me when an intelligent, personable young man such as our "president", whose campaign was based on promises of "transparency", refuses to provide the most rudimentary proof that he is eligible for the office or that he is even a citizen.
Is it any wonder that everything he does comes under a cloud of suspicion given how easy it would be for him to release his long-form birth certificate (which by his own admission he came across tucked into a book),(and why would there be a long form AND a COLB?), his school records from Indonesia, his college records which would show if he received financial aid as a foreign student, his passport which would explain how he was able to enter Pakistan at a time when no American passports were being accepted, etc.? Is it any wonder that there is a growing groundswell of Americans (including many who voted for him) who feel that there is something he is hiding,something in those documents which he does not want the world to discover?
It cost me $20.00 to get a certified copy of MY birth certificate, yet he has retained at least THREE GROUPS of lawyers and spent a million (taxpayer?) dollars to keep his hidden away. Why is that, Mr. "president"? You are supposd to be working for US, and we are waiting for your explanation!
dnaburns 2 days ago Report Abuse
If you believe the BC on snopes and factcheck is legit then you need your head and eyes examined, I was born in Hawaii and my bc is a lot different not to mention that even by enlarging the picture on those websites you can see its been doctored with the naked eye. The other thing is when Obama was born black people were not referred to as African's which is what his BC lists his fathers race as, they were called blacks and Hawaii has not gone through its data base and updated all references of blacks and changed them to Africans or African American. The Number one thing that keeps this whole thing fueled is the refusal to release it, if its not a big deal and we all already know who his parents were and when he was born what would be the big deal in releasing it? The Answer: NOTHING, unless their is something to hide! So lets put this thing to bed and demand its release in long form which I am sure he will have and bame! Its over! Now grow up and stop calling each other names because they don't agree with your view.
courageoustimes 2 days ago Report Abuse
He's a nice enough tyrant anyway. When the left demanded he flip-flop again on the release of the 'torture' photos he didn't massacre them. So he may be foreign born, so what, there have been dozens of constitutional violations over the decades and dozens and dozens in the past year. Is the US government supposed to own banks and auto companies? - no it is unconstitutional. Is it supposed to do transfer payments? - no. Is it supposed to fund the slaughter of 50 million babies - I don't see that in the Constitution. Just because he is a foreign born Marxist having to govern as a Fascist doesn't mean we can't all get along. I mean what does he have there in D.C, anyway - quantatative easing, the legalization of pedaphilia, and a racist Scotus nominee - not much in other words. Here in the heartland we got grub, guns, and of course eternity with God. Tyrant - smyrant - he will go his way to the time of the end AND it is later than he thinks.
zeprools 2 days ago Report Abuse
Obama must provide the longform certificate because the "conspiracy theorists" are gaining traction. Gibbs said it himself, he hopes this issue is put to rest by 2012. Not sooner, because Obama can only hide it for so long.
minutemancdc_sc 2 days ago Report Abuse
Bravo and kudos to:


Those are good, solid, informative posts. I could easily let this blog go by without adding my 2¢.
beckwith 2 days ago Report Abuse
I too would like Obama to make his vault-copy birth certificate and college and medical records available to the public.

Why has he spent more than $1,000,000 to hide his bona fides from the American People.

What is he hiding.
nancy321 1 day ago Report Abuse
While you are at it, why not release your school records and a photo of your passport...afterall you are the President and we pay your salary. 'kay?
Benton Bain 1 day ago Report Abuse

Anybody, along with Sen. Barack Obama can seek the presidency of the United States of America, but may not qualify.

Fact 1. Constitution Article II, Section II sets forth the qualifications for presidential candidates: ""No person except a NATURAL BORN Citizen", or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and have been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Fact 2. Just because you are a US Citizen or have a US birth certificate, does NOT mean that your are a "NATURAL BORN" Citizen of the USA!!!

Fact 3. A Birth Certificate or documentation of a birth in a hospital should include at least: a number referring to the document, the name of the hospital, the mothers and fathers birthplace and ages, and with the attending doctor's signature.

Fact 4. The state of Hawaii issues a Certification of Live Birth (COLB) for those born: inside the State of Hawaii, outside of the State of Hawaii, and even outside the country if the parents, or one of the parents, are natives of, or residents in, the State of Hawaii. They also allow Late Registration. Every illegal alien born in Hawaii gets a Hawaiian COLB!!! The questionable*(see notes below) Certification of Live Birth (with a rev. 11/01 printed by a computer on a 2001 form for someone supposedly born in 1961) submitted on the web page of Barack Obama indicates that Barack Hussein Obama II was born on Aug. 4, 1961 to the mother Stanley Ann Dunham and father Barack Hussein Obama.

Fact 5. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, was not a US citizen, he was a bureaucrat Muslim in the communist government of Kenya. Under the British Nationality Act of 1948 he was a citizen of the United Kingdom and its Colonies. Under this Act, IF he was married to Stanley Ann Dunham and IF he acknowledged Barack Hussein Obama, Jr, as his son, or IF they were not married and he still acknowledged the boy, and IF he filed the correct paperwork with the British Colonial Authorities in Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama II, was born as a British Colonial Citizen and possesses a Birth Certificate which should still exist on file in Kenya and, presumably, London, England. Under Chapter VI. Section 87, of The Constitution of Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. became a Kenyan citizen on December 12th 1963. If Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, filed the correct papers with the British Colonial Authorities and with the Kenyan Government Barack Hussein Obama II also became a Kenyan citizen on December 12th 1963 under Section 97. of the Kenyan Constitution and still remains a Kenyan Citizen.

Fact 6. Stanley Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo a Muslim Indonesian citizen.

Fact 7. Under Indonesian Law you can not adopt a child over the age of five, even abroad, if you are an Indonesian Citizen. In “Dreams from my Father”, Obama says he lived with his step-father in Indonesia for five years and that by the time he and his mother arrived in Indonesia she and Lolo had been married for over a year before Lolo returned to Indonesia. Five years + one year = 6 years and when Barack Hussein Obama II returned to Hawaii prior to September of 1971 because he was enrolled in his Prep School in Hawaii to start the Fifth Grade he was 10 years old so he was probably shy of 4 years old when Dunham married Soetoro and arrived in Indonesia about the time of his fifth Birthday (1966).

Fact 8. Indonesian Law says: “Foreign persons under age of five who are adopted by Indonesian Citizens obtain Indonesian Citizenship following legalization of adoption process by District Court of general jurisdiction with jurisdiction over the adoptive parents [Id at Art. 2 (1)]“ “It is stipulated that an adopted child has the same status as a natural child, and that his or her relationship to the birth parents is severed by adoption”.

Fact 9. The only Legal Relationship he would have to his mother is that she was married to his Legal Father Lolo Soetoro, under Indonesian Law. He would be an Indonesian Citizen with an Indonesian Passport and an entry in Lolo’s KK documents.

Fact 10. Indonesian Law prior to August 1966 would be Indonesian Law 62/1958 and other prior Indonesian Laws. Indonesian Law does not accept Dual Nationality/Citizenship, so Barack Hussein Obama II would no longer be a US Citizen according to Indonesian Law, in fact he would be considered never to have been one at all.

Fact 11. Lolo Soetoro would be his guardian, next of Kin and father. His Religion would be Legally Listed and Registered as Islam because children have the Religion of their Father under Indonesian Law and can have no other. His Surname would become Soetoro, in full Soetoro Mangunharjo with Barry as his given name at the choosing by his father Lolo.

Fact 12. Barry Soetoro was enrolled on January 1st 1968, given Serial No 203 and placed in Class 1 B. His Religion is given as Islam, his Nationality Indonesian, his Father’s Name as L Soetoro Ma., his Father’s Occupation as Official, Director General’s Office TNI [Topography Division Indonesian Army] and his Name as Barry Soetoro.

Fact 13. Only citizen Indonesian children were enrolled in Indonesian Schools in 1968, SD Asisi was a Roman Catholic School within the Indonesian State System, it was not an International School. Therefore, if he attended this school and subsequently SDN Menteng 1, State Elementary School, and every source agrees that this is the case, he would have to have been enrolled as an Indonesian Citizen.

Fact 14. All records show that Lolo Soetoro Ma. is described as his father and that no mention is made of his mother.

Fact 15. Indonesia in the sixties was a Police State! Everybody, even babes, had Identity Documents of some sort, possibly including Passports. Everybody was registered with the Government, one way or another. The head of each family, usually the father, but in rare cases a widowed, or divorced, mother has an Official Document called a Kartu Keluarga (Family Card). This lists every household/family member and gives their details in the same way as their individual KTPs or KITAS visas would.

Fact 16. An adopted, child called a WNI, warga negara Indonesia, has the same KK entry as any other Indonesian child. When a child enrolls in School their details are taken down from their KK Entry, as presented by the father (who is also required, at that time, to produce his KTP to verify the details on the KK). They are then given their Student KTP. KKs, like KTPs, are issued by the Government and cross checked by the National Police and Immigration Service.

Fact 17. Everything on Barry Soetoro record's at SD Asisi matches what would be true if he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro before he arrived in Indonesia. Schools are subject to periodical checks by both the Police and Immigration Officers as well as School Inspectors; this includes the teachers as well as the students.

Fact 18. Under Indonesian Law Barry Soetoro was an Indonesian Citizen and he could not Renounce that Citizenship until he was between the ages of 18 and 21, after 21 possibly he could not renounce it at all.

Fact 19. Dual nationals owe allegiance to both countries and are required to obey the laws of both countries. Either country has the right to enforce its laws, particularly if that person later travels there. Most U.S. citizens, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States. Dual nationals may also be required by the foreign country to use its passport to enter and leave that country.

Fact 20. Somehow Stanley Ann Dunham got the necessary letter of permission from her husband so Barry Soetoro could go to Hawaii. An Indonesian Citizen called Barry Soetoro left Jakarta on an Indonesian Passport with both a US Visa and also an Indonesian Exit Visa. But an American Citizen called Barack Obama landed in Hawaii.

Fact 21. The US law states for a "NATURAL BORN" US Citizen for the time Barack Hussein Obama II was born between December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986: If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens and at least one had a prior residence in the United States, you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no conditions for retaining it. If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16.

Fact 22. Obama's mother was only 18 years old at his birth, NOT the 16 + 5 = 21 required because his father was not a US citizen. Therefore Barack Hussein Obama II is NOT a "NATURAL BORN" US Citizen as required to become the President of the USA!!!

Fact 23. There must be a paper trail in Hawaii, US State Dept., and other Federal and Foreign Government Records to prove, or disprove the above facts and if there is not then somebody has removed the trail. If that is the case there has been a criminal conspiracy and all these moles involved need to go to prison!!! At the State Dept. Obama's records have been breached 3 times by employees of a company that the CEO is an adviser to Sen. Obama!!!

Fact 24. We had an Indonesian Barry Soetoro with an Indonesian passport leaving Indonesia but upon the arrival in Hawaii we had the same person Barack Hussein Obama II now magically a US citizen.

Fact 25. All of Barry's classmates throughout all of his school years knew him as Barry until he started college whereupon he was Barack Obama when he left the island of Hawaii to the mainland.

Fact 26. It is the responsibility of the presidential candidate to prove that they meet the qualifications of the Constitution, not the voters. So let Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama II supply copies of all the original documents that would prove he is a "NATURAL BORN Citizen of the United States of America" as defined and required by the US Constitution to become the President & Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and he has no allegiance to another country!!!

Questions, Notes, & Comments:
1. Where is the original 1961 Birth Certificate that was issued at the time of birth of Obama II with the signature of the attending doctor? There were 2 hospitals in Honolulu at that time, but by phone I was denied my request to find out if they had Obama's documents. The document in 1961 would have been black & white!!!
Obama claimed in the first chapter of his book Dreams From My Father: "I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school." Time wise this would be before 1980, so why is he trying to pawn off on us a COLB that was made after 2001?
2. Dunham by an application for SSN 535-40-8522 stating she was born Nov. 29, 1942, so if Barack was born on Aug. 4, 1961 Dunham was 18 years old.
3. From US immigration, exactly when starting in 1961 did Dunham, Obama Sr., Barack Hussein Obama II, &/or Barry Soetoro depart Hawaii? Were there any other reentries or exits (with full details) before the final entry of Barack Hussein Obama II at age 10 when he started school in Sept. 1971 in Hawaii?
4. Sen. Obama's own Kenyan paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed that Stanley Ann Dunham gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth.
5. Did Obama Sr. document his son with the Kenyan government? If so Obama II is probably still a citizen of Kenya &/or the UK.
6. How did Dunham legally enter an Indonesia citizen named Barry Soetoro into Hawaii with the name of Barack Obama???
7. Where are the legal papers that show Barry Soetoro's name was changed to Barack Hussein Obama II?
8. Did Barry Soetoro formally renounce Indonesian Citizenship between the ages of 18 and 21 and if so where are the documents? If Barry did not renounce then he is still an Indonesian citizen and Indonesian Law would prevail.
9. Senator Obama was an Indonesian Citizen as a boy but probably still is one legally. Perhaps this explains Julia Suryakusuma's view that Obama could run for President of Indonesia as expressed in her article in "The Jakarta Post" on 29th November 2006. Julia Suryakusuma was one of Stanley Ann Dunham's best friends.
10. Did Barack Hussein Obama II upon the age of 18 comply with all the requirements of the Selective Service Registration until he reached the age of 26: Defense Authorization Act established Title 5, U.S. Code, Section 3328? If so what is his Selective Service number? Have him release all of these records.
11. The State Department should know what kind of passport and name Obama used on his journey to visit his mother in Pakistan, in 1981.
12. See FACT 4. Hawaii issue of CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH (COLB) with a revision for the year 2001 for someone born in 1961 means absolutely nothing because Barack Hussein Obama II could have been born outside of the USA and still received this document since his mother was a resident of the state.
13. * - This document looks as flaky as: the forged Bush documents that DAN RAthER touted on ABC that got him fired; and John Kerry's DD214 which was not issued until peanuts Carter gave amnesty to the traitors & draft dodgers of his time. You do not need to be a computer expert to question this Certification of Live Birth:
A. The certification number is blocked out (probably by Photoshop), at the bottom of the certificate it says "any alterations invalidates this certificate".
B. The birth supposed to have happened in 1961 but the COLB was printed by a laser printer (non-existent in 1961) on a form revised in 2001.
C. There is no space between ,1 on August 8,1961 as there is between 4, 1 on the August 4, 1961.
D. In 1961 the Birth Certificates were black & white!!!
E. In 1961 Dunham, the mother's race would have been listed as WHITE, not Caucasian.
F. In 1961 Obama, the father's race would have been listed as BLACK or NEGRO, not African.
G. All that Sen. Obama needs to do to clarify the COLB & other facts, questions, notes, and comments made above is to authorize the release of all his original records where ever they maybe found. (Something that John Kerry has never authorized with all of his military records, FBI records, or CIA records!!!)
14. Barack Obama lied to the Illinois Supreme Court when asked to provide former names, according to his attorney registration it just lists Barack Hussein Obama as full name, but his birth certificate on his web page has Barack Hussein Obama II, and his years in Indonesia he was legally Barry Soetoro.
15. Senator Barack Hussein Obama II needs to be also investigated for breaking the Logan Act for both his World Tour trip and his trip to Kenya where Obama has involved himself in Kenyan Internal Politics where he has actively campaigned for Prime Minister Odinga’s Party, the ODM, by making speeches in Kenya.
16. Concerning Obama's allegiance there is at a movie of Barack Hussein Obama II not standing at attention & putting his right hand over his heart during the National Anthem, instead he has his hands over his crotch while rocking back & forth. As Obama would say: "YES WE CAN". Does Obama's allegiance belong with: UK; Kenya; Indonesia; or Obama's communist mentor from the age of 10 to 18 was "Frank" from Obama's book "Dreams from My Father" which was the sex deviate negroid Frank Marshall Davis who had sex with a 13 year old girl with his wife and Davis espionage against the USA as a member of the Communist Party of United States in Hawaii & ties in Chicago that the FBI has 601 pages documented. Or Obama's connection to the same kind of people in Chicago are: racist hating Dr. Rev. "God damn America" Wright that made an unauthorized trip to Cuba to consult with Comrade Castro and that taught Black Liberation Theology to the Obama's for more than 20 years so Obama thinks he can claim that he is a Christian; his buddies that provided most of Obama's security during the primaries from The Nation of Islam & Louis Farrakhan; the Weather Underground terrorists & Communist the unrepentant William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn where Obama launched his political career at their home; and/or his political financial buddies convicted felon billionaire George Soros & convicted felon Syrian national Tony Rezko??? This is the Obama's "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN"!!! Or view next to Obama's photo a Cuban flag with Che Guevara’s portrait in his Texas campaign office:
barack-obamas-campaign-headquarters-displays-a-communist-flag/ or as he claims he is not or never was a Muslim check on: and
/2008/08/07/119942.html or his ties to Saudi billionaire Dr. Khalid al-Mansour the financial backer of the Black Panthers and that helped Obama at Harvard:
17. So exactly who is this guy that wants to be our US Commander in Chief of Armed Forces that says: "----we'll make the goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons a central element in our nuclear policy"??? He doesn't want to spend any money on new weaponry technology while we constantly have terrorist threats. The suicidal Mullahs in Iran are on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons but Obama will give us universal health care, do we also get a Geiger counter and iodine tablets??? When Russia invaded democratically elected government of Georgia, Obama called on Georgia to show restraint. Then Comrade Obama's solution was to call on the U.N. Security Council where Russia has veto power, then goes body surfing!!! Do we want the commander in chief to pass the mantle of U.S. leadership to the corrupt U.N.???
18. We are wondering why Obama is not living or running for some communist government office in China after he praises the superior Communist Chinese's infrastructures: "Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now...""Beijing looks like a pretty good option." After making comments like this he gets mad because we question his patriotism to the USA.
19. Right from the mouth of a cocaine user Sen. Obama in his memoir "Dreams from My Father," on his drug use "Pot had helped, and booze, maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack though," He was deterred by the image "of an air bubble, shiny and round like a pearl, rolling quietly through my vein and stopping my heart," he says. "Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man." And he even explains how he has gotten away with avoiding discussions of his drug use and the technique he used to deceive his mother when she confronted him: "I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand and told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid. It was usually an effective tactic, another of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves." As long as he does not deviate from his teleprompter speech and does not make in sudden moves or thoughts he does not put his foot in his mouth.
20. Senator Barack Hussein Obama II said on CNBC television about his World Tour on July 25: "It has also allowed me to send a message to the American people that the judgments I have made and the judgments I will make are ones that are going to result in them being safer." Do you feel safer now with Obama's judgments, his associations, his friends that he has made, and that he represents the Democrat's candidate for the President of the USA???

cashman57 1 day ago Report Abuse
I find it a bit ironic that the only thing the obamalanders can come up with is name calling. If you want to know the truth they call you names and then they pretend that your concerns are baseless but cannot find one time that the document posted on the web was claimed by 0bama in any way.
he never said it was his.
he never said it came from his files.
he never said it was accurate.
YET, we have people here who believe that happened.
I guess blind loyalty does eliminate thought processes, at least for obamalanders.
You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you can't make them think
nocowboy9 1 day ago Report Abuse
What "Bentonbain" said. Thanks Bentonbain. Is this a lawful administration or not? Are the laws just for little people? Based on what I'm seeing, America has just suffered a coup.
Colorado Rose 1 day ago Report Abuse
Here's a man (Ron Polarik, PHD) who has done in-depth research on the so-called "birth certificate" that the Obama team posted on the internet:

It is amazing to think that simple computer graphics programs can actually help make a man "eligible" for the presidency!
babagounj 1 day ago Report Abuse
Has anyone read that open letter to obama that was posted in the ny times by lou pritchett ?
" You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you. "
"I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support. "
"Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years. "
m08mur 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama, what do you have to hide? Prove your eligibility!
dandapper111 1 day ago Report Abuse

The birth certificate posted on FatCheck and other various sites are forgeries.
dandapper111 1 day ago Report Abuse

The birth certificate posted on FatCheck and other various sites are forgeries.
vonstro 1 day ago Report Abuse
I find it interesting that Robert Gibbs thinks that the birth certificate question is so amusing. What is it about the rule of law, or the usurping of same, that's so damn funny? This is typical behavior for kids who've been "caught in the act"... and I suppose for adults who can't explain the lies that they've been fomenting for so long. There is a reason why so many people have spent so much time and money to keep this information from seeing the light of day! It's been well established that the document that's been purported to be Obama's birth certificate is a fake. Let's hear Gibbs explain that away. What a bunch of cheap, empty suits!
sportpug 1 day ago Report Abuse
Please, let us see the long-form Birth Cert, the college records, etc., that are in question, so that we all may move forward without doubts. It's in the Constitution, so the people are entitled to the information.
maryalicecarter 1 day ago Report Abuse
What is Obama hiding? We as citizens and the electorate are ENTITLED to know. The hiding of information is surely suspicious.
kelloggmon 1 day ago Report Abuse
Anybody, along with Sen. Barack Obama can seek the presidency of the United States of America, but may not qualify.

Fact 1. Constitution Article II, Section II sets forth the qualifications for presidential candidates: ""No person except a NATURAL BORN Citizen", or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and have been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Fact 2. Just because you are a US Citizen or have a US birth certificate, does NOT mean that your are a "NATURAL BORN" Citizen of the USA!!!

Fact 3. A Birth Certificate or documentation of a birth in a hospital should include at least: a number referring to the document, the name of the hospital, the mothers and fathers birthplace and ages, and with the attending doctor's signature.

Fact 4. The state of Hawaii issues a Certification of Live Birth (COLB) for those born: inside the State of Hawaii, outside of the State of Hawaii, and even outside the country if the parents, or one of the parents, are natives of, or residents in, the State of Hawaii. They also allow Late Registration. Every illegal alien born in Hawaii gets a Hawaiian COLB!!! The questionable*(see notes below) Certification of Live Birth (with a rev. 11/01 printed by a computer on a 2001 form for someone supposedly born in 1961) submitted on the web page of Barack Obama indicates that Barack Hussein Obama II was born on Aug. 4, 1961 to the mother Stanley Ann Dunham and father Barack Hussein Obama.

Fact 5. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, was not a US citizen, he was a bureaucrat Muslim in the communist government of Kenya. Under the British Nationality Act of 1948 he was a citizen of the United Kingdom and its Colonies. Under this Act, IF he was married to Stanley Ann Dunham and IF he acknowledged Barack Hussein Obama, Jr, as his son, or IF they were not married and he still acknowledged the boy, and IF he filed the correct paperwork with the British Colonial Authorities in Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama II, was born as a British Colonial Citizen and possesses a Birth Certificate which should still exist on file in Kenya and, presumably, London, England. Under Chapter VI. Section 87, of The Constitution of Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. became a Kenyan citizen on December 12th 1963. If Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, filed the correct papers with the British Colonial Authorities and with the Kenyan Government Barack Hussein Obama II also became a Kenyan citizen on December 12th 1963 under Section 97. of the Kenyan Constitution and still remains a Kenyan Citizen.

Fact 6. Stanley Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo a Muslim Indonesian citizen.

Fact 7. Under Indonesian Law you can not adopt a child over the age of five, even abroad, if you are an Indonesian Citizen. In “Dreams from my Father”, Obama says he lived with his step-father in Indonesia for five years and that by the time he and his mother arrived in Indonesia she and Lolo had been married for over a year before Lolo returned to Indonesia. Five years + one year = 6 years and when Barack Hussein Obama II returned to Hawaii prior to September of 1971 because he was enrolled in his Prep School in Hawaii to start the Fifth Grade he was 10 years old so he was probably shy of 4 years old when Dunham married Soetoro and arrived in Indonesia about the time of his fifth Birthday (1966).

Fact 8. Indonesian Law says: “Foreign persons under age of five who are adopted by Indonesian Citizens obtain Indonesian Citizenship following legalization of adoption process by District Court of general jurisdiction with jurisdiction over the adoptive parents [Id at Art. 2 (1)]“ “It is stipulated that an adopted child has the same status as a natural child, and that his or her relationship to the birth parents is severed by adoption”.

Fact 9. The only Legal Relationship he would have to his mother is that she was married to his Legal Father Lolo Soetoro, under Indonesian Law. He would be an Indonesian Citizen with an Indonesian Passport and an entry in Lolo’s KK documents.

Fact 10. Indonesian Law prior to August 1966 would be Indonesian Law 62/1958 and other prior Indonesian Laws. Indonesian Law does not accept Dual Nationality/Citizenship, so Barack Hussein Obama II would no longer be a US Citizen according to Indonesian Law, in fact he would be considered never to have been one at all.

Fact 11. Lolo Soetoro would be his guardian, next of Kin and father. His Religion would be Legally Listed and Registered as Islam because children have the Religion of their Father under Indonesian Law and can have no other. His Surname would become Soetoro, in full Soetoro Mangunharjo with Barry as his given name at the choosing by his father Lolo.

Fact 12. Barry Soetoro was enrolled on January 1st 1968, given Serial No 203 and placed in Class 1 B. His Religion is given as Islam, his Nationality Indonesian, his Father’s Name as L Soetoro Ma., his Father’s Occupation as Official, Director General’s Office TNI [Topography Division Indonesian Army] and his Name as Barry Soetoro.

Fact 13. Only citizen Indonesian children were enrolled in Indonesian Schools in 1968, SD Asisi was a Roman Catholic School within the Indonesian State System, it was not an International School. Therefore, if he attended this school and subsequently SDN Menteng 1, State Elementary School, and every source agrees that this is the case, he would have to have been enrolled as an Indonesian Citizen.

Fact 14. All records show that Lolo Soetoro Ma. is described as his father and that no mention is made of his mother.

Fact 15. Indonesia in the sixties was a Police State! Everybody, even babes, had Identity Documents of some sort, possibly including Passports. Everybody was registered with the Government, one way or another. The head of each family, usually the father, but in rare cases a widowed, or divorced, mother has an Official Document called a Kartu Keluarga (Family Card). This lists every household/family member and gives their details in the same way as their individual KTPs or KITAS visas would.

Fact 16. An adopted, child called a WNI, warga negara Indonesia, has the same KK entry as any other Indonesian child. When a child enrolls in School their details are taken down from their KK Entry, as presented by the father (who is also required, at that time, to produce his KTP to verify the details on the KK). They are then given their Student KTP. KKs, like KTPs, are issued by the Government and cross checked by the National Police and Immigration Service.

Fact 17. Everything on Barry Soetoro record's at SD Asisi matches what would be true if he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro before he arrived in Indonesia. Schools are subject to periodical checks by both the Police and Immigration Officers as well as School Inspectors; this includes the teachers as well as the students.

Fact 18. Under Indonesian Law Barry Soetoro was an Indonesian Citizen and he could not Renounce that Citizenship until he was between the ages of 18 and 21, after 21 possibly he could not renounce it at all.

Fact 19. Dual nationals owe allegiance to both countries and are required to obey the laws of both countries. Either country has the right to enforce its laws, particularly if that person later travels there. Most U.S. citizens, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States. Dual nationals may also be required by the foreign country to use its passport to enter and leave that country.

Fact 20. Somehow Stanley Ann Dunham got the necessary letter of permission from her husband so Barry Soetoro could go to Hawaii. An Indonesian Citizen called Barry Soetoro left Jakarta on an Indonesian Passport with both a US Visa and also an Indonesian Exit Visa. But an American Citizen called Barack Obama landed in Hawaii.

Fact 21. The US law states for a "NATURAL BORN" US Citizen for the time Barack Hussein Obama II was born between December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986: If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens and at least one had a prior residence in the United States, you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no conditions for retaining it. If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16.

Fact 22. Obama's mother was only 18 years old at his birth, NOT the 16 + 5 = 21 required because his father was not a US citizen. Therefore Barack Hussein Obama II is NOT a "NATURAL BORN" US Citizen as required to become the President of the USA!!!

Fact 23. There must be a paper trail in Hawaii, US State Dept., and other Federal and Foreign Government Records to prove, or disprove the above facts and if there is not then somebody has removed the trail. If that is the case there has been a criminal conspiracy and all these moles involved need to go to prison!!! At the State Dept. Obama's records have been breached 3 times by employees of a company that the CEO is an adviser to Sen. Obama!!!

Fact 24. We had an Indonesian Barry Soetoro with an Indonesian passport leaving Indonesia but upon the arrival in Hawaii we had the same person Barack Hussein Obama II now magically a US citizen.

Fact 25. All of Barry's classmates throughout all of his school years knew him as Barry until he started college whereupon he was Barack Obama when he left the island of Hawaii to the mainland.

Fact 26. It is the responsibility of the presidential candidate to prove that they meet the qualifications of the Constitution, not the voters. So let Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama II supply copies of all the original documents that would prove he is a "NATURAL BORN Citizen of the United States of America" as defined and required by the US Constitution to become the President & Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and he has no allegiance to another country!!!

Questions, Notes, & Comments:
1. Where is the original 1961 Birth Certificate that was issued at the time of birth of Obama II with the signature of the attending doctor? There were 2 hospitals in Honolulu at that time, but by phone I was denied my request to find out if they had Obama's documents. The document in 1961 would have been black & white!!!
Obama claimed in the first chapter of his book Dreams From My Father: "I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school." Time wise this would be before 1980, so why is he trying to pawn off on us a COLB that was made after 2001?
2. Dunham by an application for SSN 535-40-8522 stating she was born Nov. 29, 1942, so if Barack was born on Aug. 4, 1961 Dunham was 18 years old.
3. From US immigration, exactly when starting in 1961 did Dunham, Obama Sr., Barack Hussein Obama II, &/or Barry Soetoro depart Hawaii? Were there any other reentries or exits (with full details) before the final entry of Barack Hussein Obama II at age 10 when he started school in Sept. 1971 in Hawaii?
4. Sen. Obama's own Kenyan paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed that Stanley Ann Dunham gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth.
5. Did Obama Sr. document his son with the Kenyan government? If so Obama II is probably still a citizen of Kenya &/or the UK.
6. How did Dunham legally enter an Indonesia citizen named Barry Soetoro into Hawaii with the name of Barack Obama???
7. Where are the legal papers that show Barry Soetoro's name was changed to Barack Hussein Obama II?
8. Did Barry Soetoro formally renounce Indonesian Citizenship between the ages of 18 and 21 and if so where are the documents? If Barry did not renounce then he is still an Indonesian citizen and Indonesian Law would prevail.
9. Senator Obama was an Indonesian Citizen as a boy but probably still is one legally. Perhaps this explains Julia Suryakusuma's view that Obama could run for President of Indonesia as expressed in her article in "The Jakarta Post" on 29th November 2006. Julia Suryakusuma was one of Stanley Ann Dunham's best friends.
10. Did Barack Hussein Obama II upon the age of 18 comply with all the requirements of the Selective Service Registration until he reached the age of 26: Defense Authorization Act established Title 5, U.S. Code, Section 3328? If so what is his Selective Service number? Have him release all of these records.
11. The State Department should know what kind of passport and name Obama used on his journey to visit his mother in Pakistan, in 1981.
12. See FACT 4. Hawaii issue of CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH (COLB) with a revision for the year 2001 for someone born in 1961 means absolutely nothing because Barack Hussein Obama II could have been born outside of the USA and still received this document since his mother was a resident of the state.
13. * - This document looks as flaky as: the forged Bush documents that DAN RAthER touted on ABC that got him fired; and John Kerry's DD214 which was not issued until peanuts Carter gave amnesty to the traitors & draft dodgers of his time. You do not need to be a computer expert to question this Certification of Live Birth:
A. The certification number is blocked out (probably by Photoshop), at the bottom of the certificate it says "any alterations invalidates this certificate".
B. The birth supposed to have happened in 1961 but the COLB was printed by a laser printer (non-existent in 1961) on a form revised in 2001.
C. There is no space between ,1 on August 8,1961 as there is between 4, 1 on the August 4, 1961.
D. In 1961 the Birth Certificates were black & white!!!
E. In 1961 Dunham, the mother's race would have been listed as WHITE, not Caucasian.
F. In 1961 Obama, the father's race would have been listed as BLACK or NEGRO, not African.
G. All that Sen. Obama needs to do to clarify the COLB & other facts, questions, notes, and comments made above is to authorize the release of all his original records where ever they maybe found. (Something that John Kerry has never authorized with all of his military records, FBI records, or CIA records!!!)
14. Barack Obama lied to the Illinois Supreme Court when asked to provide former names, according to his attorney registration it just lists Barack Hussein Obama as full name, but his birth certificate on his web page has Barack Hussein Obama II, and his years in Indonesia he was legally Barry Soetoro.
15. Senator Barack Hussein Obama II needs to be also investigated for breaking the Logan Act for both his World Tour trip and his trip to Kenya where Obama has involved himself in Kenyan Internal Politics where he has actively campaigned for Prime Minister Odinga’s Party, the ODM, by making speeches in Kenya.
16. Concerning Obama's allegiance there is at
a movie of Barack Hussein Obama II not standing at attention & putting his right hand over his heart during the National Anthem, instead he has his hands over his crotch while rocking back & forth. As Obama would say: "YES WE CAN". Does Obama's allegiance belong with: UK; Kenya; Indonesia; or Obama's communist mentor from the age of 10 to 18 was "Frank" from Obama's book "Dreams from My Father" which was the sex deviate negroid Frank Marshall Davis who had sex with a 13 year old girl with his wife and Davis espionage against the USA as a member of the Communist Party of United States in Hawaii & ties in Chicago that the FBI has 601 pages documented. Or Obama's connection to the same kind of people in Chicago are: racist hating Dr. Rev. "God damn America" Wright that made an unauthorized trip to Cuba to consult with Comrade Castro and that taught Black Liberation Theology to the Obama's for more than 20 years so Obama thinks he can claim that he is a Christian; his buddies that provided most of Obama's security during the primaries from The Nation of Islam & Louis Farrakhan; the Weather Underground terrorists & Communist the unrepentant William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn where Obama launched his political career at their home; and/or his political financial buddies convicted felon billionaire George Soros & convicted felon Syrian national Tony Rezko??? This is the Obama's "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN"!!! Or view next to Obama's photo a Cuban flag with Che Guevara’s portrait in his Texas campaign office:
or as he claims he is not or never was a Muslim check on: and
obama_muslim_connection/2008/08/07/119942.html or his ties to Saudi billionaire Dr. Khalid al-Mansour the financial backer of the Black Panthers and that helped Obama at Harvard:
17. So exactly who is this guy that wants to be our US Commander in Chief of Armed Forces that says: "----we'll make the goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons a central element in our nuclear policy"??? He doesn't want to spend any money on new weaponry technology while we constantly have terrorist threats. The suicidal Mullahs in Iran are on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons but Obama will give us universal health care, do we also get a Geiger counter and iodine tablets??? When Russia invaded democratically elected government of Georgia, Obama called on Georgia to show restraint. Then Comrade Obama's solution was to call on the U.N. Security Council where Russia has veto power, then goes body surfing!!! Do we want the commander in chief to pass the mantle of U.S. leadership to the corrupt U.N.???
18. We are wondering why Obama is not living or running for some communist government office in China after he praises the superior Communist Chinese's infrastructures: "Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now...""Beijing looks like a pretty good option." After making comments like this he gets mad because we question his patriotism to the USA.
19. Right from the mouth of a cocaine user Sen. Obama in his memoir "Dreams from My Father," on his drug use "Pot had helped, and booze, maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack though," He was deterred by the image "of an air bubble, shiny and round like a pearl, rolling quietly through my vein and stopping my heart," he says. "Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man." And he even explains how he has gotten away with avoiding discussions of his drug use and the technique he used to deceive his mother when she confronted him: "I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand and told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid. It was usually an effective tactic, another of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves." As long as he does not deviate from his teleprompter speech and does not make in sudden moves or thoughts he does not put his foot in his mouth.
20. Senator Barack Hussein Obama II said on CNBC television about his World Tour on July 25: "It has also allowed me to send a message to the American people that the judgments I have made and the judgments I will make are ones that are going to result in them being safer." Do you feel safer now with Obama's judgments, his associations, his friends that he has made, and that he represents the Democrat's candidate for the President of the USA???
thomasegleston 1 day ago Report Abuse
I am neither Republican nor Democrat so please don't classify me as such. I know all the little tricks of both sides by name calling like right wing nut job and bleeding heart liberal. I am an American veteran. I demand that Barrack Hussein Obama release not only his UNSEEN birth certificate but also his college files and his Senatorial files. We have had enough secrecy with the Bush/Clinton administrations. I'm still awaiting to see Bush's discharge papers from the military. John Kennedy, a liberal Democrat, told us in 1961 about the dangers of keeping secrets. The Constitution is very clear and demanding that we keep on the path. If Obama has nothing to hide then lets see his proof of his citizenship. The form we saw from Hawaii was NOT his Birth Certificate. If I have to show mine for a drivers license and other trivial things then he can surely show his for the highest office in the land. The Democrats are going to stick up for Obama no matter what just like the Republicans did for Bush. Its time to wake up and stand up for America and it's ideals and quit playing this stupid game. Both sides are destroying this country and they cannot continue doing it without your support and worship.
curtandrachel 1 day ago Report Abuse
Dear Mr Obama:

I too would like confirmation of your eligibility to serve as the President of United States.

I also want you to stop spending our money bailing out companies who are bankrupt due to thier own mismanagement or the corrupt unions.

I also do not give you permission to take your wife on $100,000 dates at the expense of the people.

I'm tired of you giving our money to the other corrupt politicians, Republican and Democrat for what, I'm not sure. Why don't you provide us with the records showing us where that money went?

I also don't appreciate how you thieves sit around up there trying to figure out how to steal more and more from us when we can hardly pay our bills as it is. Why don't you folks who are supposed to represent the people figure out how to cut your spending of our hard earned money? We can't give you anymore. Don't you understand that? You don't own us Sir. We are not your slaves. You would do well to understand that. All of the government needs to understand that.

I also don't give you permission to keep track of my medical pedigree on your electronic database. I have a feeling I know what that's about. I don't want your "socialized medicine." I hope everyone knows why our loving and caring government wants to do that. (Shh! Population control). You support and condone the killing of the innocent.

Mr. Obama, I don't want you as my president. You are not qualified nor are you eligible. You have appointed and surrounded yourself with abortionists, racists, and thieves. You are the puppet of the elite and you answer to the likes of Pelosi, Dodd and Frank. You allow and participate in the rape and thievery of the people of this nation.

It is my sincere hope that most of your constituents have seen you for what you are and in 2010 we derail your social machine and then in 2012 we shut you down.

Every government through the history of time has enslaved its people and every government has eventually failed. Yours will too.
yankeeredneck 1 day ago Report Abuse
I am suspicious when someone spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight off legal challenges, instead of merely producing the document that proves eligibility. Ordinary citizens have to produce their birth certificates to sign up for Little League or even dancing school. Yet someone who wished to be our president does not believe it is relevant to produce such a document to prove his eligibility to govern. Don't tell me about Snopes entries saying his certificate of live birth is a forgery. I am not saying that it is. I am only saying that the Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth, produced on a website, was a document which, at the time of issue, could be issued to a foreigner. Only the long form birth certificate actually proves the place of birth.
silver7 1 day ago Report Abuse
richd4 1 day ago Report Abuse
I dont see how you can be a citizen of the United States when you were traveling around the world on an Idonisian passport. From all that I have read there are many things that you appear to be covering up and during your whole campaign you promised an open government. Step 1 should be to release the Long Form Birth Certificate from Hawaii and your College Admission Records. This should either prove or disprove that you are a citizen of the United States. Until that happens I do not believe you to be a citizen or the President of the United States. You are just someone who is there illegally and giving illegal orders. These records should be made public now and open to independent verification. I do mean now.
bethmrogers 1 day ago Report Abuse
I believe it's urgent that we see Obama's birth certificate as well as documents related to his college education, including transcripts and financial information.
If he wants us to have confidence in him and what he asks of us, he should be very glad to provide the information we're asking for.
ctylerusa 1 day ago Report Abuse
If he had a valid USA birth certificate he would have shown it. His allegiance is to other powers. It's pretty obvious he wants to destroy America and all she stands for.
cetbbsr 1 day ago Report Abuse
Spread the wealth around!!

