In The News Today

The terrible tragedy of the devastating earthquake in Haiti troubles our hearts and minds today. Fox News has complete coverage, along with suggestions on how Americans can help in the rescue and relief efforts.

When disasters like this happen, it terribly saddens all of humanity. The fact that the country is so poor, the buildings were not built well to be earthquake damage resistant, and the loss of life just hurts our hearts and minds beyond comprehension. Prayers go out to all those who have been affected.

I am reminded of a conversation that occurred at my Talk Wisdom forum way back when the tsunami happened in Asia. It all started with an article written by a "progressive" woman named Barbara Ehrenreich, who blamed God for the disaster and wrote God Owes Us an Apology. You can go and read the long thread there, if you want to. However, if you just have a short amount of time, I hope that you will at least take the time to read my three part response on the first page which counters the author's unsubstantiated and ignorant accusations against God. You will read the biblical Christian response to such disasters and tragedies at that forum. The same could be applied towards this latest earthquake disaster.

When we die and leave this earth, we are being taken away from evil. Every one of us must go through physical death. However, our souls will live on through all of eternity. Where each of us spends eternity depends upon how we answer Jesus' question, "Who do you say that I am?" For more information, please visit this page.


GateWay Pundit: Obama: Americans Have “Every Right to Feel Deflated”

GateWay Pundit's paragraph with links pretty well sums up how most Americans (who are paying attention) feel about the disastrous Obama Administration:

After nearly destroying the US economy, tripling the national deficit, almost doubling unemployment, lying about openness, pushing radical legislation and constantly bashing his predecessor… Barack Obama told People Magazine that he will focus on uniting the country around common values this coming year.


Hat Tips:

Fox News

GateWay Pundit

More to come later.