Looking Back, Looking Forward
. . . saying, “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.”
Luke 24:7
Recommended Reading |
Suppose someone told you of two unlikely events that would happen in the future—one in a few days, the other at an undetermined time in the future. In spite of the details he gave about each event, you found it hard to believe that he could predict the future with that kind of accuracy. Within a few days you learn that the first predicted event took place exactly as the man said. How would that change your thinking about the likelihood of the second event?
It would probably change your thinking radically. Strangely enough, even though Jesus Christ predicted His own death and resurrection on the third day—both of which were fulfilled in detail—many people don’t take seriously His promise to return to earth. On the same occasion in which Jesus told His disciples of His impending death and resurrection, He said, “For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works” (Matthew 16:27).
It would be unwise to look back at Christ’s death and resurrection in belief, and not look forward to His Second Coming with expectation.
The future is as bright as the promises of God. Adoniram Judson
2 Kings 18:1 - 20:21
2 Kings 18:1 - 20:21
Today is Holy Thursday, a.k.a. Maundy Thursday. It is the day where Christians commemorate the Last Supper when Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples on the night before he was crucified.
Tomorrow is Good Friday, which is the day we remember and commemorate when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross to save mankind from their sins. Upon confession and repentance of sin and belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives because of what he did for us on the cross of Calvary, we can be united to our Savior and ask for the Holy Spirit of God to indwell our hearts. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, helping us to read and study the Bible, do good works because we love God, and have the desire to please and serve him. The Holy Spirit helps us to discern good vs. evil.
While reading through the March/April/May, 2002 devotional booklet called "Our Daily Bread" this morning, I was trying to decide which daily devotional to present on my blog today. I had bookmarked at least five of them as possibilities, until I turned the page once again and found THE ONE that I thought was perfect for this time of year. After reading through the devotional, I started to turn back the pages to find out the name of the author so I could give credit to him. You see, typically only the initials appear at the end of each devotional, but the authors are listed at the beginning of the booklet so we can know who they are. When I turned back, I noticed that I had skipped one page (two devotionals) that I may have most likely chosen to share today. They are so good - as are most of the devotionals - but because the pages stuck together, I didn't see them at first. One is called "Murphy's Laws," the other "The Good Life." Needless to say, I can always present them here at a later date. The one that I already made up my mind to share (or, maybe the Holy Spirit's leading brought me there?) is the one that is best for today. It is called "Compelling Love."
Compelling Love
Read: 2 Corinthians 5:9-15
The love of Christ compels us.
-2 Corinthians 5:14
I read a story some time ago about an aspiring young golfer who spent hours in his backyard practicing his golf swing. He wasn't allowed to use a real golf ball close to the house, only a plastic, practice ball.
One day, when he thought both his parents were gone, he longed to hear the sweet click of a club head meeting a real golf ball. So he went outside, teed one up, took a mighty swing, and accidentally hit the ball through his parents' bedroom window.
I'll let him tell the rest of the story: "I heard the glass shatter, and then I heard my mother cray out. I ran into the house and up the stairs to her bedroom. She was standing there in front of the broken window and she was bleeding. I started to cry and I couldn't stop. All I could say was 'Mom, what have I done! What have I done! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!' Her response was to hug me and say, 'It's all right; every thing's going to be all right.' After that I never wanted to take a real golf ball into the backyard."
When we think about our Lord suffering for us on the cross, we want too live "for Him who died for [us] and rose again" (2 Corinthians 5:15). After we've heard His words of forgiveness, there are things we just never want to do again--in the backyard, or in any other place. - DHR (David H. Roper)
Down from His splendor in glory He came,
Into a world of woe;
Took on Himself all my guilt and my shame,
Why should He love me so? - Roth
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