Outrage Against Obama

In his perfect, neo-Marxist style, ObamaFRAUD is sending waves and waves of outrage across our nation. His dictatorial order to close Gitmo is only beginning to show the huge, dangerous ramifications of what that means.

When I turned on Fox News this morning, I saw an elderly couple standing near what I think must have been the gravesite of their son who was killed during the U.S.S. Cole bombing. I tuned in a bit late to get the entire story. They looked deeply saddened and absolutely heartbroken to find out about the charges being dropped against a key suspect in that bombing.

My Way News: Charges dropped vs. suspect in 2000 USS Cole blast


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon says the senior military judge overseeing terror trials at Guantanamo Bay has dropped charges against a suspect in the 2000 USS Cole bombing.

The military charges against suspected al-Qaida bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri marked the last active war crimes case at Guantanamo Bay.

The legal move by Susan J. Crawford, the top legal authority for military trials at Guantanamo, brings all cases into compliance with President Barack Obama's executive order to halt terrorist court proceedings at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Crawford dismissed the charges against al-Nashiri without prejudice. That means new charges can be brought again later. He will remain in prison for the time being.

"It was her decision, but it reflects the fact that the president has issued an executive order which mandates that the military commissions be halted, pending the outcome of several reviews of our operations down at Guantanamo," Morrell said Thursday night.

The ruling also gives the White House time to review the legal cases of all 245 terror suspects held there and decide whether they should be prosecuted in the U.S. or released to other nations.

Obama was expected to meet with families of Cole and 9/11 victims at the White House on Friday afternoon to announce the move.

See the video of Commander Lippold of the Cole on Fox and Friends: video.

Commenter "4Christ" at Digg had this to say:

FTA--" Susan Crawford dismissed the charges against al-Nashiri without prejudice. That means new charges can be brought again later. He will remain in prison "for the time being".

“It was her decision, but it reflects the fact that the president has issued an executive order which mandates that the military commissions be halted, pending the outcome of several reviews of our operations down at Guantanamo,” Morrell said Thursday night.

The ruling also gives the White House time to review the legal cases of all 245 terror suspects held there and decide whether they should be prosecuted in the U.S. or released to other nations."

Well what the heck! The new prez is an imbecilic moron! Wonder how long before they actually exit the cells, gather together for intelligence, perhaps conspiring another 9 / 11 or far, far worse Orchestrating their maneuvers with those who are already in place waiting, -( these people are NOT stupid)- as they plan another mission based upon the extra hatred they have now since being locked up for their war crimes for so long. What an idiot! I don't like saying that about the person those other people have chosen as president? But man!! If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like duck, what else can you call it but the duck, and sometimes meek little chicken that he is? In the oval office no less.

I would have said something worse...so I posted 4Christ's comment instead.

But wait, here's a comment from "futurerocketman" at the Fox News article:

I KNOW that what NObama has done is TREASON. That's right, I said it, Obama has committed TREASON against this once-great nation. Obama should be impeached, tried, and sent before a firing squad. The crime of treason is one of giving AID and COMFORT to the ENEMIES of the USA. If anything is COMFORT, it is sending an evil demon before a CIVILIAN court, where evidence that could convict him would be deamed unable to present. THerefore, the DEMON would be released, possibly into the USA. What does this mean? it means that INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS will be massacred by a DEMON that the treacherous AMERICAN PRESIDENT has allowed to go FREE. OBama should be tried for treason.

I don't agree with the "firing squad" part, but the rest sounds about right to me.
Removal from office and placement in a jail sounds good enough to me.

Hat Tip:

My Way News

Related posts:

OUTRAGEOUS: 2000 Cole-bombing charges dropped by order of Obama

Americas Right: Oh, but we're not being lenient...

Great comment there:

Anonymous said...
What many of you do not believe is that Obama Hussein is a closet Muslim, a hidden Muslim.

One thing you are forced to acknowledge is that Obama was Muslim when he lived in Indonesia with his Muslim step-father. Obama is even mentioned as being Muslim on his Indonesia school records.

Now the situation is quite simple. He knew he would have an impossible task of succeeding in politics if he was to stay a Muslim. Therefore, he made the necessary move of becoming a Christian to insure any possible hope of a political career in the future. Does it mean he renounced being a Muslim? NO! Why NO? Because, when you learn to become a Muslim, you adopt Mohammed's life as your role model in life. What was Mohammed's life? Deceit to the highest level and to the vilest, evilest level possible! That is the reason why it was not hard at all for Obama to become a Christian officially while staying a Muslim privately.

Hence, what did Obama do first in Office? Act on behalf of Muslims imprisoned!!!
Make perfect sense for a closet Muslim. A true Christian would never ever have started his Office by such measures on behalf of Muslims implicated in terrorism!

February 6, 2009 7:17 AM