Four Courageous TN State Representatives

Dear Readers: Being that my time is limited for blogging right now, I wanted to draw your attention to the most pertinent issues in the conservative blogosphere. Today, please read Dr. Orly Taitz' blog post at her new blog:

DEFENDOURFREEDOMS.US: Obama's Communist, Radical Muslim, Chicago Mafia style thugs are attacking 4 courageous TN State representatives. We need to show appreciation to those 4 representatives and attack those Obama thugs back.

I sincerely hope that you will contact these brave representatives and share you support for their courage in defending our United States Constitution through this valient effort to expose Obama as a presidential usurper because he is not a natural born citizen of the United State of America - and therefore - INELIGIBLE FOR POTUS!



Copy of Orly Taitz post (go to link [above] to read some excellent comments after the post):


DEFENDOURFREEDOMS.US: Obama's Communist, Radical Muslim, Chicago Mafia style thugs are attacking 4 courageous TN State representatives. We need to show appreciation to those 4 representatives and attack those Obama thugs back.
Obama's Communist, Radical Muslim, Chicago Mafia style thugs are attacking 4 courageous TN State representatives. We need to show appreciation to those 4 representatives and attack those Obama thugs back.On Monday and Tuesday four courageous Tennessee representatives: Eric Swafford, Frank Niceley, Stacey Campfield and Glen Casada have signed consent forms to be plaintiffs in a legal action to be filed by Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ, seeking a Writ of Mandamus (a mandate) from the court to unseal original birth certificates, all passports, immigration records, school registration and other vital records of Barry Soetoro, citizen of Indonesia and Kenya, aka Barack Hussein Obama, in order to verify his eligibility/legitimacy for presidency. It is a very legitimate action, since Soetoro/Obama has been hiding all his records and no court has ever heard the case on the merits, no judge has ever issued any Judicial subpoena, telling US citizens, that they have no standing to question legitimacy of the president. Clearly lawmakers have better standing and that is what the law makers should do, represent their constituency. If Obama's unsealed records show, what we actually know, that his father was a foreign National and he was a Britiish National at birth (Kenya was a British colony) and he is an Indonesian citizen now and in the past, he cannot be a US president and needs to be removed from the White House ASAP. No bill, including hotly debated economic package is valid, if he is not legitimate.

Reports came out today showing that Obama's Nazi squad thugs are at it again, intimidating and harassing honest, law abiding citizens and law makers.

According to Alexa web stats, this site has one and a half million readers per month. I want each and every one of you to send flowers, candy, banners, appreciation cards, teddy bears with big love sign and thank you sign to these courageous law makers: Eric Swafford, Glen Casada, Stacey Campfield and Frank Niceley . I want patriots from TN to pin on the doors of these law makers thank you cards, flowers and banners. They need to know that decent people of this country appreciate them and want to know all the truth about Obama, the whole Capitol of TN should see our appreciation. Please write to other TN State and US representatives and Senators and ask them to show solidarity and join the legal action to unseal Obama's records. Write to the Governor of TN, to Lamar Alexander, to Fred Thompson. If we get scared and intimidated, we all will end up in those civilian labor camps, that Obama is proposing and we will be guarded by those Hamas radical Muslim thugs that Obama wants to bring to this country, based on the new immigration bill that he signed.

One of the people that ridiculed these decent law makers was Larry Miller, a Democrat from Nashvile. He stated that they embarrass the state and "it makes you not even want to go and serve in the house with them." Everybody should write to Larry Miller, that such a gutless, spineless thug like him is an embarrassment to this Nation, that if he doesn't want to serve with them, then he should resign and people of Nashville TN can find somebody with more integrity, decency, guts and spine and a few other parts to replace him.

Many of the comments there are really good too! Lots of suggestions for actions to take!