He made million selling the racist Rev Wright's speech Audacity of Hope, whom he abandoned for political expediency. Of course he paid tax on his earning from book, work etc and some for charity like millions of American do but he didn't live up to his rhetoric. If he was really concerned about poor and downtrodden, he should have spread his wealth above 250k to them and set an example for others to follow suit, instead of extorting hard earned money from others and spread it around to losers and incompetents. Also, if he really abandoned Rev. Wright and his racist ideology he should abandon the book and donate all the money from it to charity. Leadership is all about encourging people by setting an example for others to follow.

Do As I Say (Not As I Do)
cetbbsr 1 day ago Report Abuse
Why the president is sheepish about releasing the following relevant documents??

- long form, vault copy of his birth certificate with Doctor's signature -- Not released
- Occidental College records -- Not released
- Columbia College records -- Not released
- Columbia Thesis paper -- "not available"
- Harvard College records -- Not released
- Selective Service Registration -- Not released
- Medical records -- Not released
- Illinois State Senate schedule -- "not available"
- Law practice client list -- Not released
- Harvard Law Review articles published -- None
- University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None
cashman57 1 day ago Report Abuse
coldwarbaby- you wrote "" and since you seem to have soime insight, can you link me to the time the current occupant of 1600 Penn. Ave. said"I have posted my birth certificate online for you"?
How about the time he said "The birth certificate on the internet came from me"?
Wait, even better, can you PLEASE link me to the time the president said "I was born in [this] hospital and according to the signatures on the document written about in my bio my doctors name is [?]"?
Thank you for being so helpful. I don't want to call the man a liar if he said those things.
So, put up the links so I can admit I am wrong and that the statements from the guy in the White House are clear enough that anyone can see them.
We saw the response from the spokesperson for Barry Soetoro(B.S.)in the White House briefing room and he started guffawing as if Buck Owens came by to tape another episode of HEE-HAW instead of saying "The document posted on the internet came from the files of B.S. and is an accurate depiction of the facts".
That means we don't have a statement from B.S. that even comes close to what you are writing.
You wrote this"There are plenty of valid criticisms to be raised about Obama. This birth certificate crap is not one of them."prove it.
junk 1 day ago Report Abuse
This is a very important issue. Let's not kid ourselves, a President that isn't held to at least the same standards as the people is not a President, but a dictator, or a king. The law is clear on this matter, and every President we've had up to now has complied. And let's not reference SNOPES as a legitimate source of information. It's a husband and wife team sitting on their couch at home thinking stuff up. Do a little work; do your own research. Don't rely on the "one stop shop" opinions of others.
Mike Turner 1 day ago Report Abuse
America needs to hold our President accountable before he continues to use his 'untouchable' demi-god status to further the ruin our nation.

I tell you all... I did not vote for this man, and I do NOT believe he is fit to be our President!

Give us the truth, or step down, Mr. President!
ladybee43 1 day ago Report Abuse
This is a simple matter that can be resolved easily and I see no reason for resistance for Obama to do all he can for once and for all to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a Natural born citizen unless of course.. He really does have something to hide! Some here try to claim that he has already presented the Birth Certificate as proof but what is being asked for is the "long" form birth certificate which has not been presented! If he is really a natural born citizen this should be easy to prove and a simple thing to comply to put this question to rest for once and for all but if resistance to do this continues there will be more and more raising questions and none asking will be satisfied until this is done! It is so simple and easy to do this so why the resistance? Resistance in this matter only leads to suspicion that this President is not legitimate according to the Constitutional rules! If this information is not released to end this controversy then he should be removed from his position!
rotaxman 1 day ago Report Abuse
Why should this usurper be allow to be president of the United States.

Why should he be any different than the 43 presidents before him.

He should either show his birth certificate or be arrested and taken out of the white house in had cuffs then charges brought against him as a traitor.

I love this country and hate seeing what being done to it by this traitor.
ajazzfan 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama claims to be a "constitutional" lawyer, yet he is ignoring one of the most basic tenets of our Constitution!

Why won't he release his long form birth certificate and prove conclusively, beyond doubt, that he is constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President of the United States? Why has he spent over $1 million dollars to keep this information from the public? (and where is that money coming from?) Voters have a right to know that the candidates being considered, or that have been elected, are legally, and constitutionally, eligible to hold office--this is all the "standing" that they need!

Why did congress investigate Senator John McCain, but not Obama? Who else is involved in this cover-up, if that's what it is? There needs to be a full investigation to determine whether Obama is eligible. If it is determined that he is not, than the person(s) responsible for this coverup need to be impeached along with Obama--at the very least!

There seems to be a double standard here. Republicans need to prove eligibility, Democrats don't. This needs to change. BOTH parties are responsible to the people, whom they were elected to serve. This issue needs to be resolved publicly, not behind closed doors by one or two "judges".
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
The "president", if you can truly, legally, Constitutionally call him that, no matter how many have declared the naked emperor is still clothed, must respond and not act above Constitutional law. He has provided ZERO evidence that he is a natural born citizen. ZERO. He and his handlers are constantly evasive and obstructive and totally misleading on this. That fraudulent COLB is no evidence, and sufficient evidence was never handed over to authorities--only to the Daily Kos and then to bogus "truth-vouching" sites with MASSIVELY HUGE conficts of interest(akin to having the fox vouch for the henhouse), and to numerous sites and rubes that fraudulently vouch for it--directly or indirectly. Obama has a serious problem with actually doing what he says--the words almost never match the actions, and despite his profession to be a Christian, his actions almost never match biblical truth--BIG RED FLAG THERE FOLKS, WAKE UP. Would a Christian run for a government office he knows he is not legally wualified for? Nothing new here--he says he wants transparency and that he will not withhold truth("I will never hide the truth because it is uncomfortable."), but he and his handlers CONSTANTLY EVADE showing his birth certificate (and are constantly wordsmithing), which he has not shown at all so far with any legal accuracy or in any legal manner. More evasion and phony evidence for more liberal rubes to mindlessly follow. Hey, posting a picture on a blog, delivered by his handlers, not by him, with no sort of digital signature or any legally defensible verification of authenticity--is no proof of anything--except that someone illegally doctored up a legal document and misrepresented it and alot of either morons or fellow colluders believed it. Come on people--the judiciary and the legislatures and the media are almost all covering for this guy-Why? Why did a seeming coup d' etat occur for this 'president'? Why so much collusion to bolster a constitutionally ineligible president. Who really gains from that--FOLLOW THE MONEY (if you can, there's so much corruption and lack of transparency in that, too, and add to that rampant voter fraud--thanks ACORN et al and all you voters that voted twice or more to make a buck. Enjoy your jail cells you all have coming.)

We truly know nothing authoritatively and legally of his origins and education and that which truly identify him. Has any US president ever been so elusive? The president must release his long form birth certificate and educational records showing that he is truly eligible to be president of the United States, but even if he does that--HOW CAN SOMEONE BE A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF THE USA IF BOTH HIS PARENTS WERE NOT US CITIZENS--I SEE ZERO EVIDENCE TO SAY THAT A DUAL CITIZEN CAN BE A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. LEGAL SCHOLARS, PROVE ME WRONG with real legal evidence. He must live up to the same standards as Senator John McCain and all the previously vetted presidents. Over 400,000 people have enough concern to sign a petition so the matter must not be fully decided--indeed it has been obstructed ad infinitum. Releasing this information is quick and simple. Stop using the legal system as a means of obstruction, and use if to convey truth as our founders intended.

To make a final point. I know someone that wrote a Birth certificate-and natural-born citizen questioning article--here it is:

coincidentally or not, you decide, about a week later his household was audited by the IRS. Now is having a NOT NATURALLY BORN 'president' that our electors and the Dem party never vetted placed via coup d'etat and having people allegedly audited for exercising free speech really "change you can believe in?" or is it just horrible abuse of power? You decide, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Use every political and legal means to resist and protest. This 'president' must not be above the law and must not obstruct it. He must prove, via Quo Warranto, or by releasing his long form birth certificate--some LEGAL way--not by his handlers posting a false illegally doctored up COLB. And shame on the media and our politicians and our "president" for blatantly breaching their oaths of office to protect and uphold the Constitution by placing a Constitutionally ineligible candidate, and for swearing in a constitutionally ineligible candidate. What cowardice and hypocrisy. Do you hard lefties really "hate bush" that much to commit a coup d'etat and obstruct justice and be hyper-evasive like this? I submit you and your ilk should not govern so much as a petting zoo, much less this great country--and it can be great again if our corrupt leaders are removed, and people will EDUCATE THEMSELVES about 'our leaders'. You corrupt leaders all are odious and you disgust me, and worst of all, you have done this country a great illegal disservice and I hope you reap to the fullest the direst consequences of what you sow you lawbreaking, evasive, media-collusive cowards.
xinunus 1 day ago Report Abuse

1) The image contains digital signatures of Photoshop

2) Missing second-fold line while first fold-line is shown

3) Missing the embossed Seal of Hawaii

4) Missing the State Registrar's signature

5) Original text was removed by pasting a layer of background over them

6) Different text was typed onto a text layer and merged with background layer

7) Pixel blocks of text data are different from the data headers

8) Heavy and unnecessary sharpening of the whole image, except for the border

9) Border was created as a separate layer and merged with other layers

10) Border pattern is more blurred than the background

11) Border pattern more transparent than those on genuine scans

12) Top and bottom black border bars have less pixilation than text

13) Border bars are more black in color than any of the text

14) Absence of green, background pixels inside the border bar text

15) White lines between border bars and pattern (both sides)

16) Image colors are very different from scan images of real COLBs

17) Lack of pixilation in black rectangle covering certificate number

18) Different blocking artifacts from JPG compression found across the image

19) Unusual and unnatural pixilation between the letters of text data

20) Only one side of alleged COLB shown (COLB is two-sided)

xinunus 1 day ago Report Abuse

In other words,"Which part of this caveat did the "birther" critics NOT understand?

xinunus 1 day ago Report Abuse
If the Obama narrative is real, and Obama really is who he says he is, then why are there no real documents to verify it, such as his:

Punahou School records
Selective Service Registration
Occidental College records
Passport (used to visit Pakistan)
Columbia College records
Columbia thesis
Harvard College records
Baptism certificate
Medical records
Illinois State Senate records
Law License application
Law practice client list
University of Chicago scholarly articles?

Does anyone see a pattern here?
mike8307 1 day ago Report Abuse
Here is a tidbit for thought... is run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center a branch of the Annenberg Foundation. The same foundation that also ran the Annenburg Challenge where Obama in Chicago funneled 1000's of dollars to an organization that was a front for Bill Ayers, instead of putting the money to use in Chigago schools as it was designed. Obama is now against such outside of school funding as shown with school vouchers. (I guess he has to worry about teachers unions now.)

Most of what Obama did was wiped from public view off all of the associated websites for the Challenge. Nice bit of transparency. Therefore anything that claims in regards to Obama has to be taken with a grain of salt. This includes the their revue of Obama's certificate of live birth.

If was being honest they would have recused themselves from putting forth anything about Obama since there is a connected past.

The Snopes article points to "those who have examined the document" with a link to Fruit from the poisoned tree.

Snopes also points to lawsuits dismissed by judges as frivolous. So it can be inferred that Snopes also supports slavery since Dred Scott was upheld by the Supreme Court. Bottom line.. courts and judges can be proven wrong.

The amount of records (birth, school, etc. etc.) withheld by Obama and his minions only begs the question of what he is hiding.
Lee Boyland 1 day ago Report Abuse
Mr. Obama is touted to be a Constitutional expert. As such, he cannot claim ignorance of the Constitution. Article II requires the President to be a “Natural Born Citizen.”

In order to be accepted as president of the United States and Commander In Chief, Mr. Obama must provided proof of his eligibility to be president. A “Certification of Live Birth” is not proof. A certified copy of Mr. Obama’s “Certificate of Live Birth” issued by Hawaii will provide proof of his birth place, and will put the issued to bed.

I am suspicious of Mr. Obama’s qualification because he and the Democratic Party have worked so hard to keep Mr. Obama’s long form birth certificate secret. It is past time for Mr. Obama to present proof of his birth place--PROVE HE IS ELIGIBLE TO BE OUR PRESIDENT.

Ronda Tutt 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama - you are a fraud! The longer you withhold your original birthcertificate and all your college records, senate records from the public and continue to hire lawyers to keep them from the public, it only proves I am right about you being a fraud!

You are a disgrace to this country and it is plain to see that you only want one thing and that is to destroy America.

Remember this Obama, you are only one person and us Americans are millions and we are coming for you to resolve this issue once and for all.

Bob Merriman 1 day ago Report Abuse
The birth certificate issue is important because Obama refuses to produce ANY documents about his past. He won't even give a reason for not doing so. Therefore, he must have something to hide. They even checked John McCains birth certificate and he is the son of a US Navy Admiral and was in the Navy when John was born. Obama is a con man everyone knows that, but we still cannot get an answer. If our Congres really served the citizens of this country they would refuse to act on any of Obama's requests until he produces his documents.
lisachyde 1 day ago Report Abuse
Why I'm concerned?

First, I am not a wacko and I don't think his document he released is fake. In fact when I tried to order my daughter's birth certificate from some third party site, they sent me the short form document. I was a dumb victim of a google search trying to get my daughters birth certificate after I had moved from the state. Now I'm a little wiser on the actual process to get the long form birth certificate.

With that said, I don't know why Pres. Obama is spending a million dollars to fight lawsuits when he can spend no more than $20 and the cost of postage to get a long form birth certificate from the Hawaiian Government. Either he is an idiot (which I doubt), he has some pride and arrogance issues, or worst case scenario he is not a US citizen. That is a hefty price to pay for pride, which is concerning to me as a citizen of the United States. Do we want a President that will waste our taxpayer dollars just because he's upset at some allegations against him? $20 or $1 million to settle an issue...seems like a no brainer. I thought he believed in transparency, in bringing the country together...please get rid of the pride and show the long form birth certificate.
theHumanStain 1 day ago Report Abuse
Here's a factual question.

Why would an individual spend over a million dollars to hire a plethora of attorney's to fight law suits asking to show a birth certificate? Why not just spend the few bucks it would cost to get the LONG VERSION, not the bogus, Certificate of Live Birth version on Obama's web site? A Certificate of Live Birth from Hawaii, from what I understand, can be had from a box of cracker jacks.

Sounds like there is something to hide.
sylvester.cathy 1 day ago Report Abuse
Show us the REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Not a phony one someone has cooked up for you to hoodwink the American public with. The DNC, and those who have not properly vetted you and let this Hawaii-issued "certificate of birth" slide as proof of your "naturalized citizenship proof" should be held accountable to the American public and prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law (no matter what the outcome is). No one is above the law, NO ONE.
If there is nothing to hide; why spend the $1 million + that you've spent fighting theh lawsuits the American Public have brought trying to find the truth? Why not just tell us? Because evidently, there is something to hide!
You are not above the law. You have ignored the rule of law since you took office but ALL of the American people are not fooled and we are not amused.
Ronda Tutt 1 day ago Report Abuse
This is a very important issue for sure Bob Merriman and it really amazes me that the courts in our country have denied all those law suites from a hearing to prove that Obama is not who he says he is. Obama has bought the U.S. court system and is well on his way to owning this country with the help and aid of his muslim buddies.
hankhighsmith 1 day ago Report Abuse
I just moved up to Minnesota, eh. In order to get my driver's license here I have to have a certified copy of my Birth Certificate. I had to send $20US to the city of my birth to acquire said document. This is just to get a driver's license. Not to prove that I am eligible to be elected to the highest man-made office in the world today.

How come Obama doesn't have to provide a certified copy of his original birth certificate to satisfy one of the qualifications for taking office? And how come he is fighting it in our courts?

Call me a right wing conspiracy nut or whatever you like. I just want to see proof. And the fact that he is hiding it with a team of lawyers makes me want to see it even more.
Bob Merriman 1 day ago Report Abuse
Why would anyone not want to see Oblama's birth certificate. It is required by the constitution so if he has one what is the problem?
The very fact that he is trying to get away with that photo shopped joke he has on his web site tells me there is something wrong. If I was trying to adopt a dog from the pound and they asked me for a birth certificate I would show it. Why? Better question, why not I have one so why would I care. Obama has something to hide! If it smells like do-do looks like do- do watch out!!! You are dealing with do-do. Mr. Obama is not a natural born US citizen and everyone knows it.
dumpu2003 1 day ago Report Abuse
This refusal to release your birth certificate is giving rise to unnecessary speculation and concern about your eligibility to sit as president. It is most important that you release the document so you can get on with the task the people of this country elected to you without this distraction.

Release the birth certificate. The American people have the right to know.
slcraigre 1 day ago Report Abuse
I want to know what definition of Natural Born Citizen the Prezo is basing his eligibility on, the British, Kenyan or American as contemplated by the Framers of the Constitution that relied on Emmrich De Vattel;

§ 212. Citizens and natives.
“The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”

Betty Hohensee 1 day ago Report Abuse
Put your money where your mouth is...cough up the Long Form Birthcertificate, citizenships held, school records & medical records.

Bravo to all who seek the truths.

Ronda Tutt 1 day ago Report Abuse
hankhighsmith, this just goes to show that there are too many corupt politicians in control over this issue and they are allowing our country to be destroyed by this fraud. If these corupt politicians were true Americans, they'd stand up and put a stop to this madness, but instead, they just turn their heads and let it just scape by because they have forgotten everything our forefathers have fought for - "FREEDOM". I think we should fire everyone in congress and start over.
masseym2003 1 day ago Report Abuse
If Obama has nothing to hide, why has he spent nearly a million dollars to do just that?

American citizens must show a valid BC to enroll our kids in school, to get a driver's lic., to obtain a social security card or a pass port to name a few.

Obama is NOT above the law and he can put an end to this issue by doing what he should have been required to do the second he announced his intent to run for President.

It is that simple. Provide the proof.
curtandrachel 1 day ago Report Abuse

Virgil Schellhardt 1 day ago Report Abuse
If Obama has nothing to hide why the run-around? Seems to me that an 'honest' man would have proven his eligibility before now. Come on, this has gone on too long. If you are indeed eligible then prove it.
carfasa 1 day ago Report Abuse
Since before the election, Americans have been calling for Obama to prove his eligibility to be president. What was posted on your website is NOT a birth certificate!! A birth certificate has the name of the hospital, doctor, mother's name and father's name, etc.

IF you want to be considered an ELIGIBLE president, you must STOP FIGHTING ALL THESE LAWSUITS and provide your long form, vault copy of your birth certificate! If you don't want to show it to the people, at least show it to the attorneys and plaintiffs involved in all the lawsuits!! Also, WHY IS YOUR COLLEGE RECORDS SEALED? This all leads Americans down the path to question WHY you won't show these records and choose to spend money to fight lawsuits instead!

Everybody has to show their birth certificates nowadays to do practically anything. I am sure your own daughters had to show theirs to play sports. WHY SHOULDN'T YOU DO THE SAME TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!

As far as I am concerned, you are not the president but a ISURPER in the White House.

ramjet767 1 day ago Report Abuse
Two good sites for information about Obama's constitutional eligibility issues:

Ed Allen 1 day ago Report Abuse
The person holding the office of president is to be no more special than any other American. That being said, why hasn't obama provided the required paperwork proving that he is indeed an American citizen. We all must show our birth certificates numerous times throughout life and he is dodging the issue because he thinks he is that special. Put up or shut up is the message. And why hasn't congress demanded to see the certificate? I believe because they know he isn't and they don't want to lose control of both houses in congress. They are as crooked as he is.

I do not believe that obama is the president and I will not recognize him as such until the proper certificates are shown and validated. We have a fraud sending this country into socialism and down the tubes. Get him OUT!
rgw789 1 day ago Report Abuse
Being subject to recall to active duty by order of the President makes establishing Mr. Obama's being in the office of the President an absolute imperative.

Legally I am required to obey such an order and carry out such orders as may be given. If the person giving those orders is not legally entitled to give the order and I obey it then I am legally responsible for what happens.

This applies to every member of the armed forces currently serving. Without clear proof that Mr. Obama can hold the office of the President legally they are then subject to criminal prosectution for following any order from the President.

Think I am joking? Then google the My Lai Massacre the defence argued they were following lawful orders. They were convicted because while the order was lawful the order was illegal.

If Mr. Obama is not legally holding the office of the President any one who obeys a "lawful" order is actually following an Illegal order.

In this case legal is defined as qualifying to hold the office in accordance with the Constitution of the United States.

Having sworn an oath to up hold and defend the Constitution I would have to refuse an order to active duty until it was clearly shown that the person issuing the order was legally entitled to give the order. Once it was established that the person held the office legally I would then obey it. Mr. Obama has not shown that he "Legally" holds the office of the President.
snappler73 1 day ago Report Abuse
This needs to be resolved and put to rest. Obviously snopes won't be enough and factcheck isn't always factual. Eligibily proof was required of McCain and if Obama is the fair and honest man he portrays himself to be, he should be the first to throw the doors wide open.

Obviously its not going to go away and it will become a major issue in the next presidential election.
captpops01 1 day ago Report Abuse
My son ws born in Hawaii at the same time as Obama. He has in his possesion today, the long form B/C, which I gave him when he turned 18. Since that time he has had to show the B/C on numerous occassions to get hired, a driver's license or a passport. My son has not suffered any harm in doing so. So, the only reason that Obama will not show his, is that there is something he has to hide.
lablvr87 1 day ago Report Abuse
EVERYBODY has to provide proof of citizenship, for ANY job, unless hiring illegals.
So, that either means that:
1. Obama KNOWS he is ABOVE THE LAW;
2. He knows he's an illegal alien.

There is NO OTHER conclusion

An employer asks me for "proof of citizenship" I'll refuse, then sue, having already contacted an attorney, for "discrimination", using the "usurper in chief" as a precedent. Should be fun.
acw107 1 day ago Report Abuse
What hospital was Obama born in????????
Simple question
nagy.john 1 day ago Report Abuse
Unless and until Obama can prove that he is eligible to serve as President of the United States, I consider him to be an impostor. As such, any and all legislation, signing statements, executive orders signed by him are null and void. Furthermore I refuse to obey any order from an impostor masquerading as the President of the United States or anyone he has delegated to issue orders on his behalf. This includes any and all federal, state, or local "authorities".
G West 1 day ago Report Abuse
I agree that Obama should reveal the long form of his birth certificate and his school records. McCain submitted his information willingly. It seems that if Obama has something to hide, then he's doing a good job of keeping American's unaware of truth's that should be known to the public. If we are going to call ourselves Americans then we all should obey the laws and the constitution. We should lead by example, thus the president should be first in line, to set an example for his country! If the president can't be truthful, who can?
jimf01 1 day ago Report Abuse
Real simple, shut all the critics up, reveal the document. Why is that a tough thing to do?
repo_randy 1 day ago Report Abuse
Why hasn't the FBI investigated this usurpation of our presidency by a foreign national? This guy should be deported, not in the oval office.

How could the FBI not have investigated this serious and planned desecration of our country and it's constitution? A @$%# outrage it is!

But this outrage will be avenged, because only Ron Paul republicans will win primaries, we have grassroots, and we know it is our message that will carry the day, not only in the primaries, but also into office, and the re-establishment of our limited, transparent, and responsive government.

Big tent idiots like Colin Powell are shills for the opponents of the US revolution, like Obama. People will vote for our message. It is the message of freedom, the message that ronald reagan carried to GREATNESS, both in deed and intention.

Join the Ron Paul revolution! It is the heart and soul of the living American Revoution, and a place to unite behind one GREAT FREEDOM banner, yes all disaffected PATRIOTS of all persuasions are encouraged to investigate Ron Paul and find out why he is the perfect Poster Boy for our cause, the cause our fore-fathers fought and died for during many campaigns, freedom from oppressive government.

Lets take back our republic!
Like Goldwater said, 'Extremism in the pursuit of virtue is no vice'

ramjet767 1 day ago Report Abuse is not an official authority for anything. is nothing more than a husband and wife team (both Democrats) who reprinted on their website the information about Obama's citizenship status provided to it by the Obama campaign.

You have and and all getting their information from the same source, the Obama campaign and staff. They all point to each other as a source of accuracy but it is nothing but a big circle of one citing the other as the source. on this subject is nothing but a shill for the Obama staff and campaign.

See this site for more details.


afnllc 1 day ago Report Abuse


Jack Atkinson 1 day ago Report Abuse
Very simple concept. The President should submit to the same laws that we do. The whole issue would end if he just let officials see the long form Birth Certificate. The longer he holds out, the more we know that he is a fraud and should be replaced.
Erik_Patriot82 1 day ago Report Abuse
Where’s the Birth Certificate??
spirit902 1 day ago Report Abuse
If Obama has nothing to hide then release the birth certificate, and his school records. if he does not then he needs to be impeached and removed from office. If you or I did not provide ours when ask, we would not get any conderation from any agency that ask for it. Why is he any different? Being black make no difference. If he is a citizen born in the United States then prove it. If he does not then our Congress and Senate has the power to correct the it.
bzer81 1 day ago Report Abuse
If it were not an important issue, Obama would not have spent nearly one million dollars in attorney's fees to obstruct the release of the document. His actions to thwart its release only raise more suspicion as to whether his eligibility is legitimate. The media vetted McCain's eligibility thoroughly, yet has not provided any significant coverage of Obama's. For the sake of being fair and transparent, which this administration has made the cornerstone of its self-proclaimed "change" brought to Washington, any requests from the public of this nature should be met with open arms.
cpongracic 1 day ago Report Abuse
The longer he drags this out the more suspicious it will become, adding yet more fuel to the fire. Does he have something to hide? If not, it would be prudent to put an end to this question by simply producing the legal document, the document that one must have in order to hold the highest office in this country, according to our Constitution. No photocopies, please.
andiwwjd 1 day ago Report Abuse
For all of who think you've "seen" Obama's birth certificate, I suggest you take a look at the "Certification of Birth" posted on his website and posted on and compare it with your own long birth certificate form. Where are the doctor's names? Where is the place of birth listed? There are many items missing because a "Certification of Birth" is NOT the same thing as a "Birth Certificate" What you are looking at is the state of Hawaii documenting that he WAS born not WHERE he was born. Any parent can walk into a hospital with a baby and get one of those. Obama is spending tax payers money, and lots of it, to keep his LONG Birth certificate sealed, as well as his college records, and his Indonesian passport. What does the "transparent" President have to hide? A hearing was held in Congress to determine in McCain was eligibal to run for President. No such hearing was held for Obama. Why is that?
guru 1 day ago Report Abuse
First of all, while I may sound “paranoid” in stating this, I want you all to be aware that this site IS monitored by the U.S. Government, and Obama’s minions. So, understand that if you are going to stand for opposing him, it will come at a price. However, I consider myself no less required to stand for freedom and truth than did my ancestors in 1776. So here I am, exercising my freedom of speech, which is guaranteed by the Constitution to exist unfettered.

First of all, Gibbs “laughing” at the reporter who inquired about the long-form birth certificate had body language of deception all over it. And the fact that the other media laughed as well just goes to show how blind and imbecilic they are. Do they really think that the American people don’t know the difference between what’s on the internet and what they SHOULD be seeing? And yes, I agree that Gibbs isn’t just laughing at the reporter. He’s laughing at all of us who stand for truth, transparency, and the integrity of our nation.

I think it’s incredibly sad when folks point to “snopes” to dispel or confirm any rumors. Snopes is no expert. They are just people writing their opinions. AND they are run by very liberal individuals. The same goes with Fact You are the same people that believe our money is safe, our country is safe, our government is honorable, and that our Constitution is pliable. Ugh! It’s amazing how someone merely stating to be an authority on something is so easily believed, hook, line, and sinker.

The same thing is happening with Obama. He’s running on the platform of “transparency” and yet the most important issue of his presidency is hidden deep in the depths of deception. Ironic, don’t you think? Personally, I believe the birth certificate issue of Obama to be the most important issue right now. Everything else hangs on his legitimacy as President. Due to all of the smoke and mirrors crap, and the small fortune spent to keep his information OUT of the public eye, I’m convinced that he’s not an honest man in any fashion, and that he has robbed the American people of a REAL president. That, to me, is terrorism at its worst. I would love to believe otherwise. But Obama has shown he has no intention of complying with this simple qualification, even though it’s for the most powerful position in the world!

The sad part of all of this, is that there are many who believe that questioning such an issue is un-American—that it is an effort to create discord. That attitude truly frightens me. Because if Americans aren’t willing to question the way things are, they will never be permitted to hold onto their freedoms, as a true state of freedom must be fought for everyday. We can never sit back and assume that it will always be there for us. How sad for those of you who loathe those of us who are at least willing to take a stand for freedom and truth.

Mary 1 day ago Report Abuse
We the People NEED to see the Birth Certificate, not the Certificate of Live Birth. The CLB does not prove he was born in Hawaii. His paternal grandmother said she was at his birth in Kenya. His half sister named 2 different hospitals where he was born in HI. We need to show our BCs and so should the person WE the People employ to be our President. He's making major changes to our economy and way of life and we need to know for sure he is eligible. Shame on those with the responsibility of properly vetting him before he was nominated. John McCain had to go through scrutiny, why did Obama gaet a pass? I want to see his long form BC now and his school records. It's time for the secrets to come out or lie to rest the rumors. He can't hide the truth forever.
Sylvan Malis 1 day ago Report Abuse
It must be assumed that Obama does not have a valid Birth Certificate. If he is willing to spend over $1,000,000 in legal fees to keep anyone from seeing the document then it must not exist. Any rational individual who is qualified for the position, be it a professional or any job that requires a certification of any kind is more than willing to produce the document. If your job requires a college degree, or a military discharge, a doctor or lawyer's license, CPA, you name it, if you have the license you produce it. If you don't you are terminated. It is time to terminate Obama because he has not produced his certificate that is required for the job. For this job a Birth Certificate, not a Certificate of Live Birth, is required. A person who was born outside the US can get a Certificate of Live Birth and that appears is what happened. Obama, prove this is wrong, if you can. Stop being a hypocrite and do what you say. Where's the Birth Certificate?
ramjet767 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama's father was NOT a U.S. citizen (never was at any time). He was not even an immigrant to the USA nor was he ever at any time a permanent resident. He was simply here on a student type visa for a few years and returned to Kenya.

No U.S. president in history has ever been allowed to serve in that office whose father was not a U.S. citizen or an immigrant to this country. Even Chester Arthur who got into the office of the Presidency by assassination of Garfield has a father who was an immigrant who became a U.S. citizen (but as later revealed by historical investigations Chester Arther had hidden his exact year of birth and about when his father became a citizen and other things about his birth). Chester Arthur was also one of the most corrupt Presidents in American history. Sound familiar. Chester Arthur hid the facts of his birth and committed fraud on the American people and the U.S. Constitution. Sound familiar. But what Obama is doing is even worse. Obama's father was never an immigrant to the USA nor was he ever a U.S. citizen. Again, all prior elected Presidents had fathers who were U.S. citizens and fathers who had sworn allegiance to the USA and renounced their foreign allegiances. Obama's father never did that. Thus Obama is not a natural born citizen of the USA because his father was not a U.S. Citizen. Obama is not Article II constitutionally eligible because he father was NEVER a U.S. citizen nor was his father even an immigrant to the USA nor even a permanent resident. This corruption of our Constitution by foreign influence and big foreign money poured into the last election cycle and an enabling media has to be undone.


ken 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama knows he is not eligible thats why he wont produce the Birth Certificate! That Certificate of Birth can't even be used to get a Driver's License - much less POTUS. Obama is a fraud and a TRAITOR!
flhughes 1 day ago Report Abuse
One of the many colleges that Obama attended on scholarship recently released his financial aid record which states that he was eligible for assistance as a non-US citizen.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
This goes beyond the birth certificate--it is a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS because there is NO WAY someone not born to two American Citizens can LEGALLY be a natural-born citizen.


Therefore, by simple second grade logic he is constitutionally ineligible for President. However, this is too complicated for our lawmakers and the judiciary to figure out and actually act upon according to their oathes of office, but over 400,000 regular citizens have figured it out in articles that tried to warn us like:

Yet the illegal obstructors continue to profess that the naked emperor is clothed and liberal rubes continue to parrot lies and obstruction and ridicule of others. Obama's own book/books also testify against him on this citizenship issue. MASSIVE "NO ENFORCEMENT" OBSTRUCTIVE COVERUP HERE.. WAKE UP! Why have laws if nobody enforces them or if they are selectively obstructed? It's insane.

Obama's (or whatever his name is) Dad was not a US citizen--not a natural born citizen, end of story--the birth certificate just PROVES this with actual binding legal evidence. We have an unconstitutional unqualified president seated by a congressional and media/institutional coup d' etat. So much for the rule of law, we're now a third world country being overtaken by Marxism/socialism and gobs foreign money and godlessness, pushing us to surrender our sovereignty and Constitutional rule. This "president" is an impostor and a usurper. Where's the change we can believe in and the promised transparency? Once again, Obama's words and actions don't match up...more rhetoric and wordsmithing and obstruction. WAKE UP AMERICA!
wjvictory 1 day ago Report Abuse
My question is for Obama as well as all who are supporting him as the president of our nation. This is the question: which one of you including Obama has the right to not prove citizenship of our nation when it is a required duty for all other citizens. Which one of us could get a passport without proving citizenship in the required form that is asked for? Not one of us could do that! Why then does Obama qualify not only for the most supreme office of the land but also to defy the rules that all the rest of us must live according to in order to hold certain jobs, travel certain places, and quailfy for certain privleges? And why do all of you that are supporting Obama with votes, loyalty, political advantages for yourselves, and hopes or dreams (totally unfounded of course) continue to assist him in his deceit and lawlessness? Have you asked yourself these questions and answered with honesty? If not -- please do so for the security and political health of a great nation -- ours! depends upon some honesty and sacrifice now for this issue to be solved as it is not going to go away any time soon. Some of us want our president (whoever he is - no matter what color his skin is -- no matter how chrarismatic and charming he is -- to be an honest man who anwers the needed questions of eligibilty up front and takes whatever consequences he has to take to care more about our nation, it's constitution, it's moral health and it's international respect among other nations more than he or she cares about his or her personal advancement and glory of position. Are you that man, Oabama? It doesn't appear that you are. Right now, because you are hiding your birth certifi-cate, we are the laughing stock of the whole world and a large portion of us do not appreciate that nor do we feel compelled to support you in this deceit. Only you can change this awful downward spiral that you have put our nation into by your manipulation of the rules that all other citizens are required to live and abide by every day of our lives!
forgiven09 1 day ago Report Abuse
Until I see Obama's real birth certificate proving that he is a natural born American citizen, I cannot, and will not, accept his legitimacy in the office of the President. There are questions that he has not, and will not answer until forced to do so, and that is: If you are a natural born American as you claim to be, then why are you fighting tooth and nail to keep hidden your authentic birth cerificate? Why are you keeping your school records hidden? What do you have to hide? Where is this transparency you are always talking about? You said in a recent speech that you would not hide anything because it is unconfortable. Why did you lie to the American people in that speech? What about your records makes you uncomfortable?
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
flhughes, you note:

"One of the many colleges that Obama attended on scholarship recently released his financial aid record which states that he was eligible for assistance as a non-US citizen."

provide this evidence publically...we want to read and examine it and then post it everywhere, especially to the corrupt MSM.
l66online 1 day ago Report Abuse
The Newly Selected is exhibiting all the symtoms of one trying to rid himself of a dilemma he has created for himself, "to be or not to be" an American citizen. To Be would make us all happy but that committs him to making good on the law and producing a real Birth Certificate, not the other which he claims will suffice. His legal lock by restraining order on both his school records and his Hawaii birth records only serves to give credence to his plight to avoid this legal demand.

Might it be this marketed prize of man's hope for the future is nothing more than a sham dressed up in wolf's clothing?...odds are...yes he is!
rxsid4 1 day ago Report Abuse
Can someone BORN with British citizenship (that is, FOREIGN citizenship) be a Natural BORN Citizen of the United States?

Of course not. Barry never was Article II Section 1 qualified.
hersanctuary 1 day ago Report Abuse
1. pls pls pls stop referring to a colb as a birth cert. if you dont know what one looks like ASK YOUR MOTHER.
2. obama travelled to pakistan when us citizens were not allowed to go there. what did his passport say that allowed the travel?
3. i know where my grandkids were born. what makes you think his grandmother didnt?
3. his sister offer two different hospital names where he was born. was he born twice?
4. his college roommate said he not only studied constitutional law but took lots of classes on socialism. anyone see where he is heading the usa?
5. i bet his college degree was paid for by usa on an exchange student basis, he being from kenya.
6. why spend so much money on hiding the truth if there is in fact nothing to hide? its 12 dollars for the real birth cert copy to put an end to this.
enuff said
moosedapoop 1 day ago Report Abuse
What is most astonishing about this entire page is the fact the people who keep saying this is "no big deal, “a non issue" or a resolved issue," are citing the same exact sources? Is there not one of you apostles of the MESSiah obama that knows how to research anything? Snopes? What a joke!, what a LIE! (Which is OBAMA'S) and liberal newspapers from the most liberal state in the union, Hawaii? If that's the best you can do, and all you want to cite, then you have no business even offering your opinion. Remember, we are looking for “transparency,” not this obvious and laughable murkiness Please respond to the VERY telling and VERY PERTINANT question! WHY IS YOUR MESSIAH SPENDING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO AVOID COUGHING UP SUCH A SIMPLE REQUEST? We keep hearing how it was a bad scan, the seal is on the reverse side, blah, blah, blah. . . okay, put the “crafted” document in the Whitehouse press secretary’s hands and let him walk up and down the isles in the press room allowing every person to do what they wish, to check it out? How simple! What silliness for a man of such “stature and honesty” to take care of this “non issue!”
In your insanity you are only showing us all that you could care less about our nation. If that be the case, please, go find yourself a rock in the Afghan hills with others who think like you. THE REST of us will wait to see this “honest” man be honest, just once! Remember, this is nothing like having some pedophile in chief being serviced in the oval office by a teenager and lying to a grand jury about it. This is a SERIOUS CONSTITUTOINAL evasive maneuver by someone who has all the background of friends in his history that could allow him to fulfill many of his friend’s wishes. SUCH AS DESTROYING AMERICA! You know, like the G*****N America pastor’s desires?
larrybates 1 day ago Report Abuse
The Constitution of the United States requires that any president be a natural born citizen of the United states. This would require that you, President Obama, provide proof of where and when you were born. Please don't insult our intelegence by showing a photocopy of a paper that wouldn't get past a passport application process. What is so hard about showing the nation your true legal, longform birth certificate, that includes the legaly required information about the name and location of the hospital and the name of the attending physician? And while you are being open and transparant about this, please show us your college and any college loan records, so that we can see if you really did claim to be a citizen of a different country for these purposes.
cmmills 1 day ago Report Abuse
for everyone wondering, the argument is not that he has not released any form of birth certification. in fact he has released a certification of live birth. however, he has yet to release a "BIRTH CERTIFICATE". which is more detailed and would prove his eligibility. i say, what harm can it do? even if he is just unwilling to succumb to radicals, it still looks like he's lying to some. only he knows the truth
tesstown 1 day ago Report Abuse
June 21, 1788: the United States Constitution was ratified and it spells out clearly the qualifications for the office of President in Article 2, Section 1, clause 5:
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States, wrote to George Washington on July 25th 1787:
“Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American Army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”

Regardless of what Robert Gibbs says or how hard he laughs, neither the State of Hawaii or anyone else has released Barack Obama's long form birth certificate. He must verify that he is constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president.


guru 1 day ago Report Abuse
Whittingonz, you just proved the previous point. No facts. Just insults slung.
Here's who should indeed MOVE:
Those who have no value on freedom, liberty, or truth. (I hear that Venezuela has openings for apathists.)
Those who refuse to speak English.
Those who refuse to protect and preserve the U.S. Constitution
Those who don't like being a part of this Christian nation.
Those who are offended at the display of an American flag.
And finally those who refuse to work for what they have and expect government handouts.
slcraigre 1 day ago Report Abuse
Typical useful idiot.....

