Garden Pr0n

From the Gabinetto Secreto del Pruned, this woodcut from Hypnerotomachia Poliphili of “the rude image of the protector of gardens with all his decent and proper attributes” in a solemn rite, something which I've always thought my graduation ceremony had lacked.

Before this image, with great reverence and ancient rural and pastoral ritual, they were breaking a number of glass bottles or flasks, spattering the foaming blood of the sacrificed ass, warm milk and sparkling wine; and thus they made their libations with fruits, flowers, fronds, festivity and gaiety. Now behind this glorious triumph they led little old Janus, harness with ancient woodland ceremony, girt with strings and twisted tresses of many flowers. In rustic style they say nuptial and bawdy songs, and played their peasant instruments with the utmost joy and glory, celebrating with jumping, leaping and earnest applause, and with loud female voices.

We really needed Poliphilo at the convocation.