Prunings VIII

Photograph by Hans Heiner Buhr

On the Kaukasus, Tusheti and Khevsuret!

On the East Darling Harbour design competition. Finalists include Hargreaves Associates, Jane Irwin Landscape Architecture, Martha Schwartz, and EDAW. Stop by gravestmor for some terrific entries. He's been quite vigilant. And we of his brief(?) (mis)adventures.

On the writer in the garden.

On the Castleford Project. “Some projects are about improving the quality of life, environment and investment potential of the town; other projects are about supporting neglected neighbourhoods, improving the safety and well-being of the community and providing better opportunities for young people.”

On the edible schoolyard.

On fallen fruits, “a mapping and manifesto for all the free fruit we can find. Every day there is food somewhere going to waste. We encourage you to find it, tend and  harvest it. If you own property, plant food on your perimeter. Share with the world and the world will share with you. Barter, don't buy! Give things away! You have nothing to lose but your hunger!” (Of some relevance, the politics of pollen.)

On a clicker happy night, we ended up here. The name will no doubt be familiar to a new group of visitors.