Obama Eliminates "For The People" in Speech

During the Glenn Beck Program on Fox News Channel this afternoon, Glenn ran a video clip of one of Obama's speeches (dated sometime this month - June) that included a portion where Obama stated, "[We are] a government of the people and by the people." So, my question is - why didn't he include "for the people" as well? Why was that left out of his speech? That really bugged me.

As I got to thinking about it, I began to believe that it was purposely left out. It is the difference between what a president of a Constitutional Republic would believe and represent vs. a president with the tyrannical attitudes, policies, and dictatorship methods of a Socialistic/Marxist/Communist ideology - which is the direction that ObamaFRAUD and his cohorts want to take this nation.

Obama certainly doesn't appear to be "for the people" in Iran. Take a look at the contrasting photos over at The Obama File. There are millions of protesters who took to the streets for over a week in Iran, willing to be beaten and killed - all because they are desperate for freedom from the tyranny they live by under the Ayatollah. The fact that it was a fraudulent election cannot be denied. There are reports that more than 100% turnout occurred in 50 voting areas. What we have here is an Ayatollah and his cronies illegally taking out the legitimate votes (and voices!!) of the masses, and in dictator-like style, threaten the protesters with death in order to fraudulently anoint the crazy (already hand-picked) Iminajihad as the victor.

The Iranians are begging for support from Obama and the American people!! The American people are responding but Obama? He goes golfing!

Here's how The Obama File sums it up:

It's bad enough that Obama took off a few hours during the crisis to go golfing, but he also took his self-described foreign policy expert, Joe Biden, with him. Shouldn’t Joe have been back at the bunker, working one of the biggest foreign-policy crises in this administration, instead of literally puttering around?

Remember, it was Joe Biden who warned donors at a Seattle fund-raiser last October.

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America.

"Watch. We're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate," Biden said to Emerald City supporters.

Well, Joe, it's only 5 months, and Obama has four or five crisis going for him -- and all at one time
• Iran's Revolutionary Guards say they will crush any protests...
• Riot police use tear gas, fire live bullets in air...
• North Korea threatens to harm USA if attacked...
• Al Qaeda says would use Pakistani nukes on USA...
• Somali Pirates could take Obama hostage...

-- and the two of you are out on the links.

Plus, when anyone criticizes his actions (or, in this case - inaction!) the only reply we get from Obama or Gibby boy is, "we won."

This reveals why Obama only seems to regard being a government "of the people" and "by the people." He was elected by more people than John McCain was - "by the people." He campaigned on certain issues that attracted people to vote for him (many of which, btw, have turned into broken campaign promises) so now that he is our bogus POTUS, he has the mentality of being king "of the people."

This is why he left out describing himself as being a leader "for the people!!" He is not!! He is not FOR THE PEOPLE!! He is a narcissistic tyrant of the worst kind - intent on ruling over people instead of being A SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE - WHICH IS WHAT OUR PRESIDENT SHOULD BE!

Obama is into power - and lots of it. Global power, in fact. Lame Cherry blog exposes: "In studying the motive of operation in the illegal firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin by Barack Obama, we find revealed the triggers which move the Obama group to destroy those who stand in their way."


This is what follows Obama in his motives. He really doesn't care about the kickbacks. What he cares about is Congressional investigators getting ahold of this and their starting to link what happened with Walpin to the ACORN, to the 300 million illegally coming into his campaign from overseas to just who was pushing his rising star in where that money was coming from.

Gerald Walpin uncovered the submerged iceberg. This is what is Obama has in worse Watergate fashion than anything Nixon ever did with his massacres and attempting to get government agencies to destroy an American initiated in high crimes and felonies.
The same pattern evolved from Lawrence Sinclair in being turned into a political prisoner by the DC US Attorney's office for Obama before Obama was even in power. Mr. Walpin is now being turned into political refuse by the same smear tactics.
To have this kind of connections, means Obama is not the source, but that the most powerful people in left wing globalist intelligence are running this for him.

It is following the money to see the operation, but the motives of Barack Obama are ones of using key Justice Department contacts to remove those who are in the process of exposing that money flow.

This is likely what eliminated New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as he knew too much in what the Obama scam out of Europe was doing. Spitzer wrote about it and then went silent again.

The difference is this time that Charles Grassley, Republican is looking at this, and he has an ally in Democrat Chris Dodd, as Dodd was ruined by Obama in this banking assault on America.

Barack Obama will be impeached if key Democrats figure out how much Obama has used and disposed of them, just like he did to Blagojevich, Spitzer, Sinclair and what he is doing to Gerald Walpin.

The bogus things the liberal smear machine said about Bush and Cheney are nothing compared to the mounting Everest size pile of evidence against Barack Obama of Axelrod Inc. It is time to protect Mr. Walpin and kick this investigation into gear in the illegal use of government agencies to harass Americans into silence and the trillions in Obama funds in kickbacks bribing all of these people.

Time will tell.



