Life and Liberty Hangs in the Balance

Spotted this video presentation of a painting done by Jon McNaughton over at Nice Deb and it literally moved me to tears!

I weep for what we have lost here in America - the deep knowledge of the Bible and the heritage of our Christian faith.

I weep for what we are losing at such an accelerated pace - our freedoms and liberty - due to the tyrannical government we have.

I weep for those who have shoved God and His Son, Jesus Christ, out of their lives.

I weep for those who have never taken Jesus' offer of salvation seriously, and therefore ignore it and do not accept it.

I weep for our children who are now living in an America that I never thought I would ever see in my lifetime. I could go on and on. But most regular readers here could easily add to this list.

However, I also have tears of joy because I know who I am in Jesus Christ. I know that millions of saved Christians also know who they are in Christ and are evangelizing across the globe - including through the vehicle of the Internet.

Jesus told us that a sign of the coming Rapture would be both a falling away from the faith (heresy, apostasy, false religions, atheism etc. -all of which are happening today) as well as the Gospel being spread throughout the world. There has been no time in history - other than the computer age - where the Gospel could literally be spread throughout the entire world in seconds! How many people have read the Gospel message of Jesus Christ in just one day, accepted it and have also accepted the fact that the Word of God, the Bible, is ultimate Truth? We may never know the answer to that question on this side of heaven.

What a beautiful painting! Jesus is the center of the scene, and rightfully so.

Is He the center of your life?

Hat Tip:

Nice Deb

Also see:

McNaughton Fine

UPDATE!! Just discovered this at the McNaughton website!

Go to this page and run the mouse over the people in the painting to find out who they are and/or what they represent! Awesome!