Your iPhone and iPad Are Keeping Track of Everywhere You Go, And You Can See It (BLOG)

If you have an iPhone or iPad, it’s tracking your every move. Regular readers know that all smartphones do this; what’s different for Macheads is that this record of everywhere they’ve been is stored in a file on their Apple devices (rather than locked away in a corporate database).

Two journalists/researchers stumbled upon the location file on their jail-broken iPhones while looking for cool information to visualize. Named “consolidated.db,” the file has thousands of location data points for each of them starting at the time they respectively updated their operating systems to iOS 4 — released in June 2010. Each location point includes latitude, longitude, a time stamp, and the IP address for the wireless network their phone was accessing for service. One of the researchers had 33,000 location check-ins over seven months (including a few erroneously placing him in South America).

So, are you freaked out or blown away?

The researchers who discovered this, Pete Warden and Alasdair Allan, posted a video about it on O’Reilly Radar. While talking about how they discovered it and what it reveals about their routines over the past year, they oscillate between being disturbed by Apple putting the file on their device without informing them about it — and the implications of that for privacy — and being excited about the cool things that they might be able to do with that information.

Warden, who worked at Apple for five years and “loves the company,” expresses concern about the fact that the history is sitting on a plain, unencrypted file on the iPhone, and then transferred to a computer any time the device is synced.

“Apple has made it possible for almost anybody – a jealous spouse, a private detective – with access to your phone or computer to get detailed information about where you’ve been,” Pete Warden told the Guardian in an article that fans the privacy fear flames.

But Warden and Alastair say they don’t plan to try to get rid of the file from their devices even if they could. Self-proclaimed geeks, they express excitement about the “innovation and cool stuff” that could come from this kind of collection of our location data. Apple has not issued any public statement about the file, but Warden and Allan suspect it is part of the geo-fencing capabilities that the company has talked about for the iPhone.

So as with so much technology innovation, we’re faced with the question: is this cool or is this creepy?

“What you have to be aware of, of course, is that the cell operators/providers themselves have all this information,” notes Allan in the video where they talk about their discovery.

“But in order to get hold of it, you have to get a court order or go to some extreme lengths to get this information from your cell provider,” responds Warden. Recently, German politician Malte Spitz went to those extreme lengths, taking Deutsche Telekom to court to get his location data. If Apple were his mobile phone provider, that time and expense wouldn’t have been required. Warden has created an applicationallowing Apple users to visualize the data in their hidden location file.

(Non-Macheads who can’t try this out, here’s what the tracking maps reveal.)

Yet Warden and Allan are bothered that Apple did not inform customers about this, and that the file is sitting there unencrypted.

I don’t have an iPhone myself, and Warden and Allan have not found any kind of location file like this on the Android (the phone I now have). But, personally, I’d love to have all of my location data dating back to the acquisition of my first cell phone in the early aughts. I’d love to sync it with that of my significant other and figure out how we previously lived in the same city for five years, with mutual acquaintances, and never managed to meet. ‘Twould be fun to see the moments when we were at the same concert, bar, or restaurant, unaware of the other.

So, Google, if you could work on getting this on the Android for future use, that’d be great. But please make sure that creepy apps can’t tap into it.

Meanwhile, Apple users can visualize their own data with Warden’s “iPhone Tracker” here.