Lack Of Real Wisdom?

Received a comment this morning from someone who took me to task for my labeling of GLBT people as "confused." Apparently, this commenter believes that the post showed a "lack of real wisdom" on my part. I have already responded, but please feel free to share any thoughts and comments (whether you agree or disagree) you may have on this issue.

Here is the original post.

Here is a copy of the comment:

neverlosethatfeeling said...
I know this thread is a month old, but for a site that proposes to talk wisdom, I'm surely not seeing much evidence of introspection in this article.

Your idea that gay people are 'confused' is unrefined and hyperbolic; calling all gay people everywhere (regardless of the obvious dissimilarities between gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals) confused is a pretty ungracious move, and by trying to obliterate the differences between them, you reduce your ability to make sense of individual gays and lesbians. The word 'confused' shouldn't be a rhetorical weapon with which you discredit people.

The cruelty of the word 'confused' is like applying the word 'retarded' to a non-retarded person: it's slander, and it's demeaning. Do you really mean to say that you are more informed about a gay person's sexuality than they are? Or a transgendered person?

Lots of gays and lesbians seem 'confused' about their sexual preference: when they are in denial about who they are attracted to and trying to fit in and 'become' heterosexual, "confused" is a word you hear a lot.

But it diminishes your ability to listen to people if you merely label them (or your past self!) 'confused' and pretend that, by stringing together ad-hominem criticisms and some half-digested pop science you've conquered with Reason. It shows you lack patience. It's a bully tactic that hints at a lack of real wisdom, and an inability to address oneself to the person in front of you.

And finally, it's not constructive. It comes off as pedantic, crude, and lacking in charity. And if you really do possess the Truth, with all your riches you think you'd be able to afford some good charity. Yes, even to people you think are committing an abominable evil. Please, please don't talk this way anymore.

August 30, 2008 5:02:00 AM PDT

My reply:


Thank you for stopping by and expressing your opinion. Though we most likely will never agree on this subject, I appreciate that you took the time to comment.

I will begin with one area of agreement regarding your comment.

I agree that all of the adjectives described through the acronym GLBT have definite dissimilarities about them. However, I think that my choice of the term "confused" is applicable and does not necessarily have to be seen as terribly derogatory.

If you look at the various meanings of the word "confused" you will note that it does contain several different points.

If I were to choose which definitions more accurately describe what I am attempting to convey here, I would select the following:

5. to combine without order; jumble; disorder: Try not to confuse the papers on the desk.
6. Archaic. to bring to ruin or naught.

To disconcert is to disturb one's mind by irritation, perplexities, etc

To make opaque; blur

To mistake (for another): confused effusiveness with affection.
To make opaque; blur: "The old labels ... confuse debate instead of clarifying it" (Christopher Lasch).
To assemble without order or sense; jumble.
Archaic To bring to ruination.

To make something unclear or incomprehensible: a new tax code that only further confuses.

Lacking logical order or sense: a confused set of instructions.
Chaotic; jumbled: a confused mass of papers on the floor.

If you will notice, I did not select the meaning(s) of the word which would suggest "lack of intelligence or understanding." Therefore, this eliminates the idea that I am using such a term as some people would use the term "retarded."

I realize that many glbt people are highly intelligent and successful in their lives. That's not the kind of confusion that I mean here.

What I am saying is what the portions of the definition I have chosen from the list indicate.

The reason that I have done this is precisely because our God of the Bible is not a God of confusion. He is a God of order.

Human beings confuse things.

I won't go into great detail here because you can read more about this elsewhere on this blog. Just type in "homosexuality" and/or "radical homosexual agenda" into the blog search box.

Briefly, I will say that there are people who have different purposes in mind when expressing their sexual orientation and proclivities. Some want approval. Some are actively trying to sway children away from what their parents (and thus, the Bible) teaches them regarding God's plan for proper sexuality. I will also say that many unsaved heterosexuals have their own brand of sexual confusion in this area. Adultery, fornication, pedophilia, rape, bestiality and porn are just a few.

