Sarah Palin: Voters Still Want Answers

Now that Sarah Palin has weighed in on the Obama birth certificate issue, the Media of Mass Deception will most likely dismiss her concerns and label her a "birther" just to shrug off the importance of such inquiries. The American people want to know - once and for all - whether or not Obama is a legitimate POTUS! What's wrong with that?

Why would anyone spend over 2 million dollars hiding his original COLB from We the People if there was nothing to hide on the document?

The Right Side of Life has an intriguing analysis of the controversy with additional links to several blog reactions on this issue.

My comment and questions there:

This is a great post! I appreciate the additional links provided so that I can read the reactions of other bloggers re: Sarah Palin’s radio interview.

I wrote a similar post about the Obama COLB controversy yesterday at Talk Wisdom: Walls Finally Closing in on this Bogus POTUS? I plan to link this post to that post or write a new one.

Quite a while ago, a writer at WorldNetDaily (Jack Cashill?) stated that the true story behind Obama’s B.C. issue is “wild.” I didn’t see a follow-up to that claim. In the article, the author stated that he wanted to (paraphrased here) “give Obama time to reveal the truth” about what is hidden in his COLB.

The following thoughts may be considered just speculation, of course, but I wonder what would be the legal implications if either scenario turns out to be the truth behind the hidden COLB.

Could it be that Anne Dunham got pregnant by either Malcolm X or Frank Marshall Davis (or someone else) but lied and told Obama Senior that it was his baby? Then, could a blood or DNA test have proven that the baby wasn’t his (Obama Sr.’s) and thus he deserted her and the baby?

Or, could the father’s section have been left blank on the original COLB? If so, then where would one get the proof of Obama Jr. being a natural born citizen? The father could be anyone!

Personally, I find it difficult to believe that Obama Jr. would spend 2 million dollars hiding that his biological father was Malcolm or Davis (if true). But would it have been necessary to hide it if the father section was left blank?

One of the reasons I thought that the father section might be blank is because in one of his books – Obama Jr. mentions something “missing” while writing about the birth certificate he had found. Could that “missing” something have been a blank space on his birth certificate?

Of course, this is all speculation on my part. But if true, it could possibly explain a lot – wouldn’t it?

My main questions.

1. If Obama Sr. is not the biological father of Obama Jr., but Anne Dunham tricked him into believing he was and Obama Sr.’s name is on the original COLB, what would be the legal implications of that?

2. If the father section of the COLB is blank, what would be the legal implications of that?


So far, there is only one (@ 7:22 a.m.) stupid Obot comment (so, what else is new?) that is designed to take attention away from the real issue at hand. I am hoping that some intelligent and informed person will come along and answer my questions.


Now there is another comment there that sticks to the issue at hand:

siseduermapierda says:
December 5, 2009 at 10:18 am
Christinewjc says:
December 5, 2009 at 10:08 am
*My main questions.

1. If Obama Sr. is not the biological father of Obama Jr., but Anne Dunham tricked him into believing he was and Obama Sr.’s name is on the original COLB, what would be the legal implications of that?

2. If the father section of the COLB is blank, what would be the legal implications of that?*

The answer to both questions is “nothing.” Who his parents were and their status is not important since he was born within the borders of the US. Just remember, if Obama Sr is not his father,the whole dual citizen, Kenya thing dissolves. Are you sure you want to go there? And why is it when you folks speculates about his father being someone other than Obama Sr, you always pick a famous black man? Say,maybe it was Sidney Poitier!!

“Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are “natural born Citizens” for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.”


My response:

Christinewjc says:
December 5, 2009 at 10:44 am

sis (for short…OK?)

Thank you for attempting to answer the question rather than bringing up a subject that has nothing to do with this thread (as a previous clueless commenter did).

I realize that if one of the scenarios is true that it might mean that Obama is a nbc. Again, it was only speculation on my part. The reason I brought up Malcolm and Davis is because the Dunhams have had ties with both men in the past (from what I have read). Notice that I also wrote “or someone else.” I also wrote that I find it hard to believe that Obama would hide his COLB for such reasons. There must be something much more damaging that would affect his eligibility to be POTUS.

From what I have read, the interpretation of Wong Kim Ark doesn’t apply to Obama. Different cases. Ark wasn’t running for president.

According to the Constitution, the Framers intended for the office of POTUS to be free of dual or foreign-born individuals. I am not a lawyer, but I have been following their detailed analyses on this issue.

My speculation theories aside, Obama has already admitted the following:

THE RELEVANT OBAMA ADMISSIONAt Barack Obama’s web site, the following admission: Clarifies Barack’s Citizenship

‘When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children…’ “

Read that last line again.

“That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children…”

That’s an admission that Great Britain “governed the status” of Barack Obama, Jr. He has chosen to highlight this on his own volition.

And this leads to the relevant question:

A natural born citizen’s status should only be governed by the United States.

Hat Tip: Natural Born Citizen blog

His father, Obama Sr. was never naturalized as a citizen of the United States. Therefore, whether Obama Jr. was born in Hawaii or not, he is still considered a “natural born SUBJECT” (as they label births over there) of Britain.

A more detailed explanation can be found at A Place to Ask Questions To Get the Right Answers: Obama, the Putative President of the U.S., was Born a British Subject.

You can continue to follow the comment thread here.

Hat Tips:

On The Right Side of Life

A Place to Ask Questions To Get the Right Answers