Thank You S.F. Liberals - You Die Last [Must see update!]

What do you think is the message of this protester who was seen at a San Francisco anti-Israel rally back in 2005 (guessing on the date)?

Notice what the man holding the sign is wearing. Can you tell what image is on the other man's red t-shirt?

What are your thoughts about such a blatant display? Comments?

Update: Just saw a video over at JammingWearingFool blog that made my jaw drop in disbelief! My heart sank as I witnessed a liberal left LUNATIC screaming at an old Holocaust survivor at the Ground Zero protest. It brought tears to my eyes! How could ANYONE BE SO CRUEL?? WARNING: TERRIBLE LANGUAGE. One of the reasons why I could not bring myself to post it here. You MUST SEE:

JammieWearingFool -
Ground Zero Mosque Supporter Curses Out Holocaust Survivor: 'Obviously He Didn't Learn His Lesson' - (LANGUAGE WARNING)Obviously a Michael Bloomberg and Barack Obama supporter. Classy guy. He calls the old man an unpatriotic, treasonous piece of garbage. A s...

And, if you missed it the second time I posted it here, you MUST view the following YouTube video (Viewed over 2 million times already!)

Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque

And, if you missed it the first time I posted it here, you MUST view the following YouTube video and listen to the Sean Hannity interview between Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and Michael Ghouse of the Muslim American Congress.

YouTube Video: Sean Hannity Show: Pamela Geller Debates Michael Ghouse (Muslim American Congress) 911 Mega Mosque

Tolerance is a crime when applied to evil (Thomas Mann).

(H/T - Atlas Shrugs)


Some links to see:

The Post & Email
Is Obama effecting an Islamic takeover of the United States? - CELEBRATING RAMADAN, HOSTING IFTAR DINNERS, AND SUPPORT OF THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE REVEAL OBAMA’S MUSLIM AGENDA by Sharon Rondeau (Aug. 24, 2010) —In 2007, ...

Nice Deb
Radical GZ Mosque Imam Claims Obama’s Cairo Speech Borrowed Talking Points From Cordoba Initiative. - Obama’s Muslim speech in Cairo was delivered to usher in a new era of peace and understanding between the United States and the Muslim world. But many par...

Ron Paul is wrong, GZM is not a Muslim right - According to Newsmax “Ron Paul unleashed a lengthy and at times angry statement on his website Friday that supports the rights of Muslims to build what’s...

VotingFemale Speaks!
ABC network actually thinks they have the power of Sharia Jedi Mind Control? hahaha Silly Socialists! ;) - From Media Research Center: ABC Works to Rehabilitate Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s Reputation After Pining for George W. Bush

Thinking Christian
Islam in America: Are We Ready? - We Christians have a bad habit of not paying attention. It has hurt us in the past, and it’s about to do it again. Our big social concern in the 1990s was ...

The Bumbling Genius
Religions Rule - How can it be that so many who are ardent enemies of religion are now siding with those who want to build a Mosque near Ground Zero? Considering also that ...

Jihad Watch
State Dept "aware" of Ground Zero Imam Rauf's Islamic supremacist remarks, but doesn't care - The renowned "moderate" Imam of the Ground Zero mega-mosque is suffering from some cracks in his facade of moderation. Pamela Geller broke the story here: ...

Investigating Obama
Listen to & Read Christine Brim’s Expose’ of Imam Rauf's Cordoba Initiative & Obama’s Complicity - The tweet: #IMGB Follow the Sharia & unholy alliance w/ globalists, Marxists, w/ Christine Brim – Tonight On Fan The Fire You can lis...

Atlas Shrugs
On the bus...... - [image: Ground zero bus motion]

Answering Muslims
Pastor Haytham Abi-Haydar and the Road to Dhimmitude - I'm not surprised when Muslims condemn us, or when Muslims lie about us. Islam commands Muslims to subjugate unbelievers, through violence if necessary, an...

Wake up America
The Truth Behind The Ground Zero Mosque - By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle The ruins of the World Trade Center and the ground that they occupied are considered by many people (myself included)...

ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations
Secret Life of “Taqiyya” B. Obama – America Does Not Believe Obama or Media – Obama’s a Moral Relativist (Every Behavior Can Be Rationalized – Exempli Gratia Man’s Country) – American Thinker – Father Morris – Obama Born in Muslim Country – The BOPAC Report - The BOPAC Report The Secret Life of “Taqiyya” B. Obama – When it comes to what people believe about Obama, the American Thinker has it about right. Le...

Works and Days
America — Compared to What? - While America debates whether a “bridge-building” Imam Rauf should erect his $100-million, 13-story outreach “Islamic complex” (is the name “Cordoba House”...

News and Buzz Links of the Day - Obama's Point of No Return Advocating for the Ground Zero mosque Why Is It 'Bigoted' To Criticize Religion? Is it OK to condemn Mormons but not Muslims? Lo...

Hat tips to all links.