Member since : May-31-2009 (Verified)
0 Ideas, 1 Comments, 9 Votes

9 votes, he must be one of the '0s' Chicago bro's
curtandrachel 1 day ago Report Abuse

Last time I looked I lived in the USA where we have a constitution. That constitution not only allows us freedom of speech but it also requires the president to prove that he was born on US soil. If you don't like the constitution and if you want to live in the type of socialist society that Obama is taking us into, then I suggest YOU MOVE, because we won't let it happen here. I'm not going down into this man's social hell without a whimper. If you want to that's your business.

Glad to be nut. I'm right there with Ya all you World Daily Nut Morons! At least I'll be a free nut living in a capitalist society.
larrybates 1 day ago Report Abuse
I must also add that I don't appreciate this web site making my email address available to those who think that clogging my inbox with liberal, leftist claptrap and flaming emails is a mature way to discuss politics.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
Hey whittingtonz, if you support a 'president' that is not constitutionally qualified (and implicitly his co-conspirators in this coup d'etat) and is not natural-born, then YOU MOVE, or maybe you and your cronies should be, as your probably illegal and certainly obstructive actions suggest, moved to a suitable jail cell for contributing to the biggest coverup/conspiracy of this century.

Besides, telling someone to move when they raise a legitimate legal question about an elected official's Constitutional eligibility makes you looks like, well, a hard lefty liberal sycophantic Obama-stooge. It is not a radical action to ask for proof of constitutional eligibility--your action is radical. I think the Daily Kos would be more your style for blogging... have a nice day and pull your head out of the sand.
Walt 1 day ago Report Abuse
Yes, release the original birth certificate. Why spend millions trying to get out of releasing it if you have nothing to hide? Also release ALL college transcripts. You have to show your records to get a job as an accountant. However you do not have to for the highest office in the land. Thats insane.
Another issue is the "Natural Born Citizen" clause. Our forfathers used the definition from Vattels Law Of The Nations. Not only did you have to be born here, but BOTH your parents also have to be citizens at the time of your birth.
anner_11 1 day ago Report Abuse
The only reason Obama would have not to release his birth certificate is he his hiding something. We as citizens of this free republic have the right to ask and verifiy his citizenship per the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Do I believe this president has the honesty and integrity needed to fulfill the highest office in the land? Unfortunately no as he has already shown us his socialist agenda. Wake up fellow citizens...our country's freedoms are eroding quickly.
mike8307 1 day ago Report Abuse
Whittingtonz... did you tell all the "nuts" from BSNBC, Code Pink, CNN, NBC, Hollywood, the NYTs, the Washington Post, to move out of the USA when the continually trashed GWB.

We are asking for something we have the right to ask for. We are presenting logical arguments, (something liberals find problems with), you have a problem with those asking for REAL proof that the supposed POTUS is legally able to take that post according to the Constitution of the United States. I know how that "silly" document gets in the way of all those Progressive Agendas.

We're exercising free speech, which is another problem for liberals, unless of course your speech falls in line with their beliefs. Maybe you would recognize it if we went around spilling pink paint on everything, and chaining ourselves to things.

ipa14246 1 day ago Report Abuse
It is a foregone conclusion that Obama is not a natural born citizen. No one would work so hard to hide the truth. Obama has nothing but contempt for the suckers who voted for him. He knows he suckered them because of their stupidity and because his supporters are so stupid he knows he can cheat the constituional requirements to be a natural born citizen and get away with it.

Obama and his wife are like two teenagers who have stollen a high performance car and are joy riding. They just do not care about the people. Show the birth certificate and prove us wrong!!!!
justfloorfun 1 day ago Report Abuse
BO need do nothing but hide. It's up to the citizens of this country who care to weed this illegitimate bastard out.

BHO if you're not an illegitimate bastard, than prove it or move it.
towerfin 1 day ago Report Abuse
No man would spend almost 1 million dollars to keep something hidden if there was nothing to it. Obama is not a natural US born citizen which makes him a total fraud. It makes his whole ticket a fraud therefore, another election would have to take place. This is not going away. It will grow and grow and gro.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
No, not another election, towerfin..

The candidate with the second highest number of electoral votes would win and all those that enabled and administrated this sham of Constitutional justice would be criminally liable, and nothing Obama did legally as president wou,ld be legally enforceable--and by the way, say goodbye to the Democratic party with the coup d' etat of Obamagate.

Sounds good to me. They should all reap what they have sown to the fullest. Liberals are not suitable to govern so much as a petting zoo in this Constitutional republic of ours we must restore.
pdrinka 1 day ago Report Abuse
I find it curious that the president would spend over #1 million to defend cases against him rather than shell out $10 for a long form birth certificate. Also, why is he hiding his college records that would show under what citizenship he entered Occidental, Harvard, and any other school he attended, as well as hide the passport he used to enter Pakistan.

Just what is this usurper hiding, and to what purpose? His "most ethical and transparent administration ever" is surely lacking in both ethics and transparency.

Under this usurper we have taken over the banking, insurance, and auto industries, and if that is not enough, want to control our healthcare and anyone using or buying a product that uses energy (in other words: EVERYTHING)!

All those that want the government to conrtrol your every action, and profit off it, please raise your hands!

tokglas 1 day ago Report Abuse
Transparency in government. Isn't that what we read in the news, that our president wants? Well then, as the elected President of the United States of America, Mr. Obama IS and SHOUD BE a participant in that transparency. So, it logically follows that transparency includes his being eligible as a natural born citizen to occupy the presidency. After all, that is the law. That is not open to question! What really is open to question is Mr. Obama's apparent disregard for the rule of law. It is a sign of disrespect on his part to go on asking and expecting the American people to accept that things are so just because he says so.
onetruthfrees 1 day ago Report Abuse
Mr. Obama at Notre Dame spoke of reducing the no. of aboortions needed, while rescinding the Mexico City policy, thus causing U.S. taxpayers to fund FOREIGN abortions. He also has supported defunding of abstinence education. This is one of hundreds of examples of how he is duplicitous, saying one thing and doing the opposite. His following has made distorting TRUTH an art - the art of deception. No, he cannot be trusted to hide his long-form birth certificate, and Robert Gibbs assures us it may take 4 years (after the fraud anti-American damage is well underway) before we can expect any proof. This cannot be allowed to stand if there is to be liberty and justice for all in America anymore.
scooteraz 1 day ago Report Abuse


scooteraz 1 day ago Report Abuse


jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
The Democratic party, aka Marxism/Liberalism and an endless "victim mentality" in action, now has become the politics of envy and covetousness and race/class warfare and trying to suck everything you can out of the public treasury trough and an endless welfare state and no illegal immigration enforcement. Why would a 'president' support allowing people that pay no federal income tax to get money back from the federal government. Sounds like a welfare check to me, or at least confiscatory redistribution of wealth. Like your attempt to hide the truth of your citizenship and Constitutional eligibility, communism has failed and will fail.

Liberals never learn--your "progressive agenda" is destructive to society and the economy and you exist as parasites of true Constitutional liberty and rights from our Creator God.

As a wise one said: A government big enough to provide for your every need is big enough to take everything you have... look how they're seizing up America's assets left and right and wasting wasting wasting taxpayer money--OUR MONEY--and printing money like mad. This kind of "quantitative easing" action destroys our economy and our country. 50 cents on every dollar of the fed budget is complete funy money deficit--is this the change you voted for? The change you can believe in?

But I expect no less from our usurper in chief and his corrupt political cronies.

We should all be TEA'd. Leave it to the mainstream media to mock and largely not cover the biggest protest in American history to protect the usurper in chief

We'll see who gets the last laugh there when you all have to go get honest jobs.
hdefb123 1 day ago Report Abuse
Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. Come on, Obama, you are NOT above the law. Show us the REAL birth certificate. I don't think you could get a security clearance if you applied for a government job without it. What's the deal? Did George Soros buy someone off so you could get elected?
scooteraz 1 day ago Report Abuse



geriguzman 1 day ago Report Abuse

I am confused and troubled over your denial and monies spent to keep hidden the documents proving you are a natural born citizen. I did not vote for you but since you were elected to the post of POTUS at least prove you are ready to carry out the office with dignity, truth and transparency as promised.

I respectfully request for you to please submit the required eligibility documents to prove you deserve my support and the citizens of America, to hold the office of president.
gabriel.zapodeanu 1 day ago Report Abuse
Any time when any of us apply for job we agree for the background check that gives the employee the full visibility in our history, citizenship, credit, job and education, etc.
We hired the President for a job and I think we deserve to see his background and qualifications for the job.

bluroom113 1 day ago Report Abuse
Come on Barack, let's have some transparency! Call the State of Hawaii immediately and let's end the charade of you being President. Many of us already are aware that you are a usurper.
gabriel.zapodeanu 1 day ago Report Abuse
Any time when any of us apply for job we agree for the background check that gives the employee the full visibility in our history, citizenship, credit, job and education, etc.
We hired the President for a job and I think we deserve to see his background and qualifications for the job.

scooteraz 1 day ago Report Abuse



aircanart 1 day ago Report Abuse
One thing we know for sure; “Barry”, like most career politicians will stop at nothing to increase his political capital. Which simply means that if he had nothing to hide, the birth certificate would not be in a vault; it would be on display in the national mall.

project.manager 1 day ago Report Abuse
If this were settled, as some people say, then ask yourself why Obama is fighting in court to keep these records hidden?

I believe the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) shown on the internet to be real, but you can get one of those by having a relative that lives in Hawaii to vouch for you. It is not a Birth Certificate that shows the hospital and doctor's name.

Why is this important? It strikes at the very heart of our Constitution, the eligibility of the person allowed to run the Administration. If you are willing to give up Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution, then I am sure you would be willing to give up other parts of the Constitution, such as the 1stt Amendment.
t7893ks 1 day ago Report Abuse
It's not very surprising - with politically active people like Bobcat41702 and Marthac unanaware that a birth certificate and a certificate of live birth are very different things - that the White House feels it's better to spend hundreds of thousands to avoid showing the real birth certificate.
As for Snope's assessment of the situation,I find it falls short.

Evidence is that the COLB was digitally altered, but Obama supporters like Barb Mikkelson like change.

FactCheck’s photos reveal both the absence of known, relevant features found on genuine COLBs along with the presence of illogical and impossible features that would never be found on a real 2007 COLB. Specifically, on the COLB objects photographed, the security border closely matches the border found on a real 2007 COLB. However, both the embossed Seal and the State Registrar’s Signature stamp do not match the same elements found on a real 2007 COLB, but perfectly match those found on a real 2008 COLB; or, in other words, something that would never happen in real life.

Hawaii made three important changes to their COLBs from 2007 to 2008, including the use of a larger certificate layout, a new security border, and, much to the chagrin of Factcheck and the Obama Campaign, a new Seal and Signature stamp that can now be stamped on a COLB by a machine.

Aside from issues of Kenya which appear to be being covered up, if transparency is truly desired, why is most pro-abortion legislation being passed late on Friday?
jtdarr 1 day ago Report Abuse
Mr. Barry whoever he really is, the ACORN gangster organization candidate, can begin to partially clear his name by recognizing that he needs to prove to the citizenry that he will begin to put his arrogance behind and humble himself to be subject to the very same laws we must obey. Like provide a birth certificate when we get a passport or a driver's license, or run for President of the United States.
netview3 1 day ago Report Abuse
Congressional hearings were conducted to determine whether John McCain was eliglble to run for President as a natural born citizen but Congress ignored the same procedure for Barack Obama why?

From what I have been able to determine now that the election has been finalized (with reports of ACORN election fraud) the procedure would be to file a quo warranto in Washington, DC. This would have to be filed by either Attorney General Eric Holder or the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Jeffrey Taylor. Mr. Taylor has been served with a treason complaint from a former military officer.

Instead of spending in excess of a million dollar for legal fees out of campaign contributions, Mr. Barack Obama needs to be totally transparent about eligibility to assume the office of the President based upon the Constitutional requirement of being a natural-born citizen, which is defined as being the child of parents who are citizens of the U.S. at the time of his birth.

All pertinent documentation should be produced including a long form birth certificate.
j_poshepny 1 day ago Report Abuse
This is about the future of OUR AMERICA, MY KIDS AMERICA (When I have them just a lowly old college student) and MY GRAND KIDS AMERICA! Not some Marxist and Traitor's Country.
usmdesigns 1 day ago Report Abuse
It seems the OBAMA doesn't have to play by the same rules as everyone else. The majority are finally speaking... good!

Who cares if he is a US citizen or not, why does he choose to hide it since he is so transparent.

You should see the fierce argument over this issue on!!!
taltmire 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama is hiding something. Why else would he spend $1,000,000 in attorney fees to protect his birth certificate, his college records, his passport information, etc. He says in his speachs one thing, then does the exact opposite in practice. He has nationalized the banks, destroyed the car business, killed employment, stopped business growth. And as he says, you ain't seen nothing yet. He is bankrupting America! To get a detailed report of this guys creditials, associations and skeletons in the closet read "The Omama Timeline" at

haileysdad423 1 day ago Report Abuse
its very simple, show us the long version birth certificate, its not difficult. doesnt anyone wonder why he just wont submit it? the fact that he is not showing it is scary, what else are you hiding mr. obama?
anyone can post anything online and claim it as real, a monkey can use photoshop.
just show it and all this will go away.
glass4him 1 day ago Report Abuse
If he's innocent, it should be no trouble for him to produce the long form. The more he delays, the more guiltier he becomes. Trying to make out that the people are idiots who ask, is not going to dissuade this American from demanding the truth. I wish the public would wake up more, and realize they have been duped, that just because he's black doesn't make him a brother. That man has an agenda, and it's NOT to help the poor!! There are plenty of more qualified, more intelligent, more politically astute black men and women, who are more worthy of the office of president than he is.
richere 1 day ago Report Abuse
I'll show you mine, if you show me yours.
Ed Martin 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama promised transparency and now has his lawyers on April 3rd threaten a lawyer seeking his birth certificate for verification purposes. Obama has spent a million bucks to hide a $25 birth certificate (WHY???????)along with his college records that likely would contain information of verification on his citizen status.

Obama's Kenyan grandmother says he was born in Kenya then his mom took him to Hawaii where their laws allowed for foreign a born baby to have a certificate created for Hawaii. This is shown on block 7c of their long form according to online posts.

When Gibbs was asked in the press conference yesterday "where is this certificate" he laughed saying "it is on the internet". Then the White House press core reporter asked Gibbs quickly "does it show the hospital and doctor of delivery in Hawaii"? At that point Gibbs quickly ended the conference with no answer and exited left.
curtandrachel 1 day ago Report Abuse

We didn't "kill" Mr. Tiller. Truthfully I was a little sad to hear of his death. I did not agree with what Mr. Tiller did nor do I agree with the man who murdered him.

Is this website set up only for liberals to come and post their ideas or is it a place for all? We have a legitimate request and Mr. Obama needs to comply. If he has nothing to hide he will. If not, we'll know when he refuses to show the requested documents. This is no different than showing tax documents or taking a lie detector test. You only refuse when there's something you don't want people to see.

Mr. Obama needs to "pony up."
milakette 1 day ago Report Abuse
Anyone's birth certificate IS accessible. Why in God's name should the President's--of all people!--NOT be available? He should have immediately produced the document to put an end to this talk. Since he didn't, I think something is not right...
milakette 1 day ago Report Abuse
Anyone's birth certificate IS accessible. Why in God's name should the President's--of all people!--NOT be available? He should have immediately produced the document to put an end to this talk. Since he didn't, I think something is not right...
markd 1 day ago Report Abuse
The flimflam man doesn't have one.
slcraigre 1 day ago Report Abuse
If he is proven to be ineligible due to his citizenship status then he CAN NOT have been 'legitamatly' elected.

If you are saying otherwise then you are saying that the requirements of the Constitution have NO EFFECT.

Is that what you are saying?
seeuu55 1 day ago Report Abuse
There is need for the citizenry to have faith and trust in their leader. Our leaders, in order to be perceived as trustworthy should not fear transparent, least of all transparency concerning an official birth certificate.

It is necessary for me to produce my official birth certificate to the DOJ in order to obtain a passport -- simply because I want to sail off on a cruise ship and go sight seeing for a couple of days. I am not go on a cruise with the purpose of affecting the education system, international affairs, to nominate individuals to the SCOTUS, or attempt to fix the US economy!

Mr. Obama, only last week, unabashedly stated last that we proceed with his plan on shutting down Gismo on the basis of the rule of law.

Dear Mr. Obama, on the basis of the rule of law, please will you produce the legally required documentation that verifies your qualification to sit in the Oval Office. It's the same one that I needed to get my passport so I could take a cruise. Thank you for your promptness in producing the requested document and not another.

As long as we are on the subject of transparency, I read an online article that made some interesting allegations against you. It appeared in the article that your staff did not want to provide a direct answer, and gave one of those politico-speak specifically vague non-answers. Now, I don't believe everything I read, preferring to go to the original source to verify information. Since you are the original source, please will you be transparent on the following matter? Many have read the following online article:

"A 2007 Associated Press photograph, suppressed until now, shows the school register of the child who is today known as Barack Hussein Obama but was officially listed then as Barry Soetoro, whose citizenship was listed as 'Indonesian' and whose religion was listed as 'Islam.’ The visual evidence starkly contradicts the Obama campaign's claim that he was not a Muslim and confirms that he is a national of at least one other country.
“In addition, it raises the highly problematic issue of what is Obama's official name. If it turns out to Barry Soetoro, and no official change of name was ever made, Obama may face an array of charges of deception and misprision that may throw into doubt, at the very least, his fitness to run. " ( ).

#1: Under what name were you actually registered when attending school in Indonesia? Since you deal in transparency, a copy of your registration at this school will immediately quell the allegations that your name was at one time Barry Soetoro.

#2: On the off chance that the image in this article is official, please will you produce your birth certificate under that name? This will result in the silencing of critics who believe that you may not meet the qualifications to serve in your current position.

I so look forward to your leading by example rather than rhetoric. This will instill trust in your leadership. Thanks much!

occhiedorecchia 1 day ago Report Abuse
I don't understand why Obama doesn't show his long form birth certificate, if there is nothing he wants to hide. It is about time he puts a stop to this nonsense. And why he is spending so much money fighting this? Very suspicious, if you ask me.
toomuchmayle 1 day ago Report Abuse
Here's the way I see it - either he's the man who has (so far) gotten away with the greatest hoax in American history, or he is the man who calls his own grandmother a liar; which ever way it is, BOOOO!
puma.sf1 1 day ago Report Abuse
Puma-SF I want to see his birth certificate - the real one. Why not just get it out of the way and end all of the speculation? It is not trivial to ask or expect that he comply. Do it now!
mr.qualls 1 day ago Report Abuse
As the Father of a Fallen Hero & a 28 year retired veteran, I have every right & more so than most Americans to Demand Obamas records from Birth Certificates, Colleges entrance & transcripts, All PassPorts used for International Travels, & proof of registration for the DRAFT. All Americans have to register for the Draft & to serve as an Elected Official proof must be established.

All Senate & Congress should refuse to obey any orders from OBAMA until these few very simple things can be produced. Even an American Service member has to produce these just to join the Service.

Now, who & whom have helped him cover up all these illegal acts up ?

Father of a Fallen Hero,
Ret:28 Yr Vet,
Temple, Texas
Gary W. Qualls
kaniggit 1 day ago Report Abuse
He can't show what doesn't exist! He is a Kenyan usurper and with his minions of baby-killers will ruin our nation!
stevenet 1 day ago Report Abuse
Here's an explanation of the Obama eligibility issue. It avoids speculations and conspiracy theories, and focuses mostly on just the facts:

There is more than enough reasonable doubt to justify an inquiry into Obama's eligibility. I would think that Obama supporters would welcome such an inquiry to clear the air, refute the skeptics, and put to bed, once and for all, any issues that might cloud or tarnish the President's legacy.
lifeasahole 1 day ago Report Abuse
OBAMA IS NOT LISTENING, FOLKS!!! A couple of months ago, I read an article that BO has gov't agents working on a forged Certificate of Live Birth (long form). It has taken months to 'age' the paper; and they have found the necessary printing press and other items needed to complete the task . . . probably just in time to quell the suspicions of the masses; or not. BO is ineligible to be POTUS on so many levels it is ridiculous . . . just like the shell game he is playing w/our economy, foreign affairs and eliminating the constitution at every turn. He intends to destroy America. Let's get busy and fight him by demanding transparency!!!
osmodia 1 day ago Report Abuse
It's too late!
Obama HAS something to hide that is now certain. But, I think it's now too late to find the truth.
By now all the records have been "adjusted" to back up the lies.Soon, they will release all that is being asked for and yes, it will be just perfect!
slcraigre 1 day ago Report Abuse

Excellent resource, thanks so much.......I have a Civil Rights case in the 10th Circ. w/ a Petition for Writ of Certiorari at SCOTUS.

The question?

Does the term Natural Born Citizen found at II I V deserve to be defined after 222 years?
gburoo 1 day ago Report Abuse
After the campaigning on all the “wonderful” socialist programs then obfuscating on all the plans to implement them, I’m sick of NO transparency. I recall we were promised the opposite. Only a traitor can be elected as U.S. President and simultaneously refuse to abide by his oath of office.
A ditch digger can run for president, all that’s required is (s)he be a natural born citizen and fulfill the age requirement. Beyond that, I don’t think there are any other requirements. So why can’t we seem to get compliance to see what a court of law would consider the best available evidence? We’re only asking to see one document, what are you hiding?
Show us the vault copy of your birth certificate Mr. Obama.
We’re not asking for much. As citizens of the U.S. we DO have standing and the judicial system needs to be held in contempt for refusing to honor the request of the people. We are the government’s masters, not the other way around. Sooner or later the vault copy of Obama’s birth certificate will be made public because we will not relent. When it does come out, should it prove Obama not eligible, Obama and many of you who falsely vetted this alleged president may be having an unplanned address change. Complicity to treason will is a serious charge, or would that be conspiracy? Well hopefully the accommodations will be to your liking.

Dennis Jackson 1 day ago Report Abuse is not a legitimate, nor constitutional source for the eligibility of a presidential candidate.

April 2008 a Senate committee convened, which Obama served on, to determine if John McCain was eligible for the office. Why was Obama ignored?

I have seen that phony short form BC and I don't buy it. First of all, "AFRICAN" is not a race?

What is he hiding? He should just present the real birth certificate.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
Even if he shows a forged birth certificate--which he undoubtedly will in time (he and his cronies are in WAAAY too deep)it is common knowledge (records, and his book and many articles) that his father was not a US citizen at his birth--so...

Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen.. period.

No debate, simle fact--He is ineligible for the presidency, no matter what his hidden and soon to be produced bogus long form birth cert says.

Whomever reveals any actual evidence that there is an attempt to make a forged birth certificate will be the new Woodward and Bernsteins of the 21st century.... Media stooges--go find the details of this forged birth certificate out and actually do your jobs.
dgoosen 1 day ago Report Abuse
We need to keep the pressure on! How did BO even get one foot in the White House door without a birth certificate? BO has some explaining to do. Where are all his records from college? Tell me all the schools he attended don't have records of his citizenship status. This man has dismantled the country in 130 days. What will this country look like in four years? We can't afford these idiots in Washington anymore! Walking all over the Constitution, our right and freedoms have become the norm. What happen to WE THE PEOPLE?

bg1948 1 day ago Report Abuse
If you oppose Obama having to put up his birth certificate what do you have to worry about ask him do the honorable thing and produce the records. He and or his spokes people have claimed that this has been done, but originals have never been produced just photo shopped documents, surely they have nothing to hide.

But question why politicians spend millions to avoid producing records or answering questions, all they do is just poseur. Most if not all do it, but the question now is Obama. We need an answer now. In case you haven't noticed Bush and Cheney are not in office.

Right wing or Left wing who cares citizens have the right to question and the right to answers.

It's my America and your America that's being challenged we have a right to stand and be counted let your voices be heard and addressed.

Father of Three...
mark94513 1 day ago Report Abuse
Mr. Obama,with all due respect to the office of the President of the United States, make public your long form certificate of birth or resign the office of the President of the United States!!
And if its a "non issue" why spend over 1 million dollars in court costs to avoid its release? Thank you from a TRUE citizen of these United States of America.
John Tucker 1 day ago Report Abuse
I am with all of you on this Birth Certificate issue. I do believe however that if the truth came out, the left would still accept and support him. They have longed for a Democrat president for eight years now, so I doubt any impeachment will take place soon.
miner5701 1 day ago Report Abuse
First off, Snopes is a joke. That is a short form COLB they looked at and that has been proven to be computer generated and may in fact have been forged over B. Obama's half sister's COLB.
What we wish to see is the form filled out upon his birth in Hawaii. That COLB will be written on by a type writer that will have left type impressions in the paper as well as the doctors hand writing. It will also have the name of the hospital, name of doctor, time of birth, date of birth, weight at birth, race, sex, name of mother and father and deformities if any.

So what does Barack Obama need to do to prove he meets the qualifications to be President?.

A) He needs to sign a release for Hawaii to show the long form Certificate of Live Birth (COLB), not a copy. Any Technician in the SS or FBI can make up a "copy" of the long form as was done to the short form.

B) Allow ALL qualified specialists to examine AND test the original long form COLB. This will include at least 4 tests on samples of the ink and paper.

C) Sign a release stipulating that all doctors, nurses and hospital employees who were present at his birth are released from medical confidentiality and are free to speak to the press and others about his birth.

D) Allow open press access to his extended family in Kenya, Africa as his grandmother states that she and other family members were present at his birth in Mombasa, Kenya. Currently the police in Kenya refuse to allow any press to interview his family.

In addition it would be nice to see the following records.
All college records including all dissertations and papers.

Show he has never been a citizen of Indonesia. Indonesian school records and a divorce decree by his step father show he was a citizen there.

Show when he was repatriated to the U.S. His mother after the aforementioned divorce had to renounce her indo. citizenship and take the oath to become a U.S. citizen again. Barack Obama or Barry Sotero would be listed on the re-patriation paperwork.

Show records of what passport and name he used to travel to Pakistan in 1981 as well as the Pakistan Embassy letter and official business reasons. Pakistan was on the banned travel list for US Citizens at the time and all non-Muslim visitors, especially those from the U.S., were not welcome unless sponsored by their embassy for official business. However, if he used an Indonesian Passport (He would have had to be a Indonesian citizen and Islamic to get one)he could travel there without restriction.

This seems like a lot of work but it is really nothing more than a bit of paper shuffling by the Obama's attorneys.
The examination of the COLB document could be handled in a one day session at the national archives with the doc. being handled by experienced specialists and placed on a light table that would show the type impressions and pen ink. If it shows B. Obama was born in Hawaii,the paper and ink tests would by handled by those same specialists with four lab reps. (Two chosen by supporters and two by critics) receiving the specimens in front of all and immediately transported for testing. The media would jump at the chance to interview medical personel and Mombasa, Kenya would get an influx of U.S. currency.

mwlral8778 1 day ago Report Abuse
Mr Obama,

You have a LEGAL DUTY to PROVE your citzenship. Serve up the LONG FORM birth certificate or resign from office.
timothyjames967 1 day ago Report Abuse
where is the long-form birth certificate which demonstrates Barack Hussein Obama's legal eligibility to hold the office of president of the United States per the constitution? is backing out of your promise of transparency what you meant by change?
jackcv 1 day ago Report Abuse
The campaign promise was transparency.
But we can't even see a birth certificate?
He spends $1 million dollars to keep us in the dark about his BIRTH CERTIFICATE???
I read somewhere about predatory liars who call black white, and white black. The prognosis is not good, either for them or for those who are unfortunate enough to be governed by them.
Joe E. Sheldon 1 day ago Report Abuse
It's more than just the BC ... he needs to proove his eligiblity under our laws (which he seems to wish to destroy - along with our lives).

Grant Richter 1 day ago Report Abuse
It is very important that President (in question) Obama produce the Hawaiian Birth Certificate. Also since Obama spend time in Indonesia, the appearance would be that he would have had to renounce his American Citizenship.

What is sad to think is that if Obama is not a Naturalize U S Citizen, then all of the laws he has signed and appointments made are Null and Void.

Time to show the real birth certificate to the Public and prove that you did not renounce your US Citizenship.

Your deceit continues to fuel the fire that you are not legally able to hold the office.

bomberang 1 day ago Report Abuse
I am very suspicious of Obama's background and history. If he spend a million dollars to prevent the public to question the REAL (ie long form) BC, then something is very wrong. Anyone can have the short form, but the long form is the genuine truth. If he refuses, then there will be a growing public uproar which the OOO (Oval Office Occupier) will be forced to reveal the truth. Their are too many skeletons in his closet. Did we elect a true American or an immigrant? What's wrong with the spineless Congress?
co2link 1 day ago Report Abuse
Looks like there are still plenty of Obama's hacks who are willing to swallow the lie and shout racist to anyone who asks only for verifiable truth. The same type of people believed Hitler's lies in the 1930's.
Curt Christiansen 1 day ago Report Abuse
A socialist administration who ignores the American Constitution Dosn't cares if they respond responsiblily. Instead of asking for a birthcirtificate at this stage an Impeachment should be in the works.
papawdalton 1 day ago Report Abuse
If there's nothing to hide, make all your records open and available, not just your birth certificate (long form) but your college records and work records as a professor. You're quick to reveal our countries secrets, how about yours'?
This isn't going away Bud, count on it.
gstrother 1 day ago Report Abuse
Steadfastly refusing to offer proof he is a “natural born citizen,” as required of all presidents by the U.S. Constitution only makes his 'right' to be our Commander and Chief more questionable. That only says that he has something to hide. I believe he has underestimated the AMERICAN PEOPLE AND DONE GREAT HARM TO OUR COUNTRY. I blame the mainstream media and our justice system for covering it up!!!!!
meyerlm 1 day ago Report Abuse
nlandas 1 day ago Report Abuse
This is a very important issue. What is the problem with releasing the long form Birth Certificate to a trusted third party under NDA to confirm that Mr. Obama is a Natural Born citizen.

If a Mr. Obama concerned about his privacy, I am certain there are third parties that citizens would all trust. That would not be MSNBC, NPR, The Democrat National Committee, etc.

A truely independent third party who would conirm the full long form Birth Certificate.

Not a certificate of live birth - which does not prove Natural Born status.
tomatojake 1 day ago Report Abuse
I don't believe Obama is eligible to be President. Even if he could qualify, he is a perjurer, because he intentionally and continually violates his oath of office to follow the Constitution and protect America.

He is criminally responsible for his reckless spending, for his illegal takeover of businesses and banks, for his carbon tax based on the disproven theory of man-made climate change, and for many, many other things. He needs to be impeached and tried for his crimes. The threat he presents to this nation is of the highest order.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
Once again, whether he shows his REAL birth cert or not...

he is simply not legally Constitutionally NATURAL BORN--hence he is not eligible.

He should not even be impeached because he never occupied the office legally, and he and his handlers KNOW THAT.

Criminal action is more appropriate. And the previous poster (mm98darwin) is right, expect to have yourself attacked (Note all the conservatives that are getting their often VERY PROFITABLE dealerships "taken"/confiscated from them) and IRS audited for speaking out about this truth and a bunch of other AntiAmerican cowardly unconstitutional leftist persecutory garbage happen to you. That's what tyrants and those that operate above the LAW and (those that try to operate) above the Constitution do. It's not easy to be a true patriot, but my hat's off to all you true Constitutional advocates who just want legally advocate that our bogus president is NOT Constitutionally qualified, nor could he EVER BE, no matter what documentation he concocts up to give the Daily Kos or Snopes or "factcheck" whatever other illegitimate organization will back the unclothed Emperor and tell him he's not naked.

Remember, it is history that patriots in the American revolution had their houses burned to the ground and their places of work/homes destroyed/confiscated (sound familiar via IRS actions and "dealership closings and other confiscatory actions???), so expect the corrupt rebelling rulers to do the same, don't be naive, we are in a Constitutional struggle to live under Constitutional law--we must LEGALLY hold our government accountable.


LEGALLY and nonviolently stand firmly against those that will not do so (defend our Declaration of Independence and Constitution)--that is FUNDAMENTALLY American.
rwh_is 1 day ago Report Abuse
Press Secretary Mr. Robert Gibbs is an unbelivable, obvious ridiculous obfuscator. What is posted on the internet with regards to Mr. Barry Suerto is an absolute fraud. Anyone can photoshop this kind of think and create a .pdf file out of it, and evidently did! How stupid does Mr. Gibbs think the American people are? Arrogant NWO fascist eugenic trash are they. If there is nothing to hide then disclose the actual long form birth certificate with a verifiable doctor's signature. Why is Mr. Barry Suerto and his campaign spending millions to defeat court attempts at recognizing the eligibilty? Until you can produce this information and verify it to a neutral analyzer you shall NEVER be recognized as my, or any kind of President. You are nothing more than a mere incognito fraud. If you dismiss my post because you think I'm a disgruntled Republican hack - forget that too. I can't stand McCain nor the Republican party as it is and consider myself more Libertarian and unlike our current sitting figure we consider as a "president" I am an American (red-blooded, born and raised).
ajezmo_ideascale 1 day ago Report Abuse
Americans have the Basic Right to confirm that our Constitution is upheld by our elected leaders. The president must release his full long form Birth Certificate to confirm he meets the Constitutional Standard for holding his office. My guess is that the president meets the Constitutional Standard; just the same, it is unsettling that he refuses to release such basic information. The American public needs to be certain of his qualification.
nikki0768 1 day ago Report Abuse
What is that quote from Shakespeare? "me thinks the lady doth protest too much?",me thinks the president hideth much! If he doesn't have an eligibility problem,why is he going to such great lengths to hide his original birth certificate? Show me the Birth Certificate!(you know,the real one,college transcripts and passports too).
donholl 1 day ago Report Abuse
By refusing to release the records you have had sealed it appears to the more intelligent people in this country that you have something to hide such as, your place of birth, your status as citizen of this country, your former religious preference, etc, etc. Whether this be true or not it is an impression that many people have that you could clear up immediately. While many of those who support you care little of your eligibility, many more want to make sure that the Constitution is not being trashed. You are supposed to be the main defender of the Constitution.
crossbowy 1 day ago Report Abuse
I love that the guys like Bobcat are telling people to go to snopes to research this issue. Firstly, Snopes has NEVER gotten the real birth certificate either and yet they discounted it as false. If they are your research to prove the birth certificate instead of REAL investigators then you deserve to be lied to. Believe what you want. In the meantime I want to see the birth certificate analyzed by specialists at spotting forgeries. Seeing as he has spent over a million dollars defending this issue and still hasn't released a $5.00 copy for scrutiny, that tells me ALLOT! If it passes, I will call him president, but until then I refuse to accept him.
damselnusa 1 day ago Report Abuse
Nevermind Obama's long-form vault Birth Certificate.

Or the fake COLB he's repeatedly posted online and refers to (c.f. WH Spokesman Robert Gibbs).

Look at his Selective Service Registration's many 'irregularities' (see link). Yet another falsified Obama document, sequestered by the Transparent One?

nbka 1 day ago Report Abuse
They have not debunked it?
There showing a copy of a birth certificate, Which they handed out to all NON-Live births immigrating from all over the world, all live births on the island were issued another style with a compleatly different Font type.
The question you need to ask your self, is why if its a lie? has HE spent 1.5 million on attorneys fighting to keep his records sealed?
Plus his Grandmother was on Recored stating she was present at his birth in Kenya!

ivanbarellano 1 day ago Report Abuse
First of all, in response to "bobcat41702" and all the other mindless drones that have been mesmerized with Mr. Obama's rhetoric, I offer this response. What's frightening about this issue is the fact that 80% of fools like you continue to provide cover for Mr. Obama. By doing so, along with the Madcows, Softballs, Blobermans and others in the so called "media" you continue to give this guy a free pass. You are ALL "dummies" and victims of the leftist propaganda machine. In case you didn't know, that includes all of the above. WAKE UP FOOLS! Mr. Obama has indeed usurped the Presidency.

Mr. Obama, as a proud Hispanic American, it would please me greatly to see a black, hispanic, asian, or other racial minority serve in that office. However, there are still some unanswered questions regarding your eligibity which you continue to evade. Why? If you have nothing to hide and you are indeed qualified to be President, then present the evidence as you have been called to do. As an American citizen, I demand that you adhere to the mandates of our Constitution and respond to our requests. Besides all the mindless drones, that seem to fall and prostrate themselves at your feet, there are many others like myself that are not convinced of your legitimacy. Are you not the President for all Americans? Then do your due diligence and duty to the people of this great nation. DON'T BE A WEASEL!

troy.tallent 1 day ago Report Abuse
As a Wounded warrior and an OIF veteran, I have every right & more so than most Americans to Demand Obama’s records from Birth Certificates, Colleges entrance & transcripts, All Passports used for International Travels & proof of registration for the DRAFT. All Americans have to register for the Draft & to serve as an Elected Official proof must be established. Since the time I turned 18 I’ve had to show my B/C on numerous occasions to get hired, a driver's license or a passport, even go into the military.
If Obama has nothing to hide, make all his records open and available, not just your birth certificate (long form) but your college records and work records as a professor. You're quick to reveal our countries secrets, how about yours'? Last time I looked I lived in the USA where we have a constitution. That constitution not only allows us freedom of speech but it also requires the president to prove that he was born on US soil. If you don't like the constitution and if you want to live in the type of socialist society that Obama is taking us into, then I suggest YOU MOVE !

azmillerforsyth 1 day ago Report Abuse
Indeed, Obama, as a the standing president, needs to be willing to be open and honest about all fo his records. He promised us transparency and now is his time to follow through.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama's photoshopped COLB on the lying websites is proven to be a fraud, and it was a lie when Obama or whomever he is has falsely claimed to have placed the "original" on the Internet:

Why is this not all over the news media--it is months old! An Hawaiian court actually said that Obama lied with his handlers' COLB posting.