Besides the Obama File website and the Lame Cherry blog, you can also get a lot of up-to-date information about the bogus POTUS and his fraud administration over at Repubx blog.

A blog called "The Betrayal" has posted an article that states, The Narcissist in Chief: Barack Hussein Obama, Narcissists suffer from self-loathing

Copy of article:

Canada Free Press published

By Joy Tiz Friday, June 19, 2009

Telegraph reporter Stephanie Gutmann describes her reaction to Barack Obama’s appearance in Berlin: “After it was over I picked up the phone and called a friend back home. ‘It’s worse than we thought,’ I told him. ‘The guy’s actually crazy.’”

Guttman was talking about candidate Obama’s agenda as he presented it that day, in which he promised to take on the terrorists in Afghanistan, take on the drug dealers, rebuild Afghanistan, eliminate the building nuclear threat, secure all loose nukes, decrease arsenals from another era, form a new global partnership that will end terror networks, redistribute wealth, save the planet, withdraw all troops from Iraq, keep the oceans from rising, end famine, and reduce carbon output. Most politicians would have quit after two or three such ambitious proposals.

Incredibly, there are Obamanutz among us who honestly don’t realize that Barack Obama is a narcissist of the worst kind. Most people erroneously presume that narcissism is something akin to egomania or an unusually high sense of self-esteem. The truth is the reverse. Narcissists suffer from self-loathing, not too much self-love.

It takes a bit of narcissism to wake up in the morning and think, “Hey, I really ought to be leader of the free world.” Coming to such a conclusion in the fourth grade is, to say the least, ambitious. Having some narcissistic traits does not a narcissist make. However, according to the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, grandiosity is the most important single trait in narcissism.

Obama’s grandiosity is striking. It’s in his body language and posturing. It’s in his derisive comments about “bitter clingers.” In office, Obama has demonstrated early on his sense of entitlement and his belief that he is above the law.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV-TR) is the diagnostic manual used by mental health professionals. A diagnosis of narcissism requires five out of nine characteristics. Note these traits must endure over time and must not be reactions to a particular situation or environmental stressor:

Grandiose sense of self-importance.
Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, or ideal love.
Sense of specialness, belief he can only be understood by or should associate only with other special or high-status individuals or institutions.
Need for excessive admiration.
Heightened sense of entitlement, leading to unreasonable expectations that others should treat him especially favorably or comply automatically with his expectations.
Tendency to be inter personally exploitative. A person with NPD does not hesitate in taking advantage of others to meet his own ends.
Lack of empathy, an inability or unwillingness to recognize or identify with the feelings or needs of others.
An envy of other people, or conversely, a belief that other people envy him.
A tendency toward arrogant behavior or attitude.
In his essay on Obama’s narcissism, Sam Vaknin references Obama’s haughty body language and condescending attitude. Vaknin also points out Obama’s “emotion free language.”

At the same time Bill Ayers was hijacking our schoolchildren, the popular culture was decomposing. With the advent of the Great Society and the disintegration of the nuclear family, the decline of our pop culture parallels the disintegration of our educational system. Radicals grabbed control over both. The entertainment industry has made pernicious narcissism seem unexceptional.

The narcissist in chief’s cavernous lack of empathy becomes more obvious as his presidency rolls on. It could hardly be called empathic behavior when Obama decided to drop all charges against Cole bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri before Obama’s scheduled meeting with the families of the Cole victims.

Barack Obama lied to us throughout the campaign and continues to do so as the president. How did over half of the country not notice? The simple answer is that we are just not very good at recognizing when someone is lying to us. Our deception detection skills are inadequate.

Barack Obama is acting out his pathology at our expense. His appalling treatment of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown could be written off as another example of this administration’s incompetence. But it also looks as if Obama also has his own ax to grind with the Brits and lacks the emotional maturity to deal with it like a grown-up.

When children experience overwhelming trauma, they protect themselves as best they can with a variety of defense mechanisms. There is no question that life for little Barry Soetoro was traumatic, full of chaos and abandonment, as well as genuine fear. The adults in his life betrayed him and taught him hate and mistrust. Otto Kernberg, in his research on narcissism, states that it evolves as a defense against a cold and unsympathetic parent. The child withdraws part of himself from the unavailable parent and turns it back toward himself, creating a grandiose sense of self. Healthy emotional development was just not possible in young Barry’s environment.

The truth about No Drama Obama is that his early life was perpetual drama, which had to have done plenty of damage. What is most disturbing is his failure to deal with it. People do recover from early trauma and abuse, but only if they acknowledge it and allow themselves to experience the feelings that they had to block when they were too little to manage them. Eventually, the experiences have to be integrated into the adult personality; and not infrequently, abuse survivors benefit from professional support.

The current leader of the free world is not in touch with reality. The toady press gleefully accepts his fabrications and denials. And mental health professionals have shown a remarkable lack of curiosity about the mental health of the President of the United States.

