Islam "House of Truce" by Barry Soetoro?

As if there hasn't been enough to worry about with this corrupt, horrendously clueless ObamaFRAUD ethics and morality challenged administration, now we are also learning of a highly disturbing, not-so-secret covert intention being worked out behind the scenes - under the radar of most of the American people and, of course, the clueless Lamestream media.

I will just post the entire blog post from The Betrayal and those who care to comment - please do so.




Taqqiya Muslim Barry Soetoro - Submission

Posted on February 4th, 2009 by David-Crockett

I fully agree with the Obama File conclusions reached at the end of the article and in particular the following line “…Trained as a Muslim, Obama knows that in Islam, the world is divided into two parts — Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb…” is most certainly accurate, I would however want to add the following observation. Barack/Barry Obama/Soetoro seems to be very well versed in the Muslim practice/tactic of Taqqiya whereby the Kufar can be deceived into believing she/he is sa[f]e from Islam imperialism. Barry who indeed knows the distinction between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb and in applying Taqqiya is concealing his aim to integrate our Country into the Dar al-Islam. He will attempt to achieve the integration by initially mov[ing] towards transforming the US into the state of Dar al Suhl (House of Truce - a state in which a non-muslim country negotiated a peaceful/subservient co-existence with Muslims by means of surrendering into Dhimmitude) once this is achieved the next step will be integration into the Dar al-Islam. Mark my words.

- David Crockett

The Obama File reports:

Obama was working with Arab intermediaries to establish an unofficial dialogue with Al Qaida long before the election, according to a report in the Feb. 4th edition of
Al Qaida has offered what has been described as a truce (hudna) in exchange for a U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan, according to the report.

Obama has deemed the U.S. reconciliation with the Muslim world, including Iran, as his main foreign policy goal, sources quoted in the report said. Obama has been aided by several Persian Gulf Arab Muslims with ties to Al Qaida’s leadership in Pakistan.

On his first day in office, Obama ordered the shutdown of the U.S. Navy prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where 245 Al Qaida members are detained, saying, “Can we guarantee that they’re not going to try to participate in another attack? No.” But he’ll let them free nonetheless.
Obama spoke about his own ties to the Muslim world:

“Now, my job is to communicate the fact that the United States has a stake in the well-being of the Muslim world, that the language we use has to be a language of respect,” Obama said. “I have Muslim members of my family. I have lived in Muslim countries.”

“My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy — we sometimes make mistakes — we have not been perfect.”

Whose job is it to communicate to this fool that al Qaeda is OUR enemy?

Trained as a Muslim, Obama knows that in Islam, the world is divided into two parts — Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb.

Dar al-Islam literally means the “House of Peace” which is all the lands conquered and subjugated by Islam.

Dar al-Harb literally means the “House of War” which is all the lands currently not conquered by Islam.

Islam’s chief goal is to eventually conquer and subjugate all the lands of Dar al-Harb into one territory called Dar al-Islam. Only after all people and all lands of the world have been conquered and have submitted to Islam is there to be “peace” in the world. /quote

Hat Tip: The Betrayal


In a related article, The Obama File reveals the Bogus POTUS as being willing to "Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory." Read and weep:

Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

CENTCOM commander General David Petraeus, supported by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to pullout all US combat troops from Iraq within 18 months at an Oval Office meeting on January 21, sources have said.

But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen that he wasn't convinced and wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.

Obama's decision to override Petraeus' recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including General Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.

A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilizing public opinion against Obama's decision.

Petraeus was visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office, according to one of the sources. A White House staffer present at the meeting was quoted by the source as saying: "Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was still dealing with George Bush instead of with Barack Obama."

Obama, who was never even a boy scout, has the arrogance to believe he knows better than his generals. He prefers to take his military strategy from the likes of Cindy Sheehan and Media Benjamin (Code Pink crazy lady).

I REALLY miss George W. Bush...already.