What the illustrious usurper in chief hiding?
pjhocking 1 day ago Report Abuse
President Obama, just release your long-form BC, your college records and put this all to rest. If you have nothing to hide, then show us the evidence. I have to show my original BC just to get back into the US from Canada! It sure seems more important, especially for the sake of the US Constitution, that the evidence be shown. Why has Obama spent approx. a million dollars to keep the documents sealed?
shadowmongoose72 1 day ago Report Abuse
OK Geniuses,Then Why has he spent so much to keep his records from the public.And the so called proof you guys keep spewing has been proven a fake.And it is not a vault copy with a signature of the doctor like we all got.You know this could all be over if the laws were fallowed.And the constitution obeyed.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
What would be worse to the lefties and their Soros et al backed Marxist causes than to be not natural born? Maybe this?

Decide for yourself: Being a communist sympathizer perhaps or an outright communist/member of a communist party organization perhaps? I doubt 53% of the vote would (including the folks that voted a few times and with bogus dead folks names and Mickey Mouse, and a bunch of foreigners, thanks ACORN) have been garnered, and a good sum more LEGITIMATE votes for McCain would have been garnered, had that connection or even reasonably-alleged connection been at all disseminated by our worthless mass media sp it could be challenged.

Remember how much traction (and unfair persecution) Joe the Plumber got and the "spread the wealth" rhetoric BHO or whomever he is had to answer for? Mass media reporters and execs, you guys need to go get yourselves some real honest jobs and stop being shills. The usurper in chief does seem to make alot of communist and socialist-oriented decisions, hmmm? Maybe the acorn does not fall far from the tree? Time for some DNA and other testing perhaps?

Bottom line, this administration is rife with lies and lies of omission, and its only been ~130 days. When will it end? When will the real transparency that was promised occur? I see no change worth believing in--just alot of socialism and money-printing and confiscatory actions by the federal government (banks, auto dealerships, and now 72% of GM--50 BILLION dollars in the hole for GM alone to suck up to bloated leftist labor unions). We the taxpayer are getting screww*d.

Wake up people, this country and its Constitutional rule and the rule of law and private enterprise is being destroyed day by day so we can be more like Europe. Look where "empathy" got them--Eurabia and one-sided "tolerance" run amok--look familiar to today here in the USA? Time to clean house legally.

Hold our elected officials accountable legally and Constitutionally before we're completely sovereignty-wise sold to the UN and highest foreign bidder, not just our presidency being sold as such.
ramjet767 1 day ago Report Abuse
Kerchner v Obama & Congress lawsuit:

sandyelsbernd 1 day ago Report Abuse
I think all Presidents should provide a real birth certificate (unless they are born in Kenya). Wow, he could make history again by being our first Kenyan President! Seriously, though, how hard is it to prove you were born in the USA. Come on, show us the real birth certificate (not the bogus internet one) and move on to other things!!
drleadbasedpaint 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama has concealed his passport and his birth certificate for a reason. That reason is that he was not born in Hawaii. The certificate of live birth is a document that does not assert the location of birth, only the fact of it.

We know that Obama is not the real name of our president. Either he is Barry Dunham or Barry Soetoro. He is a muslim who is a citizen of Indonesia.

By refusing to establish eligibility, the president has cast dark shadows over the Constitution. Open government will release the documents needed to verify... but Obama will not allow it.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse

He may be 'Barry Davis', aka Frank Marshall Davis' son--son of the the infamous communist and the "Frank" in BHO's book. See my previous post, too.

Of course the MSM won't cover nor really investigate this...
wslchar 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama does not need to show his birth records to the people that really matters , they are the Bilderberg Group , they run the world . They are rumored to have groomed him to take us into the New World Order . Yes where the USA will not retain it's sovereignty as we know it today . The NWO is against soveriegnty except to them . Youtube has a series of videos where you can see notable people discussing your fate in their new world order . ( The Obama Deception) ( Endgames ) are two revealing series that will stun you . If you can't take the truth don't go there . Another is (FEMA marshal law camps ). Have you ever wondered why the Republican party or the Supreme Court has never challenged Obama to show his Certificate of Live Birth ? In those videos you will see why!
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse

Your language in the last post makes BHO (or whomever he is) look like (eek) the Biblical Antichrist of the end times.

Interesting... ...scratching head and thinking...
wmjreese 1 day ago Report Abuse
This should not even be an issue Mr. Pres. It is a matter of the Constitution and integrity. You are making yourself very questionable by not supplying it in the first place.
josebryant1998 1 day ago Report Abuse
Seriously, people in office, the military, the police, are sworn to execute and defend the constitution. How is it possible, that something that is the very fabric of our society here in America be ignored by those sworn to uphold it. The Presidents team is obviously still spending a lot of money to keep these and certain other facts hidden. Yet they avow transparency, when it doesn't affect them that is. When it's about being transparent about what previous administrations have done, TRANSPARENCY. However when it concerns, it's CONDEMNATION you're un-american to question the President. Heck they've almost successfully branded every republican un-American terrorists for supporting Ron Paul and for believing in Jesus. He's a magician, keeping the publics attention trained where he wants it, while he gets away with not divulging the evidence which could disprove all of us right wing nut jobs. Obviously He's hiding something, why would he pass up the chance to prove us all wrong at the same time? Post the real certificate not the forgery posted previously.
digginliving 1 day ago Report Abuse
Is Obama a natural born citizen or not? Some say that the reason he does not request the release of the long form is because there is none, and he is not born in Hawaii. Others say the President simply has better things to do with his time than waste it dealing with a petty issue. But it is not a petty issue if it is true he is not natural born.

He is working awfully hard at hiding something for having nothing to hide. If he is a natural born citizen, then he could request that Hawaii release the long form.. and put the whole issue to bed. Citizens who feel a bit worried about the truth will have their minds put at ease.. and those who supported him will be vindicated by it. Whether it is normal policy for the state to issue a long form... I have little doubt that a democrat controlled state that voted for Obama could make an exception in his case if he asked for it.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse

You may be right...who knows...


HR8791 Martial Law Plans Revealed?

Note that at the end a call is made to


and how many times CLASSIFIED is said IN WHAT IS BEING PROPOSED, and the seriousness/GRAVENESS of the readers' responses are.

onpatrol_24x7 1 day ago Report Abuse
Barry Seotoro aka Barak Obama has sealed his records from the American people to elude the fact that he is not a "Natural Born Citizen" and is ineligible to hold the office of president.

We the people demand that Barry Seotoro aka Barak Obama release his records and original birth certificate.

The bith certificate muse have Parents signatures, doctor signature & the hospital he was born in on it.

My son recently went into the air force and was required to bring with him his original birth certificate.

Why is the guy in the white house claiming the presidency seat without proving his eligibity.

This is a Constitutional Crisis which must be stopped.

M G 1 day ago Report Abuse
I want PROOF:
1. Long form of Soetoro/Obama BIRTH Certificate.
2. All certificates indicating graduation from:
High School
Post College studies
3. Any and ALL Licenses (Law)
4. Confirmation of LEGAL name change, since he was Legally Adopted by Soetoro.
5. Explaination of ~~HOW~~ does a "natural born American" travel to Pakistan in 1980 [a Country which no natural born American was permitted to travel to] on an INDONESIAN PASSPORT (Indonesia does not permit DUAL citizenship)????
So...What are you??? American or Indonesian???
WHO ARE YOU??? Barry Soetoro? Barrak Obama?

Why did you SHUT UP your OWN Grandmother who stated SHE WITNESSED YOUR KENYAN BIRTH???(Making you a Brit, by birth!)

Those of us who love our Country and what OUR founding Fathers created deserve an answer>

I believe you have violated MY CONSTITUTION.
tdan4th 1 day ago Report Abuse
Why does our politicians think they are above the rules that we "little people" are forced to play by. Why is his birth cert such a big secret? Makes me wonder what he is hiding. It's kinda like his cabinet and their taxes!!!! The new head of IRS is a tax cheat. I began to wonder if he would be able to find enough people who had paid their taxes to fill his cabinet. They do however expect you and me to pay our part and then some. Then they give it to some little p--- ant country who hates us. Or, to a large bank who then goes to a high $$ retreat. Or maybe to a poorly ran car maker who pays their union employees 80% of their salaries while they shut down for the summer to save $ and deplete inventory. The Fed Govt. has never been able to do anything without making a mess. If they think they have a problem, they try to fix it by throwing more money at it. Well, I for one am fed up with the system. I own several businesses. I've seen tough times. Have I ever received a BAILOUT? NO!!!! Do I want one??? NO. What do I want my govt. to do? Provide me with a national defense and leave me alone. In my business, it's the EPA, DOT, FDA, USDA, IRS... Our Govt discourages the American Dream. They Punish those who work hard to get on top. Drive thru town any day, any time and look at all the people sitting on the porch drinking beer. Welfare. Foodstamps. These are young strong people who could be working. I know girls in their early 30's who have several kids, all by different men. These people have never had a job and will tell you they do not want one. They get a check. And the kids will tell you that when they grow up, they are gonna get a check too. Yet I pay income tax, Property tax, Fuel tax, highway use tax, sales tax, business tax, fed excise tax, self employment tax, And finally, THE DEATH TAX. And why do I pay all this tax? So my Govt. can p---it away. No, I did not attend a Tea Party, I was to busy working, trying to pay my taxes. O.K. I give up. They won. Just tell me where to go to sign up for my Govt Bailout, My welfare check, my food stamps, and yes, I would qualify for disability also. 30 years or hard work & stress will do that to you. So tell me where to go sign up. Better block off the entire day as there will be a large crowd following me to sign up behind me. They're called EMPLOYEES !!!!!
CBC 1 day ago Report Abuse
Wonder why USA isn't mentioned in the book of REVELATION? Mr. Obama is here to destroy our country.
rick 1 day ago Report Abuse
I dont care about snopes or any other site - He will not sign a release for Hawaii to walk it out and show it. He is speanding large sums of money to not do the above.

It is valid to require this. I am not nuts I want to see it. a signature shuts the whole thing down what is the problem? because there apparently IS a problem.
ttorrellas 1 day ago Report Abuse
All I know is that many Americans can disagree with the politics of their President; but NOT ONE
Please PRES. Obama just end this & pay the 10 Bucks instead of close to 1 million & just "SHOW IT"!!
John McCain after sitting in a POW camp for "5" years for our Country; showed his Birth Certificate without question / when questions of his eligibility came up!!!!!
kjullion 1 day ago Report Abuse
What good reason is there for not making available the long form BC for the public to see? I can't think of any good reason, I can only think of one or two bad reasons 1) he doesn't have one, or 2) he has one and it is from Kenya and state of Hawaii has it under seal because of his adoption.

We are waiting.
photophile 1 day ago Report Abuse
If there os nothing to hide, why hide it?
wslchar 1 day ago Report Abuse
Jonathan as much as I have seen where Henry Kissinger gave Obama his first job 30 years ago and from Henry's own mouth came that Obama could lead us into a New World Order I think you are right .
CBC , in Ezekiel 38 & 39 you will find where the Lord said I will send fire on those that come against Israel and on those that ( DWELL CARELESSLY IN THE ISLES ). Do we not dwell carelessly in the Isles away from our enemies .
Endgames is a video series on youtube that will put things in perspective .
Isa Kocher 1 day ago Report Abuse
if you ever needed proof that the right is wrong, just count up how many waist their time left on this earth pursuing the birth certificate issue. it's a public record. people can't think of better ways to waste time?
keesa.labahn 1 day ago Report Abuse
If someone asked for my birth certificate I would grab it and show the world. Because I know where mine is and what it says. If its legit, then it shouldn't be a problem. The fact that this is being fought in the back ground make me nervous about it.
Joan Korman 1 day ago Report Abuse
If one just looks at the constitution as it is written you can figure out that Obama is not eligible to be president. He is not a natural born citizen as his father was a foreigner.

In spite of this, any birth certificate that comes forward now... or any of his records will most likely be fraudulent at this late date. It is quite possible that if he does release any birth certificate now that it will be a made to look genuine fake.

After following every law suit regarding this issue and seeing them all be shot down, I have decided that NO ONE in any form of our present government is going to do anything about it.

It is too late to do anything about it now. My only hope is that a number of states will pass some laws between now and the next election that will make each potential president prove his eligibility to serve before their name is placed on the ballot. This could stop him from a re-election bid in 2012. (IF there is even another election by then)
CBC 1 day ago Report Abuse
Dear Isa, A simple misunderstanding that a "Birth Certificate" and a "Certification of Live Birth" are NOT identical documents seems to be at the root of your issue. Please do not disparage our patriotism with your ignorance.
garyb1088 1 day ago Report Abuse
bobcat...YOU need to do some more in depth research. Snopes doesn't have a clue what they are talking about. They are just parroting mainstream BS. Wake up dude.
jemvlm 1 day ago Report Abuse
We know you are an illegal alien, not a natural born citizen of the United States of America, and so do you!!! It is way past time for you to stand up and be a man for a change, admit you are not legally qualified to be president of the US and step down! You promised transparency, now be transparent with your real birth certificate, school records, military registration documents, etc.. We know you posted a "birth certificate" on the web, but not only is it not the long form, which is required, but even that document is a forgery - and you know it!! It is common knowledge that you were born in Kenya and adopted by your Indonesian stepfather, so it is impossible that you could be a natural born citizen of the United States of America.

I would guess you will soon present a 'real" birth certificate which your expert forgerers are even now working on. Has it 'cured' enough by now? WE KNOW ABOUT THAT FORGERY TOO, AND YOU WON'T GET BY WITH THAT ONE EITHER!

Why are you spending millions of dollars to keep the truth from being reported? Why is everyone afraid of you? Why are those who challenge you threatened? How many of those who are trying to expose your lies going to be destroyed - perhaps even killed for their patriotic efforts?

You are our #1 enemy! You are Hitler #2! You fully intend to destroy us just as Hitler destroyed Germany!! Stop it!!!!
stueverjc 1 day ago Report Abuse
You guys discredit yourselves through the obvious spam campaign. It is clear that you have organized a movement to bias this site in the same way that some "hackers" biased recent license plate votes. While you draw much attention to yourselves, you really piss off the public... you know... that 50+ percent of the nation that voted for the man. Furthermore, you deny the records he does provide you. Clearly, this isn't really about his birth certificate. We voted him in, if you don't like that you are welcome to move.
Mike Florida 1 day ago Report Abuse
Hawaii Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino and the state's registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, say they checked health department records and have determined there's no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii.
The nonpartisan Web site examined the original document and said it does have a raised seal and the usual evidence of a genuine document.

Hawaii Declares Obama Birth Certificate Genuine

Even Republicans Defend Obama
A scan of the Honolulu Advertiser from August 1961 is shown as well, this lists Obama's birth right there. Copies are available in HI Libraries locally.

ccsn34 1 day ago Report Abuse
For all of those who seem to think that what obama has put on the internet is any type of proof you should do a little research and you will find that a CLB can be issued and has been issued to persons not even born in the state. And the websites that purport to be only interested in the truth are ALL paid for by George Soros. If obama has nothing to hide then why is he spending so much money to keep the records from becoming public. Anyone with any reasoning ability would see that he is hiding SOMETHING. At the time he went to school in indonesia they didn't allow American citizens into the schools so how did he get in? But I guess to get what you want you are willing to over look the law much as the goverment has been doing
ccsn34 1 day ago Report Abuse
Mike Florida its nice the way you get you facts confused to support your argument actually both of those persons stated that there was a long form birth certificate on file. They made no mention of what information it showed. Go back and check the exact quote.

buruburu 1 day ago Report Abuse
Man this is SO easy to knock down. Hand the long form to the appropriate verifying bodies and be done with it. I could do this for my own long form B.C. in a day if I had to. While you're at it, make public other records that you haven't yet. It's easy, and you can show the Republicans as the morons so many claim them to be.

The thing is, though I laughed at this issue myself, the longer it goes on even I'm getting suspicious. Yes I've read the Snopes/Factcheck articles. All I'm saying is I can't get into a nightclub by showing the bouncer a scan of my real ID online using my iPhone. I'm also a graphics artist so I know how yawn-inducingly easy it is to forge simple documents. I'm not saying the one posted is, but it'd be easy to do.

Just get this over with already so we can take care of real business. And if you can't or won't, be prepared for more supporters to wonder why. You can only laugh away questions for so long before each laugh starts to infuriate people.
ramjet767 1 day ago Report Abuse
An essay on the Birth Certificate issue:

Why Can't Obama Give a Simple and Truthful Answer to the Birth Certificate Question?

garyb1088 1 day ago Report Abuse
buruburu...The point about the real BC is that if he is NOT eligible, then everything he has signed becomes null and void. That's why this is IMPORTANT. It's not a minor issue.
mombogrambo 1 day ago Report Abuse
I just DO NOT understand why this should be an ongoing issue. Just show the true, legal, long form birth certificate and get it over with so we can move on already!! I am starting to wonder if there truly IS a cover-up issue here!!!
garyb1088 1 day ago Report Abuse
Wow stueverjc! You actually voted for him? You poor blind sheeple. LMAO!!!
windsor 1 day ago Report Abuse
I had to show documents to open a simple PO BOX , Why does the President spend $700,000 with an army of lawyers to avoid showing a simple birth certificate . Shouldn't Open Government start with start with open documents?
garyb1088 1 day ago Report Abuse
For those of you who are dumb enough to think that Obama is NOT hiding his REAL birth certificate, watch this video entitled Kenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya. See it here:
stueverjc 1 day ago Report Abuse
No sheep here. I actively fight public school uniform policies (those things that sheep go for.) Also, I voted for him BECAUSE that's not what all the sheep are doing. Of course, calling me a sheep is standard protocol for your type. I bet you use MS Windows too. Oh well, we can't all win.
todd 1 day ago Report Abuse
It is so obvious that he is hiding something and it most likely is the fact that he is not eligible to be president.

How did he travel to Pakistan in his 20s? Let's see the passport!

Did he go to school here as foreign student? Show the school records!

Was he a citizen while in Indonesia? Is he a naturalized citizen and not a natural born citizen?

Why did his grandmother say that she was present at his Kenya? Release the long form...original birth certificate and not some digital computer generated certificate of live birth (which is NOT a birth certificate) Even Hawaii admits that!

Obama must be exposed! Be transparent. Answer the questions that the American people want to know and the news media refuses report!
Mike McDonald 1 day ago Report Abuse
Constitution Article II, Section II sets forth the qualifications for presidential candidates: ""No person except a NATURAL BORN Citizen", or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and have been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

An oath was taken to defend, preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States.
garyb1088 1 day ago Report Abuse
Very interesting stueverjc. You just gave yourself away as being a sheeple. Anybody who thinks that a man who just put America in debt further than ALL 43 past presidents put together and is marching us straight into Socialism is an ok guy, is definitely a sheeple. Unfortunately sheeple cannot SEE because there is too much wool pulled over their eyes. And who cares about uniformed school kids? That is soooo insignificant in the broad scope of REAL issues. Loser.
garyb1088 1 day ago Report Abuse
I REPEAT...WATCH THIS VIDEO: Kenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya. See it here:
tacodog1 1 day ago Report Abuse
I had to provide my original Birth Certificate, My Social Card and something to verify my street addressto get a drivers license. I don't understand why Mr Obama doesn't have to provide his Original Birth Certificate to prove he is eligible to hold the office of the President.
windsor 1 day ago Report Abuse
Open Government , Open Documents (starting with the birth certificate )
stueverjc 1 day ago Report Abuse
I bet you wore a uniform when you were brainwashed into believing that a free-thinking nation is what you call "sheeple". The government isn't the only "shepards" on the block my friend. Oh, and if the president of France claims that Obama was born there (on youtube none the less), should I believe that too? ROTFL RTFM.
donaldegoff 1 day ago Report Abuse
The issue of Obama’s birth certificate and place of birth, becomes moot in consideration of the following facts. In other words, the following facts alone strongly suggest that he is a usurper and he knowingly and willfully has done this criminal act. In fact, he is paying out a lot of money to hide the truth or keep the truth from leaking out. Why? --- because he has a lot to lose if his papers get out. He has probably committed to worst act of campaign fraud the world has ever known. He is not “natural born” and he knows it:

1. Obama has stated that he was, at birth, a dual citizen. His admission to this is on his own website. This precludes him from eligibility as the Founding Fathers made it quite clear that Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 did not extend to individuals of dual loyalty, ie, dual citizenship, themselves excluded under the particular part of Clause 5 which reads "or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution …"

2. On January 1, 1967 Obama was enrolled in the Fransiskus Assisi Primary School in Jakarta, Indonesia. The picture of that registration was taken by an Associated Press photographer, Tatan Syuflana, released on January 24, 2007 and appears at This picture shows AKA's name as Barry Soetoro (not Barack Hussein Obama); his father as Lolo Soetoro (not Barack Obama, Sr as shown on the COLB, the authenticity of which is in question), his citizenship as Indonesian (not American). There has been no documents provided that AKA had his name legally changed from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama. This indicates that Barry Soetoro is his real name and Barrack Hussein Obama is an alias. The divorce papers of Lolo Soetoro and Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro indicate two children: 1 minor (Maya Soetoro) and one over 18 (Barry Soetoro). This indicates that Barry Soetoro is the legal child of Lolo Soetoro, if only by adoption.

3. In late 1981, Obama, by his own admission, traveled to Pakistan and Indonesia. Could AKA have traveled on an American passport? The answer to that question is no. In 1981, Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's no travel list. This means that AKA had to have traveled to Pakistan on a foreign passport. If AKA had been, at birth, a United States Citizen, he could have reclaimed his citizenship at the age of 18. That he traveled to Pakistan in 1981, at the age of 20, on a foreign passport means that he was not, at the age of 20, an American citizen; that he did not, at the age of 18, reclaim his American citizen (if he had a right to reclaim it in the first place). This means that the most AKA can be is a naturalized American citizen. There is no proof that he is even that. Such precludes him from eligibility under Article II, Section I, Clause 5, United States Constitution.

This is all extremely serious since if he is a fraud --- a usurper, every act he signs in null and void, every executive order is illegal, because he is illegal, and every command to the military is unlawful. The point is, everything, I mean everything an illegal president does is illegal according to the Supreme Law of the land. We must have a legal and lawful president to make his acts valid and lawful.

Mr Scsi 1 day ago Report Abuse
We need to see the longform now...

For more aticles on the subject look at
stueverjc 1 day ago Report Abuse
I suspect a smear campaign by the power-elite. Specially with Obama's liberal moves to permanently overthrow their power. That's ok, we the people are taking control, your rein is over.
garyb1088 1 day ago Report Abuse
You're dumber than I thought stueverjc. I don't base anything I say on "assumptions" like you just did. No, I did not wear a uniform to school, and no I was not brainswashed. I was smart enough to quit school at 15 and get away from all the brainwashing and educate myself and then spent 33 years researching and exposing corruption....not just in government. During that time I learned many things and one in particular sticks out. And that is that the SHEEPLE (like you) will always vote for the one that will destroy them the quickest. You have also completely avoided my point about backing up a man who has done more damage as president in his short time in office than any president in history. You truly are ASLEEP and a sheeple. You are wasting your time in this forum trying to go up against the REAL free thinking people in here. You are a minority and have proven it. So let's just forget about going into a circle jerk. You have ZERO credibility as a voter for Obummer in here.
biker_k2001 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama.....just show the damned birth certificate you ass!
stueverjc 1 day ago Report Abuse
You are the one who believed my lies when I said that I voted for him... just like a sheep, believe everything you hear.

You guys already saw his birth certificate. No matter what he shows you, you will deny it's existence. You want something that you can believe in? You should be asking for something you can trust. Maybe you'd feel better if Former President Bush were to say that he has seen the certificate?
stueverjc 1 day ago Report Abuse
LOL; this is just too funny. I'm so sheepish, I call other people sheepish because it's the newest thing to do.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
Hey stueverjc , no matter what the birth certificate shows he is NOT NATURAL BORN, by his own admission! So explain to me how a not natural born person can be the USA president and not defy Constitutional law--the law of the land?
stueverjc 1 day ago Report Abuse
I don't really care, I'm opposing this movement PURELY because it's caused spam. I see your movement as a corruption in itself, and oppose all your efforts on the basis that you are, on whole, fake. I figure, if the majority of Americans voted for the president, and our system does not allow his presidency, perhaps the times are changing and the laws are not keeping up. Of course, I leave it to our "society" to defend it's old ways to the grave. That's ok, though, eventually it will be my generation's turn to make the laws; fear us, we are freedom.
m4surveys 1 day ago Report Abuse
"Your Papers Please!"

I am a U.S. Citizen and you work for me.
I demand to see your qualifications for the position you occupy.

I get to see my doctor's diploma, my auto mechanics ASE Certification, my local restaurants health department rating...

Your position is the ultiimate job in America, it should require the ultimate proof of qualification.

I don't believe you are qualified. Prove me wrong.
garyb1088 1 day ago Report Abuse
Ignores stueverjc idiotic comments.
stueverjc 1 day ago Report Abuse
LF1M 5h3p13; GTG
voteright2010 1 day ago Report Abuse
He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing. For all of you people who believe that the computer generated copy he put on the internet is real, you need to do some research. It's real easy to do that in 2009! It's hard to admit that your hero is not who you thought,but you sound pretty stupid when you don't even check it out thoroughly. At least sound intelligent by admitting that there may be a possibility that Obama is not who you think he is. Look how many Republicans finally came to admit that Bush did do some wrong things for the country - but at least they admitted it. You just sound like a fool for blindly believing without verifying. And can't you be honest and ask yourself, why has he spent over a million dollars trying to keep this out of the courts - when a $10 piece of paper could put it all to rest months ago? Aren't you a little bit suspicious or are you just blind sheep that follow anyone who says what you want to hear? Do you trust everyone that promises you everything? There are some very reputable and respected lawyers who are working on this issue. Let's be objective and look at their information. It's not just the birth certificate that we can't see, it's also his Occidental College records,Harvard College records(locked down), Columbia Thesis Paper(locked down) and his Selective Service Registration has been tampered with. There is proof. If he were to apply to the Army or the police or the FBI, he would not have passed to get in any of those without releasing his records. Shouldn't he have to do the same being President, when the Constitution, to which he took an oath, says he needs to be a legal natural born citizen as outlined by specific details under the Constitution.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
stueverjc, how very post-modern and value-less of you.

So you see following Constitutional law as a corruption in itself? Your rhetoric and wordsmithing and illogical blathering is inventive, but there's no truth to it.

There is a way to change Constitutional law--amend the constitution. Or in your liberal lefty-advocating case, just get a few judges to override millions and all the legislatures and unconstitutionally legislate from the bench (like was done with with Roe vs. Wade), but neither of these things were done to legitimize BHO's candicacy.

You think that if BHO gets 53% of the voting populace (p.s 53% of the voting populace is what elected him, and there were alot of fake illegal votes in there, not the majority of the USA as you falsely allege) to vote in a fraud then that legitimizes a fraud? Are you insane? So what if 53% of the voting populace voted in Charles Manson or a serial pedophile criminal? As a big liberal you would never really argue that majorities inherently make right--how would you defend all your judicial activism (the actions of hyper-minorities)? If you want this country to be sold to the highest foreign bidder and become Eurabia of the west and you have no use for Constitutional law, then good luck with that. But make no mistake, you are describing anarchy, and most importantly, you are not describing the USA.

"Your generation" will inherit so much debt that even if you CAN fix one problem, and make 100 more and you will bankrupt yourselves with your welfare state and liberalism like the lefties are doing now.

You note "we are freedom"--no, you are selling yourselves into slavery--financial and otherwise. Maybe you should set yourself up as emperor of your own little fairyland, and we can call it liberal leftyland. Enjoy your fairy tale and enjoy your Obama socialistic labor camps and having 90% of your taxes sucked off (confiscated by the government you love so) to who knows who who refuses to work.
billsey 1 day ago Report Abuse
When I ordered MY OWN birth certificate, guess what I got: That's right, a computer-generated SHORT FORM—just like the one shown on the Internet for PRESIDENT Obama. It's not like he just has the long form sitting around next to a scanner—it's under lock and key in Hawaii.

On the other hand, if he really wants openness and transparency, all he has to do is PUBLICLY order the Hawaiian officials to release the stupid thing. Of all the unmitigated arrogance and stupidity!!! Washington would be spinning in his grave.
gburoo 1 day ago Report Abuse
Would all you people who want to fight with each other, find somewhere else to do it. That's clearly not what this site was created for and there are plenty of other places where you can flame each other to you hearts content.
hilaritylaughs 1 day ago Report Abuse
To me this a no brainer, this man is in the highest office of the land and something as simple as a real birth certificate should not be an issue.
My birth certificate shows the county, the hospital, the names of both of my parents etc, and I'm willing to show him mine if he's willing to show me his...What is the big deal? It's only a big deal if he doesn't have it and then it's a very, very big deal.
It is time to put up or shut up and time for the critics to look at Obama and say, please put an end to this. Then people like me will shut up about it, but I will not shut up until he does.
jmurphy2 1 day ago Report Abuse
Is it Mr. Barak Obama the "Resident" of 1600 Pensylvania Ave. or is it President Obama? Right now, there is significant reason to believe that it is merely Resident Obama as he continues to refuse to justify the title of President of the United States by a simple act of releasing his birth certificate. This is a required prerequisite for Presidency as outlined in the U.S. Constitution. A simple requirement that should have been vetted well prior to Obama's nomination as the Democrat candidate for the highest position of the USA and leader of the free world. What about it Resident Obama? Where's the Birth Certificate? Is it Resident Obama or President Obama?
yogiman70 1 day ago Report Abuse
Facts are facts! the Senate allowed it to happen. Why? Are they all in the communist regime? Why did they question McCain but not Obama as to legality? It looks like a planned mission.
leannmccaughey 1 day ago Report Abuse
President Obama I would like you to release your long form Birth Certificate to prove that you are a natural born citizen. McCain had to do it and you should have to do it also. Transparency.

Funny thing, when my husband went to get his Birth Certificate from Vital Statistics the lady at the counter said that his birth certificate looked different and asked if he had been adopted, my husband said he had been adopted by his stepdad. Well that explains it. Funny thing Mr.President your Birth Certificate looks just like my husbands!
tomasdepenguin 1 day ago Report Abuse
Ok so let me get this straight, I cannot even go into Canada anymore without a valid long form Birth Certificate and Barry Sotero made it all the way to the Whitehouse without producing one? And you don't find that a bit strange? Cmon Barry cough it up and get this over with.
jonathan_mirabile 1 day ago Report Abuse
Whomever the intellectual genius was that posted this:

saying that Hawaii declares the COLB/birth certificate "genuine"

you might want to note this complete reversal that actually occurred in a court of law the next day:

State Of Hawaii Backs Andy Martin In Obama Birth Certificate Battle -- calling BHO and his handlers liars on the COLB and birth certificate issue (p.s that makes the "declaration" from azcentral and the corrupt MSM's AP void in case you cannot follow logic, like most lefties cannot.)

Kinda like the way Al Gore got a Nobel Peace prize for his "Inconvenient Truth" rubbish and the very next day an English high court declared his work a fraud and that it contained numerous lies and deceptions and hence it could not be legally sold in really expect that the former should truthfully stand in both cases?

The latter refutes the former in both cases, except in the mind of agenda-driven leftists.

Enjoy your 'Obama labor camps' and having 90% of your wages confiscated to Big Brother...
ramjet767 1 day ago Report Abuse
Another good site for information and essays about Natural Born Citizenship:

S 1 day ago Report Abuse
Our Kenyan "President" needs to prove in an above board manner that he qualifies to hold my countries highest office... or he needs to step down.
garyb1088 1 day ago Report Abuse
Very well said jonathan_mirabile (on both counts above)
jwigler 1 day ago Report Abuse
Like those who have stated it before me, it's a simple thing to do. Just provide the long form Birth Certificate to settle the issue, prove yourself the American you claim to be. Don't put records on lock down and at the same time claim transparency and open government.

If I have to provide multiple documents for full review of employers, just to verify my eligibility for minimum wage job, should it not be even more thoroughly and aggressively done for the office of the U.S. President?
I am not above the law or the Constitution, and neither is any elected official, especially the President. The Constitution shouldn't adhere to you, you need to adhere to it.

brooklynblessed 1 day ago Report Abuse
I'd hate to think of Joe Biden as president but if Obama ends up out..maybe a new election could be held. Mr. President where's the beef??????????????????????????????
brooklynblessed 1 day ago Report Abuse
I'd hate to think of Joe Biden as president but if Obama ends up out..maybe a new election could be held. Mr. President where's the beef??????????????????????????????
Black Eagle 1 day ago Report Abuse
The answer is obvious. He won't show it, because it reveals he's an Indonesian or Kenyan citizen. He's covered up his long-form birth certificate, his college transcripts, his doctoral thesis (and that of his wife), and his health records -- any of which would reveal either his place of birth outside the USA, and/or a fanatical anti-American pro-Marxist ideology. He's lied about his support for the mass-murderer Odinga, about his Muslim money-men supporters who illegally bought his home, paid for his education at college (has this guy ever held a wage-job, even as a teen?). He's written how he will "stand with the Muslims" in any forthcoming crunch, and lied also about his years of friendly support for the black-racist semi-Islamic Reverend Wright of Trinity Church, an awful man who supported the Black Muslim Farrakhan, going to Libya to smooch with the terrorist Qaddafi. Obama bows to the Saudi King, but sends the bust of Winston Churchill packing back to the UK. He insults our closest allies, Britain, and Israel, revealing a dark Jew-hatred and pro-socialist, pro-Islamist trend at play within his entire Administration. OK Americans you voted for him, and got what you wanted. Bush was a sell-out for conservative principles in so many ways, but liberals should have been happy about that. Instead, they elected the most radical left and inexperienced novice in the entire Senate. It is like, Americans WANT their own Nero, to fiddle while the nation burns. Except in this case, Nero is setting the fires himself.
zorrodidit 1 day ago Report Abuse
Even the if the COLB posted by Obama and his cronies were to be authentic, it still is not acceptable as a substitute for a real birth certificate.

Why you ask?

The COLB ('C' see below) ......... aka 'a part thereof' is excluded from being 'considered for all purposes the same as the original'

The ONLY items that are 'considered for all purposes the same as the original' are (A) 'a certified copy of any certificate' and (B) 'the contents of any certificate'.

NONE of these are a (C) aka a COLB.

(A) doesn't need to be specifically mentioned as being 'considered for all purposes the same as the original' because it would be an image copy and goes without saying that it is the same as the original.

(C) does not get a mention in the section (b) of the statute.

Read and see for yourself ......... (item markings A, B & C by me)

Hawaiian Statute

§338-13 Certified copies.
(a) Subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18, the department of health shall, upon request, furnish to any applicant (A) a certified copy of any certificate, or (B)the contents of any certificate, or (C)any part thereof.

(b) Copies of the contents (B) of any certificate on file in the department, certified by the department shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original, subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18.

(c) Copies may be made by photography, dry copy reproduction, typing, computer printout or other process approved by the director of health. [L 1949, c 327, §17; RL 1955, §57-16; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-13; am L 1978, c 49, §1]
llynisika 1 day ago Report Abuse
:: I posted this on the 'Records Management' - "Heres a new one...SHOW YOUR LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE!" and am now cross-posting it here, where I wanted it to be in the first place ::

Benton Bain, thanks for the information! Very consice and to the point.

As many have stated, why not show the LF BC and ALL records, unless there is something to hide. I had to have the BC's of my kids when I enrolled them in their schools. I had to have the BC's when I took them to join sports, federation wrestling, as to prove who they were/are. I need to show my BC when I get/renew my drivers license. If I choose to run for a seat in/on the local government I will need to show my BC as to prove who I am and my residence so I would be legally able to have my name included on the ballot for election. So why won't 'O' show us his? Could it be that it's taking so long because, as previously mentioned, he or his cronies could be manufacturing fakes in the hopes that they would then be accepted as the real origial ones? I would hope not! But it is something that I do have to wonder about. Yes, I'm registerd as Republican and my better half is registered as Democrat, as is our oldest child, but neither one of us is so blind as to vote only our registered party. We try to vote for the 'best' out of the choices given. Sad to say that the last 5 or so elections there really hasn't been anyone to fit that bill. Neither party has really given us voters much choice. It makes me think about the movie 'Brewster's Millions' when Brewster runs for office, then, when he removes himself from the ballot he encourages the voters to vote for "None of the above!" Would that there be that choice!
Sadly I belive that Mr. Gibbs truly wants us to just shut up until 'O's 4 years are up. But what then? After this term, if the proof is finally shown that 'O' wasn't/isn't qualified to hold the office of President then all of what he did/does in the 4 year term would then become null and void. Of course, after 4 years 'O' and his 'team' could very well either do away with the Constitution &/or change it to benefit them and others like them. Either way, we Americans better practice bending over and kissing our arses good-bye.
We've enjoyed our freedoms for awhile now. Are we really that willing to just hand them over to be done away with? I'm not! My ancestors along with my father, brother, father-in-law, uncles and the rest of the veterans fought for our freedoms. I won't let what they did and endured for us just be flushed down the toilet all because someone who is now holding the highest political office in our country seems to hold himself above the law, the same law that EVERYONE in America is held to, doesn't want to play by the rules.
If there truly isn't any problems, then show the ORIGINAL, not doctored, documents. The longer that it takes the more likely that those documents that might someday be shown will/could be faked. I hope that the money 'O' spends on those teams of lawyers isn't our tax money!
Why can't 'O' simply and truthfully show us the documents in question? It would not only prove, or disprove, the question of the status of being, or not being, a Natural Born Citizen but it would also show the American public that 'O' is holding to the promise of transparency that he seems to hold in such high regard.
The ball is now in Washington D.C.'s court. Will the politicos actually LISTEN to the AMERICAN PUBLIC?? Or will they treat us like they always schmucks that they only need during election years? Hmmmmmmm?
zorrodidit 1 day ago Report Abuse
@ Richard Posner.

Since when is an image on a website (fastcheck) proof of anything?

m4surveys 1 day ago Report Abuse
Indeed! The headline on that article...
is nothing more than a headline writer's dream.

The Hawaiian officials said no such thing,
Read the quote from Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said Friday: "she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate."

They HOLD his Original Birth Certificate. That is ALL they said. They did not say where it is from, they revealed nothing that is on it, and said nothing to authenticate the COLB posted online. If they said any more they would lose their jobs. (but they would be national heroes ;-)

Speaking of the COLB posted online...
I've said it before but it bears repeating...

There is "proof" that Big Foot and UFOs exist on the internet too!
lorencbruce 1 day ago Report Abuse
McCain was vetted by the Senate prior to the election. The laser-printed/"PhotoShopped" counterfeit COLB that was displayed on the President Obama's campaign website is a JOKE!
Show us the Long-form Birth Certificate with the attending physicians signatiure and hospital of birth. If you cannot or will not- then the message sent is,"I am not eligible to be POTUS and this is a Coup- Have a nice Day!!"
deusex503 1 day ago Report Abuse
I didn't believe the notion put out last OCT, so I follwed the leads from various posting, and I too am now the proud owner of a Hawaiian official record of live birth - in my name and BD. Thing is I was born in Delaware in a US miliatry hospital. I later did live in Hawaii. I had almost forgot I sent for it, it showed up 6-mos later. Go figure ....

