From Crisis To Consolidation

This past Sunday, I watched another segment of Dr. David Jeremiah's sermon series, The Coming Economic Armageddon. Doesn't it seem as though it is already here? The jobless claims just came out again and we have hemorrhaged another 462,000 jobs last week!

If you have studied end times prophecy, you already know that as we get closer to the Rapture, our lives here on earth will continue to spiral down because of the evil, sin and death that is being unleashed. The chaos [known as the seven years of Tribulation] that will ensue after millions of Christians disappear simultaneously from the earth will result in the rise of the most evil dictator and "leader" the world has ever known - the Antichrist.

As the whole world groans under the harsh oppression unleashed by the unholy trio known as the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Beast; those who become new believers will figure out what happened during the great disappearance and they will become the remnant here on earth who will help those who don't know Jesus Christ to become believers. After the seven years of tribulation, the triumphant return of Jesus Christ to this earth will result in the holy and righteous 1,000-year reign of the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

I am still waiting for the delivery of Dr. Jeremiah's new book. In the meantime, I have been following the series via his Sunday morning T.V. broadcast. There is an interesting little mini-series that appears before each broadcast called "Haven's Light." [Note: Can view episodes 1-4 as of 10/10/10.]

Haven’s Light is a brand new Turning Point mini-series chronicling the end-times events as seen by underground video blogger, Haven Light.

About Haven's Light:

Shot sometime in the future, this “end times” journal is recorded by underground video blogger, Haven Light. Haven is part of a resistance movement opposing the world monetary takeover which they believe is leading to an apocalyptic end of the earth.

Haven’s weekly video installment is secretly recorded in various “safe places” in and around New York City. Shot in guerrilla video style and rough-cut together, this ten-week series chronicles the lives of these "end times" survivors as they search out and report on the events of the day and connect them to Scripture and biblical teaching they've uncovered.

Haven and his team post an exciting video entry on the web each week.

This sobering video journal allows the audience to catch a glimpse into the future and will motivate them to take seriously the biblical warnings about the new global economy and its role in the ultimate destruction of the earth.

The Story:

In the not so distant future, in a time some call the beginning of "the end," one lone voice cries out in the chaos. Broken economies, worthless currency, widespread poverty―all around him the marks of a global economic Armageddon. A cashless society. A one-world monetary system. Computer chips implanted into humans determines who can buy or sell. The world is now controlled by those who promise peace, but threaten destruction.

But his voice won’t be silenced.

A rebel not by choice but by necessity, Haven seeks only compliance with the serious warnings he has discovered in the pages of a Bible his grandmother gave him before she disappeared. A deep calling in his soul compels him to share the unfolding story around him with others who are curious about the events of the day that connect to Bible prophecy. Haven, along with others in an underground resistance group, chronicles the cataclysmic events of their world on video, and post cyber reports on the Internet by hacking into the global government-controlled worldwide web. Though this technological breech could cost him his life, he and the others take the risk required so the world will know the truth about the economic Armageddon.

Haven's Light Character:

Former television reporter, Haven Light, has lost everything in the collapse of the American economy and now lives in squalor in New York City. The devastation of the global financial landscape causes Haven to wonder if what the world is experiencing could be the "end times" scenario religious leaders once warned about. Haven looks outward for clues in the unfolding chaos around him, and inward at a spiritual stirring he has never experienced before.

Utilizing his skills as a reporter, expertise in technology, and the Bible his grandmother left him before she vanished in the “Great Disappearance,” Haven decides to reach out to others by reporting on the downward spiral of the global political landscape. His intention is to connect with others who share his concerns, and warn people about what he fears is a financial, political, and spiritual takeover of the world. Haven begins the first of many rogue video blogs by hacking into the government controlled Internet.

Also see: Haven's Light Production Blog

To view last Sunday's broadcast "From Crisis to Consolidation"[click the green Watch Now icon], the previous broadcasts [click Broadcast Archives], and the Haven's Light mini-series episodes [click on small video screen, then when larger screen appears, click on "episodes"], go to David and click on the appropriate links.


The Coming Economic Armageddon


Every mother knows this about births: They are unpredictable; each one is different. There’s another birth―the only one of its kind in history―that is coming due soon, and its timing will be unpredictable as well: the birth of the kingdom of God on earth. Jesus Christ is coming back to earth to establish His kingdom to rule and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords for one thousand years.

Even though we don’t know exactly when the specific events leading up to the birth of the kingdom will take place―events like the Rapture of the Church, followed by the seven-year Tribulation―we will experience “birth pangs” that tell us the time is drawing near. Every mother knows “that feeling” that comes with the onset of labor, the pains that tell her the blessed event is drawing nigh. And it will be the same with the coming kingdom of God: pain and discomfort on a global scale―“groans and labors with birth pangs” (Romans 8:22).

The world began experiencing discomfort in a serious way in 2008―economic birth pangs causing unprecedented degrees of pain and suffering around the world. And as of the publishing of this study guide, the pains show no signs of letting up. Bad financial policy at many levels came to a head in the fall of 2008 and caused a collapse of confidence in the world’s economic infrastructure. Those waves of upheaval have trickled down to the man and woman on the street―loss of jobs and income, evaporating savings, home foreclosures, and the revelation that financial institutions and authorities don’t always operate with the best interests of the public in mind.

But there is another dimension of the crisis that discernment will discover. The steps taken by governments around the world to put a hedge around the growing financial chaos have created new forms of consolidation and control that will have ominous repercussions. Governments have inflated their money supplies by printing massive amounts of currency―paper money with no backing―in order to rescue financial institutions and stimulate economies. They have incurred billions, in some cases trillions, of dollars of debt which stand no chance of being repaid. And at the same time they have extended their reach into the lives of private citizens―such as the health care entitlement mandated by the United States government.

All this government activity, set in motion either because of, or commensurate with the economic upheaval beginning in 2008, has resulted in increased calls for a “new world order” or a “new economic order”―a world-level structure that would put some kind of government body in charge of solving the problems faced by the global community. And because everything―food, clothing, shelter, jobs―is a function of finances, a combination “new world economic order” seems destined to emerge.

Students of biblical prophecy will not be caught off guard by these developments. As far back as the prophet Daniel, Scripture has foretold the rise of an end-time government led by the most despotic dictator in history. This leader will be “Satan’s CEO,” empowered by the devil to move people’s eyes away from Christ and toward himself, the Antichrist. Because of his power, this leader will control who can buy and who can sell in the world. And people who are hungry will swear allegiance to him rather than starve.

The Coming Economic Armageddon has been created to help you understand what was foretold in the past, what is happening right now, and how to prepare for the future. But most of all, it has been prepared to encourage you to put your trust and hope in God―the One who knows the beginning from the end, the One who is surprised by nothing, the One who can deliver you safely through the economic storms of our day.

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