Scott Brown Wins Massachusetts Senate Race

Citizen Wells reports: Scott Brown wins MA senate seat, January 19, 2010, Republican Brown defeats Democrat Martha Coakley, Defeat for Obama, Health care bill

ObamaSCARE HELLcare is dead! Cap and Trade is dead! Yippeee!!!


If you have been watching Hannity tonight, Frank Luntz had a focus group of voters who expressed several things:

1. They want to send a message to Obama and Congress - LISTEN TO WE THE PEOPLE!

2. They don't want Obamacare shoved down their throats.

3. They don't like the direction that Obama and his cohorts are taking our nation.

4. They think that there should be a balance in Washington D.C. - not one party rule.

Additional links:

Big Government: Brown Wins Massachusetts Senate Race

JammieWearingFool: Massachusetts Senate Results: Coakley Concedes!

The Scott heard 'round the world
Mass. rebellion! Republican Brown defeats Coakley for 'Kennedy's seat'

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1/21/10 Update:

I have just learned that Scott Brown is pro-abortion. Please read my new post:

I Was Wrong About Brown