The Flood Begins

The Flood is the title for the 2nd International Architecture Biennale (May 26 - June 26) in Rotterdam, chosen by curator Andriaan Geuze. Though water and flooding is a particular local concern, they are imporant themes outside the Netherlands, too.

“Climate change means that the whole world must address the issue. Around the world cities are situated on low-lying coastal zones and in delta regions where rivers enter the sea. These are amongst the most fertile areas and are well linked by sea and land to the world. But these are also cities with populations in the millions that are now highly vulnerable because of the threat of flooding.”

Niall Kirkwood

Containermetropolis, Maasvlakte 2, the Netherlands

Archetype Dutch Watercity with KLM houses

Southern Flevoland, Swifterweg, 2000