[Update on 8/31/08 - Just as Susan Smith mentioned in her comment here, Christians can backslide and struggle with sin. Here is a link to an awful situation regarding a "pastor" who lied about having cancer to hide his p()rn addiction. One has to wonder whether or not this person was truly born-again. If he is genuinely saved, then he obviously did not take the next step towards sanctification through making Christ Lord over his life. When you read that article, you will find that the man had a vomiting problem. P()rn can certainly be so disgusting - that the symptom is real. Guilt, shame, secretiveness, lying, sexual immorality, and gross sexual sin will do that to a person. Perhaps this is why God created us to react in such a way towards sin. The only way out from suffering its penalty (including the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual harm) is repentance (which is not only asking for forgiveness - but turning away from former sins). This heterosexual man's terrible addiction was not freedom - it was bondage. Sin is bondage. That is why Jesus told us that "the truth will set you free."]

However, the difference is that not many heterosexuals get to go into the public schools and "teach" such sexual deviancy to the students. Homosexual activists are busy polluting young minds with sexual confusion and deviation that can (and often does) lead to ruination - which is another description of the term "confused."

I could not help but noticed that you capitalized the term "reason." Was this intentional? If so, is reason your god?

Christian author and apologist, R.C. Sproul once said, "Love of wisdom is to discover ultimate reality."

Truth is reality, whereas philosophy (while utilizing reason) is trying to discover reality.

We each start somewhere. What is your worldview?

God gave us a conscience. However, He also warned us that we can be captivated by the world's lies. (See Romans 12:2) We are told in Scripture that we need to be born again through Christ and thus have the renewing of the mind.

The Bible informs us that we need to seek to be "meta morphed" - a.k.a. "transformed" by the "renewing of our minds." (See 2 Corinthians 3:18)

Christian believers are highly concerned with the anti-God, anti-Biblical teachings that are going on in our nation. Destruction of the consciences of our children is at work. We are actively working to prevent such an onslaught.

Sin has blinded many to God's Truth. Do you believe there is such a thing as absolute truth? If so, where would you look for it? Where would you find it?

The downside of not knowing Jesus Christ or His Word, the Bible and all that it instructs is that we will be conformed, instead, to the world. (See Colossians 2:8)

My goal at this blog is to carry out Jesus' command of The Great Commission. This includes sharing the Gospel. Part of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ is to inform people of the bad news - that we are all sinners desperately in need of the Savior. The Cross of Christ is an offense to those who are perishing. Look at how offended you were when I only used the word "confused."

My vision in this effort is to help others see and realize the joy that can be theirs when they learn and apply God's Word to their lives.

My mission is to fellowship with people who are seeking answers, share the gospel message and help lead them to Christ. I want to encourage new believers towards the study of God's Word in order for them to be able to discern truth from error.

I truly believe that once a person is born again in Christ, he/she will be led by the Holy Spirit to discern and apply God's Word - which, by the way, ultimately fulfills every need.

I am committed to applying God's Word in every area of my life and help show others the way towards reconciliation with God - even if it means that people may be offended by what I share.

Jesus said, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"

My ultimate goal is to evangelize in this confused and hurting world. I can only point in the direction of Jesus Christ. He does the saving.

Think about this.

If evangelizing is all about making people feel comfortable in their particular sinful proclivities, then the gay-behavior-affirming churches are right.

However, If evangelizing is all about pointing out that we are all sinners in need of the Savior, Jesus Christ; and the only way into His Kingdom is through repentance of sin at the foot of the cross for our redemption - then the born again, Bible believing, Christ loving, saved followers are right.

Bottom line? God is right! And we discover Him and His Truth through the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life - no one comes to the Father except by Him (see John 14:6)! The Bible is special revelation about Jesus Christ. It is God's Love Book to this sinful world. Nothing else compares!