Best TEA Party Protest Signs

Nice Deb has shared a video which displays some of the best signs at the Dallas TEA Party Protest! Which is YOUR favorite? Can you guess which one is my favorite?

Best TEA Party Protest Signs

Hat tip:

Nice Deb

P.S. I would be remiss if I didn't comment on Obama's latest stupidity. In a post by Euripides of Self-Evident Truths blog he humorously wrote:

Cover Up
White House staff asked Georgetown University to cover up the name of Jesus that appeared on a stage where President Obama gave a speech. (CNS News) Apparently Obama, nor his staff wanted the televised speech to have any symbols that would (choose one): a) connect Obama with Christianity; b) connect Obama with any religion whatsoever; or c) upstage the media concept that Obama is the Messiah.

Can you just imagine a worse faux pas by our Resident Commander-in-thief?

Do we need any more proof that this person is a either a Muslim or atheist pretending to be a Christian??

So, what does the Lord probably think of all of this?

We can get a glimpse from His Word:

Psa 2:4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.

Psa 37:13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.
