Satan's CEO [Update]

Received my copy of Dr. David Jeremiah's new book, The Coming Economic Armageddon, CD's of the entire series, and the study guide that comes along with the $85.00 package. Can't wait to read it!

Yesterday, Dr. Jeremiah's sermon was entitled, "Satan's CEO." Please go to the link and click on "This Week's Broadcast" to watch the latest installment of this intriguing series on Bible prophecy!

Given the dark figures throughout human history, it is hard to imagine one still darker who is yet to appear. He will be the personification of the devil on earth--empowered by Satan to wage final war against God and His people. But like Satan, the fate of the Antichrist is sealed.

Hat Tip:



Update 10/18/10

Woke up early this morning to read The Coming Economic Armageddon. Found the final four paragraphs in the Introduction quite illuminating!

Dr. Jeremiah writes:

When he (the Antichrist) finally appears, the world will embrace him. He will have all of the answers to the pressing problems of mankind. He will be the ultimate financial czar -- Satan's CEO, and he will deceive the world with a promise of stability and order. When the whole world is singing his praises, he will unveil his master plan for the destruction of all those who refuse to fall down and worship him.

In those final months of his evil reign, no one will be able to buy or sell without his special identification mark implanted in his or her forehead or hand. Using the technology that is already powerful enough to accomplish his plan, the Antichrist will control the financial destiny of every nation and every individual.

From his center in the ancient rebuilt city of Babylon, the Antichrist and his partner, the False Prophet, will regulate the commerce of the world until Almighty God brings it all to an end "in one hour" (Revelation 18:10, 17, 19).

Then there will at last emerge the ultimate one-world government and a one-world economy that will be the fulfillment of the long-desired utopia. The bible assures us that a golden age of unprecedented peace and prosperity is coming. What the Antichrist will have failed to do with his militaristic and computer surveillance, Jesus Christ will do by His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. For one thousand years Jesus Christ will preside over an idyllic age of peace and prosperity.

With these events facing the world, we ask the question posed in a book title by the late revered apologist Francis Schaeffer: How should we then live? In light of all that is happening, and all that is going to happen, how should we organize our schedules and live our lives? I have called the last chapter of this book, "Keep Your Head in the Game and your hope in God." This is the instruction that God has etched upon my own heart. In these desperate days, this is my prayer for you!