Obama & RINOS: Lethal for America

To be honest, I don't really know whether or not this "Ulsterman" character has any genuine inside information about the White House and Obama. I don't know whether or not he is telling the truth. I don't know whether or not he can be trusted. But one thing I do know is that I was just as angry and surprised to read about Congressman Darrell Issa's 180 degree turn to NOT investigate many of the crimes that have occurred with this far leftist socialist Marxist thug of a pResident in the White House and his puppeteer cronies. The constant activities that are going on to destroy our economy, capitalism, our freedoms and liberty, and keep many Americans unemployed so that they will be forever dependent on government; the adding of trillions to the debt, the desire to keep spending, the refusal to repeal ObamaSCARE despite the FACT THAT IT WAS RULED UNCONSTITUTIONAL BY A FLORIDA FEDERAL JUDGE shows that these people in charge are not loyal patriotic Americans. They are out to destroy our way of life.

Before I post the link to the Ulsterman article, how ironic is it that Obama finally allowed one company to resume drilling in the Gulf after ignoring a judge's orders for 7 months; but about one hour before Glenn Beck was going to report and expose this on his show, the ban was lifted? It's such a coincidence that makes you go hmmmmm!!

Back to Issa. I don't usually read the newspaper, but when I read a back issue a few days ago and found out that Issa now wants to support this pResident, I almost choked on my coffee!!! What an absolute disappointment RINO Issa has already turned out to be!!!!

Because of the above article, I am led to believe that this "Ulsterman Insider" might be the real deal. However, who can trust anyone anymore in this bizarro world of the fraud a.k.a. the Islamofascist ObaMarxist and his anti-Israel, anti-American, anti- U.S. Constitution, pro-deficit antics to destroy our nation and his anti-drilling, job killing policies who should be in jail rather than in the Oval Office of the people's White House? [I know that sentence is a grammatical atrocity, but so is ObamaFRAUD so I'm keeping it as is.]

Newsflavor:White House Insider: Republicans are a Bunch of Spineless Pukes

Obama thuggery and RINOS are a lethal combination for the future of America.

I truly pray that Americans who aren't paying attention, or, are not yet concerned about the huge amount of dangers we are witnessing from this dreadful administration will WAKE UP before it's too late!

Hat tips to all links.



Just after writing this post, I was led to continue reading "Decision Points" by George W. Bush. The last time I picked up the book, I left off on page 368. The following is what I just read this evening:

I drew strength from family, friends, and faith. When we visited Camp David, Laura and I loved to worship with military families at the base's chapel. The chaplain in 2006, forty-eight-year-old Navy Lieutenant Commander Stan Fornea, was one of the best preachers I've ever heard. "Evil is real, biblical, and prevalent," he said in one sermon. "Some ignore it, some say it doesn't exist. But evil must not be ignored, it must be restrained." He quoted Sir Edmund Burke, the eighteenth-century British leader: "The only thing needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Stan believed that the answer to evil was freedom. He also knew that there would be a cost. "There has never been a noble cause devoid of sacrifice," he said in one sermon. "If freedom is worthy of defense only to the point it costs us nothing then we are in desperate need as a nation."

Above all, Stan was an optimist, and his sense of hope lifted my spirits. "The Scriptures put great premiums on faithfulness, perseverance, and overcoming," he said. "We do not quit or give up. We always believe there is no such thing as a hopeless situation."
