No Compromise: Standing Firm On Your Faith [Update]

What an AWESOME SERVICE at The Rock Church today!!! Watch the video of Carrie Prejean with Pastor Miles McPherson: No Compromise: Standing Firm On Your Faith

Carrie Prejean, Miss California and Miss USA’s first runner up, will appear at the Rock Church during services on Sunday April 26th. Prejean is a member of the Rock family and actively serves in church outreach ministries.

During the Q&A portion of last Sunday's Miss USA pageant, Prejean expressed her belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman, touching off a firestorm of widely publicized criticism from Pageant judge and nationally known celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton. In subsequent appearances, Prejean has stood fast in her morals and biblical truths, refusing to compromise her faith.

Sunday's services will feature a discussion with the Rock’s Senior Pastor Miles McPherson, who spent time with Prejean in the critical hours following the pageant. They will share the story behind the controversy that we haven’t heard.


Prejean stands up for her beliefs

The above article is typical of secular media. If you want to get the REAL STORY, you need to watch the entire video of Carrie Prejean's appearance at the Rock Church yesterday.

In this post update, I would like to talk about the main reasons that born again biblically-based Christians will NEVER accept same-sex marriage as valid. For some background information, I would point you to my sister blogsite "Protect Biblical Marriage" - especially the following posts:

1. Ten Declarations for Protecting Biblical Marriage

2. October 1st Webcast for Marriage

3. Religious Freedoms at Risk

What happened to Carrie Prejean is absolute proof that if national "hate crimes" legislation were to pass, millions of people will find their religious freedoms at risk. So you see, there is much more to this hotly debated issue than originally meets the eye.

There are dozens of blogposts that I could cite from Talk Wisdom about this subject. However, if I had to pick just one, I would recommend viewing the video of Pastor Miles McPherson - Marriage, The Image of God.

That message was given in February, 2008. It was given approximately 90 days before the California Supreme Court overturned Proposition 22 which simply stated, "Marriage in California is recognized as the union of one man and one woman."

In November of 2008, Proposition 8 passed by a majority of 52% of Californians (remember - most people in this state are very liberal) to place marriage as being recognized as the union of one man and one woman into the California Constitution.

Pastor Miles goes through the reasons why the passage of Proposition 8 is so very crucial for religious freedoms today.

Instead of backing up their Miss California winner, take a look at what the "officials" told Carrie to say to the press:

She told the congregation that officials from the Miss California USA pageant urged her to apologize.

Prejean said the officials were worried that her comments would cost their contest financial backing, and they tried to prepare her for post-pageant interviews by discouraging her from discussing her religious beliefs.
“ 'You need to apologize to the gay community. You need to not talk about your faith. This has everything to do with you representing California and saving the brand,' ” Prejean recalled being told.

In one of her T.V. interviews, I recall Carrie stating that if the Miss California organization doesn't think that she represents the state and wants to take back her crown - they can. This young woman was not going to back down! Bravo!!

In my study of the Bible and from various Christian sermons, lectures, and books, I have discovered that there is so much symbolism between God ordained marriage and the relationship between Jesus Christ and the church (all believers).

Marriage is God's idea! It was created by the Creator of the Universe! As Pastor Miles states in the above video, the enemy of our souls wants to poison God's will for our lives. Satan wants to twist the truth of God and make it into something that is the opposite of what God intends for our lives. This is true about ANY sin, by the way.

Notice in the San Diego Union Tribune article (above) that one church (that self-identifies as gay-behavior-affirming) allowed Carrie to have the right to have her opinion on this volatile issue. However, it wasn't left at that. Here's that portion of the article:

At the Metropolitan Community Church of San Diego, a gay-friendly church that holds services in University Heights, members said yesterday that they respect Prejean for standing up for her beliefs and support her right to speak her mind. They disagree with her position or insistence that God's blessing of marriage be reserved only for the union of a man and a woman.

“The Christian message is about freedom – freedom of speech and freedom of choice,” said church member Phil Ouellette.

Metropolitan church board member Bud Cheetham said same-sex marriage should not be scorned under the guise of spirituality.

Notice that Bud Cheetham didn't mention God's will.

Notice that he didn't mention God's Word - the Bible.

Notice that he didn't mention Jesus Christ.

What did he state as his point of reference for his beliefs?


He stated, "same-sex marriage should not be scorned under the guise of spirituality."

That is poison. That is a distortion. That is placing man's beliefs over God's Word, will and guidance via the Bible.

What is spirituality? It is whatever man claims it to be. It is whatever man wants it to be. It is man's attempt to be his own god. It is a way to send people into a kind of spiritual oblivion - ruled by man's feelings, emotions, sexual proclivities (especially sinful ones), and dismisses God's laws, the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and the reconciliation of God towards man when he/she accepts Christ as Lord and Savior.

All throughout the Bible Jesus is portrayed as the Groom and the church is the Bride. It is a blood covenant (consider the virgin bride), just as Christ's sacrifice was a blood covenant for our redemption.

In marriage, "the two become one flesh" when the marriage is consummated. In typical marriage vows, the pastor often states, "and let no man put asunder" - or - let no man break up such a covenant.

As we reach the culmination of history, there will be an event called the rapture. This is when Jesus returns and believers "meet the Lord in the air" to be with Him forevermore. After the rapture of the church, there will be a "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" in heaven with all saved believers. It will be a celebration like none other.

While here on earth, we are to eat the bread and drink the wine (juice) in remembrance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for our salvation. The elements represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ. As often as we eat of the bread and drink of the juice - we affirm the Lord's death until he comes again (at the rapture) for his Bride - the church of Christ.

Marriage is a church issue. It doesn't (and shouldn't) have anything to do with the government. Don't be blinded by all these legal maneuverings. It doesn't have to do with what is "fair" - it has to do with what is right! This is why marriage is being attacked.

As Pastor Miles states in the video, "Same-sex marriage is an attack on God's symbol of salvation and the power of His image."

It is a perverted version of God's symbol of salvation and the power of His image.

This is why (perhaps unbeknownst to some) a true, born-again Biblical Christian CAN NOT EVER SUPPORT same-sex marriage. You can't have one foot in the world, and one foot in God's Will for your life without being split apart! Plus, the truth is that you will drift towards one direction or the other. It is impossible to honor God and man at the same time. One will triumph over the other. It's a given.

This is why Carrie Prejean, when asked that question, had to decide between answering the way the worldly crowd would want her to respond in order to win the earthly Miss U.S.A. crown, or, answer from her born-again, God honoring convictions in her heart to please God and have the eternal crown of life as provided through Jesus Christ our Lord!
We know her choice.

What is yours?