The other thing is the issue that when leaving to live abroad in Indonesia, they required all persons eligble for public instruction to disavow all other national ties. This is the legal definition of ex-patriotism, and has a very negative connoatation. Under current US law it would require a natural born US person, that ex-pats and wished to return to apply for citizen ship. Shame, Shame, Shame .... the problem is when you have so much smoke it is hard to find and fight the fire.
miktaerg 1 day ago Report Abuse
oh yeah deusex503,

why isn't your Hawaiian Colb all over the net by now ? Do you realize this would be the silver bullet ? Good try.
holloway5161 1 day ago Report Abuse
Life is pretty simple you are either in compliance or you are NOT. This ILLEGAL ALIEN we have masquerading as POTUS needs to be tried for TREASON and IMPEACHED NOW. obama and all his clowns need to go to JAIL these people KNOW and have KNOWN obama is NOT a natural born citizen of The United States. The smell and taste of power has sent these IDIOTS on feeding frenzies that are causing the destruction of America IMPEACH obama and throw these clowns out of office.
jchilstrom 1 day ago Report Abuse
Original Certified Birth Certificate $20
Spending Millions refusing to spend $20

richarcm13 1 day ago Report Abuse
Obama around every single turn is a corrupt and completely unconstitutional clown. He should be impeached immediately upon a 2010 Republican overturn of Washington.
thomas_w_bowman 1 day ago Report Abuse
Stalling will only make it worse.
What Hospital and what Doctor delivered ?
Just answer the simple question. Now.
billet_ 22 hours ago Report Abuse
The country is sliding into an abyss of lies, being led by the king of lies....The Kenyan!
theperfessor 22 hours ago Report Abuse
Barry Soetoro, you are not my President. In fact, you are not anybody's President. A complete investigation will show that you are actually an illegal alien.

I am not afraid of you or your nazi tactics. WE THE PEOPLE are coming for you. Be afraid... be very afraid.
davisbud 22 hours ago Report Abuse
My children, grand children, wife and myself have all had to produce our birth certificates on numerous ocassions throughout our lives to verify who we were. John McCain voluntarily proved his birth. I've been told that in some states, in particular California,there have been many individuals who have been removed from the ballot for President who didn't meet the age requirement. Why not the natural birth requirement?

Since parents could register a live birth in Hawaii during the early 60s whether or not the child was actually born in that state requires the vault copy be produced to show the actual hospital, attending physician, and parent's name. This information is so innocuous it doesn't make sense that one would spend millions to prevent its release when twenty dollars would solve the problem. Transparency begins with you Mr. Obama. Not at the end of the line. The buck starts and stops with you on this issue. Prove yourself worthy.

Its only human nature for suspicions to be aroused when someone goes to the lengths Mr. Obama go to to hide something. It could be there are facts that could be embarrassing at worst unless the birth certificate actually shows he is not a naturally born citizen of the United States.

Oh, and the fact that Kenya sealed it's records before the election makes one wonder. What facts could they hide and why would they go to that extreme for a person who wasn't even born in that country nor a citizen?
blabla 22 hours ago Report Abuse
Seems that the Bla Bla Obama administration may be bogus.
ksf895 22 hours ago Report Abuse
In which hospital in Hawaii was he born?
Who delivered him?
Perhaps those are better questions.
The short form doesn't show this, but the long form does.
Everyone I've asked knows in which hospital he or she was born...
So - maybe that is the way to go about it...
In which hospital in Hawaii was he born?
Who delivered him?
With this being an election of historic proportions, you'd think someone would have come forward by now... wouldn't you?
This was the child of an interracial couple, which was fairly uncommon at the time, even in Hawaii... Might have been notable don't you think?
blabla 21 hours ago Report Abuse
Seems that the issue, i.e., place of birth, extends beyond the oval office into the halls of the United States Congress.

If the United States Congress will not address this place of birth issue, perhaps its time to purge Congress.
anniepetrone 21 hours ago Report Abuse
RICHARCM13, Ditto !!!
21 hours ago Report Abuse
He is defensive about the birth certificate. If he has one, why doesn't he just show it. Because he is a liar. He is an imposter and should be impeached. He and Nancy has become very good at deceiving. The truth is in the pudding.
cottyea 21 hours ago Report Abuse
I had to produce my birth certificate to get a passport so i would think that to be president of the USA a person should produce his or her birth certificate to prove that they were born in this country.

The citizens of thid country have been requesting the birth certificate of Barrack Obama during his campaign run for president and even now after being elected he has not shown the actual birth certificate just a phony copy.

It's time for Pres. Obama to produce his birth certificate. If he doesn't produce the certificate then it is time for Congress to get a backbone and demand the certificate or start to take legal action.
stueverjc 21 hours ago Report Abuse
Yeah, well put guys... you really showed me. Too bad I already rejected your self proclaimed society.
swinney_five 21 hours ago Report Abuse
This issue is one of greatest importance. Our government is not upholding our Constitution. This is really pretty simple... Obama has
to prove is eligibility to serve as president. I know McCain had to prove everything, why is Obama not made to do the same. I think a lot
of the Democrat party has a lot of anwsering to do. They are part of the deceit as well as the Obama adminstration. He keeps saying he wants
transparency.. so far this adminstration has be the most underhanded,
and deceitful we have had the misfortune to have to deal with. It's real-- prove your eligibility and if you can't prove it.. then resign.
gary.melillo 21 hours ago Report Abuse
I also had to produce a "birth certificate" to get a passport. The first time I applied, I sent in a certificate of live birth (which is what Obama posted on the web) and it got rejected as an "invalid document". Obama obviously thinks we are a bunch of idiots.
stueverjc 21 hours ago Report Abuse
I absolutely agree that our country is not upholding the constitution. And, if the president does not have valid citizenship, I agree that he should be dropped; though I think it's be difficult to do. However, there are tons of equally significant injustices against the constitution. Take, for example, youth oppression through the public school systems. How about the group-think society that they are producing? How about how a child can't wear an American flag on his or her shirt because "unapproved logos" are not allowed on a uniform? First amendment anyone?

Speaking about following rules, and how about the rules on this site that say not to spam the same idea over and over? Police your own.
21 hours ago Report Abuse
he is a foreign National..until..I see the long form BC..I will not support a foreign national as President of Our Good USA..I didn't vote for him ....I refuse to call him "President".... until the proper authorities see the LONG BC...anything he does right now is bogus. The Dems are at fault for not vetting this man properly..He has become thier puppet and spokesman for the Dems agenda...You don't need a BC for this!.Showing his Long form is a CHANGE.. that he can believe in...and I can only hope for...Out in 2012..
mdj 21 hours ago Report Abuse
it's a piece of paper. just release it and get it over with.
srobison 21 hours ago Report Abuse
As a graphic artist who regularly uses the Photoshop program, I can confidently say that producing a birth certificate image - or just about any image ya want - for the quality needed for internet viewing is EXTREMELY EASY!!!
schnlj 21 hours ago Report Abuse
Anyone figure out yet that Obama robots dont care about anything but American Idol ?
reelmayhem 21 hours ago Report Abuse
If he had nothing to hide, why spend 1 million dollars on lawyers to prevent court action ?? All people asking for proof here will probably be put on " The no fly list " and considered " right wing exstremist ".
amazingracespencer 21 hours ago Report Abuse
Obama needs to release ALL his records regarding his true citizenship. WE need his long form birth certificate, his school records which reveal what citizenship he claimed throughout his life. We need to see what documentation he used to travel to Indonesia when NOBODY with a US Passport could go there. We need to see if he was the recipient of any aid for foreign students during his education. His blatant refusal to provide the documentation to show that he is a Natural Born and not even a dual citizen is vital. WE MUST PRESERVE THE INTEGRITY OF OUR CONSTITUTION because if any part of it is allowed to fall, the rest is vulnerable. ALso, the way this man speaks and demeans our nation, the way he is trying to rule by executive order and declaration and the way he is trying to destroy our country from within is bordering treasonous in many opinions so he does not even ACT like an American. My family came to this country via Ellis Island and worked hard to become citzens and as much as we all love this country and my father and grandparents sacrificed and fled oppressive government in Greece which then became part of ALbania, we appreciate freedom. If they were alive my little 4'10 grandma would be jumping up and down with outrage at this travesty. We have an UNDOCUMENTED person in the White HOuse. HE is NOT above the law. This nation needs to band together and remind him. The Democratic House and Senate are not above the law. The ballot box and recalls will take care of them too. THe Communists and others who wish to see us DESTROYED as AMerica absolutely LOVE THIS MAN. Why? Show the papers, Mr. Obama. You ARE NOT ABOVE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. You are not above ANY SINGLE CITIZEN OF THIS COUNTRY.
stueverjc 21 hours ago Report Abuse
Personally, I trust that a horde of politicians would have demanded proof of eligibility prior to allowing him to be sworn in. If they are satisfied enough to move on, so am I. I mean, come on! His opposition is worth trillions; if he wasn't eligible, they would have used that to keep him from being elected. You act like they didn't do an extensive background check before they swore him in. Love the fear-mongering tactics, though.
M E 21 hours ago Report Abuse
Stueverjc- you want to trust the politicians that have made a very lucrative living by lying, cheating, and stealing from us? ARE YOU SERIOUS? You appear to be as delusional as any Obamabot that curses this nation. They DID NOT do a background check, that is just the point! You "love the fear mongering", what kind of idiot are you? It is absolutely amazing that some people can be told the truth and simply will not accept it. Why don't you check to find out just WHO did this "extensive background" check on Obama? Instead of throwing out false assumptions, at least verify your facts. Go to IF you are REALLY not just an Obamabot and possess the ability to think for yourself, go check out that sight and then come back and post something intelligent that will refute this claim.
boblagore 21 hours ago Report Abuse
Clearly we have a Constitutional crisis since the man who occupies the oval office has not proven his eligibility to be President. Every document that this man signs as President is invalid. What's worse is that members of Congress have been duped and don't seem to care. The truth never has to be hidden.
raymondellis369 21 hours ago Report Abuse
With all the documented facts about his father and mother, the two different hospitals he was born in (good trick), the changing story, how we was able to go to a country as a child that was closed to AMERICAN citizens, the producing of a document that was used for births outside of the country and the fraudulent document produced on the internet - COUGH HARD OBAMA and produce the original long form document to prove that you deserve to hold the office. John McCain did willingly. Why are you spending millions to hide from a simple document truth? Looks more and more like you are guilty as charged - USURPER.
lmoffett 21 hours ago Report Abuse
It is way past time when we see whether this president is qualified to hold that office. I demand he produce his records.
stueverjc 21 hours ago Report Abuse
I am flattered that you feel that attacking me will win your war against, whatever it is.

Oh, BTW: This site was officially closed several days ago. You are mostly yelling into the wind. I'm humored though, this plot is almost as good as... what was that thing called? Oh yeah.. TV.
oight 20 hours ago Report Abuse
I feel that if President Obama were able to put this issue to rest, he would have done it by now by producing a legitimate birth certificate. If we haven't seen the REAL birth certificate and we haven't seen his passport and we haven't seen his school records (or medical records, for that matter) then he's hiding something. It's as simple as that. All other Presidents have provided this information. We are in a real constitutional crisis here because if he is a fraud then everything he has done since taking office is fraudulent activity. President Obama, let's end this once and for all. WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?
rnddncr1 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Here's what I don't understand! In order to get a passport, you have to have an original(long form) Birth Certificate. If our (un-official)President wants to shut us up, why does'nt he just provide us with the origional? Obviously, he has alot to hide! STOP BS'ing us, and just show us the original B.C!
kelloggmon 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Anybody, along with Sen. Barack Obama can seek the presidency of the United States of America, but may not qualify.

Fact 1. Constitution Article II, Section II sets forth the qualifications for presidential candidates: ""No person except a NATURAL BORN Citizen", or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and have been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Fact 2. Just because you are a US Citizen or have a US birth certificate, does NOT mean that your are a "NATURAL BORN" Citizen of the USA!!!

Fact 3. A Birth Certificate or documentation of a birth in a hospital should include at least: a number referring to the document, the name of the hospital, the mothers and fathers birthplace and ages, and with the attending doctor's signature.

Fact 4. The state of Hawaii issues a Certification of Live Birth (COLB) for those born: inside the State of Hawaii, outside of the State of Hawaii, and even outside the country if the parents, or one of the parents, are natives of, or residents in, the State of Hawaii. They also allow Late Registration. Every illegal alien born in Hawaii gets a Hawaiian COLB!!! The questionable*(see notes below) Certification of Live Birth (with a rev. 11/01 printed by a computer on a 2001 form for someone supposedly born in 1961) submitted on the web page of Barack Obama indicates that Barack Hussein Obama II was born on Aug. 4, 1961 to the mother Stanley Ann Dunham and father Barack Hussein Obama.

Fact 5. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, was not a US citizen, he was a bureaucrat Muslim in the communist government of Kenya. Under the British Nationality Act of 1948 he was a citizen of the United Kingdom and its Colonies. Under this Act, IF he was married to Stanley Ann Dunham and IF he acknowledged Barack Hussein Obama, Jr, as his son, or IF they were not married and he still acknowledged the boy, and IF he filed the correct paperwork with the British Colonial Authorities in Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama II, was born as a British Colonial Citizen and possesses a Birth Certificate which should still exist on file in Kenya and, presumably, London, England. Under Chapter VI. Section 87, of The Constitution of Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. became a Kenyan citizen on December 12th 1963. If Barack Hussein Obama, Sr, filed the correct papers with the British Colonial Authorities and with the Kenyan Government Barack Hussein Obama II also became a Kenyan citizen on December 12th 1963 under Section 97. of the Kenyan Constitution and still remains a Kenyan Citizen.

Fact 6. Stanley Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo a Muslim Indonesian citizen.

Fact 7. Under Indonesian Law you can not adopt a child over the age of five, even abroad, if you are an Indonesian Citizen. In “Dreams from my Father”, Obama says he lived with his step-father in Indonesia for five years and that by the time he and his mother arrived in Indonesia she and Lolo had been married for over a year before Lolo returned to Indonesia. Five years + one year = 6 years and when Barack Hussein Obama II returned to Hawaii prior to September of 1971 because he was enrolled in his Prep School in Hawaii to start the Fifth Grade he was 10 years old so he was probably shy of 4 years old when Dunham married Soetoro and arrived in Indonesia about the time of his fifth Birthday (1966).

Fact 8. Indonesian Law says: “Foreign persons under age of five who are adopted by Indonesian Citizens obtain Indonesian Citizenship following legalization of adoption process by District Court of general jurisdiction with jurisdiction over the adoptive parents [Id at Art. 2 (1)]“ “It is stipulated that an adopted child has the same status as a natural child, and that his or her relationship to the birth parents is severed by adoption”.

Fact 9. The only Legal Relationship he would have to his mother is that she was married to his Legal Father Lolo Soetoro, under Indonesian Law. He would be an Indonesian Citizen with an Indonesian Passport and an entry in Lolo’s KK documents.

Fact 10. Indonesian Law prior to August 1966 would be Indonesian Law 62/1958 and other prior Indonesian Laws. Indonesian Law does not accept Dual Nationality/Citizenship, so Barack Hussein Obama II would no longer be a US Citizen according to Indonesian Law, in fact he would be considered never to have been one at all.

Fact 11. Lolo Soetoro would be his guardian, next of Kin and father. His Religion would be Legally Listed and Registered as Islam because children have the Religion of their Father under Indonesian Law and can have no other. His Surname would become Soetoro, in full Soetoro Mangunharjo with Barry as his given name at the choosing by his father Lolo.

Fact 12. Barry Soetoro was enrolled on January 1st 1968, given Serial No 203 and placed in Class 1 B. His Religion is given as Islam, his Nationality Indonesian, his Father’s Name as L Soetoro Ma., his Father’s Occupation as Official, Director General’s Office TNI [Topography Division Indonesian Army] and his Name as Barry Soetoro.

Fact 13. Only citizen Indonesian children were enrolled in Indonesian Schools in 1968, SD Asisi was a Roman Catholic School within the Indonesian State System, it was not an International School. Therefore, if he attended this school and subsequently SDN Menteng 1, State Elementary School, and every source agrees that this is the case, he would have to have been enrolled as an Indonesian Citizen.

Fact 14. All records show that Lolo Soetoro Ma. is described as his father and that no mention is made of his mother.

Fact 15. Indonesia in the sixties was a Police State! Everybody, even babes, had Identity Documents of some sort, possibly including Passports. Everybody was registered with the Government, one way or another. The head of each family, usually the father, but in rare cases a widowed, or divorced, mother has an Official Document called a Kartu Keluarga (Family Card). This lists every household/family member and gives their details in the same way as their individual KTPs or KITAS visas would.

Fact 16. An adopted, child called a WNI, warga negara Indonesia, has the same KK entry as any other Indonesian child. When a child enrolls in School their details are taken down from their KK Entry, as presented by the father (who is also required, at that time, to produce his KTP to verify the details on the KK). They are then given their Student KTP. KKs, like KTPs, are issued by the Government and cross checked by the National Police and Immigration Service.

Fact 17. Everything on Barry Soetoro record's at SD Asisi matches what would be true if he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro before he arrived in Indonesia. Schools are subject to periodical checks by both the Police and Immigration Officers as well as School Inspectors; this includes the teachers as well as the students.

Fact 18. Under Indonesian Law Barry Soetoro was an Indonesian Citizen and he could not Renounce that Citizenship until he was between the ages of 18 and 21, after 21 possibly he could not renounce it at all.

Fact 19. Dual nationals owe allegiance to both countries and are required to obey the laws of both countries. Either country has the right to enforce its laws, particularly if that person later travels there. Most U.S. citizens, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States. Dual nationals may also be required by the foreign country to use its passport to enter and leave that country.

Fact 20. Somehow Stanley Ann Dunham got the necessary letter of permission from her husband so Barry Soetoro could go to Hawaii. An Indonesian Citizen called Barry Soetoro left Jakarta on an Indonesian Passport with both a US Visa and also an Indonesian Exit Visa. But an American Citizen called Barack Obama landed in Hawaii.

Fact 21. The US law states for a "NATURAL BORN" US Citizen for the time Barack Hussein Obama II was born between December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986: If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens and at least one had a prior residence in the United States, you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no conditions for retaining it. If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16.

Fact 22. Obama's mother was only 18 years old at his birth, NOT the 16 + 5 = 21 required because his father was not a US citizen. Therefore Barack Hussein Obama II is NOT a "NATURAL BORN" US Citizen as required to become the President of the USA!!!

Fact 23. There must be a paper trail in Hawaii, US State Dept., and other Federal and Foreign Government Records to prove, or disprove the above facts and if there is not then somebody has removed the trail. If that is the case there has been a criminal conspiracy and all these moles involved need to go to prison!!! At the State Dept. Obama's records have been breached 3 times by employees of a company that the CEO is an adviser to Sen. Obama!!!

Fact 24. We had an Indonesian Barry Soetoro with an Indonesian passport leaving Indonesia but upon the arrival in Hawaii we had the same person Barack Hussein Obama II now magically a US citizen.

Fact 25. All of Barry's classmates throughout all of his school years knew him as Barry until he started college whereupon he was Barack Obama when he left the island of Hawaii to the mainland.

Fact 26. It is the responsibility of the presidential candidate to prove that they meet the qualifications of the Constitution, not the voters. So let Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama II supply copies of all the original documents that would prove he is a "NATURAL BORN Citizen of the United States of America" as defined and required by the US Constitution to become the President & Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and he has no allegiance to another country!!!

Questions, Notes, & Comments:
1. Where is the original 1961 Birth Certificate that was issued at the time of birth of Obama II with the signature of the attending doctor? There were 2 hospitals in Honolulu at that time, but by phone I was denied my request to find out if they had Obama's documents. The document in 1961 would have been black & white!!!
Obama claimed in the first chapter of his book Dreams From My Father: "I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school." Time wise this would be before 1980, so why is he trying to pawn off on us a COLB that was made after 2001?
2. Dunham by an application for SSN 535-40-8522 stating she was born Nov. 29, 1942, so if Barack was born on Aug. 4, 1961 Dunham was 18 years old.
3. From US immigration, exactly when starting in 1961 did Dunham, Obama Sr., Barack Hussein Obama II, &/or Barry Soetoro depart Hawaii? Were there any other reentries or exits (with full details) before the final entry of Barack Hussein Obama II at age 10 when he started school in Sept. 1971 in Hawaii?
4. Sen. Obama's own Kenyan paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed that Stanley Ann Dunham gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth.
5. Did Obama Sr. document his son with the Kenyan government? If so Obama II is probably still a citizen of Kenya &/or the UK.
6. How did Dunham legally enter an Indonesia citizen named Barry Soetoro into Hawaii with the name of Barack Obama???
7. Where are the legal papers that show Barry Soetoro's name was changed to Barack Hussein Obama II?
8. Did Barry Soetoro formally renounce Indonesian Citizenship between the ages of 18 and 21 and if so where are the documents? If Barry did not renounce then he is still an Indonesian citizen and Indonesian Law would prevail.
9. Senator Obama was an Indonesian Citizen as a boy but probably still is one legally. Perhaps this explains Julia Suryakusuma's view that Obama could run for President of Indonesia as expressed in her article in "The Jakarta Post" on 29th November 2006. Julia Suryakusuma was one of Stanley Ann Dunham's best friends.
10. Did Barack Hussein Obama II upon the age of 18 comply with all the requirements of the Selective Service Registration until he reached the age of 26: Defense Authorization Act established Title 5, U.S. Code, Section 3328? If so what is his Selective Service number? Have him release all of these records.
11. The State Department should know what kind of passport and name Obama used on his journey to visit his mother in Pakistan, in 1981.
12. See FACT 4. Hawaii issue of CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH (COLB) with a revision for the year 2001 for someone born in 1961 means absolutely nothing because Barack Hussein Obama II could have been born outside of the USA and still received this document since his mother was a resident of the state.
13. * -
This document looks as flaky as: the forged Bush documents that DAN RAthER touted on ABC that got him fired; and John Kerry's DD214 which was not issued until peanuts Carter gave amnesty to the traitors & draft dodgers of his time. You do not need to be a computer expert to question this Certification of Live Birth:
A. The certification number is blocked out (probably by Photoshop), at the bottom of the certificate it says "any alterations invalidates this certificate".
B. The birth supposed to have happened in 1961 but the COLB was printed by a laser printer (non-existent in 1961) on a form revised in 2001.
C. There is no space between ,1 on August 8,1961 as there is between 4, 1 on the August 4, 1961.
D. In 1961 the Birth Certificates were black & white!!!
E. In 1961 Dunham, the mother's race would have been listed as WHITE, not Caucasian.
F. In 1961 Obama, the father's race would have been listed as BLACK or NEGRO, not African.
G. All that Sen. Obama needs to do to clarify the COLB & other facts, questions, notes, and comments made above is to authorize the release of all his original records where ever they maybe found. (Something that John Kerry has never authorized with all of his military records, FBI records, or CIA records!!!)
14. Barack Obama lied to the Illinois Supreme Court when asked to provide former names, according to his attorney registration it just lists Barack Hussein Obama as full name, but his birth certificate on his web page has Barack Hussein Obama II, and his years in Indonesia he was legally Barry Soetoro.
15. Senator Barack Hussein Obama II needs to be also investigated for breaking the Logan Act for both his World Tour trip and his trip to Kenya where Obama has involved himself in Kenyan Internal Politics where he has actively campaigned for Prime Minister Odinga’s Party, the ODM, by making speeches in Kenya.
16. Concerning Obama's allegiance there is at
a movie of Barack Hussein Obama II not standing at attention & putting his right hand over his heart during the National Anthem, instead he has his hands over his crotch while rocking back & forth. As Obama would say: "YES WE CAN". Does Obama's allegiance belong with: UK; Kenya; Indonesia; or Obama's communist mentor from the age of 10 to 18 was "Frank" from Obama's book "Dreams from My Father" which was the sex deviate negroid Frank Marshall Davis who had sex with a 13 year old girl with his wife and Davis espionage against the USA as a member of the Communist Party of United States in Hawaii & ties in Chicago that the FBI has 601 pages documented. Or Obama's connection to the same kind of people in Chicago are: racist hating Dr. Rev. "God damn America" Wright that made an unauthorized trip to Cuba to consult with Comrade Castro and that taught Black Liberation Theology to the Obama's for more than 20 years so Obama thinks he can claim that he is a Christian; his buddies that provided most of Obama's security during the primaries from The Nation of Islam & Louis Farrakhan; the Weather Underground terrorists & Communist the unrepentant William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn where Obama launched his political career at their home; and/or his political financial buddies convicted felon billionaire George Soros & convicted felon Syrian national Tony Rezko??? This is the Obama's "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN"!!! Or view next to Obama's photo a Cuban flag with Che Guevara’s portrait in his Texas campaign office:
or as he claims he is not or never was a Muslim check on: and
or his ties to Saudi billionaire Dr. Khalid al-Mansour the financial backer of the Black Panthers and that helped Obama at Harvard:
17. So exactly who is this guy that wants to be our US Commander in Chief of Armed Forces that says: "----we'll make the goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons a central element in our nuclear policy"??? He doesn't want to spend any money on new weaponry technology while we constantly have terrorist threats. The suicidal Mullahs in Iran are on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons but Obama will give us universal health care, do we also get a Geiger counter and iodine tablets??? When Russia invaded democratically elected government of Georgia, Obama called on Georgia to show restraint. Then Comrade Obama's solution was to call on the U.N. Security Council where Russia has veto power, then goes body surfing!!! Do we want the commander in chief to pass the mantle of U.S. leadership to the corrupt U.N.???
18. We are wondering why Obama is not living or running for some communist government office in China after he praises the superior Communist Chinese's infrastructures: "Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now...""Beijing looks like a pretty good option." After making comments like this he gets mad because we question his patriotism to the USA.
19. Right from the mouth of a cocaine user Sen. Obama in his memoir "Dreams from My Father," on his drug use "Pot had helped, and booze, maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack though," He was deterred by the image "of an air bubble, shiny and round like a pearl, rolling quietly through my vein and stopping my heart," he says. "Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man." And he even explains how he has gotten away with avoiding discussions of his drug use and the technique he used to deceive his mother when she confronted him: "I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand and told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid. It was usually an effective tactic, another of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves." As long as he does not deviate from his teleprompter speech and does not make in sudden moves or thoughts he does not put his foot in his mouth.
20. Senator Barack Hussein Obama II said on CNBC television about his World Tour on July 25: "It has also allowed me to send a message to the American people that the judgments I have made and the judgments I will make are ones that are going to result in them being safer." Do you feel safer now with Obama's judgments, his associations, his friends that he has made, and that he represents the Democrat's candidate for the President of the USA???
blabla 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Seems that it is time for Bla Bla Obama and the Bla Bla Obama operatives in the United States Congress certify the eligibility of Bla Bla Obama ... if not certifiable it is time for him to vacate the White House.

In the event that the United States Congress cannot certify that Obama is eligible to occupy the White House, then perhaps he is an illegal alien.
jimblack 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Where BHO was born doesn't really matter. He is the son of a non-U.S. citizen. Both parents must be U.S. citizens for him to be an Art. 2, Sect. 1, Clause citizen. Even his mother didn't reside long enough in America to confer citizenship to Barack Jr. Everything else is icing on the cake. The man is a usurper and Chief Justice Roberts must have at least suspected that when he swore him in.
stratojet312 20 hours ago Report Abuse
When I RENEWED my Passport I was required to furnish a VAULT COPY of my original birth certificate to prove citizenship. The requirements for holding the highest office in the land shall be no less stringent.

It was an easy task for me to furnish a vault copy of my birth certificate to prove citizenship. Why is it so difficult for Barack Obama to furnish a VAULT COPY of his birth certificate with the vault number visible and readable? Could it be that one does NOT exist?
jsmithcsa 20 hours ago Report Abuse
I had to provide my birth certificate to get a drivers license and again to join the Army. Neither of these is required by the Constitution yet, BHO, who is required to be a citizen in order to hold his office, has not just failed, but REFUSED to show his. There are reports he has spent $1M to prevent disclosure of his birth certificate (or long form certificate of live birth).

He needs to show it to a bipartisan group of leaders.
bookins 20 hours ago Report Abuse
What is the website address for the White House dialogue?
chuckandtina 20 hours ago Report Abuse
It is important! It is a constitutional requirement!!! Show us the birth certificate. I have been required to show my and my family's birth certificates for much less important reasons by the government than being an eligible president of the United States. The lies and hypocrisy about transparency are infuriating. Show the american people your birth certificate. If not, you should be impeached!
M E 20 hours ago Report Abuse
stueverjc- Maybe this site has been closed, but that only brings the question WHY? Could it be that Obama does not want any truth to be brought to the fact that he is USURPING authority legally granted to a qualified President? Why do you not go to the site I put on here for you to examine? Why do you have NOTHING to refute these claims? Why is it that you sound like Gibbs did when the question was posed to him of the birth certificate? You continue to mock and make fun of what you will not investigate. Do you already know the truth, and simply want to disregard it? Let me tell you that "it aint gonna happen!" Your messiah is about to have a day of reckoning, and the American people WILL have justice! This can not and will not be ignored. It will not simply go away, and Obama WILL answer for crimes. Furthermore, anyone associated with him can and will be tried.....wonder where that puts you?
tracy_goldman 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Show the American public the actual long form birth certificate--with the hospital name, doctors name, and not just the photoshopped COLB. It seems there has been too much effort to suppress the truth her
stratojet312 20 hours ago Report Abuse
jsmithcsa, Not only the illegitimate President but also the illegitimate Commander-in-Chief. Mot only that, he has absolutely NO EXPERIENCE in leading troops in time of peace or war, and no formal military training. I am a vet that would never follow Obama even in peacetime.

No wonder the dem's are afraid of returning soldiers.
nannyjanet 20 hours ago Report Abuse
How is this man's thwarting of the citizenship requirement even possible. I couldn't sign my kids up for softball or drivers ed. w/out showing an official birth certificate. Let's see the paper before he completely destroys our country and everything we hold dear!
hsc 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Doesn't Mr. O Work for the United States ? Isn't he a paid employee of the people ? Who is he to raise his chin in the air and say NO...We asked to see legitimate credentials and we should be given that respect .

his actions are inferior to a leader that should keep this great country in a state of controversy over his insubordination to the law and citizens of our country.
artdes2 20 hours ago Report Abuse
A certificate of live birth is NOT an original birth certificate. It won't get me a passport. Seems to me, his mother obtained this after she re-entered the US after his birth (you can get one at any time)from whatever country she had him. She may have had an original from the hospital in Kenya, or whatever they hand you, BO probably has that tucked away somewhere, or he may have NOTHING to prove where he was really born. Maybe why this is all he can come up with. But LET'S SEE IT!!! Enough of this arrogant man usurping our laws. It's a simple request, and by the way, with today's forensic technology, we can determine if it's a forgery or not. You can date the ink and paper without fail.
Ken Scott 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Which Federal government agency produced official verified documented evidence that Obama fulfilled the Constitutional requirements to be President? Where is this documentation?

Or are we going to rely on some private website, or bloggers, or laughter from Robert Gibbs on this. Gibbs even said that there is proof of Obama's birth. No kidding! But no mention of where.
blessings2u24-7 20 hours ago Report Abuse
WE need The Truth The Whole Truth and nothing but The Truth, so help us God! and ~NOW!!! NO DELAY TODAY!!!
webprowler66 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Honest people don't have teams of lawyers running around sealing their records. of course he's ineligible or he wouldn't be fighting so hard to keep his records in the dark. It boils down to either he or his Grandmother is a liar and she said she was in the delivery room in Kenya with his mother when Barack was born ! Get the flag burning fascist out of the presidency until he can prove his natural born citizenship status with his vault copy birth certificate. I HAVE MINE, WHERE'S YOUR'S BARRY ?
vernon06 20 hours ago Report Abuse
I feel the American people should know their president. I'm in the dark on this one. Not only do I need to know about his birth certificate I would like to know how he received college grant aid as a foreign student. Does anyone check and verify these applications before giving aid to students?
gpburdell00 20 hours ago Report Abuse
I really want to see his college (and previous schooling) transcripts as well. We've had access to the college records of all modern presidents and actually used their GPAs to compare their relative intelligence.

So many folks talk about how "intelligent" Obama is. Then prove it! Let's see the grades. His presentation and oratory are smooth and slick when he has his teleprompter, but when it isn't there - whoa nelly - the guy sounds like a total moron.
kpotthoff 20 hours ago Report Abuse
For those who keep using factcheck as their basis for debunking this:

Fact Check is a propaganda wing of The Annenberg Foundation.

Its full title is Annenberg Political Fact Check.
Who ran Annenberg Chicago?

Barack Hussein Obama was on the Board of Directors from 1995-2001, and was the Chairman from 1995-1999.

I cannot get a basic job without verification, why can B.O., something smells nasty here. We the people have been bamboozled and it must stop now, no matter what the cost!
zerep1957 20 hours ago Report Abuse
It has been asked as to why are Obama's birth, college & medical records sealed, and has 3 high-powered law firms protecting/guarding this information? And why was he never vetted like McCain? On all of his travels around the world, what passport did Obama used? Couldn't of been a USA passport in certain countries because of travel restrictions on American Citizens; for example - Indonesia. How is it that he can enter mosques in Iraq while American Soldiers must stand outside their perimeters? Who we should really be asking are those behind his curtain and the money...; the ones who feed his teleprompters for starters, like George Soros and his buddies, who absolutely despise the USA. And no, the teleprompter issue is not old. Just recently Obama thanked himself during one of 'his' speeches. For those who follow this individual who is illegally occupying Our White House, how blind can one get? Is impeachment and prosecution in order for Obama and many of his cabinet members, along with those behind the curtain? If so, indisputable proof must be made across the board for all Americans, and the world to see, in order to avoid a national chaos of an unprecedented level.
larlyles 20 hours ago Report Abuse
This comment is addressed directly to you, in the first person, Barrack Hussein Obama. The change that you have demonstrated is that you refuse to be open about any of your personal information that would determine whether or not you are actually qualified to hold the office of President of the United States, while you tout the transparency of your administration at every opportunity. You are a hypocrite of the highest order. You have fought tooth and nail to keep this information from being released, by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for high-priced lawyers to fight the release of this information at every turn. Everyone is left guessing why you would do this, but the only logical explanation is that the information would prove that you are not eligible to serve as President of the United States, and you are willing to prevent this from happening at any cost.

You want to be able to continue to tear down the constitutional republic and the free enterprise system of government that made the United States great because this is not what you believe in, because you are a communist at heart. You want to be able to change the United States into the country you think it should be, melded into the New World Order headed towards one-world government. You, like many other elites, think that this is the answer to mankind's problems and will create the utopia that mankind has been striving for ever since his fall from grace in the Garden of Eden. Plus you want all that power that goes along with this.

You want to continue to be able to authenticate and mainstream sinful behavior because, having attended Reverend Wright's church for two decades, apparently you don't have a clue what God's definition of sin is, that definition being declared in the Bible, which was not taught in Reverend Wright's church. Sin is the transgression of the law - God's law, not yours. Regardless of what laws you get Congress to pass, it is God's law that counts and is the determining factor to identify and condemn sin.

The actions you have taken so far as the holder of the office of President of the United States, legitimate or not, in the name of trying to fix the economy, are a disgrace to every president who has held the office before you and to every American soldier who has sacrificed life or limb to keep their country free.

The Constitution of the United States has been destroyed little by little by activist judges who legislate from the bench. If you are truly ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States, your actions will completely destroy the Constitution and render it of no use as our governing document, unless it can be proved that you are actually not eligible to hold the office and you are subsequently removed.

Deep down in my heart I feel this to be the real reason why you won't simply produce your long-form birth certificate and answer the eligibility questions and lawsuits once and for all. The real reason is that you know fully well that you are not constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President of the United States.

Barrack Hussein Obama, by your refusal to provide documented proof of your eligibility and your silence on the matter, you have loudly shouted and screamed that you are a fraud and a usurper. The truth WILL come out one day and your shame and infamy will live on forever in the annals of history.
blabla 20 hours ago Report Abuse
The refusal by the United States Congress to certify the eligibility of Obama to serve as the President of the United States clearly labels the United States Congress as a "Freak Show."

The United States Congress is a Freak Show!

Bottom line ... the United States Congress is to blame more so than Bla Bla Obama.

Perhaps it is time to purge Congress ...

Rudy Diaz 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Open Government?: Where's MR. Barack Obama's LONG form birth certificate?
John Broad 20 hours ago Report Abuse
The logic is quite simple and straight forward: He is a natural born citizen, and he produces the original birth certificate. Or, he is not a natural born citizen.
xinunus 20 hours ago Report Abuse



bdillon 20 hours ago Report Abuse
Chiyome Fukino who is registrar of vital statistics in Hawaii states she has “personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures." (Quote from

Hawaii's policies and procedures, at the time of Obama's birth, allowed registration of live birth for children born outside Hawaii, in other words, in other parts of the world! A legal long form certificate must be shown stating that he was born on Hawaiian soil if Obama is to keep his promise of transparent government.

I don't think it exists!
equality7.2521 20 hours ago Report Abuse
I'm dying to see his college records that claim he was a Kenyan or Indonesian to help him get points with Affirmative Action. That would be icing on the cake, sweet!
marym1965 20 hours ago Report Abuse
There is a huge billboard campaign underway to post ads all over the country that say, "Where's the Birth Certificate?". Why would they be spending thousands of dollars on something that has already been proven to be false? There are many lawsuits that have been filed demanding Obama to unseal his records. He has also sealed his records in Kenya. Why would he even have records there unless he had been born there? It is treasonous in and of itself for him to seal all his records and hide them from the people. Think about it people....if you had this many people hounding you about wanting to see your records....if you had nothing to hide...wouldn't you just RELEASE them and shut them all up??? One thing concerns me. If he can just drop the charges against the Black Panthers, what do you think he will do for ACORN? If he can get probes to stop for them, can he falsify records?? SOMEONE knows the truth!
cdostie 19 hours ago Report Abuse
A few posters have mentioned that Barack Inssein Obama's refusal to prove his eligibility to be President of the USSA is creating a constitutional crisis.

On the contrary, his refusal to follow the law is merely more evidence, this time at the highest office of power in the world, that the US Constitution is an historical document that is only referenced to garner emotional support from the sheeple that everything is being done properly. In reality the men and women who occupy the halls of power in our government have been ignorning the constitution since the Civil War. The current eligibility issue is just one more piece of evidence that they do not honor the document except to spit upon it. They need to ALL be removed from office for failure to uphold and defend the constitution, and it is up to us, We the People to enforce that.

Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be sprinkled with the blood of tyrants and patriots." It appears the tree of liberty is suffering from a drought and will soon die unless it is "watered."
hb5 19 hours ago Report Abuse
You can't choose which parts of the Constituion you will abide by! If he has a legitimate birth certificate, why not show it and put this issue to rest? The one they posted on the Internet was forced to be removed after it was proven to be a forgery!

