Motives Behind Gay Activist Hate Against Christians

The intolerance of homosexual ACTIVISTS (NOTE: I'm NOT claiming that ALL homosexuals act this way); particularly against Christians and Mormons who voted for Proposition 8 in California has escalated to a whole new level.

The firestorm of hate, disparagement, cursing, ridicule, debasement, mocking, filthy language etc. that was hurled at Miss California, Carrie Prejean WAS UNCONSCIONABLE for a civil society. Yet, many of the loonie leftists (including the Lamestream Media of Mass Deception proponents like Olberdummy) jumped right on the bandwagon to hurl insults at a young, 21-year-old woman who simply answered a question WHEN ASKED HER HONEST OPINION during a beauty pageant.

Will you be next?

When you express your opinion on this particular hot-button issue, will YOU BE MERCILESSLY ATTACKED BY THESE RADICALS?

In the email (below) the following paragraph tells us what is REALLY at stake. It has far more nefarious repercussions than the battle over "same-sex" marriage. Note the statement I have highlighted in bold.

You’ll be shocked at the depth they’ve sunk to in their efforts. It has turned very, very ugly out there—especially after Arizona, California, and Florida voters enacted state constitutional marriage amendments, protecting biblical marriage, last November. The democratic process itself is under assault.

Just ask one woman who appeared at a rally as a "Yes On Prop. 8" supporter what was done to her! Better yet, if you have not seen it when it was recorded back in November 2008 - see for yourself through this well done ADF video:

Alliance Defense Fund email:

Pretense of Tolerance is Over

Christians are no longer free to disagree

The ACLU and its allies, are committed to push the mute button on those who disagree with them. Just how committed are they?

You’ll be shocked at the depth they’ve sunk to in their efforts. It has turned very, very ugly out there—especially after Arizona, California, and Florida voters enacted state constitutional marriage amendments, protecting biblical marriage, last November. The democratic process itself is under assault.

This is evidenced by the ACLU and its allies’ selective opposition to the democratic principle of free elections. It would prefer that courts force same-sex “marriage” on the nation. If you can’t beat them at the ballot box, go to court and sue them. Seriously! Just look at what the former head of the ACLU said after the people of Alaska overwhelmingly enacted a marriage amendment: “Today’s results prove that certain fundamental issues should not be left up to a majority vote.” So, no sooner did voters in California enact Proposition 8, the ACLU ran again to the court and demanded that it overturn the results of the state’s marriage amendment.

Many of you, those who believe in marriage as God intended – the union between one man and one woman, only – joined together in the fight to protect this important issue. Some gave money. For some Californians who gave $100 or more, they got the shock of their life.

Californians Against Hate took personal information from the secretary of state’s website about donors to California’s Proposition 8 campaign and posted it on a Google Internet map. As the Google map and personal information became known, retaliation followed against individuals that had donated money to restore marriage as the union between one man and one woman in the Golden State.

Personal property was vandalized.
Profanity was spray-painted on churches.
Businesses were hounded into firing employees who had donated to Prop. 8.
Death threats were sent to Prop. 8 supporters.
White powder was mailed to make recipients fear that they had come into contact with the deadly substance anthrax.
Do these outrageous actions resemble anything even remotely close to “tolerance”?

No, these shameless acts are the last resort of people who have taken off the gloves of “tolerance” for the express purpose of coercing opponents into surrender. The ACLU and its allies cannot tolerate a truly fair democratic process, so instead they seek advantage by intimidating and punishing citizens that disagree with their agenda.

Christians are treated harshly for living out their faith. One organization alone—the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF)—is positioned to provide effective, winning legal protection for the Body of Christ.

ADF and our allied attorneys are intervening in these and other cases to seek relief for the victims of intolerance, to protect their freedom to disagree. We’re applying our unique tried-and-true system of training attorneys, forming strategy, funding cases, and litigating. Using this pattern, we’ve won more than 3 out of every 4 cases litigated to completion. By the grace of God, ADF aims to continue our legacy as a one-of-a-kind legal organization that WINS.

The Body of Christ deserves nothing less in these alarming times. Stand with ADF through your prayers and financial gifts today.

[end of email]


Conservative Christians have been sounding the alarm bells for years against the radical homosexual agenda going on across our nation. The ACLU and the courts in other states didn't waste any time FORCING RULINGS AND/OR LEGISLATION in their states to get "same-sex marriage" legalized. They learned (via CA Prop. 8 results) that if they leave it up to the public vote (which is the way it SHOULD be done in each state), the gay marriage initiatives LOSE EVERY TIME. Even in a state as LIBERAL as California - voters came out in droves to proclaim what the definition and institution of marriage has been for thousands of years - the union of one man and one woman.

If Prop. 8 HAD NOT PASSED - then "same-sex marriage" would have been legalized and written into the state constitution! Could you imagine what would have happened to Carrie Prejean if that was the case? She may have been handcuffed and carted off to jail for a "speech hate crime" against "homosexuals" because she didn't express the "politically correct" answer to the question she was given!

Do you think that scenario is unlikely? In Massachusetts - the gay activists have the attitude, "it's legal now - you can't oppose us anymore." A man who wanted to be notified when homosexual indoctrination was going on in his son's kindergarten class (so he could take him out of the class to avoid such lessons) was handcuffed and taken to jail for "trespassing" and refusing to leave until he got his answer from the principal of the school (who - obviously refused to do as he asked).

The truth of the matter is that homosexual activists will NEVER be satisfied until Christians (and/or any religious persons who disagree with them) are COMPLETELY SILENCED. What's more, they will work the courts through "hate crimes" legislation to shut anyone up who holds to the biblical, God ordained mandate and definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman.

I certainly applaud the woman in the video who stood up for her free speech rights, her religious freedom rights, her freedom of association rights, and her courage to face such rabid, hate-filled hard-core radicals like those who were in the video.