Forever Fernwood, Part III

On a return visit to the website of Forever Fernwood, which is one of the premier experimental sites in green burial in the U.S. and owned by Tyler Cassity — he with the young J.F.K. physiognomy and velvety vibrato (like a leopard's purr), and the fondness for hiring down-on-their-luck porn stars — we stumbled upon the photo below.

Forever Fernwood

And its caption, which reads: “Fernwood uses GPS and GIS to collect and manage detailed information about graves on this site. Using this technology allows us to keep accurate records and link to digital LifeStories about people who are buried in natural burial areas while minimizing the impact on the land.”

So while your molecules may have long ago leeched deep into the lithosphere, recycled into migrating tectonic plates and supermountains, or expelled out into interstellar space, the site of your disintegration will forever remain recorded, precisely and accurately and more importantly to some, permanently. Uploaded and downloaded by generations of your offsprings in neverending, rhyming resurrections of unconscious memory. ESRI ArcView as digital ossuary.

Part I
Part II

The georeferenced spatial meanderings of a lawnmower
ike™: or, The Amazing Geospatial Intelligence Mobile Mapping and Photographic Tool