Koran Burning? A Teachable Moment. [Update 2]

A strange thing happened as I attempted to close my browser this evening. I am using my husband's laptop tonight and I couldn't get the Sprint connection to "disconnect!" I tried it nine times!

Hmmm....I thought. Is the Lord trying to give me a little message here?

I had just read a blog post over at On The Right Side of Life about the pastor who is planning to do a Koran book burning on 9/11/10.

There is a particular nagging question that each Christian believer must ask himself or herself. That is, with which position do you side?

Do you want to answer in the flesh and say in a revengeful tone "burn baby burn" or answer in the spirit? Which will you choose? Just as Phil asks within his blog post - think about this question: Koran burning? What would Jesus do?

Well, I was tired and just wanted to think about that post for a while. But when my browser refused to disconnect, I went back to my blog list and found that my friend Steve had also posted about the Koran burning debacle on his blog.

While reading his post, the answer came to me.

Mercy is God withholding what we all deserve. Grace is God giving us what we all don't deserve. As born-again, Bible believing, Christ honoring sinners in desperate need of the Savior, how should we apply such thoughts in response to the Koran burning?

Could be quite the teachable moment...

Hat Tips:

On The Right Side of Life



More good reads on the controversy:

Michele Malkin: The Koran - Don't burn it - read it.

Sharp Right Turn: The Koran, General Petraeus, Dhimmitude and American Values

Sarah Palin's Facebook Page


Apparently, Pastor Jones has listened to the voices of wisdom and reason and announced that he is not going to follow through on the burning of the Koran.

But can this debacle get any crazier? Answer: YES!

The loony-bin Westboro "church" plans to carry out the Koran burning since Pastor Jones will not do it.

Westboro Baptist Church will Burn Korans if Florida Church Does Not
posted by (Maggie Thornton) at Maggie's Notebook - 1 hour ago
The vile Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka says if Florida's Dove World Outreach Center calls off the Koran burnings, they will pick up [the] slack and do it themselves. Dove's Pastor Terry Jones has just an...

But of course, the mosque developers won't change THEIR minds [as has been announced on several news programs today] about the location too close to Ground Zero, despite the fact that Donald Trump has announced that he would pay 25% more than the terrorists er...imams and their supporters...paid for the location.

Koran Burning Halted: Mosque Stays at Park 51
posted by (Maggie Thornton) at Maggie's Notebook - 1 hour ago
Florida Pastor Jones will halt the burning of Korans on Saturday and the Pastor says he will fly to New York City instead, to meet with the mosque developers. Jones seems to believe the mosque will not b...

Good luck Pastor Jones. It doesn't appear that the muslims are likely to show any tolerance towards the 70% of Americans who are pleading that they move the mosque away from the Ground Zero site. Apparently, tolerance is a one-way street for them...and that street is named Islam/Sharia law...or else!

Update 2:

I am making the rounds to several Christian blogs in my blogroll and I am finding some absolutely awesome essays out there! Be sure to visit:

Stevex09: The Threats Begin … Ground Zero Mosque … Burning The Koran

CultureWatch: Christianity, Other Religions, Islam and Terrorism