Mankind's Utopian Dreams Doomed to Failure

If you sincerely desire to know what is happening in America today and why it is happening, you must read Dr. David Jeremiah's new book, The Coming Economic Armageddon. In chapter 2, Dr. Jeremiah writes about how mankind's Utopian dreams are all doomed to failure. He mentions George Soros and what that multi-billionaire's goal in life really is.

Dr. Jeremiah writes:

Today the move toward a new world order has intensified as powerful movers and shakers such as George Soros are putting their money where their mouth is.

[Note from Christine - now we know where Glenn Beck got that phrase from! He used it in his recent invitation to Soros to appear on his T.V. show.]

Soros is like a character in a mystery thriller.

Dr. Jeremiah goes on to tell us about Soros' history and "the fact that he is a shadowy figure who exerts enormous influence behind the scenes, moving people about like a puppeteer and manipulating the global economy from highly fortified hideaways."

The root of all evil is the love of money. After a person has accumulated so much wealth that he is labeled a multi-billionaire, what does he do with all of it? Answer: he uses it for manipulation purposes. He manipulates people, economies, the media, public opinion, etc. and promotes his own type of "Utopia" through the manipulation of currencies in order to achieve a "new world order."

Dr. Jeremiah:

More recently George Soros has been in the news predicting that the global recovery is running out of steam, that the world economy will experience a devastating double-dip recession or a "Super-Bubble," and that following the collapse of the global economy a new world order will emerge. This prediction has launched Soros into the final cause of his life; he is devoting millions of dollars to fund a post crisis think tank that will reinvent a new global order following the coming economic collapse.

A recent report by the Reuters news organization was headlined, "George Soros Unveils New Blueprint for World Financial System." Speaking via video link with students at leading universities across three continents, Soros said, "International cooperation on regulatory reform is almost impossible to achieve on a piecemeal basis, but it may be attainable in a grand bargain where the entire financial order is rearranged." Soros has also stated in interviews and lectures that China should step up to the plate as the leader of a new global order, and the United States should not resist the establishment of a global currency.

Apparently, America has been a "thorn in his side" because of our annoying desire to remain sovereign and hold to the ideals of life, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness through our Constitutional Republic. How ironic that Soros hates our economic system based upon Capitalism. He has made billions from such a system!

I wish I had the time to write in more detail about Jeremiah's discussion of "the ancient appearance of a New World Order." See Genesis 11:2-4 and read about the Tower of Babel. What they were attempting to do was an act of rebellion against God.

Dr. Jeremiah writes:

As Paul explained (see Romans 8:29, Matthew 28:16-20), God scattered men and set "the exact places where they should live" so they would seek after God. Mankind, settling in smaller communities throughout the world, would not be tempted toward the self-importance and sense of power that massive centralization would foster. Centralization would tempt them to rely on their own collective wisdom and strength instead of trusting in the Lord.

Dr. Jeremiah goes on to describe a modern attempt (the United Nations) at a New World Order. I don't even need to list all of the terrible mistakes that the U.N. has made throughout it's existence. Perhaps this paragraph helps to condense it:

I am not a fan of the United Nations. It is ineffective because of the widely varying aims and interests of its members; its consensus is often blocked by special interests of its members; its directives to rogue states are consistently ignored; its peacekeeping efforts are resounding failures; and its human rights commission border on irrelevancy.

Mankind's attempts to achieve world peace have always failed. Many times, they have failed - abysmally! This is because when fallen man rules the earth, you "will hear of wars and rumors of wars...For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." (Matthew 24:6-7)

The only time that genuine peace will exist on earth is during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ which will end all war.

Meanwhile, what is the fallout from the inadequate attempts at world peace via human efforts?

Dr. Jeremiah writes:

1. A New World Order promises peace it cannot produce.
2. A New World Order presumes a unity that is impossible.
3. A New World Order paves the way for a one-world ruler.
4. A New World Order provides the rationale for a global economy.

Dr. Jeremiah shares some wonderful detail under each of these headings. Here, I will share just a few paragraphs that will tell us why man's attempts at a peaceful "New World Order" is bound to fail - every time!

Dr. Jeremiah writes:

But the unity they aspire to cannot produce world peace because the heart of man remains unregenerate. Unifying under a power strong enough to enforce peace will result in a corrupted authority that will instead produce unprecedented tyranny.

[T]he differences in cultures, religions, goals, and economics among the nations are far too vast to be melded into a true unity. It would be a unity of mere appearance -- a false unity. The difference between false unity and true unity is the difference between surface appearance and inner reality. Permanent and genuine unity must come from within. There must be a oneness of spirit and heart among peoples that serves as the basis for true unity. False unity can be imposed by external force, suppressing people's true beliefs, convictions, and aspirations, but it lacks the power to bind together their hearts. Therefore it always comes unraveled.

That is truly an awesome observation and basic truth!

America is currently deeply divided between the small percentage of secular liberal progressives who want a Marxo-Communist-Islamo-Fascist "utopia" created by man [Manifest Destiny??] rather than what the majority of Americans represent - (mostly) Christian, conservative, Constitutional-Republic way of life - that promotes Godliness and what our Founding Fathers envisioned for our sovereign nation.

Dr. Jeremiah shares how the popular song "Imagine" by John Lennon expresses what all Utopian dreams do, but has no basis in reality!

Contrary to what the lyrics wish for, there is such a thing as religion; there is a heaven and a hell. There are ideals worth dying for. Wishful thinking, no matter how lofty, will not produce a wizard's wand to sweep these realities out of existence and give us a world where differences in religion, ethics, ideals, economics, and culture don't matter.

Any progressives who happen to come along and read this blog post are not going to like to hear this! How shattering it would be for them to read that their beloved Utopian theme song has been relegated to the trash heap of historical error by Dr. Jeremiah's words of wisdom!

Dr. Jeremiah:

Furthermore, people will never find true unity because the sinful nature of man will prevent our coming to a consensus on truth. The prophet Jeremiah puts it this way, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9). Humanity may unite with good intentions, but as long as hearts remain wicked, nothing good will be produced."

This is precisely why the Great Commission was given to us by Christ Himself! It is only through the saving grace of God, the mercy afforded to us through the forgiveness of sin via the sacrificial death of Christ at the cross of Calvary - whereby we can be saved. Saved from the punishment we all deserve from sin, and at the same time, saved from ourselves!!

Hat Tip:

Dr. David