Replying to Anonymous

So far, I have received one comment on my last post. It was posted by an "Anonymous" person. Gee...I wish that the person had the courage to reveal himself/herself to me and blog readers. If he/she [hereafter identified as "C"] is so sure and proud of his/her opinion(s), then why be secretive about one's identity?

From the sound of it, it appears to be someone who has been reading my blog for quite some time.

"C" states that my posts have been very different from the ones of the past. That may be quite true. We are living in different times right now. The "change" that Barack Hussein Obama has brought to our government is very dangerous, in my view, and as a Christian Conservative who loves her family, friends, church, fellow Christian believers, country and God, I have the right to express my displeasure with what I see as the absolute wrong direction for our country.

Keep in mind, as you read the comment, that I am not the only one who has expressed these kinds of concerns. I am - by no means - alone in this fight for our country. It appears to me that "C" wants me (and all who disagree with Obama et al) to just sit back and let Obamafraud, Congress, the courts, and their cronies run roughshod over the people of this nation.

The TEA Parties show how a vast number of people (growing every day) are seeing how far our government has moved away from the U.S. Constitution. They see how far our government leaders (from BOTH parties) have moved away from what the Founding Fathers of this nation intended.

If anyone saw Glenn Beck's program today on Fox, I hope you will comment. It will be on again at 11:00 p.m. tonight. I encourage everyone to record, Tivo, DVR or sit there and watch it. In fact - I encourage you all to record it so that you can watch it again. There was also a webinar discussion at Glenn Beck's website after the show. Much more was shared there that I think would have been great on the show!! [Note: You can view the "after the show" discussion by going to the above website and clicking on "Web Exclusive - Because 60 minutes wasn't enough, Beck's '9/12' special continues online."]

In the audience were ordinary, every day people who usually NEVER congregate to protest (peacefully) as they did at the hundreds of TEA parties across the nation on April 15, 2009. The people who attended were not just Republicans. They were not just Democrats. They were not just Conservatives or Moderates or Liberals or Libertarians etc. They were of all ages, colors, creeds, ethnicity, income status - you name it. What they all had in common was the fact that they DON'T LIKE THE SPENDING that our current government is doing in Washington.

They were the people who were calling - 1,000 to 1 AGAINST the TARP bills when Bush was in office and against the Stimulus Pork Bills that were passed when Obama got into office. Their Congresspeople and Senators WERE NOT LISTENING TO THEM! What are these Congresspeople and Senators in Washington for?


Not their special interest projects or their political "life" (e.g. Arlen Spector who betrayed all the people he was supposed to represent in Pennsylvania!) at the expense of OUR HARD EARNED MONEY BEING WASTED ON 9,000 EARMARKS AND PORK PROJECTS that gluttonous "leaders" think is more important than giving the hard earned tax dollars BACK TO THE PEOPLE WHO PAID THEM!!!!!

As was stated by one college student during the show - yes - there is some spending that may be necessary (recall that the Republicans had an alternative bill that was half of the Democrat version which would have cut a lot of the pork out) but even he had to agree that what Obama and Congress did was WAY TOO MUCH SPENDING!!!

Several of the people in Glenn's TEA Party group on T.V. expressed their absolute horror at the trillions of dollars of debt being loaded onto the backs of our children and grandchildren!!!

Ah...I could go on and on but you get the picture. Anonymous...please realize that my last post was meant to stir debate about how odd it is that this man - Barack Hussein Obama - was not vetted properly by the DNC, Congress, and all those involved with both campaigns and the Electoral College. If you bothered to read all of the links, you would have seen that the writer shared possible reasons why John McCain was silent on this issue, as well.

Was it all a huge conspiracy theory?

That author seems to think so.

From what I have seen through the inaction of the courts (and the stalling tactics of Obama's team of lawyers spending over a million dollars to hide a $10.00 vault-length COLB from the public) there is proof that Obama has something to hide.

What that is - is not known - yet. But one day the truth will come out. It always does.

As was pointed out by several bloggers, the COLB isn't really what we all really should be focused on. The FACT that if Barack Obama Sr. is really Obama's father - then there is NO WAY that Obama Jr. could ever be a "Natural Born Citizen" as required for POTUS by the U.S. Constitution. Just because his supporters want to think that "native born" (if, in fact, Obama Jr. was born in Hawaii) is the same thing as "Natural Born Citizen" doesn't make it so.

