Forged Long Form COLB Coming Soon?

RepubX: long-form birth certificate forgery soon? Check this out

Why am I not surprised? Oh I know. It's just a "coincidence" [wink wink!] that a 1960 Birth Certificate Printer was Sold on April 16, 2009.

But commenter syc1959 thinks it may be difficult to get away with this new forgery!


The long form Birth Certificate would have the following information, including the Doctor, nurses, witnesses, birth order, # of siblings, place of birth, mothers and father’s residence and occupation.

This would only open additional questions, that would be harder to cover-up and manipulate.

1. They would have to disclose their residence. The residence that has been disclosed has been proven to be in question, as neighbors who were there at the time, did NOT recall the Obama’s or an inter-racial couple. The Obama’s would have stood out in the early 1960’s. Unlike the current inter-racial acceptance, in the late 1950’s and 60’s the inter-racial couples stood out and would have been remembered.

2. Race of Father, this is an official US document and again refering back to the US Nationality documentation, on what legal entries were acceptable. African was NOT an acceptable entry.

Then why if the long form is different, why the short form that was supposed to be filled in from information on the long form is different?

3. Age of mother? Was Obama’s mother listed a different age, then her legal age, to protect against a felony charge of rape. Remember this is the early 1960’s and not today.

4. Signature of attendent? This can be crossed referenced to duty logs and employment records. The name can NOT be pulled out of the air. They already attempted this with a Dr. that retired in 1956. If there is a different name, another re-flag.

The State of Hawaii also allows for ONLY one, attendent verification, and it can be either a Mid-wife, Doctor, Doctor’s Orderly, or even other.

5. The name of the hospital would also have to be identified, again the staffing records, and employment records and Doctors Staff, would have records. Both hospitals that Obama has stated where he was born, has denied that both his mother and he were ever a patient.

6. The Doctor would be identified. There was a story already that Rodney T. West, M.D. was the doctor that delivered Obama. However after only a few hours that story was debunked as false, as Doctor West retired in 1956. However one important note would be the following;

Rodney West, 97, died February 24, 2008. in his native state, Hawaii, where he lived and worked for his entire career. According to the Honolulu Advertiser newspaper, West was born in Wailuku, Maui, and earned his MD from Northwestern University School of Medicine in 1934. He completed his internship and residency at Queen’s Hospital in Honolulu, the state’s largest private hospital . Called into active duty with the U.S. Navy in the fall of ‘1941, West was stationed at Pearl Harbor

If Dr. West did in fact deliver Barack Obama on Aug 4th, 1961, why did he NOT confirm it when he was alive? Barack Obama was already campaigning and stating he was born there, and Dr. West could have been asked. Just like his grandmother a convenient passing at a time, when questions were being asked, and yes, I was the one that debunked the story and it was pulled after only a few hours.

Not to mention, with the doctor when identified, he would also have personal records, and documentation.

Anyone relating to this Doctor, would gladly go back into the records and prove they were the first to slap Obama around.

Again these are just the tip of the iceberg. As they are still a smoke screen as Obama does not, can not, NOR ever be Constitutionally eligible.

Obama as stated above, was British at birth. Adopted by a foreign national in a foreign country. Re-entered the US illegally, used forged papers to gain employment in this country!

Those that have been to this site, already know the difference between a “NATIVE BORN” and a “NATURAL BORN” citizen are. So for those who would like a short course, here are the definitions:

“Native Born” Citizen – Anyone born in the United States

“Natural Born” Citizen – Born in the United States of parents who are citizens. Notice the parents being plural. Read the expanded legal definition at

So is a long form Birth Certificate fraud possible? Yes it is, but again it would only open more questions than it would answer. Personally there is strong and compelling evidence not limited to the following:

1. the actions of Barack Obama to seal all his records, spending close to $1 million at this time to prevent his long form from being released

2. the fact that Hawaii can hold a foreign birth certificate as a vault copy and register the birth, even a foreign birth in the State of Hawaii. Section 7c on the Hawaii form is for this.

3. the fact that there are documents in Kenya that have been sealed. Why would Barack Obama have any records or documents in Kenya.

The birth certificate on file in Hawaii can easily be the Kenyan long form, with or without an affidavit. That affidavit only needs to be from one person.

The State of Hawaii has also maintained the following:

They have one on file

They have NOT released any information that it contains

They have NOT stated that it is a Hawaiian Birth Certificate that they have, nor have they stated that they have one document or several documents that comprise the record.

The State of Hawaii does not even state they have a request for the COLB that was handled by FactCheck, where as again, multiple documents were photographed. One without the SEAL and another with a SEAL. Again, impossible as the State of Hawaii can ONLY release the document with the SEAL and signature. So how did FactCheck have two different documents. I believe that they printed out the COLB that was posted on Fight the Smears, photographed it and in the process applied the SEAL that is seen on it, not realizing that the SEAL was different. [As shown in another post here] and then released the images without realzing they posted evidence of document forgery.

Also as proof that the State of Hawaii requires an application for the request. Go to the following site: scroll to the bottom and see the request form. As a side note, the State of Hawaii would also have the request from Obama for the one that he released last year 2008. Maybe the State of Hawaii can confirm they have THAT request on file and can produce THAT request also.

syc1959 /quote

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Commenter syc1959