Hat Tips:

Pajamas Media: Works and Days

The Obama File - Latest Obamanations

Update At 6:07 a.m. PT:

The following is one of those WOW comments that hits the nail on the head on many of the issues being handled VERY BADLY by the Bogus POTUS and his cronies-in-crime administration:

The following quote is from the comment section of "Pajamas Media: Works and Days" -

21. cfbleachers:

"Even the fawning media–that is responsible in some way for the crisis, given that they chose to be Pravda-like in encouraging the messianic style that got a haughty Obama in his present mess–will soon start bailing in efforts to restore their last fides."

In short, no…they won’t. Sorry, VDH.

Great essay, though. Yes, I expect that quite a few creepy people are presently sharpening swords and daggers. I see the dangers of swaggering into town and tossing in an ante in a “mixed rules” game. I see even graver dangers to America from those who deal.

1)There is a “mixed rules” game peril in foreign affairs with the “creepies” you mention. They see compromise as weakness. They see conciliation as cowardice. They will use apology as a rallying cry and recruiting tool. They will abide by no convention, they will use our adherence to convention as a weapon against us. Saul Alinsky with nuclear warheads, they will use our own rulebook to crush us. And they will do so without real compromise, real conciliation and sans apology.

2)”Mixed rules” apply with respect to entrenched media coverage of virtually every important issue of the day. The leftist “message” is king and we are all its subjects. The Trilogy of the Book of Slander co-written by Hollywood, the entrenched media and academia has the US and Israel as its main targets. Non-leftists, including Republicans of all stripes, conservatives without exception and moderates who dare to cross the line…virtually anyone who disagrees (see, ie., Liebermann and Billary)will be viciously attacked.

The truth is an ancient artifact. It is being buried beneath a storm of debris that is relentless and unceasing. We have been sold out for this “message” and we continue to this day to be buried, inch by inch, under its dirt. There is absolutely zero reason to believe, no matter what happens as a consequence (and there have been several major negative consequences already), that it will change one iota. There are mixed rules in our information stream, and the three dealers at the main tables are crooked.

3)Political cover for leftists is rampant and widespread. They can shirk any burden, secretly meet any foe, abandon any friend, drive up any price in order to pursue the leftist implementation of statism here and abroad. No act is beneath them. Logan Act violations by ex-Presidents abound. Meetings with Soviet leaders, Viet Cong leaders, arch-enemies, sworn enemies…in direct contravention of our declared foreign policy…are met with a collective burial of facts. News gathering editorialists have Soviet handlers. Stringers are plants for Arab dictators. Cable news networks intentionally downplay a dictator’s evils. Wire services photoshop and stage pictures. International news outlets fake the “scorecard” to make one tiny nation’s attempt to survive look grossly unfair. Leftists here at home and abroad are dealing a “mixed rules” crooked game.

4)Closer to home, the armor shell of leftist media covering for sins of democrats is appalling. I don’t see how the manner in which we impose our shared burden can any longer be said to equate to “representative”. This nation once stood up to taxation without representation of a different set of unfair rules, but not entirely dissimilar.

Somehow we have allowed the system to act like a mafia loan shark for the little guy. Imposing thuggery upon the entrepreneur who struggles to provide jobs and a spark to the economy with chokehold penalties and kneecap busting interest for minor infractions, while the “insiders” play with an entirely different deck.

The IRS as mafia hit man going after the little guy for not paying his “protection” money, while they “oops” didn’t play by the same rules, is a bit much to take. This is an institution that ought to be dismantled. The entire purpose was not to confound people, consume them, then carve up their stolen goodies for lords, nobles and viceroys. The leftists, especially the extremists like Pelosi would crush the economy in order to advance statism, upon the broken backs of small businesses.

The IRS as a weapon in a class warfare being waged by leftists, where the “mixed rules” are open and obvious and provided cover by the Slander Trilogy is an assault on our way of life.

5)We are in a rigged game, let me rephrase that…we are in a number of rigged games. They are being played simultaneously…and we are being dealt cards from the bottom. We keep trying to play by the rules according to Hoyle. That is what the enemies of truth, honor, liberty and freedom, here and abroad…are counting on.

And no, my esteemed friend…VDH, I don’t see any of that changing any time soon.

Feb 4, 2009 - 3:12 am


Stop The ACLU has a post up with several links about this, too.