Commercial That Made Me Weep

I know what readers are probably thinking...what doesn't make me weep these days? Well, maybe you are right. I can easily be moved to tears by what I see all around us as heightened evil. I don't need to list all of the examples. Many loyal readers have read my views on this blog over the past four years. They are clearly spelled out in many posts. Just type in "abortion," "homosexual agenda," "child abuse," "p0rn," "Marxism"...the list goes on and on...into the Talk Wisdom blog search to read them all.

But the reality of what might happen to our nation's elderly if ObamaSCARE HELLcare is passed is just as devastating as all the other moral ills that are currently running rampant in our society today.

Take a look at this video:

Video Link

I saw it for the first time during The Glenn Beck Program broadcast this afternoon. Immediately, I physically reacted with tears in my eyes. Over the course of the one minute commercial, my tearful eyes advanced to actual weeping.

Why did I have this reaction?

I think that anyone would - or should - after viewing that video.

How about you?

The first thing that went through my mind was concern about the elderly people in my life.

In the next moment, I thought about my dad who died of inoperable lung cancer on Tuesday, May 30th, 1995.

You can read all of the posts that I have previously written about him here, here and here.

I can't help but think that if ObamaSCARE (or something similar like "Hillarycare") had been passed back in the 90's, then my dad may not have had that extra year and a half of life. Why? Because the government would most likely have deemed him "not worthy" to be given treatment. Their scary attitude would steal away that extra time because he was going to die soon anyway.

When did such an anti-life mentality come about here in America?

Well, it certainly must have been ratcheted up when "abortion on demand" became legal in 1973.

Margaret Sanger's dream of "getting rid of the unwanted and imperfect" had finally come to its ugly fruition. Too bad she is most likely burning in hell because of her rejection of Jesus Christ. Her well documented embrace of atheistic ideology - and sick mindset that accompanied her God-rejecting beliefs - would certainly explain her willingness to cheer on the indiscriminate killing of babies in the womb.

But now, we have gotten to the point where there are very creepy people advising ObamaFRAUD on health care. These "intellectual elites" (oh...really - sounds more like a death squad!) are into euthanasia and getting rid of the elderly when their lives aren't deemed "as important" as the lives of younger people.

How in the world did we get here??? It's frightening!

The ObamaFRAUD administration is openly advocating for a death culture. What's worse is the fact that their scheme is not even being disguised within the terrible "health care" bill. When people are desperate for money - as the thugs who are currently in the employ of SEIU and ACORN probably are - then the bogus POTUS & cohorts can succeed at getting them to do ANYTHING. Recall Alinsky's "rules for radicals?"

No wonder regular patriotic, hard working, child raising, God loving, country first American people are going berserk at Town Hall Meetings! They instinctively know when their rights are being trampled upon! The rights that were given to us - guaranteed by our Founding Fathers through the documents they created at our nation's birth - are, one by one, being taken away. Now, even the first and most IMPORTANT right - the RIGHT to LIFE is being tampered with! Should government people be making decisions on who should live or die? This is unconscionable - people!!!

Back to my dad.

It was during that one and a half years (doctor only gave him 6 months to live with treatment) that my dad got real with God and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. If you read the posts above, you will know the entire story and his journey to Christ.

I think that this is why government must NEVER BE ALLOWED TO MAKE END OF LIFE DECISIONS FOR PEOPLE - EVER!!!

Only the Lord God gives life and deems when it is time for each person to enter into eternity.

My dad's mom (my grandmother) lived until she turned 101. What if proper care was denied to her in her 60's, 70's,80's,or 90's?

My mom is now 85 years old and her sister is 89 years old. What about care for them??

The coldness and dark hearts of anyone who would be in favor of this ObamaSCARE HELLcare scandal is just downright EVIL!

We need to continue to speak up, speak out, and PROTEST against this awful HELLcare plan!!

Refuse to be intimidated by the Obama thugs who are out there in full force - mocking, humiliating, bashing, and even going so far as to PHYSICALLY ATTACKING AND BEATING UPON those who are against this horrendous bill! What's worse - the thugs HAVE THE ABSOLUTE GALL TO EVEN LIE about those whom they have physically attacked!!

If you can, please go to 60 and contribute to their efforts to get the TRUTH out!

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Gateway Pundit