I will probably have more to say later. For now, here is the comment in its entirety:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "How Deep is the Obama Rabbit Hole?":

I don't understand all of this melodrama with your prayers of anguish. It seems to me you already have your answer. Continuing to beg God for a different outcome is like a child begging his parent for 5 more minutes before bedtime. They were given an answer. Just because they didn't like it doesn't mean it's going to change.

It amazes me that you would never even consider that the reason there won't be a hearing is because there's no need for one. You wanted so much for a republican to be elected, even one who lies and commits adultery, that you've demonized anyone who isn't a republican. Of course you're not getting answers - you're not listening.

The president has an approval rating of over 63% - higher than both Bush and Clinton at this point in their presidencies. That rating includes 46% of republicans, and those numbers are up from just a month ago. They don't come from US media outlets either. Those are from Iranian news outlets. That way you can't blame it on the media too.

I feel very sorry for you. You've convinced yourself that there is some vast conspiracy involving thousands of people, and you've also convinced yourself that there is some mass movement to recall the president. You're wrong on both accounts. God gave you your answer. You just refuse to listen. Wonder how that's going to work for you.

I really feel bad for you. You're going to spend the next 4 years of your life bitter, angry and in anguish because you refuse to see that no mistakes have been made. Everything really is as He intended it. Read your blog posts for years back and read your new ones. You're not the same person, and the change hasn't been for the better.

P.S. Anonymous - I wouldn't be so bold as to "speak for God" as you have taken upon yourself to do. This reveals to me that you are probably not a Christian. All the more reason to avoid claiming that "I'm not listening" to God.

However, if I am in error and you do consider yourself a Christian, please read the Book of Esther in the Bible; especially chapters 2 through 8. Maybe it is you who is not listening to God!

Our pastor recently shared the story of Esther to illustrate the example of how standing up in courage can save lives.

Even in the midst of horrible discrimination (like what recently happened to Miss California at the U.S.A. pageant because she had the courage to stand up for traditional marriage to the mocking, cursing and disparaging disdain of a gay judge), God rewards those who stand up for His Word, the Bible, and His Son, Jesus Christ - even when it is not "politically correct" in the culture to do so.

Back to Esther.

The Biblical life of Esther, a Hebrew orphan living in exile, teaches women to overcome plights like discrimination, harassment, and persecution. Such things have plagued humankind for centuries. As long as fallen human nature exists, many ills will be expressed against people.

Esther had the courage to obey her uncle, Mordecai and approached the king (her husband) without being "summoned" which back then was a reason for the death penalty. But when she heard that her race was to be exterminated by the king's order, she promised Mordecai to petition the king and uttered those immortal words, "If I perish, I perish" (Esther 4:16). This cause was greater than her life!

What courage she had!! To stand up before "the powers that be" in her time in order to save the Jewish race!

Although the book of Esther doesn't mention God directly, we see him move powerfully through her to save the entire Jewish race.

You see, God uses PEOPLE - ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS TODAY - to accomplish His purposes on this earth.

Many fellow Christians see the need for action to face down the intimidation and situations that the current government is doing. We are to act in integrity before God (which is what was done at the TEA Parties - there was no violence or any arrests for misconduct!!!) to petition our government for redress of grievances - which is guaranteed in our United States Constitution.

Being a Christian does not mean sitting on our hands and doing nothing when we see our nation going in the wrong direction. Perhaps God is urging us towards action for "such a time as this!"

I truly believe that in my heart of hearts!

This requires great strength.

But as Christians, we have the mind of Christ and the power of God to overcome every obstacle. Ultimately, God is the victor! God within us guides us! He will make a way for us.

Using an acronym for the word "STAND" Pastor Miles McPherson shared the following during the service last Sunday:

Stare down courage. (see Esther 4:15-16)

Trust in truth, never the lie. (see Esther 4:13)

Accept God's Sovereign provision. (see Esther 4:16)

Never fear man over God. (see Esther 4:11)

Die to self. (see Esther 4:16)

There is nothing wrong with praying to God in any situation. In fact, it is the most effective measure we can utilize during our lives here on this earth.

Comments in agreement or disagreement are welcomed as long as you don't take the name of the Lord in vain, curse, be vulgar, or exhibit hatred, abuse, harrassment, or persecution. In other words - let's be civil.