Enduring This Ongoing Obama Regime Nightmare

The rise of anti-Semitism here in America and around the world is ratcheting up, folks. Resident Obama, his evil cohorts, and his Israel-hating scumbag press corps members don't even bother to hide their contempt anymore!

Word is now out that Obama sent Netanyahu home to Israel instead of allowing him to tell his side of the flotilla story there at the White House. How is that for a horrible second snub of the Jewish State Leader? It just makes me ill! It makes me shake my head in disgust and disbelief!

Even though they try their best to provide misinformation, The Media of Mass Deception cannot hide the truth about the Flotilla thugs when the truth is being discussed on blogs and there is video of the perpetrators beating the Israeli (IDF) soldiers on board the vessel.

What's more, we are on to the MSM deception! Many have already seen this:

Atlas Shrugs: We Con the World

In fact, go read the last ten posts over at Atlas. She covers it all! The anti-Semitic, hate-the-Jews, hate Israel, but support the Islamization of America Marxist lunatics are exposed in several articles there:

Atlas Shrugs

Including that despicable "White House Correspondent" - Helen I-hate-the-Jews Thomas!.

Today, Laura Ingraham subbed for Bill O'Reilly on The O'Reilly Factor. I love when she is on! During an interview with former Bush White House spokesperson, Dana Perino, Dana stated that (paraphrased here) 'the world today is like a snow globe; but everything is turned upside down.' It really feels that way to me and I'm sure many millions of Americans! I read comments at other blogs all the time and people cannot believe all of the corruption that this gangster government is getting away with!!

Our world surely is turned upside down! Good is being portrayed as evil, and evil is shoved in our faces as good. How much more can America take of this???

I keep praying for a miracle from God that will end this ongoing nightmare known as the Barack Insane Obama regime.

Hat Tips:

Atlas Shrugs

Gateway Pundit


Update: Just had to share the following comment from Gateway Pundit blog:

June 5th, 2010 | 12:19 am | #8
This is from an article written in the Washington Post by Charles Krauthammer.

The world is tired of these troublesome Jews, 6 million — that number again — hard by the Mediterranean, refusing every invitation to national suicide. For which they are relentlessly demonized, ghettoized and constrained from defending themselves, even as the more committed anti-Zionists — Iranian in particular — openly prepare a more final solution.

In a way, this frees the Israelis to do what’s necessary to save their country. They are alone in the world except for those of us who love them and God who will never allow this to happen again.