Great Line: "It's The People's Seat"

I admit it. I've been out of the political loop a bit lately. Sometimes when my family life gets extra busy, it's hard to keep up with all of the political news.

I heard that Republican Scott Brown has an excellent chance of gaining former Senator Ted Kennedy's seat in the state of Massachusetts. Loved the recent post and brief video over at Legal Insurrection: Best Line of the Night. During a debate, Scott Brown corrected the misguided Democrats who claim that the vacated Senate seat is "Ted Kennedy's" or "the Democrats seat." His answer was truly from the heart of his convictions when he quipped, "With all due respect. It's not the Kennedy seat, and it's not the Democrat's seat. It's the People's seat." Posted a comment there but it hasn't been approved yet.

Then, I went over to the Hillbuzz blog ( From what I understand, it's a gay guys blog whose writers are STILL angry that Hillary Clinton didn't get the Dem nomination in 2008. They don't like the say the least! They have a lot of hilarious posts up. (When you go to the link, scroll down and take a look at the snarky "12 Days of Obamamas" comic strip. Hilarious! Of course, the blog is known for it's "satire and political snark."

Apparently, they are seriously rooting for Scott Brown. They have labeled him "SENATOR HOTTIE McAWESOME." I suppose these guys have a bit of a crush on the guy, perhaps? Or are they just "politically attracted" to the man? Hope that's the reason...

Anyway, it looks like Scott Brown may be the Republican candidate who may ultimately save our nation from ObamaSCARE HELLcare!


Hat tips:

Legal Insurrection

Update 1/12/10

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