Bouffant Topiary, or: 7 “terrestrial activities of aliens,” Part V

Ken Smith here suggests possible topiary tactics for the landless and absurdly style-conscious urban dwellers to get a leg up on their fashionable rivals.

Bouffant Topiary by Ken Smith

Says the landscape architect: “Hair design and garden design have similarities. They are both organic, grow and are manipulated. They have to do with style, fashion and pretense.”

So quite possibly a trip to a Alexander McQueen boutique would also merit a stop at a Home Depot afterwards.

Chest Hair Maze by Ken Smith

Of course, these photomontages hint at even more provocative acts of body modification: the self-mutilation of actual living tissues as spatialized in the Transgenic Zoo and the Brave New Edible Estates. Michael Jackson as a legitimate landscape concern.

The Technolicious Arboretum
Extreme Horticulture
Revival Field
Edouard François