Would You Rather Have the Wages or the Gift?

That is the ultimate question that Dr. David Jeremiah asks near the end of the video presentation called "Finding Freedom Through Slavery" (below) in his new series, "The Upside Down Life." The title sounds like quite the paradox* - doesn't it? You will discover the truth about that statement when you view the video!!

Before you click on the video link, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all of the dads out there a very Happy Father's Day! At our home, it's "Father's Day Weekend" - not just one day...ha ha. Anyway, we have a big seafood fest planned - we found lobster selling for $6.00 a pound at Costco! (Correction: The lobster was from Major Market!) ;-) Some family time is planned - like playing monopoly on the Wii (my son ALWAYS WINS!) and some backyard activities too. It's a day to get away from work, the computer, and any other distraction that might take us away from family time.

But before you turn off your computers today and even if you just returned from church, it is my hope that you will take my recommendation to view and listen to Dr. David Jeremiah's lesson called Finding Freedom Through Slavery from his "The Upside Down Life" series.

It is excellent, people!!!

Remember, if time is short you can "fast forward" to the sermon. But do watch the 1:20 introduction at the beginning of the video. The lesson starts at 18:05.

God bless your day!


*P.S. Please keep in mind that the term "slavery" being used in this sermon is not meant to downplay, insult or hurt anyone in the African American community who have suffered, or have known others who have suffered greatly under racial slavery in the past.