Why Is NYC Refusing To Allow Rebuilding of Christian Church?

Can there be any doubt that the "religious freedom" and Constitutional "rights" that Obama mentioned at the Muslim dinner the other night may only apply to religions that radical leftists like Obama, Bloomberg, and all of his evil progressive Marxo-Islamo-Fascist cohorts support?

Unreal. New York Officials Refuse to Allow Christians to Rebuild Church Destroyed on 9-11
posted by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit - 14 minutes ago
Unbelievable. OK… Now this ought to make your blood boil. New York officials have killed plans to rebuild a Greek Orthodox Church near Ground Zero. FOX reported: Greek Orthodox leaders trying to rebuild th...

Want to make a bet that the refusal has something to do with objections that the radical Islamists probably have against a Christian church being build near their terrorist money supported mosque?

Plus, to make matters even worse, we have PeLIARsi threatening to "investigate those who are funding the protests against the location of the mosque."

Radical Pelosi Calls For Investigation of Ground Zero Victory Mosque Opposition (Audio)

posted by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit - 12 hours ago
Crazy Pelosi today called for an investigation of those who oppose the Ground Zero Victory Mosque. She wants to know who’s funding their efforts?… Seriously. Only 20% of Americans agree with Pelosi in supp...

Nancy Pelosi Calls For Investigation Of GZ Mosque….

posted by nicedeb at Nice Deb - 13 hours ago
……opponents. You read that right. She’s calling for an investigation of those who are protesting building the Ground Zero Mosque. San Fran Nan doesn’t think she’s already despised enough. She’s wants to pu...

Pelosi to Investigate Ground Zero Mosque Protesters: Who is Funding the Protesters

posted by (Maggie Thornton) at Maggie's Notebook - 13 hours ago
Nancy Pelosi is so out of touch with America that she can't believe we will not protest this abhorrent idea of this victory mosque without someone paying for it. She believes the protest is political and c...

How does that evil woman live with herself???

Hat Tips to all links.