Have A Merry and Blessed Christmas!

Dear Friends and Visitors,

Christmas Eve is almost here! This is often a busy day for most people. It certainly is for me so I just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! May the blessings of Jesus Christ be upon you and your loved ones during the celebration of the miraculous occasion almost 2,000 years ago - the birth of the Savior of the world - JESUS CHRIST!

In the previous blog post entitled If Our Greatest Need Was... I wrote about the fact that the "politically correct" greetings around this time of year generally do not include the mention of the name of Jesus Christ or why he came to earth for our salvation.


Can't say that!

It's deemed "too religious" or a host of other excuses are used.

In the comment thread, Stevex09 shared:

Hey Christine;
I couldn't agree with you more. A person is very hard pressed to find anything about Jesus Christ or at least the mention of his name at this time of year. It saddens me immensely. Last week I took Sandy and went to a friend's home where about 7 others were gathered and we read the Christmas story from Luke and Matthew. What a great and edifying time I had. (Sandy is my Shi-Tzu). Take comfort that not all of us has forgotten what Christmas is all about.

I sincerely wish you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas day.

In my reply to Steve I wrote:

Hi Steve,

It warms my heart to hear about fellow Christians gathering and sharing the TRUE meaning of Christmas together - the Person Jesus Christ. He is the Light of the world!

Someone recently asked me, "why do people put Christmas lights up on their homes."

The answer is that it originally was meant to recognize that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the Light of the World!

Of course, many people who do not know Him would probably have other reasons for putting the lights up. But how ironic it is to realize that they inadvertently are recognizing Jesus Christ through their actions.

I have a great post coming up that I can't wait to share with everyone!

As each busy day passes, I find that my time on the computer has been very limited! Right now, I only have about 10 minutes to spend online.

I am really looking forward to creating the new post! I'll give you a hint - it is about studying the word "power" in the Bible. It occurred to me that people probably wouldn't care less about other's belief in Jesus [and the outward expressions of the true meaning of Christmas] if they truly believed, in their heart of hearts, that there wasn't any power in His Holy Name!

I will be working on the essay over the next day or so until it gets done!

Anyway, have a Merry and Blessed Christmas! All the best to you and yours in the coming New Year!


As Roy Lessin wrote in his wonderful piece of prose:

...But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Saviour.