It’s not in the nation’s best interest to put a narcissist in the White House. Bill Clinton’s debauchery demonstrated his willingness to put his need for narcissistic supply ahead of the well-being of the country he was hired to serve. Clinton’s narcissism was manifestly less toxic than Barack Obama’s.

For all of the narcissist’s grandiosity, he is driven by a relentless need to pursue and maintain a source of narcissistic supply. A narcissist is at his most menacing when he perceives a threat to his perpetual supply of admiration and affirmation. No drama Obama is already showing the truculence typical of narcissists when they sense a threat to supply. The same president who remains steadfast in his willingness to meet with Iran’s barbarian in chief, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, is bleating about imagined desecration by Fox News. That would be the same network which liberal hack, Terry McAuliffe, applauded for its fair and balanced reporting during the 2008 primaries.

The narcissist in chief has been needling private citizens on talk radio and Fox News for insufficient veneration. The leader of the free world is impelled to use his standing to rebuke talk radio hosts while Iran is on fire, his economic policies are having catastrophic repercussions, and lunatics in North Korea are planning to launch a missile at Hawaii.

For the narcissist, nothing matters more than maintaining his supply. From Obama’s perspective, being chided by a cable news commentator really is a more pressing exigency than the possibility of Iran amassing nuclear weapons.

It’s no coincidence that many, if not most domestic abusers are narcissists. Domestic violence experts concur that the most perilous time for the victim is when she endeavors to flee from her abuser. The victim’s abandonment is felt as an inexorable threat to his narcissistic supply and will evoke panic and rage.

As Obama’s poll numbers drop and continue to slide as his ruinous failures accumulate, expect his acting out to escalate. This is not the psychological profile of a guy we want as commander in chief.

Excerpted from: Obamanutz: A Cult Leader Takes the White House. Available 8/11/09, pre- order 7/24/09.
[Note: Go to site for additional article links within the text.]

There are certainly a ton of writings out there regarding Obama's narcissism.

I must admit, prior to reading that article, I traditionally thought that narcissism happened as a result of too much self-love. But now, the reasons for a LOT of the negative and ruinous policies that Obama is using against America become crystal clear to me. Especially when I learned that his narcissism is more likely akin to his own self-loathing!!

If a person does not have the emotional maturity to love oneself (in a proper way - of course) how could they ever truly love another person, or people, or Americans, in general? Does Obama love God? Has he ever expressed it? I haven't seen it. Instead, I see a hatred of true Christians. Obama appears to prefer those who live in a kind of spiritual oblivion. He reminds me of Pilot when he asked Jesus, "What is truth?" Pilot didn't really want the answer - neither does Obama.

Obama shows disturbing signs of hating and loathing "We The People" patriots of the United States of America. This is another reason why he would not utter the words "For the People" in that speech.

For once, Obama was ironically telling the truth about his true feelings. Through the elimination of the words "For The People" in that speech, he demonstrates over and over again - with each passing day - that they are three words which he absolutely does not believe in.

Hat Tips:

The Obama File

Repubx blog.

The Betrayal

Lame Cherry blog

Evening Update:

Opened my email this evening and found this:

Mousavi Accuses Obama of 'Misleading the World'

Here's a blog post about the letter:

Pajamas Media: Sunday Morning in Iran, A Letter from Mousavi’s Office

Liked this very informative comment there:


Mr. Obama has been clearly taken off guard and shows signs of uncertainty…what we were warned by the unsinkable Joe Biden would happen and VOILA! So when the man talks out of the both sides of his mouth and on the one hand says that he is “worried” about the people of Iran but then in the same statement…a few sentences later says: oh but we want to dialogue with someone regarding the nukes…you’ve got to go, HUH? I’m sorry but doesn’t that smack of a mixed message to you? PLUS aren’t you the LEAST bit suspicious of that behavior given Mr. Biden’s YEARS of sending his staffers do footsi-playing with Mullah reps throughout the years of his having headed up the Senate Foreign Relations Committe…meetings in Rome between his staffers, Mullah reps & the disgusting Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne, fundraisers for Mr. Biden’s senate reelection campaigns at the houses of millionaire Iranians who were known for their support of the regime…come on…you cannot just give an emtional and p.c. response to these issues. Especially that even the flakey Europeans have spoken tougher than “O”!

Jun 20, 2009 - 5:28 pm

Bet most people (like me) didn't know this about Biden! Now we know what most have already suspected...their silence is complicity!!!

Only 265 more comments to read at that site! But it might be worth it. Learned a lot with just the first three!

Nightime Update:

Even though ObamaFRAUD fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin - because Walpin exposed corruption from within ACORN & their cronies, Rush Limbaugh reports: Gerald Walpin is Not Afraid


Glenn Beck: Gerald Walpin is Superman

I sincerely hope that Walpin sues Obama. I think he has the perfect case against Obama for unlawful firing!!

WorldNetDaily asks: Does Congress have guts to investigate 'Walpingate'?
Fired inspector general among 3