Anything you can do...

I can do too! (notice I didn't say better).

Monday, the Houston Press ran a story on six-man football being played in the Houston area. Having once played six-man myself, during Jr. High, at a private school in Midland, TX. I found it to be one of the more interesting write-ups to date in Paul Knight's "Friday Night Lights" series. These have proven to be interesting looks at the local High School football scene, unfortunately Knight has shown an inability to mask his disdain for almost anyone outside the Loop, which has detracted from the writing. That said, they're a damn-sight better than the "technology/social media" crap posts that are dutifully posted and then summarily ignored by the readers (judging by the comments).

Not to be outdone, the ever-diligent ChronBlog sports editors have decided they need a six-man story of their own. As was the case with Knight's story, its a good read. I have to admit that this surprised me because, to date, I've not been too impressed with the copy produced by Jenny Dial. Granted, it's been better than say...a blog post by Richard Justice but nothing special.

Regardless of all that, it's nice to see six-man get a little press time. Typically these are small schools with small budgets who's players don't have a prayer of moving on to the next level. (except, in some odd case, as a walk-on) When viewed from that perspective it could be the most entertaining local HS football of all.