Typical Propaganda [Update]

Hello again people. I have been dealing with a lot of important family matters that have needed my immediate attention. However, while eating lunch I turned on Shep Smith's show on Fox News and heard about the Holocaust Museum shooting. The next thing I hear is Smith stating that he gets, "lots of crazy emails" from people. He read one on the air (which, btw, had NOTHING to do with the Holocaust Museum shooting) which mentioned that so many in the Lamestream Media refuse to discuss the Obama birth certificate controversy. The email letter writer also mentioned that Obama is a Marxist.

THAT is what Smith thinks is "crazy?"

What about all the pending lawsuits against Obama and others regarding the natural born citizen clause in our Constitution?

Why isn't the birth certificate (COLB) that Obama refuses to show and has spent a million dollars hiding important?

The fact that his father is a British subject that was born in Kenya and never even became a U.S. Citizen questions whether or not Obama was eligible to be president in the first place!

How about the non-release of all the papers Obama refuses to show the public?

These are all legitimate concerns. Shep Smith sounds like a hired shill of the ObamaBorg Bots!

Then, a Talk Wisdom criticizing commenter wrote the following in a comment:

Ken McKnight said...
Dr. Tiller gunned down by a white right-wing anti-abortion extremist. Now the Holocaust Museum shot up by a white right-wing ex-veteran extremist. Boy, that Homeland Security report is looking more and more prescient every day, isn't it?
June 10, 2009 12:49:00 PM PDT

My response:

Christinewjc said...
I could be incorrect about this, but it has been my experience that Holocaust deniers and Jew haters are typically left-wing (anti-Bible/God/Jesus) extremists. But you won't hear that from the Lamestream media.

The abortion provider killing is anathema to biblical Christian views and actually harms the pro-life movement. As usual, the pro-abortion leftist advocates (like Ken did, here) use such a terrible incident [to spew propaganda] and advance their own political agenda by incorrectly blaming all who legitimately and legally pursue pro-life advocacy.

June 10, 2009 1:08:00 PM PDT


This morning, I happened to read a few messages from "God's Little Devotional Book for Moms." My daughter bought that book for me years ago. Here are some really good sayings that refute abortion as being anything else but murder.

"God sends children for another purpose than merely to keep up the race -- to enlarge our hearts, to make us unselfish, and full of kindly sympathies and affections..."

It is hard to think up a more selfish act than abortion.

Here's another:

Children add another dimension to our lives -- one that focuses on someone else besides ourselves.

And, a great Bible verse:

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18

The vicious act of murdering someone - whether it is the murder of a helpless child in the womb or the attempted murder at the Holocaust Museum is anathema to true biblical Christianity. When Ken wrote the term "right-wing," he was including many Christians who hold to the pro-life position; but would NEVER kill another person for the cause. As I wrote in my comment to him - such heinous acts harm the pro-life cause!

The following devotional really hits the nail on the head when it comes to the liberal leftist ideology that would allow for the killing of children in the womb to be "legal" and "celebrated" as it is by the typical pro-abortion advocate.

A professor in a world-acclaimed medical school once posed this medical situation--and ethical problem--to his students: "Here's the family history: The father has syphilis. The mother has TB. They already have had four children. The first is blind. The second had died. The fourth has TB. Now the mother is pregnant again. The parents come to you for advice. They are willing to have an abortion, if you decide they should. What do you say?"

The students gave various individual opinion, and then the professor asked them to break into small groups for "consultation." All of the groups came back to report that they would recommend abortion.

Congratulations," the professor said. "You just took the life of Beethoven!"

A woman helps create the body of her child, and as her child grows, she nurtures its emotions and mind. Only God, however, can create the child's eternal soul. A soul must have a body on this earth. A body has a soul. Both God and mother are partners in the creation of a baby from the moment of conception.

No privilege is greater than the privilege of creating another human being. And no act requires greater faith!

For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13 NAS

"Every mother has the breathtaking privilege of sharing with God on the creation of new life. She helps bring into existence a soul that will endure for all eternity."

Source: God's Little Devotional Book for Moms; by Honor Books, Inc., 1995, 2001.

Hat Tip:

Gateway Pundit

Update: It appears that I was right about the shooter being a left-wing Nazi type hater:

RepubX: Liberals: Holocaust Shooting Right Wing Hate

Something doesn't seem right here, pardon the pun. The instantaneous, collective kneejerk from liberal pundits to blame the Holocaust Museum shooting on "right wing hate" stinks. It's as if this is a preemptive strike to cover something that may soon be revealed about them…

I don't think you can deny that there is a rising climate of right wing hate, a lot of it directed at Obama. You and I go way back to the beginning of the campaign and the level of craziness. He's a secret Muslim. He hates America. He wasn't born here. Now this guy, Von Brunn, he's, he, he was one of the birthers. He didn't believe in Obama's birth certificate and he was constantly online agitating about that.
— Joan Walsh, Salon.com, on Hardball

No wonder Walsh works for Salon. There are reports that Von Brunn was a liberal "9/11 Truther" who hated "neocons", Bush and McCain specifically. Inconvenient truth, and I won't waste a "bonehead" on her.

And, these final points reveal the absolute hypocrisy of the leftist extremist propaganda and lies being told:

Go to the liberal blogs and see who holds the title on death wishes for their political and ideological opponents.

And it would seem to me that if you were to add up the numbers, you would probably find the majority of vocal, public anti-semitism on college campuses, and we all know who runs them….

From blackandright.com



Also see:

Gateway Pundit: Crazed Holocaust Museum Killer... Hates Bush, McCain, Neocons