Why does Obama have lawyers keeping his college records secret?
blabla 19 hours ago Report Abuse

You have that right ... Purge Congress!

rad2duhbone53 19 hours ago Report Abuse
The Democrats scream bloody murder when calling Bush's election stolen.
But scoff at those that question Obama's eligibility. Present his birth certificate for all the world to see; but they won't......They are hiding HIS election fraud.
blabla 19 hours ago Report Abuse
Tell Bla Bla Obama to go home then begin to purge the United States Congress ...
James Mapston 19 hours ago Report Abuse
No! What is frightening is the percentage of people who do not care that a Foreigner is Leading our country. Everything he signs becomes null & void upon discovery of the truth. You don't spend millions to hide something so basic. It is OBVIOUS he was born elsewhere and he is going balls to the wall to hide it. Anyone who could end this non-sense in 10 minutes would. The problem lies in the fact that he cannot. All the people who don't care would be the 1st to say "OK, so what! So he was born in another country! Aren't we living in a world economy anyway?
The left has what it wanted for years now. A generation raised to disrespect our roots and a total disregard for the Constitution & all those who gave their lives defending it!!! Shocking stuff folks, shocking stuff!!!
jbridges 19 hours ago Report Abuse
Come on Barry, stop acting like your criminal friends and release the BC. You are just a man, Jesus is Messiah not you. Get off your high horse and release the BC.
trucksignz 19 hours ago Report Abuse
I can think of only one reason Barack refuses to release his long form birth certificate and put an end to this.
dmacmurray 19 hours ago Report Abuse
"Richard Posner 3 days ago
Report Abuse

Since is run by Annenberg and Sotero and Ayers were an integral part of Annenberg for years, why do you think that this information is reliable. I looked at the document. It is nothing more than a computer-generated "replica" and has no attending physician listed. It's not may have come from Hawaii Obama supplicants but it is not THE birth certificate.

Anyone who tries to paint reasonable queries as "whacko" are doing a disservice to The Constitution. Wake up and smell the bacon. Your in "sheeple mode", just read the Pravda article from the weekend. Even the Russkies get it.
SassyTexan 19 hours ago Report Abuse
Please stop with the If that's all you have then we are in real trouble.
marmar1 19 hours ago Report Abuse
I think Obama will try to put this issue to rest with a fake long form bc. That is why he must show all of his records. To all who have drank the koolaid...why would ANYONE pay close to a million$ in legal fees to fight the showing of their long form bc???
oops2more 19 hours ago Report Abuse
I have to show my birth certificate just to get a driver's license. I have to show my children's birth certificate just to enroll them in school (EVERY year). Why does Obama NOT have to show his REAL birth certificate to prove his qualification as a natural-born citizen to be president? I am not allowed to show the hospital paper showing my children's birth. Why is Obama allowed to show something OTHER than the proper birth certificate?
tb1016 19 hours ago Report Abuse
I get it, Mr. Obama. You are going to destroy our country, turn it into the communist county you long for and THEN release your foreign birth certificate.

The questions regarding your elgibility are NOT going to stop being asked. In fact, the more you tear down our constitution, the more people are going to want answers from you. Even your most loyal of followers will wake up and see that you have fallen short on your campaign promises. They too will rise up and require answers from you.

God will prevail and He will NOT allow you to destroy Israel. Israel is His, Mr. Obama and you are playing with fire when you mess with His territory.

So for now, we all will sit back and await your birth certificate as it will come out - the truth ALWAYS does.......
marmar1 19 hours ago Report Abuse
Remember, Obama has lived for almost 50 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no bona fides -- no paper trail -- nothing.

Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released -- Lawyers fees -- greater than $1,000,000 -- birth certificate -- $15.
Certificate of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit
Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released
Obama/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)

Kindergarten records -- Records lost (this is a big one -- see here -- read two frames)
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released
Soetoro adoption records -- Not released

Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released (by independent investigators)
Punahou School records -- Not released
Soetoro/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)

Selective Service Registration -- Released -- Counterfeit
Occidental College records -- Not released
Passport -- Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama's terrorism and intelligence adviser.
Columbia College records -- Not released
Columbia thesis -- "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament" -- Not released
Harvard College records -- Not released
Harvard Law Review articles -- None

Illinois Bar Records -- Not released.
Baptism certificate -- None
Medical records -- Not released
Illinois State Senate records -- None
Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost
Law practice client list -- Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None

Obama is personally responsible for every single fishing expedition on the Internet, and if he wants all these investigations to end, all he has to do is release his personal documents and records. The American People have a RIGHT to know who the man occupying the Oval Office is.

texutman 19 hours ago Report Abuse
The White House Press Secretary makes fun of questions about this issue. Obama is not going to disclose anything so how to get it publicized with a media that won't report it? Suggestion: At a public gathering such as a "town meeting", ask the questions: "Mr. Obama, you keep repeating 'transparency' yet you won't release your long-form birth certificate showing pertinent information that proves you are a natural born citizen of the United States. So why is it you preach transparency for everyone but yourself and have spent millions in legal fees to keep your long-form birth certificate hidden?" And. "when you attended college, did you obtain a scholarship or other financial assistance as a citizen of Kenya?"

Perhaps someone else has suggestions of simple questions that can be asked at town meetings. This is the only way I know to get media coverage on this issue unless a famous media person like CNN's Wolfe Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Lou Dobbs, etc. starts reading blogs such as this and then reports it on public tv.
tyler 19 hours ago Report Abuse
Richard Posner

Hawaii has special property rights for Native Hawaiians, and they need a certificate of live birth - ie not the one Obama posted, ie the one that everyone wants to see.

I'm pretty hard right, but at this point i'm just kinda curious to see what he's hiding... what if he was born transgender or something!
num_1_supersnooper 19 hours ago Report Abuse
Every American is required to prove he is a natural born citizen or proof of who he is from obtaining a job, driver's license, passport, or enrolling in elementary schools. Why would the most important position in the world allow a person to run for president without proper documentation proving who he is. How did he receive a driver's license, a passport, or even a social security card. All of these have been fraudulently obtained. If I or you were to do this we would receive felony charges and spend time in state and federal prison. Why is BO exempt from the federal and state laws?
jmenjou 19 hours ago Report Abuse
I agree, Obama's grandmother testified before she died that she was present when Obama was born in KENYA !!!! He is not a natural born citizen as the Constitution requires and he should not be our president.

His grandmother's comments stood to be potential threat to his getting elected and I would not be surprised to find out that her passing was "helped along" by the very people that have foisted this "Clown Prince" on the American public.
davidlarock 19 hours ago Report Abuse
Please Mr. Obama simply follow your own admonishments that, throughout your campaign and since you have occupied the whitehouse, that you espoused during the John Roberts confirmation hearings all of this could have been put to rest long ago. These are the words of Senator Obama:
“Let me also say that I remain distressed that the White House during this confirmation process, which overall went smoothly, failed to provide critical documents as part of the record that could have provided us with a better basis to make our judgment with respect to the nomination. This White House continues to stymie efforts on the part of the Senate to do its job. I hope with the next nominee who comes up for the Supreme Court that the White House recognizes that in fact it is its duty not just to the Senate but to the American people to make sure we can thoroughly and adequately evaluate the record of every single nominee who comes before us “
Even if Mr. Obama had never spoken these words the principle would remain the same. A position of responsibility and authority cannot be bestowed on a person who will not submit to the prevailing law. Congress must enforce these requirements.
People do not allow this fraud to be perpetrated. STAND UP OR STEP DOWN.

autoxman 19 hours ago Report Abuse
If you liberals are so smart then please answer these questions honestly:

Why has he spent millions to prevent us from seeing his birth certificate, passport, and college application?

If he was eligible, he would be proud to show those documents and quiet those who question his eligibility.

Why weren't all candidates treated equal, every one except Obama had to PROVE their eligibility?

Why has he been given a pass in providing proof?

Why is he afraid to have these documents public?

What is he hiding?

Is it that he knows those documents would be the downfall and disgrace of his presidential election?

richard.swartz 19 hours ago Report Abuse
Mr. Obama, the use of (real) birth certificates and college records is common practice to show eligibility to hold many jobs, especially those with large responsibilities or having high security requirements. You are spending far too much time, effort and money to NOT be trying to hide something. The rest of us have no problem releasing BCs and College records - it's s small thing that is very simple to do - provided you have not lied about something that this information would bring to light. Your own efforts to keep your real BC from the American People seems to demonstrate that you are not a person to be trusted. If you want to really show us that you are indeed eligible to hold the office of President and that you might be trustworthy, then RELEASE YOUR REAL, LONG-FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND COLLEGE RECORDS FOR AL THE WORLD TO SEE. Otherwise, you confirm to the world that you are holding office illegally and will continue o generate distrust of all that you do. But then we already know this.
jackk09 19 hours ago Report Abuse
num_1 shhhhhhh the answer is, he's black and that he promised all the welfare recipients that they could stay lazy and make the rest of us pay for the 50% that are not paying taxes and sitting around laughing. Its only fair that we redistribute the wealth.

Ask yourself, why would he spend so much on lawyers trying to squash this thing if he was innocent? But it won't matter, the liberals voted him in and will be just fine with him being a muslim, I mean a Christian, non American leading the US.
zerep1957 18 hours ago Report Abuse
Received This Last Friday Via Email. It certainly makes one think, as I addressed above in a previous post...

Dear America,

This is the preface to the following letter sent to Barack Hussein Obama. The definitions below were taken from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, which precisely identifies what the true democratic–liberal agenda is and what they are committing. We at the ANF only wish to properly inform the American people, the best we can, as to what the truths really are. More importantly, we wish to encourage all Americans to not only disassociate from the main stream media, but to think for themselves and vigorously seek the truth by studying Our Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, for they were designed and written to keep the below stated definitions and agendas from happening to America. Imagine if Our Forefathers, the ones who fought for and framed Our Beloved Nation, were alive today? They would be utterly horrified at the State of the Our Union, the politicians involved who are responsible, the damage they’ve done thus far, and what their true agenda is - to dismantle The United States of America.

God Bless Us All…

Function: noun
Date: 1837
1. Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods; 2a. A system of society or group living in which there is no private property; b. A system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state; 3. A stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.

Function: noun
Date: 1887
The political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Marx; especially: a theory and practice of socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society.

Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
Date: 1921
1. Often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition; 2: A tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control - early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge

Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tresoun, from Anglo-French traisun, from Latin tradition-, traditio act of handing over, from tradere to hand over, betray, disloyal, dishonest — more at TRAITOR.
Date: 13th century
1. The betrayal of a trust, TREACHERY; 2. The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign state or the sovereign's family.

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- Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the Children of Israel "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land".

- Nearly 75 years ago, President Roosevelt said "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, for this is the Promised Land".

- Now Obama is going to steal your shovel, kick your asses, raise the price of Camels, and mortgage the Promised Land.

Throughout history, only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you -

Jesus Christ for your Soul, and the American Soldier for your Freedom.

Thank God and a Veteran, Policeman, Fireman, Medical Worker, and all other Freedom-Loving

American Citizens, Everyday…


“God Bless America, Land That We Love…”

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The White House May 21, 2009
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Mr. Obama,

We have had it with you and your administration. If ever there was a lot of grossly unethical, lying, cheating, hypocritical, treacherous and treasonous “do-as-I-say-not-as-I do” shadowy bunch of criminals, who has brought great dishonor and shame on America and Her Citizens, you and your administration have set a new “low” as far as governmental, economic, social and political standards are concerned. We are convinced that you and the members of your administration have no ethics or morals, as evidenced by the consistently inept actions of Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Clinton, Holder, Napolitano and Frank just for starters, and should all resign. It also sickens us to the very pit of our stomachs you being the commander in chief (lower case letters are intentional) of Our Military. Given your past and affiliations, you wouldn't even qualify for a security clearance, if you even had the guts to serve in Our Military. Yet you are now in charge? This is beyond insulting. It is morally degrading. Adding insult to injury, you have yet to prove your citizenship, with three law firms guarding and protecting against the release of this information along with your college and medical records, which are all sealed. Why? What are you hiding? That you are truly not an American citizen? It would seem so. And this is only the tip of a gargantuan iceberg. Continue…

1. Your conduct on overseas trips has convinced us that you, your administration, and those behind the curtain pulling the strings and feeding your teleprompters (ie…George Soros), are enemies of the United States of America. We believe that you are a puppet participant in the deliberate dismantling of America, for the sake of the true agenda – One World Government. America is all that stands in the way of this One World Government, or New World Order. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that those behind this movement, to include the main stream media (due to their unfathomable hypocrisy and bias), do not have any allegiances to any one nation – they seek influence, power and money only. It is also common knowledge that the best and fastest way to subjugate a population is to morally and financially bankrupt them, turning citizens into subjects, and selling lies as truths in order to make it (wrongfully) seem as though government being the only answer. Admittedly, the pursuit of this agenda since the inauguration has been successful, thus far. However, you are grossly mistaken. How quickly you underestimate the power of the American People, Our History, and especially Our Fierce, Independent Heritage. We will never again tolerate tyranny and/or oppression. This is what Our Declaration of Independence, Our United States Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees. This we’ll defend. Those who go against these truths, go against America and Her Citizens.

2. You are all so self-righteously offended by capitalism, yet hypocritically enjoy its fruits while doing nothing about the real thieves, ie… Frank, Dodd, Raines, etc…not forgetting your tax cheat cabinet members Geitner, Emmanuel, Sebelius, and so on. Speaking of which - How does tax-cheat Daschle wind-up with General Electric? Does the Rule of Law and Our Constitution suit you and your administration only when convenient and/or is in line with your agenda? The undeniable answer to this question is “Yes”. This is obviously and strictly a business venture, with zero regards for Our Military, their Families and the American People. How can anyone possibly justify supporting and granting carte blanche to an institution that does business with an enemy country like Iran, who are directly responsible for the killing of American Soldiers, who at great sacrifice to themselves were defending Our Freedoms and Liberties? This is treasonous.

3. What about house members passing out $9.1M in bonuses to their staff members, on top of the $2.5M in automatic pay raises that the lawmakers gave themselves? We also understand the average house aide got a 17% bonus. You haven't said anything about this. Who authorized it? “We The People…” surely didn't. Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210M in bonuses over an eighteen-month period. That's $45M more than the AIG bonuses. In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives have already been awarded $51M. Why haven't you expressed your outrage at this group, of which are largely responsible for the economic mess we are in right now, along with the democratic party’s neglect of and misinformation to the American People since taking over Jan 2007? And yet, America’s Citizens are facing mounting, possibly monumental hardships, with no end in sight. By the way – You should stop lying by blaming President Bush for your party’s staggering incompetence, failures and outright dereliction of duties. You did not inherit this mess. It was caused mainly by your own party, starting as far back as the FDR years, through the Carter and Clinton years, all of which you and your administration are repeating and surpassing on every front and proof that the democratic party has learned nothing - utterly despicable.

4. By appeasing European and Muslim countries, you are blatantly forgoing our national security and shirking the true, appropriate actions and responsibilities of the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America, putting Our Nation and Her Citizens world-wide in great danger and assured peril. You are responsible to and for the Citizens of the United States. You are not responsible for the peoples of any other country on earth, except for the staunch support and defense of Israel at all costs, along with emitting to the world what the United States of America unapologetically stands for – The Defender of Freedom and Democracy – One Nation, Under God.

5. We resent you going throughout the world apologizing for the United States. Example, while in France saying that America has “shown arrogance, and been dismissive, even derisive”, and “how we do not care about their status’ in the world”. Really? What do you think the First and Second World Wars were about, if not for the defense of nations against tyranny and oppression? How many American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines are buried in overseas cemeteries, such as in France? Does 105, 000 plus just in Europe alone ring a bell? Do you not understand 20th Century History? Or do you all find it offensive? Get this straight - America does not apologize for anything.

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6. What was your purpose in telling the world that the United States of America does not consider itself a Christian, Jewish or Muslim Nation? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States, although you claim to have taught it? Was Our Country not founded on Judeo-Christian principles, those of which govern Our Country, or at least until you came along? Why do you refuse to understand, acknowledge and/or honor this truth? We shudder to think what this world would be like were it not for the United States of America, and to not have the privilege of being an America! You of all people should appreciate, respect and be the most grateful for Our Beloved and Blessed United States of America, instead of your “57 (Arab) states, with 1 (Palestinian) to go” as you stated on the campaign trail in Oregon, thereby discounting Israel (the 59th?). Yes, we do pay very close attention to your actions, the news and the facts.

7. Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. The President of the United States does not bow to anyone on this earth, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia. Or was this driven by your Muslim faith? One could not help but to also notice while bowing, your head breaking the king’s shoulder plane. Is it because he is your religious superior? Who are you really? We know…

8. Speaking of appeasement along with number ‘5’ above - You have yet to visit the Graves of Our Greatest Generation, because you do not want to offend the Germans, yet you make time to visit mosques? You offend Our Dead Warriors and every Veteran when you give the Germans, who were responsible for one of the greatest crimes in the history of the world, the Holocaust, more respect than for the American Heroes who not only ended it, but also saved the Germans from themselves, not to mention showing more respect for those who launched the greatest attack on American soil in history, 9-11, all while verbally assaulting and degrading America. How bitterly shameful.

9. Israel. You claim to be a Christian, yet turn your back on Israel, attempting to dictate as to what they will or will not do? How dare you! Do you not realize that the State of Israel and the United States of America are one in the same? Do you think God made America, the greatest country ever in the history of the world, to just be a flash in the pan? No, He did not. Yet you blatantly dismiss historical facts concerning nations that have fallen because of the way they either treated God’s Chosen Nation and His People, or had turned their backs on them, as you are attempting to do with us, thus condemning Our Beloved Country to the same fate suffered by past, fallen empires. Why don’t you study the history of Cyrus the Great, what happened to Persia after his reign, and compare it to what Ahmadinejad has done lately to destroy his legacy and why. And this two-state solution? These so-called Palestinians are not an indigenous people. They are actually Arab settlers. Arafat himself was Egyptian. Funny how the Arabs possess so much land throughout the Middle East and Africa, yet they fight by proxy (supported especially by Iran, formerly Persia) against Israel for its own, rightful and God-Given Country. Do you see any of these Arab nations offering these so-called Palestinians any parcels of their lands? No. They are using these settlers to wage war against Israel because of their hatred of the Jewish People, a Real People, and to steal their land, which they will trash like they have theirs and everything else. We submit that this is sheer terror; actions that truly constitute genuine hate crimes on the grandest of scales. If you cannot, are not allowed to, or refuse to acknowledge these indisputable facts, you are all even more dangerous than anyone could ever imagine in a lifetime.

10. For the Record - You and your administration’s actions are criminally Socialist/Marxist/Fascist in every possible way, with no regards to and in violation of the Rule of Law, whereby deliberately and systematically undermining Our Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. In addition, you and your administration are guilty of sequestering our economy and making every effort towards its ruin in order to accomplish the demise of capitalism, which is a necessary first step in the pursuits of said agendas as outlined in this letter. This willful and criminal dismantling of America is treachery, subversion and treason in the highest of orders.

In Closing – Do not take us American Citizens as complacent and/or not caring. We are all watching and our movement is quickly and seriously gaining great momentum, because contrary to what Holder said, we are anything but cowards. We are committed and will act, violently (!) if necessary. This is what Our Forefathers did in a like predicament, which led to the Birth of Our Great Nation. We are fully engaged towards seeking yours and your administration’s impeachments and/or expulsions upon complete exposures in accordance with the definitions as outlined in this letter, and the exposures of your true agendas. We will also seek to defeat /unseat as many democrats as possible in the upcoming November 2010 house and senate elections. Because of the overt frauds and criminals that you all are, and for the extreme political, economic, social and racial chasms that you and your administration have caused and are responsible for, we have no choice but to diligently pursue our cause in the defense of Truth, Liberty and Country. Should this all fail, we will fight with all of our might to ensure that you and your administration are rightfully disgraced and not win the 2012 election. “We The People…” possess and own this right. Our Beloved Lady Liberty may have her faults, but the United States of America, Her Future and Her People, cannot afford a repeat of the horrendous Carter years, much less four years of you and your administration, which we consider “The Enemies Within”.


* Don’t Tread On Me… *

“God Bless America, Land That We Love…”

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delinsp 18 hours ago Report Abuse
I'm alike many that are outraged by this unexcusable mistreatment of power by the government. Obama needs to know that he cannot get away with producing falsified information on his birth cert. Prehaps the hesitation explains the truth and I think it will be very hard to believe any documents because of this hesitation. We as American citizens have every right to know the truth and it's sad that anything would have to go this far to get answers.
xinunus 18 hours ago Report Abuse






srob402 18 hours ago Report Abuse
a coup has taken place, and not a shot was fired. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US that we are letting this happen?
xinunus 18 hours ago Report Abuse


dude23 18 hours ago Report Abuse
Well, now the President who we don't even know if he is really President or not has stopped the families of 9/11 victims from sueing the Saudis and the Suadi Arabian government. Yeah, the Obama administration thinks that 9/11 victim families should not be sueing those who helped the terrorists... and now Obama is preparing to go meet with the Saudis again... probably to go kiss another ring of another terrorist prince.

So, yeah America, it is getting pretty damned important to know if this guy is eligable to be President or not.
delinsp 18 hours ago Report Abuse
Xinunus... Good point!
Another bigger problem is Socialism.
Undoubtably his administration is hell bent on destroying Capitolism.

webprowler66 18 hours ago Report Abuse
Challenge to a duel, Andrew Jackson style,at dawn on the whitehouse lawn seems pretty appropriate about now, since the elected representatives are quite aware and still won't do anything about it !
Get Obama out of there and send Gibbs packin' too. Let him laugh off long term unemployment, and prosecute what;s left including the judges that can't follow the constitution as it was written !!
applegold27 18 hours ago Report Abuse
By now, we are all nearly certain there is no real BC showing a birth in the US. Barry Sotero, or BS, has spent way too much money to keep it hidden. So, my question is....what are we going to do to change things? I'm in NO way calling for violence of any kind...but we have to do something to put a stop to this charade. What do we do???
rcox082239 18 hours ago Report Abuse
All things presidential are historical records and therefore open to all.
guns 18 hours ago Report Abuse
I'm yet another citizen that wants Obama to release his Original long form birth Certificate, college enrollment records, and travel records to Pakistan. Liberals love to call this a non-issue, yet it would go away in a minute if Obama would release the documents and prove me and everyone like me wrong.
At least one posting mentioned the COLB that is posted by Obama and that his father is classified as African on that 1961 form. On my birth certificate from 1972 my mothers race was classified as Negro. I would like to know what race classification Hawaii listed black Americans in 1961 since my mothers race listed in California in 1972 was not as politically correct as Obama's fathers in 1961.
I'm asking for this information because that potentially signifies yet another bit of fraudulent translation tampering with Obama's COLB.
It would be conforting in a small way to know that the person that is selling out this nation to socialism and foreign powers is actually legally allowed to hold the office of the President.

blabla 18 hours ago Report Abuse
applegold27 asked: What do we do???

Begin to purge Congress ... as the purge begins, the elected members of Congress will immediately declare the need to determine the eligibilty of Bla Bla Obama.

Do not wait for the 2010 election ... Just do it now!
lkozfishin_fool 18 hours ago Report Abuse
Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obam needs to show us his REAL vault birth certificate complete with the Doctors name and signature, name and signatures of witnesses, Mother and Father's complete information, name of the hospital etc. What he has produced (the COLB)is absolutely worthless!

For all of the koolaid drinkers who think the COLB Obama has posted is the real deal try this: go to and find the COLB. Right click on it and click save as... It will give you the option where to save. Save it to your pictures folder. Now go to your pictures folder and right click on the picture of the COLB. Go to 'open with' and click note pad. As a computer uses a series of letters,numbers, and symbols to creat the picture we see you will get a page of letters, numbers, and symbols. If you look at the first line you will find the word 'Adobe' which tells you that someone worked on this image with the Adobe Photoshop program before it was posted on the internet. Now open one of your personal pictures you have on your computer the same way and you can plainly see that this is not the case with all images just the ones that have been "fixed" with the Photoshop program.

I could post the results of the test here but I strongly encourage you to do the test yourself!

Before you call all of the patriotic crazy or conspiracy nuts, etc. why don't you do a little research yourself?

cashman57 18 hours ago Report Abuse
Barry Soetoro(B.S.) thinks that by sending his spokesman out to yuk it up when asked about the legitimate questions about the country of his birth we will just yuk it up and let it pass.
As an American and as a veteran of the Armed Forces I deserve to be respected by the federal government. I should not be laughed at by B.S. and his cabal.I should not be treated as if I lost my mind.
I swore an oath to protect, uphold, and defend the Constitution and B.S. is in clear violation of the qualifications listed for President.
We need to follow the example of Florida Lawyer Tommy Cryer and refuse to pay any tax until it is shown to be Constitutional and even then refuse to pay until B.S. proves he's qualified.
He has already violated his campaign promises, signed bills into law without reading them and crafted an executive order without a plan as to how to implement it.
While Americans are sitting around the kitchen table trying to figure out how we will survive this economic collapse B.S. took his wife out on a date and was laughing and joking as they spent more than $100,000.00 of borrowed taxpayer money.
He already has spent more time attending White House parties than he has reading bills that he signed into laws and now he spits in the face of every American by refusing to comply with the simple request for the information we have on every other president ever elected.
largopackermom 18 hours ago Report Abuse
Mr. President, you promised us transparency. So far, we've seen none from you. You are not above the law. If you have nothing to hide, then show us what we want to see.

May I quote the Declaration of Independence, which you seem to have ignored:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Mr. President, it is the opinion of much of these United States of America that you are a tyrant, you are a usurper of the highest office in our land. You are taxing us and our future generations without our permission. You have used your power to take over corporations, thus overstepping your powers as President. You are siding with our enemies and apologizing for a country you should be defending. Until I see proof that you are eligible to even hold the office you claim to hold, I will not stand quietly by and let you destroy my country that my father and his father and millions of others have fought and died for. A true American would not be trying to see us fall. I am no sheeple. I will not listen to your rhetoric. Show us your birth certificate and your educational records. Give us your 'transparency' you promised the American people. Oh, and stop spending my money to take your wife on a date to NY. I didn't authorize my tax dollars for a trip to Broadway. I don't think any American did.
heathmun 18 hours ago Report Abuse
Heh, the birth certificate I bought off the street yesterday was equally nice and clean, well creased and folded nicely in the new envelope it came in.

Those photos at Fact Check are spitting in your face lies.

Mr. Obama is 8 some odd years older than I, my birth certificate looks NOTHING like that at Fact Check.

Keep drinking the coolaid while your constitutional rights are trampled folks.
Lulu Belle 18 hours ago Report Abuse
He doesn't release it because it shows he was born in Kenya, just like his grandmother said before the Kenyan government put a gag order on his Kenyan relatives to bar them from discussing him without government officials present. (His father's race is Arab. BO is 50% white, 43.75% Arab, and only 6.25% African - not American - Negro. Why everyone keeps calling him "African-American" I'll never understand. But now you know why he bowed to the Saudi king.)
lorettafig2 18 hours ago Report Abuse
Mr. Obama

Sorry, but I do not feel as if I can Use the Presidential title with your name beacuse of this dilemma you are causing within our country, and seemingly mocking and dishonoring our Constitution. "We the People" have every right to request to see you original Birth Certificate, College Records and proof that you are not a citizen of Kenya or Indonesia. If you are truly honored to be our President and to serve our great land and its citizens, you will present said documents. Mr. Obama, we all know you are a very intelligent person, maybe too arrogant for your own good and evidently you seem to act with a persona of not only arrogance, but as if you were above all are not using this intelligence for the good of the and the government officials put down the Wall Street money hungry and dishonest executives, when you and the government official are acting dishonest and money hungry yourselves and using our Tax dollars for frivolous expenditures. "Sweep before your own Door." However, the main issue here before we can move forward is to prove your loyalty and honesty to us, "We the People," who are trying in every way to protect our Constitution and our Rights as Citizen of this Great Land that we do not want to see destroyed. Your are only proving to us all that you practice Fascism....Why do you want to destroy this great country? It does seem to be the case since you are not willing to bring forth said documents that you are committing treason, conspiracy and you are therefore breaking the Law. The Senate and the Congress of Representatives are accessories and I believe we need to hold all New Elections. It would be oh so much more of an honorable action, if you were just to resign, for this would sort of make up for your past transgression against us and our cherished constitution. I believe, since you are such an intelligent man that there is no way that you did not understand the Constitutional Law and meaning regarding the qualifications to hold the highest office in the land. Prove to be the man of stature and honesty and Change that many people had voted for....either bring forth the said documents to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a Natural Born Citizen or Resign as our President, because you never really were the President and all actions, bills and laws would be null and void. For once prove that you are Worthy to be part of our United States, and serve in whatever way you can, regarding said documents. "We The People" have every right to request for Truth and Justice For ALL. "In God We Trust."

giggs61 18 hours ago Report Abuse
The way I see it, this information should be available to someone-somewhere? OUR Governemnt has eyes and ears everywhere...right? Oh, that's right-these are the people that wanted this man in OUR highest office! Why would they ask for all of this information? But we, the citizens of The United States of AMERICA want to see it! Not just the true and correct live birth certificate anymore,but all of it! How come there is nothing in the past about this man? Anyone can write a background story. I personally believe that he if he had the proof that so many Americans are asking for, he would have produced it already. Not spent all the money he has trying NOT to show us. That just makes no sense to me. I believe he has something to hide. Right? So Mr. Obama, do the RIGHT thing and show us the God's honest truth, show us your true birth certificate. Show us proof you have done the things you say you did. We are American's! We are not stupid! What do you have to loose? Oh that's right, your home and everyhting that AMERICA stands for and believes in. Give it up Mr. Obama, do the right thing, give American's the proof!
marmar1 17 hours ago Report Abuse
Like the tea parties...I think we should start organizing Obama, show your long form bc and college records parties.
samuel_newton 17 hours ago Report Abuse
Let's see the proof of eligibility or no eligibility... It does need to be transparent.
blabla 17 hours ago Report Abuse
Perhaps Bla Bla Obama is an illegal alien and if so it is time to deport him to Kenya.
ljprause 17 hours ago Report Abuse
Only someone who is hiding something would refuse to show the public what they have a right to see. It is in the constitution to safeguard the office of the president of the United States for a reason- every president must be born in the U.S. A.! Have we forgotten how his own grandmother in Kenya was so proud that he was going to be president and testified to being present at his birth in Kenya? They quickly muted her, didn't they? If you were truly born in the U.S., Mr. Obama, why don't you just show us what we want to see- the genuine original? It really wouldn't be that hard; unless, of course, it says you were born elsewhere...
cashman57 17 hours ago Report Abuse
Hawaii Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino did not say that the man in the Oval Office was born in Hawaii.
BUT, since they did state they inspected it and since they gave a public statement on its contents there is no longer any expectation of privacy.
The guy in the Oval Office has never said that the document posted on the web came from him or is accurate.Hawaii Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino never said the certificate that was inspected showed he was born in the united States and left doubts.
Let's clear up all doubt and release the certificate Hawaii Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino says she examined.
B.S. and his administration are perpetuating the biggest fraud on the American people ever. This B.S. has no shame, no guts, no sense of right and wrong, and no credibility.
He makes Jimmy Carter look good.
jmh202142 17 hours ago Report Abuse
Born Muslim To a Muslim Father and Mother. Adopted by a muslim step father.Went to a muslim school as an Indonesian citizen (dual Citizenship at best). Grandmother said he was born in Kenya cause she was there. Back to hiwaii at 10 and mentored by Frank Davis a card carrying member of communist party. Will not release any school records. Did he go to Occidental as a foreign national on a scholar ship? Two Best friends in college were muslims.
Kissed every muslim ass in sight. Bringing members of Hamass to America.
On line BC a forgery.

Nono, I don't think there is any reason to see a birth certifficate do you?
rwfreddie 17 hours ago Report Abuse
It is obvious that Obama is not qualified to be President and knows it. There is no other possibile explanation for his refusing to release these standard records of his birth and education.

Obama is not only not qualified to be President, but is most likely not even a legal U.S. citizen. All of the available evidence points to that conclusion.

Obama has been groomed since his youth to be the great Communist unifier and to complete the destructive work of global Communism/Globalism by hastening the demise of the U.S. as a sovereign political entity.

Americans who support these people and their actions are traitors, fools, or simply ABBOs (Americans By Birth Only).

Without adherence to the Constitution as the Primary law of the land, there is no foundation of law to justify any others. The actions of the Democrats, ABBO Republicans, and active traitors and fifth-columnists in this country over the last one hundred-plus years have reduced our legal system into something that resembles valid law, but in truth is lawless anarchy and mob rule.

Socialism and Communism CAN NOT BE MADE LEGAL in this country simply through legislation. Most of the actions of the U.S. Government since 1913 are un-Constitutional and would require Constitutional Amendments to become lawful.

The left wing in this country doesn't care at all about the rule of law and the Constitution. Their actions are treason; the passing of unread, un-constitutional legislation by Congress is treason; and virtually all of the actions performed by Obama since stealing the election through fraud and deception are treason.

For the real Americans; continue to spread the word to everyone and keep up the pressure on your representatives. Then we can hopefully stop the illegal and un-Constitutional takeover of our country without resorting to the use of force.

This is our last chance. If we let these people win, the U.S. will cease to exist, along with freedom for the rest of the world.


Frederick the Just
katiekarma 17 hours ago Report Abuse
To Benton Bain: Wow, you said it all. Great research! I'm pulling it off and sending it to everyone I know.
ply4spd340 17 hours ago Report Abuse
Mr. Barack Hussein Obama: Post your birth certificate. Your intransigence to post it shows that you have something to hide. The constitution requires that only natural born citizens of the United States of America can be president.

Quit hiding behind your legal machinations, excuses and general political nonsense, just post it on a web site.

The evidence in the public domain suggests that your birth certificate would show facts you don't like, that is life.

t.barbour 17 hours ago Report Abuse
I recently applied for a new job where I was required to prove that I fit the qualifications for the position. Though some of the criteria seemed arbitrary and unrelated to the position, I was still obligated to furnish the information or apply somewhere else.

Apparently simple rules that apply to the rest of us non-elites don’t apply to Mr. Obama.
Jan Hollis 17 hours ago Report Abuse
I am a registered Democrat in Maryland. I voted for Obama in the primary but, at that time, too little was known of him. This birth certificate issue is of primary concern to me. The only reason that I can think of regarding his college and school records is that he must have registered there as a citizen of another country. The absence of a valid birth certificate is more problematic. I was a government civil servant for 36 years; you could not get a government job without submitting a notarized copy of your birth certificate. There are only two requirements for the position of POTUS and this guy is fighting one of them. He is also running the country into massive debt. I believe Obama has and continues to hoodwink the entire country and most particularly the 9 Supreme Court justices who have ignored the birth certificate issue by neglect or design.
robotech 17 hours ago Report Abuse
I was one that didn't subscribe to this issue as I really thought there were checks in place for eligibility to be checked before a name was put on a ballet.
Since then, I have see lawsuit after lawsuit thrown out due to "no standing".
It's apparent that no one has standing. This is why SCOTUS should take this issue up and make a decision on who has standing.
WHY are they backing down? What threats are being made?
Then, I see attorneys for Obama fight ANY case on this. There has to be $100,000's spent and 100's of hours of legal eagle expenses. Who's paying, what grounds, and why is it being done when an $80.00 long form REAL BC can be produced?
The ONLY conclusion I can have is there ISN'T a BC to show eligibility.
Add other "secrets" that the Obama's have, and my only conclusion is that we are being duped, and TRILLIONS of $ are being spent by an impostor.
If I am wrong, PLEASE show me. I don't want to hear excuses, cover ups, or opinions. Documents, period.
Until then, I am standing beside the other true Americans that believe in the Rule of Law, and the Constitution.
ronspecopgrp 17 hours ago Report Abuse
I have NOT read all the comments. I have read over and over references to an cited as proof of the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. I have at the same time read Posts in which the author points to these as absolute proof and belittles the questioners or doubters as ignorant retarded and mentally challenged.

Look up Fact Check in Wickipedia
It is owned by the Annenberg Foundation. Somebody-Quick ?? Isn't that the org. that the Messiah worked at with bill Ayers as well as the Woods foundation? Yes I'm sure they would provide a totally honest, impartial and independent opinion? As Far as Snopes, on certain political subjects they are far left and I don't believe all they say as fact. In fact on some points that there were multiple points to respond to- they responded to one claiming it was in doubt and then didn't address other other 5-10 points as to truth or false, leaving you to assume they were true.

There are many Liberals that set themselves up as political sages, master of knowledge and Guardians of the Earth and Shepherds of the Goofy ignorant Right. Elitists and they are frequent in their excoriation of the Wacky right. I wonder if they ever mistake the image in the mirror for God?. It seems hard to deny that Obama is taking the country down the path of Hard Socialism when Even Pravada and other news links speak about periodically about it. Even Mrs Merkel from Germany has offered criticism. Even a blind, deaf and dumb person can find a potpourri of unanswered questions that until Obama were relatively easy to ascertain.

mbfrazee 17 hours ago Report Abuse
This issue is the most critical one of this administration. If this issue isn't resolved, it will put a vital crack in our Constitution. What will stop the next candidate from doing the same thing? - and - That candidate may not be a truly natural-born citizen. If I have to provide a birth certificate to get my passport, the nominee for President of this Great Country sure better have his legal and original birth certificate on file with his application to run. White House - stop this nonsense and put this issue to rest, so we can get on with getting the country back on its feet.
robert_gt 17 hours ago Report Abuse
If Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Hussein Obama) were actually born in Hawaii, he would have been able to post a long-form birth certificate on his campaign website. Since he was not, his parents were issued a certificate of live birth, which was routinely issued at that time to children who were not born in local hospitals.

It is common knowledge that he was raised in Indonesia and attended schools that only accepted Indonesian citizens. His step-father was Indonesian...
It is also common knowledge that he travelled from Indonesia to Pakistan at a time when US passport holders were being turned away. He was not turned away and at that time did not hold a US passport. What country issued the passport? Could he have been an Indonesian citizen and not a US citizen?

The US Constitution stipulates that a presidential candidate must be a natural born citizen, not a dual-citizen and not a foreign immigrant.
Barry is obviously spending an inordinate amount of money and energy to hide the truth from the public. Given his "transparency" doctrine, he needs to tell the truth to the American people.

Was he born in Kenya as his grandmother has testified, saying she was present at his birth in Kenya?

Was his father a British subject, which would have conferred British citizenship to him? (Under existing law, his mother would have been too young to confer US citizenship).

Why has Barry conspired to have his birth records and college records hidden from the public? Was he attending college as a foreign student?
The fact that congress held hearings to determine whether John McCain was eligible to run for president since he was born in Panama while his father served on active duty, but did not allow any discussion about Barry's eligibility shows a clear bias towards the democratic socialist candidate.

