Why Humankind Needs the Savior

Way back in May of 2005, I created a post over at my Talk Wisdom Forum entitled, De-homosexualization of the Catholic Church. Ever since, GMpilot has been obsessed with the subject matter. Read through the thread and you will know what I mean.

The thread began with the following observation (plus a copy of an essay at WorldNetDaily - go to link above to read WND essay):

I have to admit that prior to reading this article, I did not know the genuine reason why Pope John Paul II was not more condemning of the homosexual pedophile priests and the Cardinals who shuffled them around to other churches where such priests, unfortunately, were enabled to molest more and more young boys. This scandal absolutely sickened most of the public and the suffering of the victims was just horrendous!

I just couldn't understand, for the life of me, why Pope John II acted indifferent towards the scandal. I wasn't aware of the genuine reason he refused to believe that it was actually going on. The following certainly explains a lot and helped clear up the mystery:

"Whenever Vatican investigators brought the results of their vetting process regarding an individual's candidacy for bishop, cardinal or other office, and they revealed he was a homosexual, John Paul II would refuse to believe it," he writes.

"He did so because accusing someone of homosexuality was a standard practice of the Communist government in his native Poland regarding anyone it regarded as an enemy of the state. From his ordination as a Catholic priest in 1946 to elevation to Archbishop of Krakow in 1963 and Cardinal in 1967, the then Karol Wojtyla witnessed this personal destruction repeatedly. So traumatized, he summarily dismissed such accusations as pope, and would approve the elevation of anyone so accused."



Since GM was continually talking to himself within the thread, five years and six pages later, I posted the following:

Satan's grip on souls through sexual perversion

Sexual sin/perversion is one of the most difficult sins to overcome. No doubt about it.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8

The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth to show Himself strong to those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9

Then, GMpilot had this to say in reply:

So who needs Satan?

admin: Sexual sin/perversion is one of the most difficult sins to overcome. No doubt about it.

But it's all part of The Plan™, isn't it?

God will make it all turn out in the end, won't he?

All that social turmoil, all those disgraced clergymen, all those shattered lives...God will use it all for good, yeah? Isn't that what you always say?

Yet after five years and fifty posts where I point out how widely and deeply and how many decades this has been going on, all you can say is how difficult sexual sin is to overcome? (I wasn't aware that any sin was easy to overcome!)
Your original posts were so full of fire and vinegar, and now they've dwindled to two little sentences that say nothing. Both the Catholic God and yours make it clear, and you've repeated it on this site often enough; they should die. After all, civil laws were broken, too.

When sex is not permitted to express itself in its proper way, it will always eventually express itself in an improper way. The more it's suppressed, the nastier it blooms. No Satan necessary.

I must admit, "So, who needs Satan?" is an interesting question. In reality, an entire book could be written in reply to such a question. Readers, feel free to share your thoughts about that.

Rather than addressing that particular question [mostly because Satan is, unfortunately, often used as an excuse by those who repeatedly choose to sin. You know - the ole' "the devil made me do it" syndrome], I chose to reply utilizing the Gospel message:


If the priests were after normal sexual relations, they wouldn't be performing homosexual acts with male children or young teenage and pre-teen boys. Why weren't they going after the beautiful women - who were of the age of consent - from the pews of the churches? Answer: because they were in homosexual/pederasty/pedophile lust for teens and boys.

Those priests who went after pre-pubescent girls were also pedophiles.

But all of this is pointless to discuss with you. You seem to think that because there are priests who are fakes - all must be fakes as well. During my childhood, I learned about a pedophile priest in our church. I only knew that he went after pre-pubescent girls, but perhaps he attacked some boys too. It was all hushed up and they named a street after him in town after he had died.

I also knew of a wonderful priest who kept his celibate vows and was wonderful (in an appropriate manner and way) to all parishioners - especially the children. He died 10 years ago and had a monument placed in a small existing park that was later named after him. There were benches there that were donated by members of the church. He was deeply loved.

There are people who try to live good lives, and there are people who don't. We all fall short of the glory of God. Recall the "good" test I told you to take? No one passes that test. If anyone ever claims that they did pass it - then you know that they lied.

This is why humankind needs the Savior. Jesus Christ was the only sinless God-Man who died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins of all who repent of their sins and believe in him.

Jesus Christ is the living example of mercy and grace through God.

Mercy is God withholding what you (we all) deserve.

Grace is God giving you (all) what you (we all) don't deserve.

There is evidence of grace being bestowed upon unbelievers and even the wicked in this temporal world. Some repent and turn to Christ, others don't. However, the choice to reject Christ (and his mercy and grace) prior to dying negates the chance for salvation after death.

Despite the fact that some who don't believe in Christ seem to have success in this life, it is an entirely different story [according to the Bible] when such individuals die without Christ. Why? Because they have chosen to reject God's mercy and grace for salvation. Therefore, they choose to leave this world to live in eternity separated from God forever.

God has done all that is necessary for salvation. Our job here on this earth is to either accept or reject His provision.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8

The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth to show Himself strong to those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9