Unbelievable! Soros & Ilk: Israel’s Creation “An Act That Was Wrong”

Well now, isn't THIS new revelation quite a disturbing one?! But, why am I not surprised? Because years ago, Bill O'Reilly, in his book "Culture Warrior" revealed just how dangerous George Soros (ironically, a Jew by birth!) and his ilk are to Israel, America, and many nations all around the world!

Here is just a segment of what is written at above link:


And if all this weren't disturbing enough, George Soros then took it a step further by actually helping and aforementioned terrorist enabler. On February 10, 2005, radical New York City lawyer Lynne Stewart was convicted of conspiracy, providing material support to terrorists, defrauding the United States, and making false statements.

A jury found that Ms. Stewart had smuggled message from her jailed client - Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman - to his Islamic terrorist supporters in Egypt. As you may remember, Rahman is the blind Muslim cleric who was convicted of plotting to blow up the United Nations and planning the first bombing of the World Trade Center, among other things. He had also urged his followers to kill all Jews. Rahman is serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Colorado.

Anyway, the sixty-six-year-old Stewart, who had openly advocated violence in the past, is now a convicted felon essentially for helping her pal Rahman. And guess who paid some of her legal bill: George Soros's Open Society Institute. Nice. One footnote: Both Soros and Stewart come from Jewish backgrounds, which is peculiar in light of their support for radical Islamists who want to re-create the Holocaust.

Is this information nightmarish or what??

Now, much more is being exposed (see link below to Gateway Pundit blog) about Soros and his evil cohorts who are anti-Semitic (and do not hide it any longer) and pro-terrorist!!!

Supposed Pro-Israel Co-Founder of Soros-Funded J-Street Calls Israel’s Creation “An Act That Was Wrong”
posted by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit - 1 hour ago
J-Street calls itself the organization that “gives political voice to mainstream American Jews and other supporters of Israel” but it is far from a pro-Israel group. Last week it was discovered that radica...

Note these comments from Gateway Pundit:

jomojava the infidel
October 6th, 2010 8:49 am #2
And I should be surprised about this? Leftists are Leftists first.

Is there any Leftist, Progressive, USA-hating, Israel-hating, Democrat group that is NOT connected to Mr. Nexus, George Soros?

donhOctober 6th, 2010 9:09 am #4
The J in J street stands for Judenrat . These were the administrative bodies Germans required Jews to form in the occupied territories for identifying and rounding up Jews. George Soros prospered under Hitler by working in the Judenrat. He remains unrepentant to his mortal sins… http://www.fireandreamitchell.com/2010/09/07/george-soros-says-he-has-no-guilt-about-collaborating-with-nazis-during-world-war-ii/ The worst antisemitism comes from within the Jewish family itself. Those who reject the God of Abraham .Those who do not honor and respect the many signs and wonders by which God lead the Jewish people out of the house of bondage and slavery in Egypt.

George Soros and his evil cohorts - all that is bad, ugly and evil in this world!

Hat Tip:

Gateway Pundit