It's time to come clean, Barry. You claim to have been a constitutional professor. You should know better. We do...
lindalovenews 17 hours ago Report Abuse
Just release the actual birth certificate, please President Obama! Clear up this mystery.
You have said and done a number of things that make it appear you don't even like the USA.
Prove to us you are a real citizen by producing your actual birth certificate. If you aren't a citizen that may well explain your bad attitude toward America.
Our founders wisely realized that someone not born here would have no allegiance to this nation. You really seem to hate America so I suspect your allegiance is elsewhere.
webprowler66 17 hours ago Report Abuse
don't ask him anything or plead. TELL HIM ! this is our country we are the power. act like it !!
mr69roadrunner 16 hours ago Report Abuse
I know Mr. Obama thinks he is "special" and superior to "Americans" (probably because we don't pray to Mecca five times a day) but why does anyone (including Mr. Obama) think he should not have to provide the same document that any other American has to show just to get a drivers license....I have never traveled abroad but I would bet my next month's salary that I can't even get a passport without showing my actual "long form" birth certificate (probably need to be certified at that)....I mean we are only talking about a "birth certificate" kids could not be enrolled in grade school without showing their birth certificate.....we are required to show our "birth certificate" in order to access life here in's time for Mr. Obama to show us his "birth certifcate" (not that fake on the Internet that wouldn't even work to get him a drivers license in Hawaii) if he wants to continue living in our Whitehouse. It is VERY American to show your birth certificate.....someone should tell Mr. Obama, in English, "Mr. Obama, show me the birth certificate!".....sorry, but I don't speak Arabic.
george 16 hours ago Report Abuse
Why is Obama above the Constitution and above the law?
Why has Obama spent close to a million dollars to hide is real birth certificate, college records, etc?
Why, Why, Why ???
One can only assume...
willard.shepherd 16 hours ago Report Abuse
Here is the conflict with… is funded by the Annenberg Foundation, the same group that funded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, on whose board Obama sat with Weatherman founder William Ayers. Do you think there is a bias…?
It will eventually come to light that Obama is a fraud, hopefully before he takes the oath of office. He said anything to get elected, and it worked. He went from liberal to the center in his rhetoric during his campaign after the primaries and got himself elected. 64 million blind, ambivalent and uninformed Americans voted for him and now we deserve everything we are going to get. This man has sealed off virtually every record that would give us any insight at all regarding his background; and yet, he touts transparency as one of the fundamentals of his platform.
1. Occidental College records -- Not released
2. Columbia College records -- Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper -- "not available"
4. Harvard College records -- Not released
5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released
6. Medical records -- Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- "not available"
8. Law practice client list -- Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate -- Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published -- None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None
13. Record of baptism-- Not released or "not available"
14. Illinois State Senate records--"not available"
Shouldn’t this have been a red light to us?
The most disturbing aspect of all of this is that he may not even be a natural born citizen of the United States as mandated by the US Constitution! He may have been born in Kenya. His paternal grandmother in Kenya claims she was at his birth! Contrary to what people say about tin foil hats, what Hawaii officials offered us for his birth certificate is just not good enough. It is not the vault certificate of live birth. For Obama and his lawyers to spend even one dollar fighting these cases, rather than produce documentation that will quelled the charges, is one dollar too much. Transparency…? My Ass!
Secrecy. Deceit. Lies. Protection by a media seduced by his rhetoric, and intellectual fellatio given by supporters in love with his slogans. We deserve what we get!

Ashley Walkup 16 hours ago Report Abuse
Why can't he just show it? He's spending millions to cover it up! Obviously he has something to hide right? Either that, or he's an idiot.
rktkr 16 hours ago Report Abuse

...could I just ask what the big deal is? WHY won't Obama .... oh crap... somebody's pounding on the door.
jimdigital 16 hours ago Report Abuse
How does someone produce something that doesn't exist and why aren't the top national talk show hosts discussing this topic? I can understand why the mainstream media doesn't. Do they know something that the rest of us don't know? It is simply mind boggling that this subject still isn't resolved.
michaeltoeppe 16 hours ago Report Abuse
Mr. Soetero/Obama you can't hide this forever. The longer you perpetuate this ruse the harder you will fall. How does it feel to be a total disgrace and a coward? You were never anybody and you are even less now. You sicken me.
redwings19798 16 hours ago Report Abuse
As a former Staff Sergeant in the Army and eligible to be recalled this issue is very important to me and any other service member past or present.
If anyone in the world was accused of a crime that all they had to do was produce a couple of pieces of paper to prove their innocence, they would have those papers to the appropriate authorities as fast as humanly possible. Instead, Obama has spent a lot of money to hide this information from everyone, thereby proving that he is not eligible. There is an old saying, “Silence is agreement”.
Obama’s campaign was all about “Transparency” yet his administration is all about lies, deceit and hiding everything from the public. He promised 5 days for the public to review any document that came across his desk before signing it. That has not happened yet. He’s lied to us, deceived us and is making this country weaker every day that he is in office.
Don't post that drivel about factcheck. There is no true facts in there check. It is an internet research that they post and that can be skewed to fit what you want it to say. The Certificate of Live Birth that has been "Presented" to the world can be attained by ANYONE in the world. The Hawaiian State Department of Health stated that they have verified that they have Obama's long form birth certificate; however, they never state where it is from.
Remember, Obama’s eligibility does not have to be proven when he is in office; however, when it is proven, EVERYTHING he did in office will immediately become an illegal order and his entire administration will be null and void. I cannot fathom a president with an asterisk next to their name for all eternity. All it will take is a successor to unseal his records and this will all be done. All that I ask is that we find out NOW, before it is too late.

All I want is the truth! If Obama has nothing to hide...release the information.
wjvictory 16 hours ago Report Abuse
I want to be able to stop all the e-mails that are flooding my box. You have not given me an option that I can find to do that. Why not? You need to become more user friendly and not be afraid of people choosing to unsubscribe or whatever. Please fix this annoying problem. Thank you
barefoot612 16 hours ago Report Abuse
Produce your long form birth certificate or FAIL !! When all you campaign on is transparency and open government and then hide your past, it's time for you to go! FAIL !!!!
rjc1015 15 hours ago Report Abuse
If you have nothing to hide, you can end all this controversy and suspicion by just releasing your real birth certificate and your transcripts.
For all we know, you are not only unqualified to be president, but you also never became a naturalized US citizen and should be deported immediately.
chilifrog 15 hours ago Report Abuse
Barack Hussein Obama is definitely hiding something. He is also embezzling tax dollars & should be charged with the crime. We are paying for the very attorneys that are attempting to "fight the smears". Why waste our money & time "Mr. President"? Why not just produce the document & be done with it? Lies always raise more questions, but the truth will set you free...or in your case it may not give you the "freedom" you seek, which is to mold America into Socialist boot lickers.
There are others that need to be held accountable as well, my fellow truth & freedom loving Americans. There needs to be a revolution again in this country to take back the media. It is such a small percentage of media that reports the truth without bias. As much as I enjoy my television entertainment, I think it may wake them all up if we refuse to view the bile they spew forth. What kind of possible impact might we have against this liberal bias if we all just cancelled our cable? The activity chart below shows 78% of us agree that Obama is hiding something. I think that percent can agree that the media is hiding something too. It seems to me that the only way to shake the arrogance out of them is to unplug them. Take away the soapbox of liberalism they stand on. Turn your back on them. Where would the cable companies be if 78% of their customers dropped their service due to biased news reporting? I can tell you what, Fox News & World Net Daily would certainly report it. Being just one person, I know I won't make an impact, but the urge to cut my cable package down to only channels that report the truth or do not have a liberal network background, is sounding more & more like a good idea. July 4th is our Independence day. What an impact it would make if we reasserted our independence on that day by freeing ourselves from slavery to media. Enough is enough! They should be made to hang their heads in shame. The watchdog has become a lapdog. Let's get the leash & command "Heel!"
gadawg_bigdawg 15 hours ago Report Abuse
The U.S Constitution needs to be up held by those that have a sworn duty to do so. This country was built on this and should be not only upheld but protected from those who which to change our way of life and freedom that we all cherish.
Our fore fathers - that have gave there lives to protect this most valuable article should all ways be given the utmost respect and highest regards’ for protecting at any cost.
Our present President is not above this nor is he at any time above the law. His relax position on the requirements of the U.S Constitution shows as to his true feelings of our laws and those that govern his position as President of this country.
Until the requirements of The U.S Constitution has been truly satisfied? Mr. Obama will not be this country’s legit President.
Mr. Obama and his crusade in keeping this and other documents hid from the American people will never go without bringing up the every day question….

Where’s you Birth Certificate?

randgwynne4 15 hours ago Report Abuse
Surely no one thinks that this site or the postings on it are designed to get information for the administration to enlighten it on what the public thinks or wants. This is simply an escape valve so people will think they've done something about their concerns and quit rocking the boat. If you want Obama to prove that he meets the Constitutional requirements to be POTUS, write your congressmen, especially if they're Democrats, and tell them that his efforts to block information concerning his citizenship is hurting all the Democratic politicians by association and the administration of this country by allowing focus on a matter that should not have to be focused on! This is important and is distracting the country from other vitally important matters! Although I voted for him, this has been allowed by President Omaba to gone on for so long without resolution, that I'm beginning to believe it must be true. Just because I voted Democrat doesn't mean I'm ready to accept a President who does not meet the Constitutional requirements to be in that position!!
turtletracks 15 hours ago Report Abuse
Analysis and report of Obama's forged Birth Certificate:
Story on the analysis and report from The Israel Insider:

The image of Obama's alleged BC (created in 2007) was compared with images of other people's BCs printed between 2006 and 2008. The technical details are in the report, but here are some key findings regarding the image of Obama's alleged BC:

The security border pattern, text placement and shape and kerning of the fonts of Obama's BC do not match any known specimen of other BCs from any known year. And the image has obvious signs of tampering such as, 1) EXIF data that says the image was last saved with Photoshop CS3 for Macintosh, 2) mismatch in RGB and error levels, 3) visible indications of the previous location of the erased security border, and 4) easily detectable patterns of repeating flaws around the new security border.

According to the Analyisis and Report, we now have irrefutable evidence that the version we have of Obama's birth certificate - published on the Daily KOS - is a forgery (and a "horrible" forgery at that).

Big questions that remain: 1) Why was Obama's BC forged, and by whom? 2) Will Obama et. al. every come forth with an actual paper BC for further analysis and comparison? And 3) Why is there an ongoing coverup and media blackout regarding this important issue?

Some people think these are important questions we should still be asking, however politically incorrect. And we should still be asking what this means for Obama's citizenship status and his basic Constitutional fitness to be U.S. President.
ssauten 15 hours ago Report Abuse
Why should he not release it, one good reason... please? Privacy...? He checked that at the door when he voluntarily took the office of president.
jonathan_mirabile 14 hours ago Report Abuse
I totally agree randgwynne4

I just worte all my representatives as follows:

Hello there,

I am writing you so that I can formally request that you and your peers investigate the lack of natural born status of the person currently occupying the office of the President of the United states.

Clearly this candidate was not properly vetted by your political party and by the electoral college. Why? I want an answer.

You tell me how someone that does not have two American citizen parents can be natural born and be Consitutionally eligible to be President?

Please do not point to that rediculous unauthoritative COLB that was posted via the Daily Kos and snopes and "factcheck". I am seeking legal proof, as should you, not that 'Adobe photoshopped' joke that has no credibility nor legal meaning.

You and your party have abandoned upholding the Constitutional rule of law on this issue by supporting this 'president', especially when Hillary Clinton was completely vetted in this manner--and for that I am utterly disappointed and you have breached your oath of office and your oath of service to me and lied to me--both outright lies and lies of omission.

What are you going to DO about this? I do not appreciate the government's consistent obstruction on this 'non-natural-born-president' issue.

Please respond with specific, non-wordsmithed, non rhetorical answers to these simple Constitutional-eligibility questions I have asked. If you will not do anything substantive to prove your candidate is eligible, then I'll be voting you out as will many many others.

Most sincerely,

dawakestar 14 hours ago Report Abuse
Release the real thing. Gibbs can laugh about it all he wants... but the controversy won't go away unless Obama releases a certificate of live birth which shows a hospital and doctor etc. All he released on the web site is a certification of live birth which the State of Hawaii doesn't even accept to prove residency. Release the real thing...
tb1016 14 hours ago Report Abuse
I have noticed that my posts are being edited and if you bring up the Bil de Berg Group, they will not post it. Interesting.....
sclark45 14 hours ago Report Abuse
Original, vault copy birth certificate — Not released
Certification of Live Birth — Counterfeit
Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license — Not released
Soetoro adoption records — Not released
Fransiskus Assisi School application — Released
Punahou School records — Not released
Selective Service Registration — Counterfeit
Occidental College records — Not released
Passport records for 1981 Pakistan trip — Not released
Columbia College records — Not released
Columbia thesis — Not released
Harvard College records — Not released
Harvard Law Review articles — None (maybe 1, unsigned?)
Baptism certificate — None
Medical records — Not released
Illinois State Senate records — None
Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost
Law practice client list — Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles — None

jonathan_mirabile 14 hours ago Report Abuse
Why would the edit the Bilder-berg group out?

Something to else hide? Typical...

Release the vault REAL birth certificate!
jonathan_mirabile 14 hours ago Report Abuse
You are right, tb1016. I had to put a hyphen in Bilder-berg to get my last post to post.
ttk_blood_agent 14 hours ago Report Abuse
1. Osama bin Laden, Putin, Kim Jong il could run for President in 2012 using this standard. The Constition requires the President to be a Natural Born Citizen and saying "I am," is not sufficient. This is Not Acceptable!!
2. By refusing to show proof of eligibility, Obama is saying it is easier to accept an ursuper, a cheater, and a fake than to PROVE that he is a natural born citizen? Unacceptable. Using that logic minors should not have to provide ID to buy beer, ID should not be required for ANYTHING!
3. What bigger issues are in need of attention at the moment? Govt waste like using Air Force One for Fly Bys around N.Y? $30K date night in N.Y? Draft another bailout to throw more good money after bad. Over turn Judgments against Black Panthers for harrassing voters? Surrender to the Muslim World II? Prepare state of the Union to tell America that the recession is over? So what bigger issues are there if not making sure that the person (o0bscenty deleted)up my country and leading it into marxist-socialism is in fact a Natural Born Citizen as required by the "Christitution written over 20 centuries ago."

I had to provide MY birth certificate before I could raise my hand and take the oath to defend the Constitution, just like EVERY (obscenity deleted) MARINE TO THE LEFT AND TO THE RIGHT OF ME, yet the 1 person IN THE WORLD who does not have to show his birth certificate before taking the same oath is Obama. That is Bullshit.

What the media reports to you or does not report is not a true and accurate picture of the real world. Rack your brain. Russia knows Socialism very well, in my opinion, and when Russians are saying that the US is moving towards socialism, you should start thinking on your own.

brandon_everchanging 14 hours ago Report Abuse
Is it because they haven't asked nicely? . . . Please Mr. Obama/Soetero.

(This president uses a different alias than his real name, that's just weird)

Watch this discussion not even raise an eyebrow at the white house.
lacroix.mike1 14 hours ago Report Abuse
Please someone explain why the guy simply wouldn't want to show us the long form certificate and put an end to all of this? Quite possible that it doesn't exist and he is in office illegally!
watchman1974 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Why is it that my boys must show a birth certificate to play little league baseball but he doesn't have to, too play president. Scary when you have people from Russia and Germany saying this all looks so familiar to them hum?
rmcole1 13 hours ago Report Abuse
What 0bama needs to do to prove he is eligible:

1) Release the long form, vault copy of his birth certificate.

2) Release all college records to the public. If he was enrolled as a foreign student.

3) Show he has never been a citizen of Indonesia - as school records there show.

4) Tell us what passport he used to travel to Pakistan in the early 80's - when travel to Pakistan was restricted for US citizens. Where did he get the funds to travel? Why did he change his name to Barack from Barry Obama when he returned?

5) Who actually paid for his college. A middle east financier?
Until then I will believe he is an usurper who needs to be removed from office and tried for his crimes against the country.
jonathan_mirabile 13 hours ago Report Abuse
This issue is just the tip of the iceberg:

The rule of Constitutional law is almost meaningless to liberals. They get things done through courts (very small minorities) because the public at large almost always hates their ideas AS DO THE LEGISLATURES.

Ideas like obsession with political correctness over following the Law(when it suits them), affirmative action (institutionalized racism), endless welfare state (rewarding those that do NOT work and continue NOT to work and don't pay federal income taxes--yet these same corrupt leftist dregs of society constantly vote for themselves endless things from the public treasury--AKA institutionalized theft and confiscation/redistribution using the ballot box for "free" healthcare, more welfare.. etc etc), no individual incentive, endless government confiscation of property and up to 90% of one's income money to support their bankrupting policies, multigenerational horrible debt, no accountability nor transparency (unless they see fit, who cares about THE LAW), redefinition of all that is good, true and Judeo-Christian decent-like MARRIAGE and even Christianity itself (aka 'social justice') while favoring Islam and secular humanism and anything BUT Christianity, and using "empathy" to support more racism and race/class warfare), MASSIVE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION WITH NO ENFORCEMENT through enabling criminal-minded institutions like La Raza, and eradication of Christianity from the public square from our "supposedly Christian" usurper "president", and FIFTY MILLION DEAD VIA ABORTION. Fifty million dead--not even Hitler can claim that, but that's on par with Stalin (and they were racists and communists, too). The liberal left are in some fine company.

Liberals are just itching for ways to subvert Constitutional law as they see fit--but you can be sure, they'll hold Conservatives to the law every way they can (in true Saul Alinsky style) and lie with impunity when they're caught. Instead of just admitting to wrongdoing, they'll launch endless "ethics" investigations and draw everything out (like this birth certificate farce). Rules are not for the elites/liberals, they're for everyone else (and they hide behind their lawyers and courts) as is their version of tolerance--totally one sided--and their mindless irrational UnConstitutional obsession with Socialism and Communism, failed systems. Like a dog returns to it's vomit, so does a fool to their folly. It is better to put your faith in the Lord than in princes or someone resembling an Antichrist. We really do not authoritatively know even who BH Obama is legally... yet he and his cronies have usurped the highest office in the land, bought with gobd foreign money and good old fashioned American ignorance.

Release the real birth certificate--prove you are Constitutionally qualified as your promise of transparency promised. Prove me wrong that, as I noted above, the laws of the land are not for "the others", the non-elites, the little people.

Accuse conservatives of obstruction while you do the VERY SAME THING -- what shameless hypocrisy. FOLLOW THE LAW, AND PROVE YOU ARE NOT ABOVE IT.
adorehymn 13 hours ago Report Abuse
So how long does Congress allow a 'cloud' to be on the 'title' of the presidency?

When there was a cloud on the title of a property my father left to me, it was not valid for all legal purposes.

The longer that this persists, the greater the constitutional crisis from this can become.

Even if Obama is a citizen, which he's not willing to validate, he is still allowing the 'cloud' on his 'title' to the presidency to increase in size and impact.

It's time to clear this up one way or the other.

Whether it's about the 9/11 families whose right to take the Arabian princes to court regarding the allegations of their involvement in supporting Al Quaida, or whether it's about GM, or anything else, it is time to legitimize the presidency one way or another.

sleeper1428 13 hours ago Report Abuse
The question that bothers me the most is this one. If the Obamination was indeed born in a hospital in Hawaii, with the birth attended by a physician, why would there be any need for a Certification of Live Birth, the document that is posted on his website. A full, long form Birth Certificate would have been issued if his birth had been, as he claims, in Hawaii and there would be no need for a Certification of Live Birth to have been issued. So the very fact that this short form Certification of Live Birth was issued should lead any thinking individual to the obvious conclusion that he was NOT born in Hawaii and therefore, in order for him to become a US citizen, his parents had to have this Certificate issued within one year of his birth. What other reason would there be for him to mobilize an army of lawyers doing everything possible to hide virtually any and all existing records?
csalzman 13 hours ago Report Abuse
This entire election process has been a scam on the American people.
It is quite apparent that Obama is hiding quite a few documents and seems to be
not willing to come clean with the citizens of this country and SHOW a true
original birth certificate to prove he was born as a US citizen. There also seems to be an enormous
array of items that you should be proud to present but have kept them hidden. For example:
Original, vault copy birth certificate — Not released
Certification of Live Birth — Counterfeit
Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license — Not released
Soetoro adoption records — Not released
Fransiskus Assisi School application — Released
Punahou School records — Not released
Selective Service Registration — Counterfeit
Occidental College records — Not released
Passport records for 1981 Pakistan trip — Not released
Columbia College records — Not released
Columbia thesis — Not released
Harvard College records — Not released
Harvard Law Review articles — None (maybe 1, unsigned?)
Baptism certificate — None
Medical records — Not released
Illinois State Senate records — None
Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost
Law practice client list — Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles — None

Your own grandmother testified before she died that she was present when YOU Obama was born in KENYA,
NOT Hawaii as you claim. The fraudulent copy of an alleged birth certificate that has been seen on
the internet is NOT a TRUE Copy. Until you can come forth open and honestly and SHOW a REAL birth
certificate, to me you are not a natural born citizen as the Constitution requires and you should
not be our president.
tb1016 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Exactly, sleeper!
helio 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Let's pretend all these people are crazy conspiracy theorists. Mr. President, why not just defuse the situation by showing the original of your birth certificate? They would have no choice but to leave you alone. Oh, and while you are at it, open up the records to all the colleges and universities you attended. Thanks.
liz843 13 hours ago Report Abuse
I am adding my name to the roster of those who want to see the true, legal birth certificate if it exists.
webprowler66 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Absolutely he is in office illegally with the rockefeller, New World Order seal of approval
even his swearing in was a screw up then out of public view and earshot, we were told he was successfully sworn in , which I can't buy for a second. his hand on our bible doesn't mean anything He and his wife are nothing but flag burning traitors hell bent on destroying us and the constitution by any and all means available. treasonists at best. the mainstream media won't deal with it It's up to us to put on the ptrssure.
flood your rep;s switchboards with calls demanding they take action or their careers will be over too get on their backs and don't get off fax them daily, hourly, and call when not faxingPUSH, PUSH, PUSH ! We pay them for action on our behalf build a fire under them all there is nothing more important on the books than this Item of eligibility GO, GO, GO spread the word hit the forums start blogging, take out ads town meetings whatever you can we're all in this together and the rats are jumping ship while we are going down

tb1016 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Yep! The Bil de Berg Group is in charge.....
csalzman 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Until you produce a true valid Birth Certificate,
richhuhn 13 hours ago Report Abuse
I also believe that submitting proof of natural-born citizenship should be a pre-requisite of candidacy for the office of President of the United States. The requirement is a Constitutional one, and anyone who runs for this office should submit this proof out of respect for the laws of this land.
blizzardgun 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Why didn't our state run media outlets bring this up and settle it before the election?
mbcpa_1994 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Like so many others have put it, I too cannot comprehend why an individual would spend millions in attorneys fees with 7 firms to keep out of the public record ones proof of birth IN THE US and ones college admission records. Logically speaking there can be limited purpose or benefit from such an expensive endeaver. If the average american can not get a passport, driver's license, etc. without presenting such evidence, then how can this not be the case to be President of the United States. Some will say it was disclosed and it was posted on the internet. I say there seems to be ample evidence that Hawaii has two standards for evidence of birth and the one that has not been displayed and provided is the more pertinent document. As for the college admission paperwork, there appears to be evidence that this poor kid from Hawaii probably received financial aid of some sort to go to college and that some part of this aid was likely "foreign aid" that would come from his citizenship. The argument could be that Barry - Obama, played the system to get money for school. Good job, ingenuity. I like it but, now you have to be accountable. This isn't about democrat or repbulican or independent. It's about logic. How can one President who thus far is building the doors to documentation, information, and ideas be so closed about his eligibility for this country's highest office. It is hypocritical.
jabs04 13 hours ago Report Abuse
BO will be my Usurper in Chief, and nothing more, until he proves he is eligible for the office, according to the Constitution.
John McCain went to Congress to determine if he was eligible, having been born at the Panama Canal which was a U.S. territory
at the time of his birth. They determined he was eligible. Now that is transparency! BO has spent nearly a million dollars
to hide the long form of his birth certificate. I think it is quite obvious that he is a fraud! Hopefully the new
'Where's the Birth Certificate?' billboard campaign will wake up America!

garygs415 13 hours ago Report Abuse
Of course Mr. Obama should be required to show his real birth certificate. I can't believe it ever got this far... in fact, I can't believe his campaign was ever allowed to get off the ground without some proof of his eligibility. It's not anything ridiculous or radical, "right wing" or anything hate inspired, to expect that from him; it's just following our Constitution. After all, our Constitution is what we are all about. We are a people held together by law. Requiring a President to follow that same law just makes sense.

I'm sure Mr. Obama's word is good, so let's put this all behind us and he should do what the law of the land requires of him. That's the great thing about America: no one is above the law. Mr. Obama should be proud to do this. I know I would be, had I made it that far.

Any resistance by him to do what's right is only going to make suspicion swell. This has to be done before we can move on. And goodness knows, we do need to move on and get our economy and our society back on an even keel.

Mr. Obama, please do what's right. I'm sure you would expect the same from all of us.
valkry18 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Simple fact 1) An employer has a right, and duty to ensure their (potential)employees provide certain personal paperwork indicating their ability to legally work in this country, and to legal hold certain jobs.

Simple fact 2) The President of the United States WORKS FOR the citizens of the country. He (or she) is not the 'ruler' the people, but a temporary representative of The People for national & international matters.

I don't care if his birth certificate is legal or not at this point. I am concerned that MANY citizens have requested to the official birth certificate released & for some reason, this request has been avoided and fought against at every turn.

Mr. President, this is one of your supervisors. There seems to be a problem with some of you personal paperwork. I NEED to see an official copy of your Birth Certificate to clear this up. Thank you.

inga 12 hours ago Report Abuse
For more TRUTH and less LIES and gov't cover-up check out: --totally legit, I read it everyday. As Americans we must stay informed & educated, it is our only tool against gov't propaganda!
mageo00 12 hours ago Report Abuse
This is the single most important topic for he is ineligible to be POTUS, then ALL he enacts is being done illegaly, including the nationalization of of what should remain private industry.
wigach 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Hussein Obama-You outrageous imposter!! Show the American citizenry your AUTHENTIC, legal U.S. birth certificate! Can't do it, can ya? Get outta my country, you America-hating, anti-capitalistic Kenyan!
grizz 12 hours ago Report Abuse
This is a CROCK of BS not listening to we the people!!! Show USA yur damn REAL birth certificate. Until then you are not my President PERIOD!!! Until then I will be taking care of my chickens here at home that are roosting in my back yard coop...
grizz 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Personally I think this will all come to head when the econmy colapses and BO will play deniability when the manuer hits the fan. BO will deny everything, since the crisis will shift from the colapse to him not being the actual president and makeing all those unlawful executive orders. There are a lot of bad senerios that could really go wrong...
rjones1435 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Here is Something YOU Can do now....

1. The Elections of 2010 and 2012 are controlled by the STATES..... The Election actually occurs in each of the many states and D.C.
2. It is painfully evident that the States DO NOT now actually require documentation as proof of Constitutional eligibility for President before a name is placed on the ballot. Even though most states if not all actually LIST the qualifications required.
3. The FEC (Federal Election Commission has stated more than once in the eligibility lawsuits that it is NOT their job to vet or qualify the Presidential candidates
4. Amendment 10 of the Constitution states that responsibilities not enumerated to the Federal Government are reserved to the States or to the People

Therefore..... GET BUSY... Demand that YOUR STATE institute actually REQUIRING legal documentation of all qualifications for President of both the Presidential candidate and the Vice Presidential candidate in 2012 election and forever thereafter. AFter all there are hundreds of new "citizens" who are not "natural born citizens" born to illegal immigrants every day in this country. (Use that as an excuse or reason for your request)

AND be DARN SURE to ask that the term "natural born citizen" be clearly defined in accordance with either Vattel Law of Nations or Senator Bingham's definition (which I like better)

And BE SURE TO notify them that "natural born citizen" status has as much or more to do with the citizenship status of the parents as to the birth place of the candidate SO IT IS IMPERITIVE that the following documentation be required as PROOF of "natural born citizen" status :

1. Certified copy of candidate's Oritinal Long form birth certificate showing name, place and date of birth, legal names of parents, name and signature of delivering doctor or person, names and signatures of witnesses to the birth.

2. Certified copies of original long form birth certificates for both parents showing legal names, date, and place of birth, and showing signature of delivering doctor or person, and signatures of witnesses. (To prove citizenship before birth of candidate)

3. In the event one or both parents were "naturalized" citizens, show legal verifiable copies of the naturalization papers for that parent.

Accept NO LESS documentation than these.... and be ready to explain that these are the minimum required to show "natural born citizen" status and why...

THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE THE 2012 election..... It is the State's responsibility and the People.

mm98darwin 12 hours ago Report Abuse
I posted an Idea an hour ago, You think the White House is listening?

Whithin 15 minutes, 20 people had voted, but now it has been an hour+ and the 'moderator' has suspended the topic.

Please go there and vote. Please demand that the White House listen.

Keep fighting the fight Americans and Federalists!!!
jki2119 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Mr. Posner, before I comment on the various ridiculous postings you've made I wish to respond to this one first: They're are bigger issues that we need to be dealing with. I absolutely agree that bigger issues need attending rather than this but it's amazing the amount of money that has been poured into protecting this one issue from all things his campaign funding that is close if not surpassed $1 million dollars. This is so short and sweet an issue, so cut and dry for any American that it would immediately be dealt with but he hasn't nor does he intend to. This web posting you put is only in regards to his Short form BC and the additional piece you added showing the announcement can be done without having been born in this country albeit Hawaii. I am as I write this looking as both my daughters birth certificates which tells me in detail, Which hospital, doctor attending, height, weight, eye color, hair color (if any), Mother's name, was mother was born, Father's name and where father was born, and time/ date of birth, which the one you post is about 90% short of these items. As another posted previously He has to have both mother and father born naturally in the U.S. in order to become president. Mother yes, Father no, thus meaning he is unable to forgo the Presidency. Another point of fact is that he was a citizen of Indonesia not a dual citizen but citizen of Indonesia which also excludes you from the Presidency. So, to your point yes they're are major issues that need to be dealt with, they just need to be dealt with by someone who is a NATURAL born citizen of the U.S. Hold another election for all I care as long as it's someone who is more worried about this country than what the rest of the World thinks of him. Before you ask I voted not for either major party candidate but a minor candidate because they have this Countries values, pulse, and concerns at heart without having the corruption of D.C. politicians.
ramjet767 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Did you all see this in the Washington Times National Weekly yesterday, June 1st 2009, page 27?


nickchance 12 hours ago Report Abuse
Writing as an Englishman I find the way the USA (and particularly the Democrats) has allowed this person, Obama (or whatever his name is) to get away without showing his proper birth certificate, as very dark indeed. Every country in the western world has an obligation to make certain that their Chief Executive is bona-fide and it seems unbelievable to many of us over here in the UK that the authorities have sipmply allowed this man to get this far without showing his credentials. I have written to our Prime Minster declaring that our border officials bar entry to the UK of this man until this question is cleared up legally.

When he finally does show up with a "birth certificate" (and he's had long enough to conjour up a fake one, so be careful) and the birth certificate is found to be illegitimate then this man will not only have to be thrown out of office immediately, but 1. Will have to be put in the slammer for fraud, 2. Have all legislation passed in his name struck from the legislation, 3. Any treaties etc signed to be lodged in the garbage can, and 4. the Leader of the Democrat Party also summonsed for contempt. 5. All other Parties that have disrupted the attempts to glean this information to be charged with aiding and abetting.
jchilstrom 12 hours ago Report Abuse
I cannot get health insurance without my original signed, certified copy..... Last year I didn't have a passport, so I had to bring the original certified copy when setting foot onto a cruise ship to attend my sisters wedding! without it, I was not allowed on! Seems I can't do anything without one, except of coarse, become president of the U.S.!!!
blljenkins 12 hours ago Report Abuse
It is time for the U-Haul boxes!!
rnearn 11 hours ago Report Abuse
No one spends a million dollars to bury their birth certificate unless there is some thing to hide.
We are not being fooled by live birth certificate placed on a web site. That certificate is a worthless
as the paper it is written on for proving citizenship. Citizens of this country need to demand Obama
come out with it or remove him from office.
moly_b12 11 hours ago Report Abuse
YES this is a critical point. We demand to see the original document.
11 hours ago Report Abuse

Ah . . Sorry to bother you Mr. Obama, Sir.

Excuse me Mr. Obama, I mean President Obama, Sir. Um . . I know you're busy, and important and stuff. I mean running the county is very important and -- ah -- I hate to bother you Sir. I will only take a minute. Ok Sir?
See, I have these missing pieces that are holding me up, and I was wondering Sir, if you could take time out of your busy schedule and help me out. You know, no big deal, just some loose ends and things.
Hey, you have a nice place here! The wife sees houses like this on TV all the time and says boy she wishes she had digs like this you know? Is that painting real? Really? Wow. I saw something like that in a museum once!
Oh, sorry Sir. I didn't mean to get off the track. So if you could just help me out a minute and give me some details, I will get right out of your way. I want to close this case and maybe take the wife to Coney Island or something. Ever been to Coney Island Sir? No? I didn't think so...
Well, listen, anyway, I can't seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be "Not released" or "Not available." I'm sure it's just an oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are -- I -- I have them written down here somewhere -- oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.
Could you please help me find these things Sir?
1. Occidental College records -- Not released
2. Columbia College records -- Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper -- "Not available"
4. Harvard College records -- Not released
5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released
6. Medical records -- Not released
7. Illinois S tate Senate schedule -- Not available
8. Your Illinois State Senate records -- Not available
9. Law practice client list -- Not released
10. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate -- Not released
11. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released
12. Record of your baptism -- Not available
Oh and one more thing Mr. President, I can't seem to find any articles you published as editor of the Harvard Law Review, or as a Professor at the University of Chicago. Can you explain that to me Sir?

Oh but, hey -- listen! I know you're busy! If this is too much for you right now -- I mean -- tell you what. I'll come back tomorrow. Give you some time to get these things together, You know? I mean, I know you're busy. I'll just let myself out. I'll be back tomorrow. And the day after. . .
What's that Mr. President? Who wants to know these things?
We the People of the United States of America ! You know, the ones that vote.

garygs415 11 hours ago Report Abuse
Of course Mr. Obama should be required to show his real birth certificate. I can't believe it ever got this far... in fact, I can't believe his campaign was ever allowed to get off the ground without some proof of his eligibility. It's not anything ridiculous or radical, "right wing" or anything hate inspired, to expect that from him; it's just following our Constitution. After all, our Constitution is what we are all about. We are a people held together by law. Requiring a President to follow that same law just makes sense.

I'm sure Mr. Obama's word is good, so let's put this all behind us and he should do what the law of the land requires of him. That's the great thing about America: no one is above the law. Mr. Obama should be proud to do this. I know I would be, had I made it that far.

Any resistance by him to do what's right is only going to make suspicion swell. This has to be done before we can move on. And goodness knows, we do need to move on and get our economy and our society back on an even keel.

Mr. Obama, please do what's right. I'm sure you would expect the same from all of us.
tb1016 11 hours ago Report Abuse
I heard they are waiting for the forged birth certificate to *age*. I also heard that the reason that he went to Canada was to find a Heidelberg press like they used in the 1960's.......
ronhi 11 hours ago Report Abuse
It is time for Mr Obama to produce his real Birth Certificate...I had to produce my birth certificate to join the U.S. Navy...not only to prove citizenship but also my get a new Drivers License in the State of Oregon I must show my Birth whats the hold up on Mr Obama showing his birth certificate???This whole question would be gone if he would do this...I do not believe he is legally eligible to act as President of the United States of America and if this is true this question should be answered before anymore damage is done to our government...SHOW THE WORLD YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE...THE REAL ONE...
TheDude 11 hours ago Report Abuse
If this portion of the US Constitution is "unimportant" how can you claim that any portion is important? He is hiding his original birthplace. He is a coward and unworthy of the presidency. He bowed to the Saudi King (no president in history has ever bowed to a foreign leader). Why is he spending so much $$$$ to hide his origins? I was actually born in Hawaii (to US citizens). I can produce my birth certificate. The document he touts as his BC is the short form Hawaii issues to just about anyone who applies for it. It is NOT the long form. Try using that form to apply for a passport. Try using that form to do just about anything. It won't work. Can anyone challenge me on the following: Let us say that McCain has become president (shiver) and someone had challenged his birth in Panama. Don't you think the mainstream media would be blasting this at the top of their yellow socialist lungs? Of course they would. The fact they are silent chills me to the core. For the first time in my life (I am 50) I can actually say I fear my government.
jkainrath 11 hours ago Report Abuse
233 years ago the constitution was written by many wise men through the years many citizens gave the lives for it through politics and war to protect the freedoms of the land that sentence has a reason that all should abide by it seems Mr. obama and i sa Mr. because i believe he is not natural born that is why he is putting the consitution in a paper shreader i plead with all our citizens let fight and perserve our constitution
biged9876 11 hours ago Report Abuse
I wish he would produce the Long Form Birth Certificate. If he cannot, then the Constitution should decide what is to be done. It's a no brainer, either he is a Natural born Citizen or he is not. If he has nothing to hide, then why not just show it and be done with it?

jimdigital 11 hours ago Report Abuse
How does someone produce something that doesn't exist and why aren't the top national talk show hosts discussing this topic? I can understand why the mainstream media doesn't. Do they know something that the rest of us don't know? It is simply mind boggling that this subject still isn't resolved.
tb1016 11 hours ago Report Abuse
No one seems to care, including the man occupying the White House.
chase61 11 hours ago Report Abuse
Release the Long form birth Certificate Obama or resign, now!!

aggpsx 11 hours ago Report Abuse
I will make a press release demanding you produce your original birth certificate, or I will ask your father in Kenya to do so.
Craig McLean 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Mr. Obama must produce his long form birth certificate, school records to see if he was getting aid as a foreign student, and any passport(s) he traveled to Pakistand under as a young man. If he thinks he is above the US Constitution, he is sadly mistaken. Impeach him if he continues to stonewall. Moreover, Obama has committed criminal offenses and cheated 300+ million Americans if he ran for office knowing he did not meet the qualifications for that office.
cvasapollo 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Barry call me on my cell if you need a certificate I can make you one for a little fee, looks real, promise :)

rogers_ministry 10 hours ago Report Abuse
This should be a simple matter. There is no reason not to release the long form certificate if he has nothing to hide. There is no reason not to release the college admittance forms unless he has something to hide. There is no reason to spend money on lawyers to prevent such inquiries unless he has something to hide.

Release the forms and end the speculation.
coffmans1 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Our constitution will be changed if something is not done soon. My question is, since it’s a law that a president of the United States must be a Natural born citizen, where is the government officials that is suppose to see to this and why haven’t they verified one way or another, that he either is or isn’t? Why did they make McCain produce his, but not Obama?
zerep1957 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Received This Last Friday Via Email. It certainly makes one think, as I addressed above in a previous post...

Dear America,

This is the preface to the following letter sent to Barack Hussein Obama. The definitions below were taken from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, which precisely identifies what the true democratic–liberal agenda is and what they are committing. We at the ANF only wish to properly inform the American people, the best we can, as to what the truths really are. More importantly, we wish to encourage all Americans to not only disassociate from the main stream media, but to think for themselves and vigorously seek the truth by studying Our Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, for they were designed and written to keep the below stated definitions and agendas from happening to America. Imagine if Our Forefathers, the ones who fought for and framed Our Beloved Nation, were alive today? They would be utterly horrified at the State of the Our Union, the politicians involved who are responsible, the damage they’ve done thus far, and what their true agenda is - to dismantle The United States of America.

God Bless Us All…

Function: noun
Date: 1837
1. Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods; 2a. A system of society or group living in which there is no private property; b. A system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state; 3. A stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.

Function: noun
Date: 1887
The political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Marx; especially: a theory and practice of socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society.

Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
Date: 1921
1. Often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition; 2: A tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control - early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge

Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tresoun, from Anglo-French traisun, from Latin tradition-, traditio act of handing over, from tradere to hand over, betray, disloyal, dishonest — more at TRAITOR.
Date: 13th century
1. The betrayal of a trust, TREACHERY; 2. The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign state or the sovereign's family.

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- Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the Children of Israel "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land".

- Nearly 75 years ago, President Roosevelt said "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, for this is the Promised Land".

- Now Obama is going to steal your shovel, kick your asses, raise the price of Camels, and mortgage the Promised Land.

Throughout history, only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you -

Jesus Christ for your Soul, and the American Soldier for your Freedom.

