U.S. Constitution or Out-of-Control Congress?

Which one do we want to lead us forward in our beloved nation? Which one do you want guiding all of our lives?

Before I get to the subject title of this post, I wanted to point readers to
Maggie's Notebook - which has videos and a great essay about Sarah Palin's book tour stop in Grand Rapids and her appearance on Hannity.


Sarah Palin has "gone rogue" again and told Sean Hannity that the Fort Hood shooter and murderer, Nidal Hasan should have been profiled by the Military. Palin will arrive in Fort Hood for her book signing on December 4th. She is donating her book royalties to the victims of the attack on the Texas Military base.


I watched most of Sean's one hour interview of Palin, but missed the announcement that she is donating her book royalties to the victims of the Fort Hood attack. What a wonderful gesture!

Maggie writes:

By the way, in Grand Rapids, Michigan about 1,500 people turned out at the Barnes and Noble today for the Palin Book Tour. "Scores more" couldn't get a wristband, awaited Palin's arrival outside, braving the cold and yelling. "USA!" and 'Sarah, Sarah!"

She's a person of faith, she has a family, she has gone through a lot of the trials and tribulations we have. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat," said Lana Smith, a dispatcher at a bus company who took the day off work and had been waiting in line since 5:30 a.m.

Sarah has made ordinary people - especially conservatives and moderates - genuinely hopeful for a turn around in our fledgling nation. Under the terrible mismanagement of Obama & his evil cohorts, America is on the road to disaster.

Did you see Glenn Beck yesterday? You MUST WATCH THAT SHOW!

The insanity of the two current health care bills is made extremely apparent during yesterday's show. Watch this segment!!

Click on additional segments at bottom of screen (or go HERE to see the entire show. It's a MUST SEE SHOW SO WATCH IT ALL NOW!!

Hat Tips:

Maggies Notebook

YouTube: The Daily Beck