Cellular Infrastructure

A brief stop at the always marvelous Polar Inertia yielded these two photos of cell towers disguised as trees.

cell towers as trees

cell towers as trees

Polar Inertia writes that “over four million citizens are now connected to the cellular phone network. Through the individual itineraries of its citizens Los Angles reinvents itself daily, creating an ephemeral urban identity in its airwaves. The boundaries of the city are blurring further as the interactions that used to happen in face to face transactions have now been transplanted by distance shrinking telephone conversations, e-mail and network connections.”

Here are some more photos gathered from Googledom.

cell towers as trees

cell towers as trees

cell towers as trees

From one company: “The tremendous increase in demand for wireless towers has generated great opposition to the use of conventional, unconcealed structures. Both community and zoning requirements for high quality concealment are on the rise. Today, concealment issues may be the greatest obstacles to obtaining zoning approval. Preserved TreeScapes International's botanically correct tree tower products will help speed the approval process.” Arcadia Ersatz as a function of zoning ordinances.

cell towers as trees

POSTSCRIPT #1: As provided by a commenter, more fantastic photos here.