Thank God and a Veteran, Policeman, Fireman, Medical Worker, and all other Freedom-Loving

American Citizens, Everyday…


“God Bless America, Land That We Love…”

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The White House May 21, 2009
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Mr. Obama,

We have had it with you and your administration. If ever there was a lot of grossly unethical, lying, cheating, hypocritical, treacherous and treasonous “do-as-I-say-not-as-I do” shadowy bunch of criminals, who has brought great dishonor and shame on America and Her Citizens, you and your administration have set a new “low” as far as governmental, economic, social and political standards are concerned. We are convinced that you and the members of your administration have no ethics or morals, as evidenced by the consistently inept actions of Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Clinton, Holder, Napolitano and Frank just for starters, and should all resign. It also sickens us to the very pit of our stomachs you being the commander in chief (lower case letters are intentional) of Our Military. Given your past and affiliations, you wouldn't even qualify for a security clearance, if you even had the guts to serve in Our Military. Yet you are now in charge? This is beyond insulting. It is morally degrading. Adding insult to injury, you have yet to prove your citizenship, with three law firms guarding and protecting against the release of this information along with your college and medical records, which are all sealed. Why? What are you hiding? That you are truly not an American citizen? It would seem so. And this is only the tip of a gargantuan iceberg. Continue…

1. Your conduct on overseas trips has convinced us that you, your administration, and those behind the curtain pulling the strings and feeding your teleprompters (ie…George Soros), are enemies of the United States of America. We believe that you are a puppet participant in the deliberate dismantling of America, for the sake of the true agenda – One World Government. America is all that stands in the way of this One World Government, or New World Order. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that those behind this movement, to include the main stream media (due to their unfathomable hypocrisy and bias), do not have any allegiances to any one nation – they seek influence, power and money only. It is also common knowledge that the best and fastest way to subjugate a population is to morally and financially bankrupt them, turning citizens into subjects, and selling lies as truths in order to make it (wrongfully) seem as though government being the only answer. Admittedly, the pursuit of this agenda since the inauguration has been successful, thus far. However, you are grossly mistaken. How quickly you underestimate the power of the American People, Our History, and especially Our Fierce, Independent Heritage. We will never again tolerate tyranny and/or oppression. This is what Our Declaration of Independence, Our United States Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees. This we’ll defend. Those who go against these truths, go against America and Her Citizens.

2. You are all so self-righteously offended by capitalism, yet hypocritically enjoy its fruits while doing nothing about the real thieves, ie… Frank, Dodd, Raines, etc…not forgetting your tax cheat cabinet members Geitner, Emmanuel, Sebelius, and so on. Speaking of which - How does tax-cheat Daschle wind-up with General Electric? Does the Rule of Law and Our Constitution suit you and your administration only when convenient and/or is in line with your agenda? The undeniable answer to this question is “Yes”. This is obviously and strictly a business venture, with zero regards for Our Military, their Families and the American People. How can anyone possibly justify supporting and granting carte blanche to an institution that does business with an enemy country like Iran, who are directly responsible for the killing of American Soldiers, who at great sacrifice to themselves were defending Our Freedoms and Liberties? This is treasonous.

3. What about house members passing out $9.1M in bonuses to their staff members, on top of the $2.5M in automatic pay raises that the lawmakers gave themselves? We also understand the average house aide got a 17% bonus. You haven't said anything about this. Who authorized it? “We The People…” surely didn't. Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210M in bonuses over an eighteen-month period. That's $45M more than the AIG bonuses. In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives have already been awarded $51M. Why haven't you expressed your outrage at this group, of which are largely responsible for the economic mess we are in right now, along with the democratic party’s neglect of and misinformation to the American People since taking over Jan 2007? And yet, America’s Citizens are facing mounting, possibly monumental hardships, with no end in sight. By the way – You should stop lying by blaming President Bush for your party’s staggering incompetence, failures and outright dereliction of duties. You did not inherit this mess. It was caused mainly by your own party, starting as far back as the FDR years, through the Carter and Clinton years, all of which you and your administration are repeating and surpassing on every front and proof that the democratic party has learned nothing - utterly despicable.

4. By appeasing European and Muslim countries, you are blatantly forgoing our national security and shirking the true, appropriate actions and responsibilities of the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America, putting Our Nation and Her Citizens world-wide in great danger and assured peril. You are responsible to and for the Citizens of the United States. You are not responsible for the peoples of any other country on earth, except for the staunch support and defense of Israel at all costs, along with emitting to the world what the United States of America unapologetically stands for – The Defender of Freedom and Democracy – One Nation, Under God.

5. We resent you going throughout the world apologizing for the United States. Example, while in France saying that America has “shown arrogance, and been dismissive, even derisive”, and “how we do not care about their status’ in the world”. Really? What do you think the First and Second World Wars were about, if not for the defense of nations against tyranny and oppression? How many American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines are buried in overseas cemeteries, such as in France? Does 105, 000 plus just in Europe alone ring a bell? Do you not understand 20th Century History? Or do you all find it offensive? Get this straight - America does not apologize for anything.

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6. What was your purpose in telling the world that the United States of America does not consider itself a Christian, Jewish or Muslim Nation? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States, although you claim to have taught it? Was Our Country not founded on Judeo-Christian principles, those of which govern Our Country, or at least until you came along? Why do you refuse to understand, acknowledge and/or honor this truth? We shudder to think what this world would be like were it not for the United States of America, and to not have the privilege of being an America! You of all people should appreciate, respect and be the most grateful for Our Beloved and Blessed United States of America, instead of your “57 (Arab) states, with 1 (Palestinian) to go” as you stated on the campaign trail in Oregon, thereby discounting Israel (the 59th?). Yes, we do pay very close attention to your actions, the news and the facts.

7. Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. The President of the United States does not bow to anyone on this earth, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia. Or was this driven by your Muslim faith? One could not help but to also notice while bowing, your head breaking the king’s shoulder plane. Is it because he is your religious superior? Who are you really? We know…

8. Speaking of appeasement along with number ‘5’ above - You have yet to visit the Graves of Our Greatest Generation, because you do not want to offend the Germans, yet you make time to visit mosques? You offend Our Dead Warriors and every Veteran when you give the Germans, who were responsible for one of the greatest crimes in the history of the world, the Holocaust, more respect than for the American Heroes who not only ended it, but also saved the Germans from themselves, not to mention showing more respect for those who launched the greatest attack on American soil in history, 9-11, all while verbally assaulting and degrading America. How bitterly shameful.

9. Israel. You claim to be a Christian, yet turn your back on Israel, attempting to dictate as to what they will or will not do? How dare you! Do you not realize that the State of Israel and the United States of America are one in the same? Do you think God made America, the greatest country ever in the history of the world, to just be a flash in the pan? No, He did not. Yet you blatantly dismiss historical facts concerning nations that have fallen because of the way they either treated God’s Chosen Nation and His People, or had turned their backs on them, as you are attempting to do with us, thus condemning Our Beloved Country to the same fate suffered by past, fallen empires. Why don’t you study the history of Cyrus the Great, what happened to Persia after his reign, and compare it to what Ahmadinejad has done lately to destroy his legacy and why. And this two-state solution? These so-called Palestinians are not an indigenous people. They are actually Arab settlers. Arafat himself was Egyptian. Funny how the Arabs possess so much land throughout the Middle East and Africa, yet they fight by proxy (supported especially by Iran, formerly Persia) against Israel for its own, rightful and God-Given Country. Do you see any of these Arab nations offering these so-called Palestinians any parcels of their lands? No. They are using these settlers to wage war against Israel because of their hatred of the Jewish People, a Real People, and to steal their land, which they will trash like they have theirs and everything else. We submit that this is sheer terror; actions that truly constitute genuine hate crimes on the grandest of scales. If you cannot, are not allowed to, or refuse to acknowledge these indisputable facts, you are all even more dangerous than anyone could ever imagine in a lifetime.

10. For the Record - You and your administration’s actions are criminally Socialist/Marxist/Fascist in every possible way, with no regards to and in violation of the Rule of Law, whereby deliberately and systematically undermining Our Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. In addition, you and your administration are guilty of sequestering our economy and making every effort towards its ruin in order to accomplish the demise of capitalism, which is a necessary first step in the pursuits of said agendas as outlined in this letter. This willful and criminal dismantling of America is treachery, subversion and treason in the highest of orders.

In Closing – Do not take us American Citizens as complacent and/or not caring. We are all watching and our movement is quickly and seriously gaining great momentum, because contrary to what Holder said, we are anything but cowards. We are committed and will act, violently (!) if necessary. This is what Our Forefathers did in a like predicament, which led to the Birth of Our Great Nation. We are fully engaged towards seeking yours and your administration’s impeachments and/or expulsions upon complete exposures in accordance with the definitions as outlined in this letter, and the exposures of your true agendas. We will also seek to defeat /unseat as many democrats as possible in the upcoming November 2010 house and senate elections. Because of the overt frauds and criminals that you all are, and for the extreme political, economic, social and racial chasms that you and your administration have caused and are responsible for, we have no choice but to diligently pursue our cause in the defense of Truth, Liberty and Country. Should this all fail, we will fight with all of our might to ensure that you and your administration are rightfully disgraced and not win the 2012 election. “We The People…” possess and own this right. Our Beloved Lady Liberty may have her faults, but the United States of America, Her Future and Her People, cannot afford a repeat of the horrendous Carter years, much less four years of you and your administration, which we consider “The Enemies Within”.


* Don’t Tread On Me… *

“God Bless America, Land That We Love…”

Page 4 of 4

andrewtowne 10 hours ago Report Abuse
I had to produce a certified copy of my birth certificate, stating the hospital where I was born and showing my foot print (of all things) to get a passport.

If I had to do it to get a passport, Obama should have to do it to become president!

grizzie77 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Give up the charade and produce your birth certificate. I believe that if you were truly a U.S. citizen you would have done this during the campaign.
newsndesign 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Due to the multiple postings on the same issue, perhaps the eligibility issue is now #1 in the "all" category.
Has anyone added up the votes to see if this is so? 10 hours ago Report Abuse
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

That's what it says in Section 1 of Article 2 of the Constitution of the United States of America. Plain and simple.

Natural born citizen, 30 years old, and 14 years of US residency.

HOW HARD IS IT TO UNDERSTAND?! If an 17 year old kid can read and understand the Constitution, the people running this country should be able to too, but also UPHOLD IT!!! It is RIDICULOUS that this information and documentation has been HIDDEN for so long! It is ANTI-AMERICAN to bypass the Constitution to fulfill you're own sinister agenda. You are killing the dream.
tb1016 10 hours ago Report Abuse
The Emergence of President Obama's Muslim Roots

In his April 6 address to the Turkish Parliament, President Obama referenced how many "Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them."
mAximo 10 hours ago Report Abuse
In the language of the 18th century, natural was a synonym of native. Thus 'natural language' meant native language, as explicitly stated in the first Webster's Dictionary, which also gives acquired as well as artificial as antonyms of natural. This implies that 'natural born' meant 'native born' AND that M:Cain isn't natural born, since he was born in a U.S. territory that in the meantime didn't adopt the Constitution. It thereby doesn't matter if he also was eligible to acquire citizenship via his parents, if the concept involved is strictly 'jus soli.' One thing is certain: if M:Cain had won, nobody here would be asking to verify his eligibility, even though his citizenship was acquired rather than native. Had his parents given him up for adoption in Panama, he would not have been able to acquire US citizenship after becoming an adult, and perhaps earlier. This typifies the usual practical difference between natural born and acquired citizenship, and needs to be enforced consistently.
Chas Warren 10 hours ago Report Abuse
Did McCain present his original birth certificate? If you maintain that he did, prove it.

How do you know how much money Obama has spent keeping his birth certificate or other records sealed? How do you know that he has spent a single dime? Cite sources, or shut up.

10 hours ago Report Abuse
As a nation, we have certainly hit "Barack Bottom!" With four years of the Usurper-in-Chief in office,
we will no longer recognize the country we love. I scarcely recognize it, now! Hey, CIA! Hey, FBI!
I know you guys love America, too! I remember how much J. Edgar Hoover had on JFK -- and probably every man
who ever held the office of president during his tenure. They did nothing with that information. But today,
if there is a man or woman in those two revered institutions who has the real information, it is imperative
that you make it known. The members of the Supreme Court have averted theIR eyes, pretending there is nothing
there to investigate, making all kinds of noises about "standing," etc. -- ANYTHING TO MANAGE TO AVOID DEALING


slcraigre 9 hours ago Report Abuse

I'm not sure you got your definition of Natural Born Citizen correct.......

NBC is a person born to TWO (2) citizen parents without foreign alligiance and within the Juristiction of the USA.

Sure, he must also #%years old and would have to be within the US for the previous 14 yrs.

tb1016 9 hours ago Report Abuse
Chas - here you go.....

Read it and weep......
suzini9227 9 hours ago Report Abuse
We need to see the long form birth certificate before America is completely destroyed. We need it now!
slcraigre 9 hours ago Report Abuse
This is the correct definition for NBC;

Emmerich de Vattel’s, “The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law Applied to the Conduct and to the Affairs of Nations and of Sovereigns”;
§ 212. Citizens and natives.
“The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”

And this is what why, (and also explanes why the Patriots who fought in the war had the NBC exception waived for their generation.........ALSO TO THOSE THAT QUESTION McCAIN.PLEASE READ LAST PARAGRAPH.....

Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (3 vols., 1833), of Joseph Story, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, February 3, 1812 – September 10, 1845

Volume 3: § 1473.
“It is indispensable, too, that the president should be a natural born citizen of the United States; or a citizen at the adoption of the constitution, and for fourteen years before his election. This permission of a naturalized citizen to become president is an exception from the great fundamental policy of all governments, to exclude foreign influence from their executive councils and duties. It was doubtless introduced (for it has now become by lapse of time merely nominal, and will soon become wholly extinct) out of respect to those distinguished revolutionary patriots, who were born in a foreign land, and yet had entitled themselves to high honours in their adopted country. A positive exclusion of them from the office would have been unjust to their merits, and painful to their sensibilities. But the general propriety of the exclusion of foreigners, in common cases, will scarcely be doubted by any sound statesman. It cuts off all chances for ambitious foreigners, who might otherwise be intriguing for the office; and interposes a barrier against those corrupt interferences of foreign governments in executive elections, which have inflicted the most serious evils upon the elective monarchies of Europe. Germany, Poland, and even the pontificate of Rome, are sad, but instructive examples of the enduring mischiefs arising from this source. A residence of fourteen years in the United States is also made an indispensable requisite for every candidate; so, that the people may have a full opportunity to know his character and merits, and that he may have mingled in the duties, and felt the interests, and understood the principles, and nourished the attachments, belonging to every citizen in a republican government. By "residence," in the constitution, is to be understood, not an absolute inhabitancy within the United States during the whole period; but such an inhabitancy, as includes a permanent domicil in the United States. No one has supposed, that a temporary absence abroad on public business, and especially on an embassy to a foreign nation, would interrupt the residence of a citizen, so as to disqualify him for office. If the word were to be construed with such strictness, then a mere journey through any foreign adjacent territory for health, or for pleasure, or a commorancy there for a single day, would amount to a disqualification. Under such a construction a military or civil officer, who should have been in Canada during the late war on public business, would have lost his eligibility. The true sense of residence in the constitution is fixed domicil, or being out of the United States, and settled abroad for the purpose of general inhabitancy, animo manendi, and not for a mere temporary and fugitive purpose, in transitu.”

flyingj3 9 hours ago Report Abuse
He hates America. plain and simple. he could not care less what the constitution says about any thing. I want to see his birth certificate as well. it "aint gonna" happen, folks! this IS the change he was talking about. In fact right now, Obama and his coven, are without a doubt,trying to find a way to eliminate,or nullify that pesky,troublesome,piece of paper that always seems to get in his way.And i am sorry to say,he may just accomplish it,with all his mind numbed cronies in his "main stream media" more than willing to help him. {chips off the same block}.And,the people that put him in office don't give a rat's ass WHAT he does any way! as long as they get their piece of the pie.Then, should i even get into what the no good, spineless,wimpy,chicken shit,so called republicans,will do to stop him? not.bottom line is this,use your constitutional rights wile you still have them! wise up, pull your heads out of the sand, VOTE THESE CLOWNS OUT OF OFFICE. All of them,democrats,republicans.lets take our government back,and abolish once and for all, political correctness!we need new faces in Washington.Those that love America,her people,Flag, and her culture. Remind politicians, they work for US! And to you Mr. Obama,If you cant play by the rules... GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR HOUSE!!
peacefrogindy 9 hours ago Report Abuse
Chas -

I so laugh at people like you. That is hilarious that you would come on a site, post your comments without doing your research, and allow this to happen to yourself. Take the time to research the comments and research done by many others, formulate an opinion based on fact, and please don't humiliate yourself in a public forum. I feel bad for you right now. It is too bad you are not physically present in a forum of people so you could gather the full effect of public humiliation. Good luck.
bigd2004 9 hours ago Report Abuse
I'm confused why everybody keeps harping on this birth certificate issue. Which seems to be the reason behind many of the cases that have been brought to courts at all levels questioning his eligibility.

From the many things I have read in my research on this is that Barack Obama became a citizen of another Country. Which I believe was Indonesia but don't quote me on the country's name. The point is, it states in the United States Constitution that once an individul becomes a citizen of another country they lose their status of Natural Born Citizenship and therefore, it can never be regained again.

So, in my opinion, it has nothing to do with what state he was born in or the ethnic culture of his mother or father. It has nothing to do with his mother's age when he was born. What it has to do with is very simple. He became a citizen, ...paperwork and all, of another country. At that moment he lost his Natural Born Citizenship of this Country and that's the end of the story.

It's on that basis that he is not a natural born citizen of this Country anymore and therefore is not eligible for a seat in the White House as President of this Country.

....Case Closed
mAximo 9 hours ago Report Abuse
Emerich wasn't English, and wasn't writing in English nor from the perspective of the free system of English laws nor traditional common law. Thus, his writings have less bearing on the meaning of the Constitution than Webster's first dictionary. As for Joseph Story's quote, it applies better to Obama's mother, than to M:Cain. Nobody is arguing that he or his parents lost citizenship as a result of living in the Canal Zone - at the time not under the Constitution, nor the Bill of Rights - just like Puerto Rico then, as the Balzac decision ruled. Yet there are those who argue that she did because she had lived in Kenya while still a minor. I am arguing that Obama's parentage, including subsequent adoption by an Indonesian, is irrelevant, because the 18th century definition of 'natural born' is 'native born' just as 'natural language' was defined as 'native language'.

ulegee 9 hours ago Report Abuse
remember, the certification of Live Birth he posted is a limited value document at best. It does not prove in any way that he was born in hawaii. It is actually given to children born abroad whos parents are residents of hawaii for one year preceding the childs birth. ONLY LIES REQUIRE LIES. Only lies require the suppression of debate (notice all of the posts being deleted?). If it only cost 12 dollars to get it, why spend over a million so law firms can block all attempts to get it?? What is the downside of him disclosing something that is required to be president? Here is a great example. Lets say that you have to be 35 , live in the US for 10 years and have a state issued driver license. So Obama gives you a State issued I.D. card instead. It has most of the information found on a Drivers license, but it still cannot show that you actually have a drivers license! The ONUS is on the POTUS to prove that he qualifies to be president. Believe me, I would take 4 obamas and 1 pelosi over a PResident Biden but the constitution is the law of the land. If he can't respect that and obey it, then how shaky is the foundation of our rights?
tjcont1818 9 hours ago Report Abuse
Obama, what are you hiding ??

if nothing, then display your birth certficate, afterall, whats the big deal if you really are an American citizen, which quite frankly I DOUBT.
Sorry, I just DONT TRUST you at all- ZERO. Sad I have to say it, saying I dont trust the president of the GREATEST NATION on earth, but, I DONT.

Show it to PROVE you were born in Hawaii we, the people, have the right to see that you are technically eligible to be a president here in the USA
workingscott 9 hours ago Report Abuse
It must be the responsibility of the Electoral College or Congress to ensure presidential candidates are qualified for the position. As I remember, there are only 2 requirements for president - you must be (at least) 35 years of age, and you must be a natural-born citizen.

Of course, Washington wasn't natural-born, and there's a provision for that.

But in Uncle Barry's case, he can prove neither. Since his actual original 'long-form' certificate is still being kept in hiding, he not only can't prove he was born in the U.S.A., he can also not prove his age.

Impeachment is reserved for sitting presidents. The Justice Department needs to evict the Obamas from the White House, and file charges of fraud against Uncle Barry, and his entire election staff as accomplices.
ajfco 9 hours ago Report Abuse
Why won't President Obama release his birth certificate? It is probably because he was born in Kenya of a Kenyan father. His Kenyan grandmother has stated that he was born in his father's village. All American citizens are required to show proof of birth in the United States. My son was born in Germany when I was assigned there as an Army officer. He has a Consular Certificate of Birth Abroad. That makes him an American citizen. He, however, cannot be President of the United States, because the Constitution is clear that to be eligible for the presidency you must be a natural born American. That means born on these shores.

ramjet767 9 hours ago Report Abuse
All on this thread:

Native Born Citizen does not equal Natural Born Citizen. Especially not to constitutional standards. See this essay for the complete explanation:

slcraigre 9 hours ago Report Abuse
HEY mAximo ..............

You are more than wrong......we may have borrowed much of the English Common Law but not all of ot, or else we would have a King.

The US is a Republic with democratic representation that allows for our elected representitives to come from the citizens of the country.

Our Sovreignty was established based on Vattel's Laws of Nations not on the Sovereignty of a KING.........

Nice try though........keep working on it as you sip your kool-aid and snack on your Oreo's
bigd2004 8 hours ago Report Abuse
One universal point most all early publicists agreed on was natural-born citizen must mean one who is a citizen by no act of law. If a person owes their citizenship to some act of law (naturalization for example), they cannot be considered a natural-born citizen. This leads us to defining natural-born citizen under the laws of nature - laws the founders recognized and embraced.

Under the laws of nature, every child born requires no act of law to establish the fact the child inherits through nature his/her father’s citizenship as well as his name (or even his property) through birth. This law of nature is also recognized by law of nations. Sen. Howard said the citizenship clause under the Fourteenth Amendment was by virtue of “natural law and national law.”

The advantages of Natural Law is competing allegiances between nations are avoided, or at least with those nations whose custom is to not make citizens of other countries citizens without their consent. Any alternations or conflicts due to a child’s natural citizenship are strictly a creature of local municipal law. In the year 1866, the United States for the first time adopted a local municipal law under Sec. 1992 of U.S. Revised Statutes that read: “All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.”

Rep. Bingham commenting on Section 1992 said it means “every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Bingham subscribed to the same view as most everyone in Congress at the time that in order to be born a citizen of the United States one must be born within the allegiance of the Nation. Bingham had explained that to be born within the allegiance of the United States the parents, or more precisely, the father, must not owe allegiance to some other foreign sovereignty (remember the U.S. abandoned England’s “natural allegiance” doctrine). This of course, explains why emphasis of not owing allegiance to anyone else was the affect of being subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

Secretary of State Bayard ruled under Section 1992 of U.S. Revised Statutes in 1885 that although Richard Greisser was born in the United States, his father at the time of his birth was a subject of Germany, and thus, Richard Greisser could not be a citizen of the United States. Furthermore, it was held his father was not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States under the Fourteenth Amendment.

Charles Pinckney in 1800 said the presidential eligibility clause was designed “to insure … attachment to the country.”

What better way to insure attachment to the country then to require the President to have inherited his American citizenship through his American father and not through a foreign father. Any child can be born anywhere in the country and removed by their father to be raised in his native country. The risks would be for the child to return in later life to reside in this country bringing with him foreign influences and intrigues.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that a natural-born citizen of the United States means those persons born whose father the United States already has an established jurisdiction over, i.e., born to father’s who are themselves citizens of the United States. A person who had been born under a double allegiance cannot be said to be a natural-born citizen of the United States because such status is not recognized (only in fiction of law). A child born to an American mother and alien father could be said to be a citizen of the United States by some affirmative act of law but never entitled to be a natural-born citizen because through laws of nature the child inherits the condition of their father.

ramjet767 8 hours ago Report Abuse
Natural Born Citizenship is defined by nature not by man made laws and comes from natural law and the laws of nature which was codified in 1758 by Vattel in his treatise, The Law of Nations. The Law of Nature is mentioned in our Declaration of Independence and the Law of Nations is mentioned in our Constitution. Many other of Vattel work is included in our Declaration of Independence and our Federal government Constitution. We did not adopt English Common law for our Federal government. Vattel was a major source of influence for our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.

ramjet767 8 hours ago Report Abuse
An essay:
"Obama Presidential Eligibility - An Introductory Primer" by Stephen Tonchen

Essays by M Publius Goat:

Link to many essays and information about the term Natural Born Citizen:

nyabzns 8 hours ago Report Abuse

If any one of these organizations had a copy of the real birth certificate there shouldn't be a problem letting some experts look at it.

What happened to the worn folded up version Obama claimed to have in his book ?

Why wouldn the White House laught at those who doubt eligibilty ?

Look at

Why would H.R.1503 be necessary if a Presidential candidate was required to provide a birth certificate ? Because they are not.
The bill, introduced by Rep. Bill Posey [R, FL-15]and 1 Co-Sponsors Rep. Robert Goodlatte [R, VA-6] reads as follows -

H.R. 1503
"To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee's statement of organization a copy of the candidate's birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution."

If congressional representatives think this is an issue why is the current White House administration making fun of this issue ?

Barack Hussain Obama ( or is it Barry Soetoro ? )To ignore this or mock those concerned spits in the face of all Americans, including those you fooled into voting for you on the basis that your a Christian Democrat from Hawaii.

bigd2004 8 hours ago Report Abuse
"Native Born Citizen does not equal Natural Born Citizen. Especially not to constitutional standards. See this essay for the complete explanation:"

Thanks RJ

To put it simply, if Osama Bin Laden were born in the United States and lived the rest of his life in another, ...would you consdier him a natural born citizen and eligible to be president of this Country?
jimmyhennessey 8 hours ago Report Abuse
We were promised hope and change. We got the change part. We got corporate welfare, banker takeover and a Marxist revolution. What happened to no lobbyists? I could probably count on one hand those in the cabinet who are not lobbyists! What happened to bring the troops home immediately? Now we commit how many? 50,000 more?!?!?! What happened to getting rid of the warrantless wire tapping.? What about Gitmo? This is another case of a smooth talking politician that promises the world and delivers nil! I mean, the first executive order??? Paying for abortion clinics in other countries? As if killing innocent unborn babies in this country isn't enough. Why bother saying your a Christian when your actions say the opposite?!?!? I am so tired of the criminal violations being perpetrated against our constitution at the highest levels of government. We as a nation are losing our liberties to this Marxist revolution in Washington. This is a government of the bankers, for the bankers and by the bankers. I don't ever remember electing a Rockefeller, Morghan or Rothschild king. We need another Andrew Jackson to save us. He knew the dangers of the banking cartels and he shut them down in 1828. Vote Ron Paul!
whudnall 8 hours ago Report Abuse
With all this bowing to the Saudi King and an unnecessary visit to Egypt and Saudia Arabia, there's reason to be skeptical about Obama's truthfulness to the American people about him actually being born on American soil. After all, all his Kenyan kinfolk are Muslims, including his father, with whom he attended mosque. For an impressionable young boy to have his youth shaped by an Islamic education, I'm of the opinion that he may continue to have huge sympathies for Muslims and could well be a "closet" Muslim.
bigd2004 8 hours ago Report Abuse
AMEN TO THAR! ...concerning the bankers and Ron Paul...
ttrssanders 8 hours ago Report Abuse
Mr. B.S. or B.H.O. whom ever you are just provide the proof that so many of us need.

jimzprincess 8 hours ago Report Abuse
Even if he doesn't show his birth certificate, he is already ineligible to be president. He is a dual citizen, because his father was a British subject when Obama was born. The "natural born citizen" requirement for our President says that BOTH parents must be American citizens at the time of his birth. His father was NOT!! The reason our founding fathers made this a specific requirement was because the President needs to have sole allegience to America. If one of his parents is not an American citizen, there is a chance, our President might have some allegience to his non-American parent's country. This would explain why Obama is going overseas apoligizing for "mean old America" wouldn't it?????
randgwynne4 8 hours ago Report Abuse
I just posted a question re the Bilderberg Group and it was accepted and posted. Don't know how long it will stay up, though.
bigd2004 8 hours ago Report Abuse
Unfortunately, as one posted a few comments ago, it's doubtful that any of this will take place. Not when the power of money influences almost all governments in the world. The wisest men in history were those of the banking family that put together the resolution(shall we call it) for the Federal Reserve System.

It was at that time that they put the evil power of money to work. Pronising to fund Woodrow Wilson's campaign in exchange for him signing the bill if he won the election. They have been using that same evil of money ever since.

As a wise one once said, "The love for money is the foot of all evil...."
trudycranfo 8 hours ago Report Abuse
Obama, what are you hiding ??

if nothing, then display your birth certficate, afterall, whats the big deal if you really are an American citizen, which quite frankly I DOUBT.
Sorry, I just DONT TRUST you at all- ZERO. Sad I have to say it, saying I dont trust the president of the GREATEST NATION on earth, but, I DONT.
Show it to PROVE you were born in Hawaii we, the people, have the right to see that you are technically eligible to be a president here in the USA
How can a man be president that does not follow the laws of the land. Mainly there is only one way He has signed the contract with the devil himself and is bring in the New World Order that is only going to lead to Satan himself incharge. There is a New World Order and its in the stages of being brought to full swing in the near future. THose that believe this is for the better of America. YOur dead wrong. Our new President has already said his god is not the Heavenly Father. He has said America needs a god that does not kill children, but yet he abroves of Abortion. Just another name for murder. For hidding his real birth certificate and other records should mean his inpeachment. That shows how much our other leaders are corruped as he is. The hate crime bill is being made out to be a great thing by a lot of leaders they need to read it for themselfs and see what wrongs our in that bill. It will hurt honest abiding christians. MInisters for sure. It will give petifiles freedom for its their life style. COme on America wake up and fight back
Mary Penton 7 hours ago Report Abuse










workingscott 7 hours ago Report Abuse
bigd2004 - You're right. That person who said that was a wise man.

Paul's first letter to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:6-10) says:
But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

It's amazing what some people trade for money.

"What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" Mark 8:36

tomuhill 7 hours ago Report Abuse
obama has been conning people all his life and using his smooth talking to the gullible to get away with it all. Not only his so called birth certificate is a ruse (anyone from any country can get a certificate of birth in hawaii), his selective service documents are faked, he also has gone under the name of barry soherto, etc., their is evidende he has used different social security numbers at various times, etc.. I am astounded that people do not realize who the individual really is and how dangerous he is to our country and society. Any one with the least bit of common sense can see through this biggest hoax ever to be pulled on the American people in our history and for ever after.
bigd2004 7 hours ago Report Abuse
Thanks Scott.

I wonder if any from the Morgans, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and all the others have read that verse from the Book of Mark?
ramjet767 7 hours ago Report Abuse
Natural Born Citizenship defined:

gypsy1035 7 hours ago Report Abuse
Lets see the real OFFICIAL birth certificate!!!!!! I don't believe he was born in the gold old US of A! This new president does not honor capitalism so why should be think it will be any different with honoring our Constitution?

thebear121449 7 hours ago Report Abuse
I believe that if Obama wants us to trust him, it's time he became trustworthy. Prove to me he believes in the constitution and release his birth certificate. If he can't or won't then by admission he is not worthy of the office or our trust and should be impeached and thrown out of office.

musingattheruins 6 hours ago Report Abuse
Double standard! We have to show a birth certificate just to get into a local school, how is it that you can get your finger on the big red button and not have to show a birth certificate? Answer, only if you are a Democrat!
shirleykartchner 6 hours ago Report Abuse
wow, it looks like they are deleting this comment. talk about not caring about our ideas!
rayhull86303 6 hours ago Report Abuse
Where's the birth certficate? In case you are confused the only thing you have shown is the certificate of birth which is to everyone else in the US not legally adequate! Do you think that you are above everyone else? Your credibility has been destroyed by your actions. You may have a much easier time of trying to lead the US if you will just come up with the proof. Otherwise you certainly appear to be hiding your true place of birth.
shirley_webler 6 hours ago Report Abuse
Obama is a SNAKE.
He has/is Paying/Paid TONS of Money to keep his Secret.
He should be taken to court and be proved Right or Wrong. Ha Ha
Proved Wrong, kick him out and the Vice President.
Make the Lawyers give all that money he paid them to a Childrens foundation.
Prove him Right. Still make the Lawyers give the money to a Childrens foundation.
Better yet, put it in my Stimulas package. Ha ha.

A Snake may shed it's skin, but, its still a Snake.
ivanbarellano 6 hours ago Report Abuse
Where are all the other empty suits, black robes, and skirts supposedly representing us in this process? Do they not take an oath to defend our Constitution, and yet are completely silent on this issue? We know that Obama's minions are all in the tank with him, so they dare not go against the grain. However, I am outraged that we hear nothing from the other side. In fact, some of these worthless Republican politicians have sold out to embrace Mr. Obama, just as much as his own legions. Yes, the spineless ones have drank from the kool-aid of lies, deceit, corruption and power too. I don't think I have to mention any names, as all of you know who these guislings are. However does Collin Powell, Arlen Spector, Dick Cheney, John McCain, Orin Hatch, Arnold "Girly Man" Swartzenegger and Mel Martinez ring a bell? Wait till to see the long list. But what about our Supreme Court Justices? Do they not have the power to look into this matter and yet they refuse to hear this case? There was a report a few months ago that Dr. Orly Taitz hand delivered related legal documents to Justice Roberts, and had earlier approached Justice Scalia. Surely, if anyone could be sympathetic to our plea it would be these guys. Do you think they've taken this issue seriously? In my view, if they refuse to seriously consider this matter, they are no better than the empty suits and skirts in Washington, D.C. Where are you Mr. Roberts?

Dr. Orly Taitz if you are reading this post, why haven't we recieved an update on what has happening on the Supreme Court level? This is a very serious matter and it should not be treated so lightly. Meanwhile, our country is being destroyed on all fronts. Our economy continues to take a hit after hit as a result of the careless and wreckless policies of this illegitimate administration. The social and moral fabric of this great country continues to deteriorate as our families are forced to accept perversion and destructive behaviors; all advocated and endorsed by this illegitimate administration. How much more damage can we sustain? How many more lies before we realize it's just too late?

ramjet767 5 hours ago Report Abuse
DNC foisted a fraud on the American people:
Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen. Father was not a citizen, nor even an immigrant to the USA.

RNC foisted a fraud on the American people:
McCain is not a Natural Born Citizen. Born in civilian hospital Colon Panama which was not in the Canal Zone.

RNC is posturing to foist another non-natural born citizen for President and fraud on the American people.
Gov Jindall of LA is not a Natural Born Citizen. Born in USA but both parents were not citizens of the USA when he was born.

Natural Born Citizenship defined:

Party politics are now trumping the Constitution. George Washington warned about this. Now we are seeing it. The Parties put their power above all, even the Constitution. Congress is controlled by the party leadership and they are now in CYA mode for the fraud both parties pulled on the American people in the 2008 presidential election.

webprowler66 5 hours ago Report Abuse
Supreme Court = Lifetime Appointed Sellouts !
pattysosd 5 hours ago Report Abuse
I want to see college records that are kept from the citizens, the birth certificate (I have mine, don't you have yours?), and I want a RE-ELECTION with 2 competent persons running who are BOTH citizens. And a media that is equally competent. This last presidential race was a FIASCO--Obama could have run on the platform of "I'll put soda machines in the cafeteria and we'll be able to listen to a radio station during lunch" and he would have won, given the idiotic fawning media and SNL's biased humor. I truly believe on those who pay TAXES should VOTE in this nation. It's OUR money that is being wasted!

(and don't EVEN get me started on Joe Biden--the only vice-president who needs an IEP!)

Rosemarie Davenport 4 hours ago Report Abuse
I'll post my son's real Hawaiian birth certificate when Mr. Obama posts his. After all, we have shown it around the U.S. every time we've been transferred in the military while my husband served our country. We have nothing to hide... although, since my husband is a veteran, maybe he and I would be considered a "right-wing extremist".
rustynails 4 hours ago Report Abuse
For a President that promised transparency in his administration the cpotus clown prince of the United States has sure covered his tracks. No proof of citizenship, not even naturalized which makes him an illegal alien, which equals "CRIMINAL". Our Country is coming apart at the seams and the cpotus and his cronies are using every possible scheme to shred it even faster.

The problem is also with our Military leaders, they took an oath when they joined their branch of the service to protect the Constitution of the United States of America, the Citizens from all enemies foreign and domestic and finally to obey the CinC, President. They are also supposed to be smart enough to know when their orders or actions of the administration is not acting in the best interests of their Country and American Citizens. When this happens OUR Generals and Admirals first and foremost duty is to protect the Constitution, then the Citizens and when the CinC is giving orders contrary to these first two obligations then they are to remove said CinC from office and any others who are acting against the Constitution and Citizens.


I have written an open letter to our Military leaders but have not published it yet because I have not been able to locate an address to send it to, if anyone here knows an address or e-mail where I send it I would appreciate the info.

John R. Turner
jaclark 3 hours ago Report Abuse
What can you do for me obama?
Well its a very personal and very important thing.
Are you ready obama?
Just wanna make sure your ready brother.
Here it is.


robotech 3 hours ago Report Abuse
To Richard Posner:
Sir, you are the troll here.
We have seen that factcheck link a 100 times before you posted it.
We don't believe it.
And it's our right not to believe.
You or anyone else can prove it's factual. That's the problem and why THIS blog is THE #1 blog on this site. And as of this morning, it's 79% to 21% NOT believing your link.
And this is just starting. Before these four years are over, we WILL know for sure. And this make me even MORE concerned that this farce is being played out. It's only going to make it worse when the poop hits the propeller. The longer it goes on, the more poop is created.
So it's you that needs to get a life. Obviously, you are in the minority on this issue. And this issue gets bigger everyday.
If you don't have a problem with what's happening with Obama's eligibility, then don't. It's your right. I could care less about your opinion, it's your arrogant, egotistical attitude, that is so clownish.
Being so arrogant as to disparage people that ARE concerned, to be quite frank, makes YOU out to be a buffoon.
79% to 21%.
Got it?
webprowler66 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Oh yeah, factcheck = An education reform group co-founded by Bill Ayers in 1995 and chaired by Barack Obama from 1995 to 1999
thoufool 1 hour ago Report Abuse
When Obama’s bogus “Birth Certificate” was posted on the internet last year, I went to the trouble of comparing it with my Birth Certificate. I really was born in Hawaii in 1957 and my Birth Certificate looks completely different than the one they’re passing off as Obama’s. My B/C is small, about 5x6 and it looks old. It was typed on a typewriter with a courier font, common among typewriters of the day. Obama’s appears to be 8.5x11 and looks like it was made on a computer yesterday. My B/C is entitled CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, Obama’s is called a CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH. Mine has much more information than Obama’s. His paper has a certificate number, mine has a file number. What stands out most to me it that his father’s race is listed as African. In 1961 his father would have been listed as Negro. At there is a copy of a Hawaii B/C dated 1963. It looks exactly like mine. Nothing about them had changed between 1957 and 1963.

Obama is a fraud and a usurper. I believe “We the People” have been patient long enough. He should be taken by the collar and thrown out into the street. He has taken office illegally and I see no reason to remove him legally. Any other trespasser in the White House would be removed at gun point. He deserves the same consideration.

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