I Was Wrong About Brown

When I am wrong about something, or someone, I have to own up to it and make a confession. As a pro-life, born again biblical Christian, I was wrong to enthusiastically support Scott Brown on this blog. It saddens me to have to write this. When Hannity and others where declaring Brown as a Conservative, I just assumed that he must be pro-life. Then again, not all conservatives are pro-life. That's unimaginable to me - but it's a fact in this day and age. Lesson learned? Don't ever take anything for granted! Get the facts, first.

Today, via the comment section at Gateway Pundit's blog I found out that Brown is "pro-choice" (a.k.a. pro-abortion).

I found out via this comment:

January 21st, 2010 7:50 am #11
Let me preface this comment:
1) I know Scott Brown is pro-choice (I am pro-life).
2) I am a huge supporter of Sarah Palin
3) The answer to the reporter was YES he does.

This guy is the first person I have heard in a long time that can answer a question in the manner of Ronald Reagan. Michael Steele needs to be tutored by this guy!

You don’t allow reporters to take you down a path where you don’t want to go. You don’t accept premises that reporters include in their questions. Even the Liberal media will be enamored by this guy if he disarms their prejudicial questions skillfully.

I believe we are seeing a shooting star! I’m like most who are not ready to anoint him as the “conservative messiah” but after wandering in the wilderness with the Republican Party anointing men like Bob Dole and John McCain to be our “Moses” but I’m ready for a guy like him.

I love Sarah Palin’s values but she can’t handle the media, she even stumbles with Glenn Beck. Since she has been on Fox News I’ve really grown tired of hearing her. I think the move to Fox News was a mistake.

I think a bigger mistake is her decision to announce that she will campaign for John McCain in person is a big mistake.

She should have waited until the Arizona Primary was over. What if a real good Republican conservative that has the backing of the “Tea Party” runs against McCain in the primary? What if John McCain looses in the primary to that person? She will then be on the side of a squishy moderate that told us not to fear Obama, “he’s a good man”.

"Tom" goes on to say that he still supports Brown, despite the fact that he (Tom) is pro-life. My question. Why would a pro-life person knowingly do such a thing?

Yes. Scott Brown's victory will (hopefully) stop Obama Hellcare. God can use anyone to answer the prayers of the faithful - even a pro-abortion candidate. However, if I lived in Massachusetts and knew that Brown was pro-abortion, I could not vote for him. Neither would I vote for him in the future if he becomes a candidate for the presidency.

The pro-abortion stance of Barack Hussein Obama was the very first reason why I could NEVER vote for him either! Wouldn't it be hypocritical of me to vote for Brown knowing that he believes, as does Obama, that the killing of babies in the womb is OK and not murder??

My comment at Gateway Pundit:

January 21st, 2010 8:58 am #18
I am very sorry to learn that Scott Brown is pro-abortion. No wonder so many Independents voted for him in MA.

Unfortunately, I could never vote for a pro-abortion candidate for any political position. Period. Even if a pro-abortion candidate is the favored choice, I just cannot sacrifice a Christian core value such as life for the unborn for political expediency.

Here in California, when the choice for governor was pro-abortion RINO Arnold or pro-life candidate Tom McClintock – I voted for McClintock. To this very day, I have NEVER regretted that vote.

After this horribly destructive and revolting year with Obamafraud, look at all of the people who voted for Obama – even many Christians and Catholics – who now deeply regret their votes??

That’s what happens when people do not vote their conscience, values, and ethics. It leads to disaster.

My previously positive and enthusiastic opinion of Brown has now been lowered substantially. (Sorry to all who are celebrating his victory.)

At least John McCain is pro-life. That elevates him above Brown, in my mind, any day of the week.