Spree Wilson - Fields Turn Brown

“I feel on an artistic level that everything has it's place.”

Spree Wilson embodies this quotation. Instead of conforming to the popularity of hipster music norms or composing the catchiest of tunes, the 26-year-old instrumentalist, producer, and emcee sets out to appeal to himself and his creative outlet rather than simply catch a buzz. Music embodies character, and from the music you will find Spree’s character, which is that of a young man looking to rise higher than gun smoke but without the impatient speed of a bullet. Wilson’s long list of musical support ranging from No I.D. to Q-Tip may make you wonder why you haven’t picked up on the Wilson name but time is not of the essence. With an EP (Evil Angel) under and TWO full-length records now under his belt (The Beauty of Chaos and The Never Ending Now) the only hope is that you, the wavering music listener, gets a chance to lend an ear to the work of the unwavering and stylistically sensible Spree Wilson.

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Download The Never Ending Now album HERE