Alan Keyes Tells It Like It Is!!

Alan Keyes makes perfect sense in this video clip. It's about time that the TRUTH about Obama gets out to ALL of the American people! Truth - like the fact that Obama is hiding his vault-length COLB and refuses to release dozens of documents that might reveal that he was foreign born! Truth - like the fact that Obama is not only a disgusting pro-death-to-unborn-babies radical, but also a despicable death to born-alive infants who survive the abortionists efforts to kill them. Truth - like the fact that the StimuWASTE bill and all of the awful executive orders (like being stupid enough to close Gitmo without knowing what to do with the prisoners and halting the trial of the mastermind of the USS Cole bombing and sending him to Britain!) that Obama has given are leading to the destruction of our country.

When do we get to say that Obama is treasonous? Well...maybe the term "treason" would not apply to this person because he is most likely INELIGIBLE FOR POTUS IN THE FIRST PLACE! That means that he can (and should) be removed from office immediately.

Mr. Barack Hussein Obama/a.k.a. Barry Soetoro - where's your proof that you are, indeed, a natural born citizen of the United States of America?

John McCain showed all of his documents. Where are yours? Under lock and key? Why? What do you have to hide???

Thank you, Mr. Keyes! You are TRULY a patriot and American hero!

Alan Keyes Video Link


Mr. Barack Hussein Obama/a.k.a. Barry Soetoro - The American People want to know, who sent you?

Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no records -- no paper trail -- none -- this can't be an accident.

Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released

Certificate of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit

Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Soetoro adoption records -- Not released

Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released

Punahou School records -- Not released

Selective Service Registration -- Released -- Counterfeit

Occidental College records -- Not released

Passport (Pakistan) -- Not released

Columbia College records -- Not released

Columbia thesis -- Not released

Harvard College records -- Not released

Harvard Law Review articles -- None (maybe 1, unsigned?)

Baptism certificate -- None

Medical records -- Not released

Illinois State Senate records -- None

Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost

Law practice client list -- Not released

University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None


Another great American patriot - Glenn Beck!

GlenBeck: NH Sovereignty - over 20 states aboard now! Civil War?!

February 14, 2009

Aired: 2/13/09 Glen Beck interviews NH Representave Dan Itse regarding the states sovereignty claim that over 20 states have now joined. This is big news in our time. Nothing like this has been seen!

Glenn Beck Video

Go to NH for more information.